Disbursement of funds when Income Management ends 103-01060000
This document outlines the process when Income Management (IM) ends, including the disbursement of any funds that remain in the Income Management account.
Reasons for IM ending
A customer's IM may end for the following reasons:
- The customer's eligible income support payment cancels
- The end date for their IM measure is reached
- The Voluntary IM Agreement is ended
- They no longer meet the legislative requirements of the applicable IM measure
- They are granted an exclusion or exemption from IM
- They have an excluded payment nominee for IM purposes
- The customer has passed away
Disbursement of remaining IM funds
When IM ends, Services Australia must pay the customer any funds that remain in their IM account within 12 months of IM ending. The agency can pay these funds:
- In fortnightly instalments (where the residual balance is $210 or more)
- By transferring funds to BasicsCard or a Third Party Organisation (TPO) to purchase non prohibited items
- In a lump sum - this is only available to customers:
- Where the residual balance is less than $210, or
- The customer exits Voluntary IM
Note: the agency will not disburse funds if it is likely the customer's payments will be income managed again within 60 days.
Disbursement interview
When IM ends, Services Australia sends customers a letter inviting them to contact the agency to discuss the:
- disbursement of any residual income managed funds, and
- options available to continue paying their ongoing expenses
These interviews are voluntary and are only conducted at the customer’s request.
If a customer chooses not to attend a Disbursement interview, the Auto Disbursement rules are applied.
The Resources page contains scenarios of disbursements, Income Management helpdesk email template and contact details for the Income Management Policy Helpdesk.
Death of an income managed customer
Related links
Customers requesting an exemption from Income Management
Enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM)
Managing Income Management funds
Disbursement interview for Child Protection Income Management
Disbursement interview for Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipients (VWPR) Income Management
Disbursement interview for Voluntary Income Management
Income Management and enhanced Income Management customers entering or leaving prison
Coding Income Management Expenses