Issuing a one-off payment or arrears to a Centrelink beneficiary outside Australia 103-04020010
This document provides information about issuing a Centrelink entitlement to a person located overseas who is not paid a regular payment by direct deposit (to either a bank account in Australia or overseas) or cheque.
One-off special payment via the SF030 form
The Notice to prepare a Refund Account (SF030) form is to be used to request the issue of a special one off payment to a Centrelink beneficiary. The beneficiary may be a customer or former customer who is living overseas and who does not have a current payment record or Australian bank account (for example, a customer entitled to arrears from a family assistance reconciliation but left Australia prior to that reconciliation). The SF030 form must also be completed if a bereavement payment and/or arrears is to be issued to the executor of the estate or the non-pensioner partner of a deceased customer.
The SF030 form must be used by Centrelink International Services (CIS) to request payment for overseas medical bills or to make adjustments to certain types of direct embargo.
Payment methods available
Beneficiaries residing outside Australia can only have the one-off payments issued to:
- a Worldlink Wire (WWR) payment to overseas bank, or
- an Australian bank account
Cheque payments are no longer available.
Responsibility for requesting overseas bank account details
All staff can obtain information from the beneficiary, including contact details and the country where their bank account is located (where they would like the payment to be made).
Due to complexities with overseas bank account details, only staff in Centrelink International Services (CIS) are to request overseas bank details from the beneficiary and prepare the SF030 form..
Payment will be issued by the Zone Tas Finance team via their finance system.
The Resources page contains a link to the International Program homepage.
Related links
Delivery of payments to Centrelink customers outside Australia