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Age/Disability Support Pension on the basis of blindness: Request for Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Report (SA013) 008-09050060

This document outlines information about when to issue and process the Request for Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Report (SA013) form - Age/Disability Support Pension - on the basis of blindness.

When the SA013 may be required

A customer who is assessed as permanently blind and not claiming rent assistance may receive Disability Support Pension (DSP) or Age Pension without being assessed against the income and assets tests.

The impacts of a customer's eye condition affecting their vision can also be taken into account if they are claiming DSP, even if they are not assessed as permanently blind.

A customer can use the SA013 to provide medical evidence about their visual impairment when:

  • claiming DSP or Age Pension, or
  • already receiving either of these payments and seeking reassessment

Medical evidence of a customer’s visual impairment may also be accepted in another suitable form.

Completion of the SA013

The SA013 should be completed by the customer's treating ophthalmologist. An optometrist can complete the report but it must be clearly stated it is supported by a report from an ophthalmologist and details about the ophthalmologist are provided.

The local blind society may also be able to assist with information provided by an ophthalmologist that measures the customer's visual acuity under the Snellen Scale.

Scanning the SA013

When an SA013 is lodged at a Service Centre, it must be scanned as an open scan so a work item is created. The SA013 is barcoded, so the form will automatically allocate to skilled staff to assess the customer's eligibility for permanent blindness. See Scanning Centrelink Sensitive/medical documents using an MFD.

Alternative letter format for DSP visually impaired customers

Customers in receipt of Disability Support Pension (DSP) (Blind) or Age Pension (Blind) can choose to receive their letters from Services Australia in an accessible format. At this stage, the service is restricted to letters only, not forms or flyers.

Customers who are interested in this service should phone the Centrelink Disability, Sickness and Carers line or the Older Australian's (Seniors) line during office hours. Contact details are available on the Services Australia website.

The Resources page contains a link to the Request for Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Report form (SA013) and the Services Australia website.

Assessing Permanent blindness

Claiming and re-claiming Age Pension

What is medical evidence for DSP?

Scanning Centrelink Sensitive/medical documents using an MFD