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Determining and reviewing an exclusion from automatically triggered Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR) Youth Income Management and enhanced Income Management by social workers 103-01180040

For Services Australia social workers only

This document outlines how social workers assess and record exclusions for customers automatically triggered for the VWPR Youth Income Management (IM) and enhanced IM measures.

On this page:

VWPR Youth exclusion

Determining an exclusion from VWPR Youth IM

Determining an exclusion from VWPR Youth enhanced IM

Reviewing a social worker determined exclusion from VWPR Youth enhanced IM

VWPR Youth exclusion

Table 1




Customer's right to request an exclusion from VWPR Youth + Read more ...

Customers who do not meet the criteria for exclusions from automatically triggered VWPR Youth Income Management or enhanced Income Management can still request an exclusion from VWPR Youth.

If a customer requests an exclusion from VWPR Youth, this must be assessed, and the outcome documented accordingly.


IM check + Read more ...

In Customer First, run the Income Management Summary workflow to check if the customer is on VWPR Youth (Crisis, UTLAH or Special Benefit) IM.

Is the customer on VWPR Youth (Crisis, UTLAH or Special Benefit) IM?


Enhanced IM check + Read more ...

In Process Direct, go to the Enhanced Income Management Summary (EIMS) screen to check if the customer is on VWPR Youth (Crisis, UTLAH or Special Benefit) enhanced IM.

Is the customer on VWPR Youth (Crisis, UTLAH or Special Benefit) enhanced IM?

Determining an exclusion from VWPR Youth IM

Table 2




Exclusions for the automatically triggered VWPR Youth IM + Read more ...

New Vulnerable Exclusion decisions

To record an exclusion, the customer must be on, or eligible for, auto triggered VWPR Youth IM as they are aged:

  • under 16 years and getting Special Benefit (SpB-USY)
  • 16 years or over and getting the independent rate of Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP) or ABSTUDY Living Allowance due to meeting the Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) criteria, or
  • under 25 years and received a Crisis Payment (CrP) in the last 13 weeks due to prison or release from psychiatric confinement

To create a new exclusion there must not be a current or pending (incomplete) exclusion on the customer's record.


  • A new exclusion assessment is required if the exclusion is to be granted for a further 12 months
  • Social workers can end the exclusion period early if required, which may result in the customer being eligible for IM, providing they meet all eligibility criteria. An exclusion assessment must be completed if ending before the 12 months

For more information about:

  • Exclusions due to IM placing a customer's mental, physical or emotional wellbeing at risk, go to Step 2
  • Not Practicable Exclusions, go to Step 3


Exclusion due to IM placing a customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk + Read more ...

Customers may be temporarily excluded from the VWPR Youth IM measure if a social worker determines IM would place the customer's mental, physical or emotional wellbeing at risk, if they:

  • are not able to meaningfully engage in the IM process due to mental health issues
  • do not have the capacity to comprehend the operation of IM, or
  • are experiencing serious instability in their housing or living situation and IM would affect their ability to direct funds to housing

For exclusions due to IM placing a customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk, the following must be completed:

  • Vulnerable youth IM exclusion workflow, and
  • Social Work Information System (SWIS) VWPR Youth Detrimental Exclusion report to record reasons and outcomes of the decision making

Note: if customers have been assessed for an exclusion from VWPR Youth as IM may place their mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk, the social worker may also exclude them from being eligible for the parenting and participation measure of Compulsory Income Management (CIM) during this period.


Not Practicable Exclusions + Read more ...

Not Practicable - <25% of max payment

Customers are automatically granted an exclusion from VWPR Youth IM if they have received less than 25% of their maximum basic rate of payment for 4 out of the last 6 fortnights. Non-Payment Periods or reduced rates of payment due to non-compliance are not included when determining eligibility.

Where an exclusion has not been granted, but a customer believes they meet the criteria, the Income Management Exemption and Assessment Team (IMEAT) is responsible for determining an exclusion from VWPR Youth Income Management due to rate of payment.

Create a Fast Note with all relevant information, requesting the customer’s exclusion be assessed. Select Auto Text, use Income Management > Update > IM Exemption Request. Procedure ends here.

Not Practicable - Support and Demonstrated Capacity

A social worker may determine the customer is eligible for an exclusion from VWPR Youth Income Management if the customer has been on IM for 12 months, and they have:

  • successfully engaged in a supportive relationship that provided mentoring, coaching or case management that included a transition to independence and the social worker is satisfied that the customer is likely to continue doing so such that the customer does not need to remain on IM, or
  • demonstrated the skills and ability to manage their money and to live independently and the social worker is satisfied the customer is likely to continue doing so such that the customer does not need to remain on IM

Complete the following:

  • Vulnerable youth IM exclusion workflow (both grant and reject decisions), and
  • Social Work Information System (SWIS) VWPR Youth Not Practicable Exclusion report to record reasons and outcomes of the decision making


Recording VWPR Youth exclusion + Read more ...

Run the Vulnerable youth IM exclusion workflow.


  • Decisions relating to VWPR Youth IM exclusions must be delegated by a Social Work Support Manager (EL1)
  • Running the workflow will create an automatic DOC on the customer's record with the outcome of the exclusion decision
  • VWPRD SAMS access is required by social workers to code a temporary exclusion for customers who are eligible for, or are currently income managed under the VWPR Youth IM measure
  • The workflow must be run for all exclusion assessments (Grant/Reject)


Interpreter Requirements + Read more ...

Interpreter requirements must be updated when the customer has a language other than English recorded on the Other Contact Details (OCD) screen of their record.

If a language is not recorded on the OCD screen, an error message is displayed indicating that interpreter language details must be recorded before any update can proceed.

Record interpreter details

Is the Customer Present? Select Yes or No.

Customer's Spoken Language: This will default to the interpreter language recorded on the OCD screen.

Interpreter Required: This will default to Yes.

Is an interpreter being used? Select from the drop down menu:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not Required, or
  • Not available.

If Yes is selected, no other information is required.

If No is selected, select the applicable reason from the drop down menu:

  • Appointment not booked
  • Conflict of interest
  • Customer declined an interpreter
  • Customer wishes to use agent or family member
  • Deaf or hearing impaired, or
  • SA does not have an interpreter who speaks the customer's language.

If Not available is selected, select the applicable reason from the drop down menu:

  • Interpreter did not attend interview
  • Interpreter service for that language not available, or
  • Same gender interpreter not available

If Not required is selected, select the applicable reason from the drop down menu:

  • No contact required, or
  • Speaks and understands English

More Information: If an interpreter is not available, not being used, or not required, record more details as well as the standard reasons selected above. For example, where 'Customer wishes to use agent, or family members' is selected, the agent or family member's details can be recorded in this field.


Recording an exclusion due to IM placing a customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk + Read more ...

Exclusion Type: IM Detrimental

Source of Request:

  • Customer Request
  • Social worker initiated, or
  • Other

Eligible for exclusion: Yes or No.

Social worker report finalised: Yes or No

  • If No is selected, a Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity will be created to mature in 7 days, and will be mapped to the social worker's office that made the decision to prompt completion

Continue: to save provisional data and continue to the Income Management Summary screen.

Cancel: to cancel provisional data and exit the workflow.


Recording a Not Practicable due to Support and Demonstrated Capacity exclusion + Read more ...

Exclusion Type: IM Not Practicable

Exclusion Category: Support and Demonstrated Capacity

Source of Request:

  • Customer Request
  • Social worker initiated, or
  • Other

Eligible for exclusion: Yes or No.

Social worker report finalised: Yes or No

  • If No is selected, a Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity will be created to mature in 7 days, and will be mapped to the social worker's office that made the decision to prompt completion

Continue: to save provisional data and continue to the Income Management Summary screen.

Cancel: to cancel provisional data and exit the workflow.


Historical decisions + Read more ...

There are 3 types of historical exclusions:

Expired: the exclusion end date has passed

Cancelled: a social worker ends the exclusion prior to the original exclusion end date

Rejected: a social worker determines the customer is not eligible for the exclusion applied for

Historical decision fields:

Decision Date: Date of decision

End Date: Exclusion end date

Exclusion type:

  • IM detrimental, or
  • IM not practicable.

Category: (Not Practicable only)

  • Participation and Earnings, or
  • Support and Demonstrated Capacity.

Factors: (Only applicable to 'Not Practicable - Participation and Earnings' exclusions granted prior to 7 December 2015). Hovering the mouse over help will show the actual meaning:

  • AIP - Customer is actively involved in participation by employment or study
  • MPN - Customer is meeting their priority needs, or
  • RLB - Customer usually receives less than 25% of the basic rate of their payment to their earnings

Eligible for Exclusion: Yes or No.

Next: hyperlink will appear when there are 10 or more historical decisions

Prev: hyperlink will appear when there are 10 or more historical decisions

Determining an exclusion from VWPR Youth enhanced IM

Table 3




Exclusions for the automatically triggered VWPR Youth enhanced IM + Read more ...

New Vulnerable Exclusion decisions

To record an exclusion, the customer must be on, or eligible for, auto triggered VWPR Youth enhanced IM as they are aged:

  • under 16 years and getting Special Benefit (SpB-USY)
  • 16 years or over and getting the independent rate of Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP) or ABSTUDY Living Allowance due to meeting the Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) criteria, or
  • under 25 years and received a Crisis Payment (CrP) in the last 13 weeks due to prison or release from psychiatric confinement

To create a new exclusion there must not be a current or pending (incomplete) exclusion on the customer's record.


  • A new exclusion assessment is required if the exclusion is to be granted for a further 12 months
  • Social workers can end the exclusion period early if required, which may result in the customer being eligible for enhanced IM, providing they meet all eligibility criteria. An exclusion assessment must be completed if ending before the 12 months

For more details about:

  • Exclusions due to enhanced IM placing a customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk, go to Step 2
  • Not Practicable Exclusions, go to Step 3


Exclusion due to enhanced IM placing a customer’s mental, physical or emotional wellbeing at risk + Read more ...

Customers may be temporarily excluded from the VWPR Youth enhanced IM measure if a social worker determines enhanced IM would place the customer’s mental, physical or emotional wellbeing at risk, if:

  • they are not able to meaningfully engage in the enhanced IM process due to mental health issues
  • they do not have the capacity to comprehend the operation of enhanced IM, or
  • they are experiencing serious instability in their housing or living situation and enhanced IM would affect their ability to direct funds to housing

For Exclusions due to enhanced IM placing a customer’s mental, physical or emotional wellbeing at risk the following have to be completed (both grant and reject decisions):

  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: only use JSP (regardless of which payment the customer is on)
    • Review Reason: INC (General Income Review Required)
    • Due Date: 2 days from today's date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today’s date
    • Notes: ’VWPR Youth enhanced IM Detrimental- wellbeing exclusion decision - Grant/Reject’ (Delete outcome that is not relevant). If granted the customer is excluded from CeIM - Yes/No' (Delete not applicable)
    • Keywords: EIMEND, EIMEXC and one of the following (depending on the measure) EIMCRP, EIMUTL or EIMSPL(see Enhanced IM MFU keywords)
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Social Work Information System (SWIS) VWPR Youth Detrimental Exclusion report to record reasons and outcomes of the decision-making

Note: if customers have been assessed for an exclusion from VWPR Youth as enhanced IM may place their mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk, the social worker may also exclude them from being eligible for the parenting and participation measure of Compulsory enhanced IM (CeIM) during this period.

Go to Step 4.


Not Practicable Exclusions + Read more ...

Not Practicable - <25% of max payment

Customers are automatically granted an exclusion from VWPR Youth enhanced IM if they have received less than 25% of their maximum basic rate of payment for 4 out of the last 6 fortnights. Non-Payment Periods or reduced rates of payment due to non-compliance are not included when determining eligibility.

Where an exclusion has not been granted, but a customer believes they meet the criteria, enhanced IM processing Service Officers who have additional ISP access and have been trained in manual processes are responsible for determining an exclusion from VWPR Youth Income Management. Create an MFU.

If speaking with the customer, confirm customer details are correct on the Telephone Details Summary (TDS) screen and advise that a Service Officer will call in the next 2 business days from a private number.

  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: only use JSP (regardless of which payment the customer is on)
    • Review Reason: INC (General Income Review Required)
    • Due Date: 2 days from today's date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today’s date
    • Notes: ’Customer contacted: Exclusion from VWPR Youth - no longer has auto trigger/rate of payment.' (delete which is not applicable)
    • Keywords: EIMEXC and one of the following (depending on the measure) EIMCRP, EIMUTL or EIMSPL (see Enhanced IM MFU keywords)
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Advise the customer that they will be contacted within 2 business days, procedure ends here.

Not Practicable - Support and Demonstrated Capacity

A social worker may determine the customer is eligible for an exclusion from VWPR Youth enhanced IM if the customer has been on enhanced IM for 12 months, and they have:

  • successfully engaged in a supportive relationship that provided mentoring, coaching or case management that included a transition to independence and the social worker is satisfied that the customer is likely to continue doing so such that the customer does not need to remain on enhanced IM, or
  • demonstrated the skills and ability to manage their money and to live independently and the social worker is satisfied the customer is likely to continue doing so such that the customer does not need to remain on enhanced IM

Complete the following (both grant and reject decisions):

  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: only use JSP (regardless of which payment the customer is on)
    • Review Reason: INC (General Income Review Required)
    • Due Date: 2 days from today's date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today’s date
    • Notes: ’VWPR Youth Not practicable - Support and Demonstrated Capacity exclusion decision - Grant/Reject’ (delete outcome that is not relevant)
    • Keywords: EIMEXC and one of the following (depending on the measure) EIMCRP, EIMUTL or EIMSPL (see Enhanced IM MFU keywords)
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Social Work Information System (SWIS) VWPR Youth Not Practicable Exclusion report to record reasons and outcomes of the decision-making

Go to Step 4.


Contact the customer + Read more ...

Social worker should contact the customer to discuss the exclusion decision outcome. Two genuine attempts to contact the customer must be made to inform them of the decision..

  • In Customer First, go to the:
  • If contact successful provide the outcome of the exclusion and the decision.
  • If exclusion is rejected advise enhanced IM will continue, a letter will be sent
  • If exclusion is granted, enhanced IM will be ended, a letter confirming the decision will be sent


DOC Customer First + Read more ...

In Customer First, go to the Notes Detail (Q2NT) screen, and record details on a DOC:

Exclusion from VWPR Youth decision:

  • Exclusion Type: eIM Detrimental/eIM Not Practicable (delete ones that are not applicable)
  • Exclusion Category: Wellbeing/ Support and Demonstrated Capacity (delete ones that are not applicable)
  • Source of Request: Customer Request/Social worker initiated/Other (delete ones that are not applicable)
  • Eligible for exclusion: Yes or No (delete ones that are not applicable)
  • Exclusion Dates:

Reviewing a social worker determined exclusion from VWPR Youth enhanced IM

Table 4




Review of VWPR Youth enhanced IM Detrimental- wellbeing exclusion + Read more ...

If customers have been assessed for an exclusion from VWPR Youth as enhanced IM may place their mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk, the social worker may also exclude them from being eligible for the parenting and participation measure of Compulsory enhanced IM (CeIM) during this period.

Due to current system limitations, when a VWPR Youth enhanced IM Detrimental- wellbeing exclusion is granted by a social worker, an ineligibility assessment needs to be manually coded to ensure the customer would also not profile for enhanced IM under VWPR, DEY or LTWPR during the exclusion period.

At the end of the exclusion period the social worker needs to review the customer’s circumstances to determine whether the exclusion no longer applies.

Workload Manager will allocate Manual Follow Up (MFU) for 35 Day eIM pre-end date - VWPR Notice

View the MFU activity notes, which will advise that the social worker determined exclusion from VWPR Youth is due to end and requires review by a social worker. Take note of the exclusion end date in the notes.


Review of exclusion due to enhanced IM placing a customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk + Read more ...

The customer was temporarily excluded from the VWPR Youth enhanced IM measure as the social worker determined enhanced IM would place the customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk.

For example:

  • they are not able to meaningfully engage in the enhanced IM process due to mental health issues
  • they do not have the capacity to comprehend the operation of enhanced IM, or
  • they are experiencing serious instability in their housing or living situation and enhanced IM would affect their ability to direct funds to housing

Does the social worker review determine that enhanced IM continues to place the customer's mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing at risk?


Create a new MFU - VWPR Youth exclusion review + Read more ...

Due to current system limitations a new MFU will be required to review the customer’s circumstances again in 12 months to allow the social worker to determine if the exclusion no longer applies.

  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen, and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: only use JSP (regardless of which payment the customer is on)
    • Review Reason: INC (General Income Review Required)
    • Due Date: 35 days before the exclusions (social worker granted) end date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today’s date
    • Notes: 'Customer’s VWPR Youth exclusion will end on (DD/MM/YYYY - 12 months from review date). Social worker to review VWPR Youth - detrimental wellbeing exclusion. If granted the customer is excluded from CeIM - Yes/No' (Delete not applicable)
    • Keywords: EIM35DAY and EIMEXC and one of the following (depending on measure) EIMCRP, EIMUTL or EIMSPL (see Enhanced IM MFU keywords)
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here.


Create MFU - VWPR Youth exclusion end + Read more ...

As the outcome of the review is to end the VWPR Youth – detrimental wellbeing exclusion the social worker will need to create an ‘END date review’ MFU

  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: only use JSP (regardless of which payment the customer is on)
    • Review Reason: INC (General Income Review Required)
    • Due Date: end date of the original exclusion
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today’s date
    • Notes: 'VWPR Youth - detrimental wellbeing exclusion has been revoked. Please end exclusion'
    • Keywords: EIMEND and EIMEXC and one of the following (depending on measure) EIMCRP, EIMUTL or EIMSPL (see Enhanced IM MFU keywords)
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.