Accessible letters for customers with vision loss 008-01030100
This document outlines how to set up, or stop, accessible letters for customers with vision loss. This is for letters only, and not forms or flyers.
Letter formats
Customers with a disability or medical condition affecting their vision can get letters from Centrelink in accessible formats. This may include:
- Read over the telephone
- Changed to larger font (Arial size 18 pt) - the original unformatted letter is sent with the converted letter
- Changed to compact disc (CD)
- Changed to braille
- Mobility Allowance (MOB) review forms emailed to a customer on request
Changing the letter format
Changing the letter format and notifying the customer is done by the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only. More information can be found on the Process page.
Registering for the service
Customers who want to register for this service can do it via:
- their local service centre
- the Centrelink Disability, Sickness and Carers Line, or
- the Centrelink Older Australians Line
Note: to register, customers must agree to have their postal address updated to the agency's Accessible Letters Manager address. All outbound paper letters will be sent to this address and then converted into the accessible format of the customer's choice. This will delay the time it takes for the customer to be notified of the letter content.
This change of address allows the letters to be identified and changed to accessible formats. The Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team does not make changes or updates to customer's payments. They only administer the process for this service.
The Resources page contains a link to Office Locator for the Accessible Letters service, contact details for Electronic Document Classification (EDC) (for fillable forms) and the Services Australia website.
Related links
Identifying a package of services for vision impaired customers
Providing services to customers with disabilities