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Reviews of Income Management and enhanced Income Management decisions 103-01070000

This document outlines reviews and appeals for customers who are subject to Income Management (IM) and enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM). It sets out details for each measure.

Review and appeal options

A customer who does not understand or does not agree with a decision relating to their status under any IM or enhanced IM measure may:

If a customer does not agree with a decision to be placed on IM or enhanced IM by one of the following referring authorities, the referring authority is responsible for reviewing the decision:

  • the Family Responsibilities Commission
  • a State or Territory Child Protection Authority, or
  • a Supporting People at Risk approved referring authority

If a decision about IM or enhanced IM is being reviewed under social security law, IM or enhanced IM continues to apply until the review is finalised, unless otherwise directed by the ART or court.

Decisions affecting social security payments and not related to IM or enhanced IM are reviewable in accordance with social security law or family assistance law.

First contact about a decision and the review of decision process

Request for an explanation or application for a formal review

SME explanations, ARO referrals and implementing ARO decisions

Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision (CLK)

Appeals (APL) system

Reviewing, reconsidering and ending Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR) Notices by social workers

Compulsory Income Management and enhanced Income Management for Disengaged Youth (DEY) and Long Term Welfare Payment Recipients (LTWPR)

Voluntary Income Management eligibility