Understanding Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) reports 008-06070030
This document helps Service Officers with reading and interpreting Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) reports that have been completed and submitted for acceptance. There is also a summary of what actions (if any) are needed by the referring teams for each status. The information in a JCA report is grouped into different sections.
Information contained in the JCA report
The information contained in the JCA report is used to make an informed decision regarding:
- Eligibility for Disability Support Pension (DSP)
- Assessments for Special Disability Trust and the Supported Wage System
- Eligibility for employment assistance
- Participation or mutual obligation requirements, including:
- whether the customer has a Partial Capacity to Work or a Temporary Reduced Work Capacity
- the impact of vulnerabilities and barriers on capacity to comply with Participation or mutual obligation requirements as part of potential participation failure decision making
The report includes recommendations about:
- whether the customer is manifestly eligible for DSP, if applicable
- the details and nature of a customer's medical conditions, including whether the condition is verified by evidence, likely to persist for less than 2 years or likely to persist for more than 2 years, and diagnosed, reasonably treated and stabilised (DTS)
- impairment ratings for medical conditions likely to persist for more than 2 years, if required
- whether the customer has actively participated in a Program of Support (POS), if required
- work capacity in bandwidth hours
- a referral to suitable employment services
- whether a customer is unable to use public transport without substantial assistance (to identify possible eligibility for Mobility Allowance)
- a customer's vulnerabilities or barriers in relation to employment
- determining whether a Vulnerability Indicator should be recorded on a customer's record
- suitable interventions to assist them to overcome those barriers
Where a JCA indicates potential eligibility for DSP, a referral to a Disability Medical Assessment (DMA) with a Government-contracted Doctor (GCD) is required to verify medical eligibility unless the person is assessed as manifestly eligible.
Assessors use Impairment Tables when completing assessments for Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Impairment Table changes from 1 April 2023
From 1 April 2023, a new version of Impairment Tables was introduced, which include changes to terminology. The new Tables are used to assess a customer's medical eligibility for all DSP claims lodged on or after this date. See The Impairment Tables. The date of a DSP claim determines which version of the Impairment Tables, and associated terminology is used in the JCA report.
Report status
The status of the JCA report is displayed on the customer's record to enable tracking of report progress. The types of status displayed are:
- New
- In Progress
- On Hold
- Submitted
- Reopened
- Returned
- Unable To Complete
- Finalised
Submitted reports
The JCA report is completed by the Assessor and is electronically submitted for acceptance.
When the report is submitted by the Assessor, it needs to be checked and actioned to determine if it is to be accepted or returned.
For more information about manual checking of JCA reports, see Checking and actioning a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) report.
The Resources page contains Frequently Asked Questions relating to the status of JCA reports.
Related links
Checking and actioning a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) report
Using a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) to determine payment type
What is medical evidence for Disability Support Pension (DSP)?
Circumstances impacting job seeker compliance
The Health Professional Advisory Unit (HPAU)
Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) referrals
Identifying people with a partial capacity to work