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Mobility Allowance (MOB) reviews 008-10030000

This document outlines information about Mobility Allowance reviews that ensure the customer has continuing eligibility.

Two types of MOB reviews

There are 2 types of MOD reviews:

  • Medical review
  • Employment and Training review

Customers sent a review, have 21 days to return it. If not returned, an automatic second request is sent allocating another 21 days to return. Payment is automatically suspended if the form is not registered as being returned within 21 days of the second request. If no restoration occurs within 21 days of the suspension, the payment is cancelled.

If a customer contacts because they have lost a review form, use the Mail Forms workflow to issue a duplicate, or print from Forms online or the Services Australia website.

MOB reviews lodged at a non-processing Service Centre must be scanned on the day of receipt, for action by the Mobility Allowance National Team (AMW).

Alternative letter formats

Eligible customers can receive letters from Centrelink in one of the following formats:

  • read over the phone
  • converted to a larger font (Arial size 18 pt) - the original unformatted letter is sent with the converted letter
  • converted to compact disc (CD) - Times New Roman size 12 pt
  • converted to braille
  • fillable form

Customers interested in this service should visit their local Service Centre, or call the Centrelink Disability, Sickness and Carers line on 132 717 or the Seniors line on 132 300 during office hours.

An administrative requirement of the process is the customer must agree to have their postal address updated to the agency’s Accessible Letters Manager address. This is to identify relevant letters.

For more information, see Accessible letters for customers with vision loss.

Electronic version of review form

Customers selected for a Mobility Allowance (MOB) Employment and Training review may request an electronic version of the review form if they have vision impairment. The customer receives the form with information advising them to contact the Services Australia Disability, Sickness and Carers line if they would like an electronic version of the form.

Customers are to be directed to the agency’s website where an accessible/electronic version is available. It is designed to be used with assistive technology. Once completed, the customer must print the form and return by the due date.

Customers unable to access the electronic version themselves can be emailed a fillable Mobility Allowance review form. Send an email to the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team requesting a fillable Mobility Allowance review form be sent to the customer. Include in the email the customer's:

  • Name
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • Email address

Note: there is no review form to be completed by the customer for a Medical Review. The customer is sent a letter with a review form to be completed by their doctor.

The Resources page contains links to the Mobility Allowance Review form and Medical Reports and Services Australia contact numbers.


Mobility Allowance (MOB) Medical Reviews

Mobility Allowance (MOB) Employment/Training Reviews

Accepting paper Mobility Allowance (MOB) claims, reviews and claims for MOB Advance Payment

Accessible letters for customers with vision loss

Identifying a package of services for vision impaired customers

Service Component Search (PQCS) and Service Component National Search (PQNS) screens

Service Components by number