Undelivered Income Management expenses and actioning Work Items 103-01050060
This document outlines the rules for undelivered regular and one-off Income Management expenses.
Expenses fail to deliver
This table explains what actions to take when an Income Management expense fails to pay.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Who should action undelivered Income Management expense enquiries? + Read more ... All staff must investigate any Work Items which present on a customer's record, and take appropriate action, as part of every contact with a customer. For Service Officers trained in Income Management, go to Step 2. For Service Officers not trained in Income Management:
2 |
Expense fails to pay + Read more ... The Payment Summary (PS) screen displays undelivered payments. This is indicated in the dlvry date field with the following:
The undelivered expense remains on the Payment Summary (PS) screen and the Payment Details (PD) screen displays the message: 'This is a future payment and is subject to alteration'.
3 |
What happens when regular expense fails to pay + Read more ... 1 weekly regular expenses If the regular expense fails, the system will attempt to pay the expense for 7 days. If the expense is not paid by the end of the 7 days, the system will stop attempting to pay the expense for this period, and it will remain as unpaid. It will then attempt to pay the expense for the next 7 day period. Work item 'I059PL - A previous expense was not delivered, please discuss with customer' is created on the Income Management Summary screen. 2 weekly regular expenses If the regular expense fails, the system will attempt to pay the expense for 14 days. If the expense is not paid by the end of the 14 days, the system will stop attempting to pay the expense for this period and will remain as unpaid. It will then attempt to pay the expense for the next 14 day period. The work item 'I059PL - A previous expense was not delivered, please discuss with customer' is created on the Income Management Summary screen. Action required
4 |
Undelivered 1 week expense trying to pay within 7 days or undelivered 2 week expense trying to pay within 14 days - Action + Read more ... Check to see why the payment failed. The most common reason is due to insufficient funds being available (for example, not reporting by their due date, payment suspended, reduced funds due to earnings). If appropriate, the expense can be ceased. This will stop any further payments for the expense, including the current period. Determine the most appropriate action to be taken after discussing with the customer, and update as appropriate (for example, cease the regular expense and recommence for a future date, or issue a one-off payment). Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Undelivered 1 week expense is over 7 days old or Undelivered 2 week expense is over 14 days old - Action + Read more ... The payment is undelivered and will not be paid for that period. The 1 week expense will now try to pay for the next week. The 2 week expense will now try to pay for the next fortnightly period. Advise the customer of the period that the payment was not delivered and discuss options if appropriate. Manually tick off the Work Item. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
6 |
What happens when a one-off expense fails to pay + Read more ... When the one-off expense is coded, the expense will attempt to deliver for the next 2 working days. If the expense does not deliver within the 2 days, the expense will not try to pay again. The work item 'I059PL - A previous expense was not delivered, please discuss with customer' is created on the Income Management Summary screen. Action required
7 |
Undelivered one-off expense less than 2 days old - Action + Read more ... Check to see why the payment failed. The most common reason is due to insufficient funds (for example, not reporting by the due date, payment suspended, reduced funds due to earnings). This expense will attempt to pay for 2 days then it will be unpaid, that is, it will automatically end on day 3. Option - expense needs to be coded If the expense is to be coded or the customer wants to vary the amount, the existing expense needs to be ceased before the new one-off expense can be coded. Note: the expense cannot be ceased or varied on day 2. This must be done on day 1. Option - expense needs to be coded - extreme hardship If unable to cease the expense as it is day 2 and there is extreme hardship requiring the new expense to be coded immediately, raise a mySupport webform. Phone the ICT Service Desk quoting the mySupport job number to request the removal of the existing expense. They will advise when another expense can be coded. The Resources page contains a link to mySupport and information on locating the 'Valid reasons to call the Shared Services Urgent Escalation Channel'. Option - code a regular expense Check the Available Balance of the Income Management account and the Current Balance of the Income Management account to ensure the future regular expense has sufficient funds to pay. No action required for the one-off expense. Procedure ends here. |
8 |
Undelivered one-off expense is over 2 days old - Action + Read more ... The payment is undelivered and will not pay again. Advise the customer of the period that the payment was not delivered and discuss options if appropriate. Manually tick off the Work Item. Record details on a DOC. |