Employment Assistance Fund 008-04030050
This document outlines the Employment Assistance Fund scheme. This scheme provides financial assistance to purchase workplace modifications for people with disabilities, illness or injuries.
Employment Assistance Fund overview
The Department of Social Services (DSS) are responsible for the Employment Assistance Fund. Under this scheme, employment agencies or employers are reimbursed for the costs of necessary workplace modifications when employing people with illnesses, injuries or disabilities.
The fund is available to customers of Disability Employment Services (DES), Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) and certain job seekers participating with Workforce Australia or Community Development Program (CDP).
DSS determines an applicant's eligibility for assistance from this fund. Customers who want more information on this subject or who wish to apply for funding should be advised to contact a JobAccess Adviser directly on 1800 464 800 or through the JobAccess website. Service Officers cannot comment on the likely success or failure of any application.
In some cases, a work site assessment may be required before an employee can start work. Costs for this assessment can be covered by the fund. The amount that is paid will be determined through the assessment process. Services Australia plays no role in making this determination.
The Resources page contains a link to the JobAccess website.
Related links
Determining when an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required
Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) Referral
Request an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)
Employment assistance for people with a disability
Eligibility criteria for participation with Disability Employment Services (DES)
Referring a customer to Disability Employment Services (DES)
Disabled Australian Apprenticeship Wage Support
Community Development Program (CDP)