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Accessible letters for customers with vision loss 008-01030100

This page contains information to assist with setting up, or stopping, accessible letters for customers with vision loss.

On this page:

Registration or cancellation for accessible letters

How to reformat letters

Receiving mail that cannot be reformatted

Fillable forms

Printing Avery labels for accessible letters

Access to Teams folder requirements

Accessible letters – compact disks (CDs)

Braille letters

Purchasing Vision Australia confirmation

Registration or cancellation for accessible letters

Table 1: This table describes how to set up, or stop, accessible letters for customers with vision loss.




Customer contacts about the accessible letters service + Read more ...

If the customer:


Prerequisite for service + Read more ...

A customer must have a disability or medical condition affecting their vision to be able to access this service. Customers whose payment is suspended can still be considered for the service.

If a customer has a disability or medical condition affecting their vision, it will be on the Medical Condition (MC) screen. If it is not recorded on the MC screen, it is not appropriate to request the customer to provide evidence of their disability or medical condition. In these cases, verbal information from the customer or nominee is sufficient to register the customer for accessible letters. Do not record the medical condition or disability on the MC screen.

Does the customer have a disability or medical condition affecting their vision?

Note: for all queries about this service, contact the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team.


Advise customer of accessible format options + Read more ...

To help customers make an informed decision about accepting the service, tell them:

  • if they access this service, they must agree to have their postal address recorded as the Accessible Letters Manager for administrative purposes. This is the only way Centrelink can identify and intercept a customer's mail for conversion to the customer's preferred format
  • after letters have been identified and converted, the original copies and reformatted letters are sent to the customer's residential or nominated postal address
  • If the customer does not agree to having their postal address recorded as the Accessible Letters Manager they will not be able to access this service, go to Step 4

Explain the alternative format options available:

  • Large font (Arial size 18 pt). Go to Step 6
  • Braille (can take up to 2 weeks for conversion through Vision Australia Foundation). Go to Step 7
  • Read over the phone. Go to Step 8
  • Compact disc (CD) (customer must have access to a screen reader). Go to Step 9
  • Fillable forms, see Table 4


The customer is unable or does not want to participate in the service + Read more ...

Use Fast Note - select Auto text, search for Accessible letters service - Customer not included. Record the following details on a DOC:

  • Customer has not been included in the Accessible Letters service
  • Reason:
    • Customer does not have a medical condition or a disability affecting their vision [delete if not applicable]
    • Customer not prepared to change postal address [delete if not applicable]
    • Select > Document Completion > Yes, to close the DOC on completion

Email the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team outlining the reasons for the customer declining the service.

Procedure ends here.


Customer wants to cancel the service + Read more ...

Expire the Display on Access DOC for the accessible letters service, annotate the DOC to advise the customer has opted out of the services and end date the postal address. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)

End date the postal address

  • Go to Address Summary (ADS) or ADH screen
  • Enter End Date of POSTAL ADDRESS, source PHO and today’s date and < continue>.
    Note: sometimes there are issues with finalising the activity if using today’s date so preference is previous day
  • Then type ’FIN’ in Next field to finalise activity
  • If record is Blind Nominee the Service Officer may need to access the NOADS screen after address change as the link interferes with the finalising of activity. Type ’L’ next to the customer to select the link, then choose ’NO’ radio button to not change the customer address. Then try AR after above completed – check status in AL

Email the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team outlining the reasons for the customer cancelling the service.

Procedure ends here.


Large font + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • the original unformatted letter and the converted letter will be sent to them
  • a Service Officer will attempt to contact them by phone if the letter has information that is considered urgent, important or affects their payment. For example, upcoming reviews, forms or appointments
  • if contacted, the Service Officer will provide a receipt number

Go to Step 10.


Braille + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • Vision Australia Foundation will convert a copy of the letter to Braille within 2 weeks
  • the original unformatted letter will be sent to them
  • a Service Officer attempt to contact them by phone if the letter has information that is considered urgent, important or affects their payment. For example, upcoming reviews, forms or appointments
  • if contacted, the Service Officer will provide a receipt number

See Table 8 for more information on braille letters.

Go to Step 10.


Telephone + Read more ...

Note: check the Electronic Messaging and Online Letters (EMOL) screen to find out if customer is subscribed to electronic messaging (EM). If the customer has subscribed to EM, send a pre-call notification (SMS) to the customer before contacting by telephone. See Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging.

Tell the customer:

  • they will be contacted by phone during business hours and advised Centrelink has sent them a letter
  • the content of the letter will be read to them
  • if applicable, they will be advised of any due dates, upcoming reviews, forms or appointments
  • a receipt number will be provided
  • the original unformatted letter will be sent to them

EM enables the agency to contact customers by SMS by desktop messages, such as’pre-call notifications. See Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging.

Before contacting the customer by phone send a pre-call notification (SMS). If the customer has been contacted by phone and the initial contact attempt is unsuccessful, try contacting them on a different day or time. Make contact on as many consecutive days as possible and before any due dates (such as appointments, date to return form or dates the payment will be affected from).

Only contact customers who have chosen to convert letters to a larger font, compact disk or braille, if the letter has information that is considered urgent, important or will affect a payment.

Go to Step 10.


Compact disc (CD) + Read more ...

Tell the customer:

  • they must have access to a screen reader on their computer
  • rich text format is used
  • the original unformatted letter and the CD with the letter in rich text format will be sent to them
  • a Service Officer will attempt to contact them by phone if the letter has information that is considered urgent, important or affects their payment
  • if contacted, a receipt number is provided

See Table 7 for more information about compact discs.

Go to Step 10.


Updating postal address + Read more ...

Tell the customer only one postal address can be recorded with Centrelink.

If the customer insists on maintaining a postal address other than their residential address, record their existing postal address on the Display on Access (DOA) DOC when running the Accessible Letters Fast Note.

Update the customer’s postal address before running the Accessible Letters Fast Note.

Note: do not change the partner’s address.

To update the postal address in Customer First with the correct details, complete the following fields:

  • Suburb or Post code, key details > Continue
  • Street address field, key’Care Of’ > Continue to allow 2 address type fields to populate
  • Address line 1, key Accessible Letters Manager
  • Address Line 2, key’P.O Box 7788’ (remove’Care Of’)
  • Source, key details
  • Receipt Date, key details > Continue and finalise the workflow

If the customer is eligible for a concession card, update their preferred delivery address to ensure the concession card is not sent to the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team.

Once the customer’s address has been updated, use Fast Note - select Auto text, search for Accessible letters.

For customers in receipt of Disability Support Pension (DSP) (Blind) or Age Pension (Blind), use default DOA of BLI.

For all other customers, change DOA reason to SCC.

Changes are required to the following DOA text:

  • Customer has been included in the Accessible Letters Service
  • Customer's choice is:
    • phone [delete if not applicable]
    • big font [delete if not applicable]
    • compact disk [delete if not applicable]
    • braille [delete if not applicable]
  • Customer's postal address has been changed to:
    • Accessible Letters Manager
      PO Box 7788
      Canberra BC ACT 2610
  • Document Completion is set to No
  • Does customer require their formatted letter to be sent to their own postal address if different to the home address?
    • Yes, postal address is [key address]. Note: if the customer has a partner recorded, ensure Make Partner the Same field is ‘No'
    • No, if the customer does not agree to the alternative recording of the postal address, go to Step 4

Note: select ‘Display on Access’ or tick same from within the disabilities/updates/accessible letter serviceIN will bring up the DOA type and end date (remove the end date to leave it blank so it will not expire).

See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (Fast Note, Callbacks, ACTDOCs and DOA DOCs).

Procedure ends here.


The customer is deceased + Read more ...

If Services Australia has been advised that the customer is deceased, no further action is required. The customer is removed from the accessible letters service.

Email the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team and advise that the customer is deceased.

EDC team will update the customer letter details in the Accessible Letters Register spreadsheet with;

  • ‘Large Font or Braille or CD’ in the ‘Action required’ column
  • Add ‘Customer Deceased’ to the ‘Comments’ column

See also, Confirmation of the death of an adult or child.

How to reformat letters

Table 2: this table describes how to reformat a letter. These steps are for the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.




Open the accessible letter envelope to locate CRN + Read more ...

Review the customer’s record in Customer First to determine the required action.

Check for the following:

  • DOA which will advise the choice of service the customer is registered for:
    • Large font
    • Braille
    • Telephone
    • CD
  • If there is no DOA on the customer’s record go to DL to establish what service the customer needs
  • Go to HS screen to obtain the letter’s form code


Accessible letters template + Read more ...

  • Locate letter template in:
    • R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted
  • Find a similar letter
  • Select the letter
  • Update as required
  • If no template exists, create one from the letter

Note: nominees who are vision impaired will require the same process. Make sure the letter is sent to the nominee.

  • Go to the Accessible Letters Register located at:
    • MS teams group - EDC-Kookaburras - group> GENERAL > FILES > ACCESSIBLE LETTERS REGISTER
  • Register the letter

Receiving mail that cannot be reformatted

Table 3: this table describes the process when Services Australia receives mail for a customer on the alternative letter service that cannot be reformatted. These steps are for the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.




Non-Centrelink mail, publications or pension concession cards (PCC), or health care cards (HCC) received + Read more ...

Non-Centrelink mail, publications, health care cards are sometimes received via the EDC Team.

Mail that may be received by the EDC team includes:

  • CCIS – health care card redirect
  • CCAP – preferred address

In these cases, the mail will need to be forwarded it to the customer’s preferred postal address.

Publications require a sticker to be placed over the address on the envelope and the customer’s address written on it. The letter can then be sent to the customer. Note: do not cover the customer’s name on the envelope.

If a claim form is received. reformat the cover letter. The form itself is not altered.


PCC or HCC received + Read more ...

If a PCC or HCC is received, update the address on the card so that it is sent directly to the customer for future reissue. This can be done via the CCIS screen and via the preference options for the particular card.

See also, Preferences for concession cards.

Other items that Centrelink may receive, can include Pension Publications and Medicare correspondence. Place a sticker over the address on the envelope and write the customer’s address on it.


Non-Centrelink mail + Read more ...

  • Do not open the non-Centrelink mail
  • Locate the customers record (must be able to match 3 points of ID). (Service Officers may need to use the ‘CUSTOMERS HARD TO FIND_2019’ register – this is available in the Accessible letters register)
  • Forward the letter to the customer – Do not create a Fast Note
  • Record that the letter was forwarded in the Accessible letters register

Unable to locate/match customer:

  • Mark the envelope as RTS and place in ‘out’ box at the mail point. This will go back to Australia Post who will return it to the company/person it was sent from
  • Record that the letter was marked RTS to Australia Post in the Accessible letters register


No home address on record (cannot update CCIS) to reissue the PCC or HCC + Read more ...

The EDC team do not store PCC. They are securely destroyed. Customers can order a new card when they update their address.

If the Customer has no home address on record and only has the Accessible Letters Manager address, the CCIS preferences cannot be updated.

Use Fast Note to update the record using the template below:

  • Channel; INT-Internal Channels
  • Source: INT-Internal
  • Extra Details: Accessible CC Securely Destroyed
  • Text: DD/MM/YYYY Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team received Concession Card with expiry date DDMMYYYY – we are unable to forward the CC to customer as there is no home address listed. CCIS is unable to be updated. Card has been securely destroyed

Fillable forms

Table 4: this table describes the action to take if customer requests a fillable form.




Customer requests a fillable form + Read more ...

Fillable form:

  • Fillable PDF forms can be completed by customers electronically using dropdown boxes and fillable fields
  • Fillable forms are available on the Services Australia website

If the customer requests a fillable form for:

Note: fillable forms cannot be signed electronically. It must be printed and signed.


Modules and forms + Read more ...

Fillable modules and forms can be opened from the Services Australia website.

Search forms by title or form number.


Mobility Allowance Review form + Read more ...

An Employment/Training review form is sent to customers in receipt of Mobility Allowance (MOB) when they are selected for review. The form includes information to contact the agency's Disability and Carers line if they would like an electronic version of the review form, which is designed to be used with assistive technology.

Direct customers in the first instance to the Services Australia website where an accessible/electronic version of the form is available.

Customers unable to access website

Mobility Allowance review form can be emailed to a customer on request. See Mobility Allowance (MOB) reviews (mobility allowance review form MA003M).

If customers cannot access the electronic version, email the form to them for completion using their assistive technology.

If a customer asks for an electronic version (MA003M) to be emailed to them, send an email to the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team, including:

  • Name
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • Customer's email address

Update the email address on the Electronic Messaging and Letters Subscript (EMS) screen.

Create a DOC on the customer's record stating the date the customer contacted and requested an accessible version of the MA003M.

Tell the customer a fillable form for the Mobility Allowance Review will be sent by email and must be completed, signed, printed and lodged by the due date.

EDC team, go to Step 4.

Procedure ends here for all other staff.


Access new email from the accessible letters email Inbox + Read more ...

Only Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team to complete this action

  • Access the customer’s record if more details are required such as a mailing or email address or update details based on the email content
  • Follow the relevant steps in Mobility Allowance Reviews, to either:
  • From the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) mailbox select the (arrow) dropdown to open additional folders, select the (arrow) dropdown to open ‘Fillable Forms’ folder and select the template folder
  • Copy and paste the relevant template before editing any details – this is to prevent the template from being overridden
  • Open the template and add the following details:
    • In the TO field – add customer’s personal email address from the request email
    • Add the customer’s name to the body of the email (Dear XXXX)
    • Open the PDF form and fill out the Date of Issue | CRN | Return Date | Customer Name/Address
    • To save these details – close the PDF via the top right-hand X. A pop-up message will appear asking ‘Do you want to save changes to ma003m.pdf before closing’, Select yes. These details are now saved
    • Send the email to the customer - marked as ‘unofficial’ after selecting the Send button. Otherwise, if the Service Officer sends the mail to customers via Secure Mail by choosing official or official: sensitive, the customer will have to register for the secure mail service before being able to open the mail
  • Add Fast Note to Customer Record- include date form was emailed and date form is required to be returned
  • Remember to add the task to the Accessible Letters Register
  • Mark the email as complete by right clicking on the email, selecting the ‘follow-up’ item, then selecting ‘mark complete’ from the dropdown options

Check the return date for the MOB/ETR Employment/Training review on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen:

  • V’iew the activity
  • The Return date is 14 days from date the letter is sent
  • If no date of return on FAL Screen it is 21 Days including the postage back time


Manual contingency if no template or previously sent email is available + Read more ...

Only Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team to complete this action.

The electronic version is available via the Services Australia website as a PDF.

  • Go to Forms Online – MA003M Review of Mobility Allowance
  • Open the PDF hyperlink
    • The form will open in the browser
  • Fill out the DATE OF ISSUE | CRN | RETURN DATE | Customer Name/Address
  • To email to the customer, select the envelope icon at the top Left Hand of the screen
  • The share function will open on the right side of the screen. The default option should already be selected, select continue
  • A pop-will message will appear. Select send a copy of the entire PDF file as an attachment
  • Select ‘Send Copy’ to send the customer the form with the details just entered
  • An email will open with the PDF attached:
  • FROM: Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team email address
  • TO: customers personal email address as per the requesting email
  • CC: Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team email address
  • SUBJECT LINE: Mobility Allowance review form MA003M
  • BODY OF EMAIL: See the Resources page for a copy of the email template

Send the email to the customer - Marked as ‘UNOFFICIAL’ after selecting the Send button. Secure Mail (OFFICAL or OFFICAL: SENSITIVE) means the customer will have to register for the Secure mail service before being able to open the mail.

Printing Avery labels for accessible letters

Table 5: this table is for the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.




Avery labels + Read more ...

Templates for Avery labels can be found in:

R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Avery Templates

Template to be used is ‘NEW ARTICLES FOR BLIND’.


Open the template + Read more ...

  • Select File > Print
  • Select Printer Properties
  • Change the Paper Selection
  • Select the Dropdown > Select by Tray > Bypass Tray
  • Change 2-sided printing option to ‘1-sided printing’ using the dropdown
  • Select ‘OK
  • Adjust the amount of copies needed using the arrow buttons
  • Select Print
  • Select ‘OK’ on the pop-up message before going to the printer
  • At the printer, place the blank label paper label side down in Tray 5 (on the left-hand side of the printer)
  • Log into the printer and print the document

Note: the sides of the printed labels may have some of the border cut off due to the narrow margins. Do not make any adjustments to these.

Access to Teams folder requirements

Table 6: this table is for the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.




Request access to complete this work + Read more ...

  • Go to ICT Security Portal
  • Request resource
  • Active Directory/ shared folders search using name: ‘Electronic document classification’
  • Select ’all staff’ option
    Note: all Electronic Document Classification staff have access to this resource
  • Complete the following:
  • Access for: select ’Me
  • Reason: Access required for accessible letters processing
  • Category: Shared Folders
  • Filter by: Name
  • Containing: Electronic Document
  • Resource to Request: 61042783 – Electronic Document Classification Technical-RW (ISP Category: Shared Folder)
  • Submit

Accessible letters – compact disks (CDs)

Table 7: this table is for customers who have selected Compact Disk (CD). Their letters are reformatted on to a CD (with text as Times New Roman Size 12), which is sent to the customer to be read to them by a computer program. Letters are processed using Microsoft Office Word.

This table is for the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.




Check Display On Access (DOA) file note + Read more ...

  • Open Customer First. Type the CRN from the letter in the CRN/BP field and enter
  • Check Display On Access (DOA) file note on customer’s record. Determine what preference customer wants to have their letters reformatted to
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Display On Access doc to determine if there is another postal address that the customer wants it to be sent to or if the customer has changed the Accessible Letter preference
  • If no DOA exists, check DL as the Fast Note may have expired. If this is the case, a new DOA Fast Note will need to be placed on the customer’s record

See also, Online Document Recording (DOR).


Check HS screen + Read more ...

  • Type HS in Next to view available letters for the customer (if the letter is on HS)
  • From the HS screen identify the appropriate letter from the date. Take note of the letter code:
    • History Id: locate it in the barcode on the letter. E.g. CLK2LETTERA123456789001
    • Date Cr. Date on the letter
    • L/C: Letter Code (use this code to search for the template)
    • Dlvry: LET (delivered to the customer via letter).
    • Recipient: will have the name of the Customer / Nominee / Organisation that the letter was sent to.

Note: letters with AGC2 barcode will not display on the HS screen – the templates for these letters will start with’AGC2’.

  • Once Service Officers have the letter code, search the template with that letter code in R:\NAT\SCO\SC-CEN-WEST\SOC-COMMON\Accessible letters\Templates\CD
  • If there is no template, retype a new letter. The letter content might be able to be copied from HS. If not, retype all, go to Step 5 to create a new template


Save a copy of the template + Read more ...

Save As a copy of the template before making changes to it as below.

Save As the template to R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted\CD\YYYY-YYYY FY\YYYY.MM, as the customer’s name and print date on the letter e.g., John Citizen 21.06.16

This is to prevent the template from being overridden.

Do not include the CRN in the document title.


Using an existing template + Read more ...

  • Update the relevant highlighted sections of the letter (e.g. address and payment details) on the template. Remove any sections that are not needed
  • The reformatted letter must match the physical letter as much as possible
  • Save the reformatted letter before closing the program

Go to Step 6.


Creating a new template: + Read more ...

Open a new Microsoft Word document and the Basic CD Template
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Templates\CD).

On the new blank document:

  • On the Layout tab, change the Margin size to ’narrow’
  • Use the template to copy and paste relevant section from the template to the new letter
  • Use ‘Keep Source Formatting (K)’ paste when pasting
  • Ensure that the font is Times New Roman Size 12 and check the spacing and gaps so that the letter looks similar to the original
  • Do not include customer information when creating a template
  • Do not include the Centrelink logo, as the computer program cannot read this
  • The text of the letter should be Times New Roman Size 12
  • Paragraph spacing as per normal text are allowed
  • Dot points are allowed, but no indentations
  • All text must align on the left side (left justified)

Save the template to
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Templates\CD folder as ‘LETTERCODE LETTER TITLE’. For example, PENREA Exchange Rate Statement.

Save as a copy to:
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted\CD\YYYY-YYYY FY\YYYY.MM, as the customer’s name and print date on the letter e.g., John Citizen 21.06.16

Fill out the customer information as in Step 4.


Put the original letter in a large envelope + Read more ...

Place the original letter in a large envelope with the customer’s name and address on the front.

Staff must have access to:

  • Access in ISP - ‘CD Burn (ISP Category: Active Directory – Desktop Application’
  • LG Ultra Slim Portable DVD Writer

Note: if unable to burn to CD file contact TPS to gain access.

Burn letter to CD

  • Plug the DVD Writer into the computer box
  • Insert disc into the D: drive (AKA ‘DVD Writer’)
  • Open ‘File Explorer’. Under ‘Devices and Drives’ double click the ‘DVD RW Drive (D:)
  • Windows displays a Burn a Disc dialog box and asks to create a title for the disc. No need to enter a title. The title pre-populates with the current date as the title
  • The ‘Like a USB Flash Drive option will be pre-selected. Leave it on this option
  • Select Next
  • Now that the disc is ready to accept the files:
  • Drag and drop files from R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted\CD\YYYY-YYYY Financial Year (Current)\YYYY.MM into the D: drive.

A progress window appears, showing the disc burner’s progress.

When the progress window disappears, Windows has finished burning the disc.

  • Close the disc-burning session by ejecting the disc
  • When finished copying files to the disc, push the drive’s Eject button or right-click the drive’s icon in File Explorer and choose Eject


Posting the CD + Read more ...

Place the CD into a CD envelope and add it the large envelope.

Seal the envelope.

Note: CD letters must have the return address stamped on the back of the envelope with the Accessible Letters stamp.

Place the Articles for the Blind sticker on the front of the envelope. These are located in the drawer with the envelopes.


Complete Fast Note + Read more ...

Change the Channel and Source for the Fast Note to:

  • Channel: INT-Internal Channels
  • Source: INT-Internal

Fast Note text:

  • Extra Details: Accessible Letters CD
  • Text: Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY reformatted to CD and forwarded to Customer


Update letter details + Read more ...

Update the customer letter details in the Accessible Letters Register spreadsheet with CD in the ’Action Required’ column.

Place the sealed envelope in the ‘out’ tray at the mail point to go out to the customer.

Braille letters

Table 8: this table is for customers who have selected braille letters. Their letters are reformatted to size 12 Arial which is sent to Vision Australia to turn into Braille. Letters are processed using Microsoft Office Word.

For the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.




Open Customer First + Read more ...

  • Type the CRN from the letter in the CRN/BP field and enter
  • Check Display On Access (DOA) file note on customer’s record. Determine what preference customer wants to have their letters reformatted to
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Display On Access doc to determine if there is another postal address that the customer wants it to be sent to or if the customer has changed the Accessible Letter preference
  • If no DOA exists, check DL as the Fast Note may have expired. If this is the case, place a new DOA Fast Note on the customer’s record

See Online Document Recording (ODR).


Check for the letter + Read more ...

  • Type HS in Next to view available letters for the customer. (If the letter is on HS)
  • From the HS screen identify the appropriate letter from the date. Take note of the letter code:
    • History Id: locate it in the barcode on the letter. E.g. CLK2LETTERA123456789001
    • Date Cr. Date on the letter
    • L/C: Letter Code (use this code to search for the template)
    • Dlvry: LET (delivered to the customer via letter)
    • Recipient: will have the name of the Customer / Nominee / Organisation that the letter was sent to.

Note: letters with AGC2 barcode will not display on HS screen – the templates for these letters will start with ‘AGC2’.

  • Once you have the letter code, Search the template with that letter code in:
    R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Templates\Braille
  • If there is no template, retype a new letter. The letter content might be able to be copied from HS, if not retype all. Go to Step 5 to create a new template

Do not transfer to Braille format if letter is a form (e.g. sa383) to be completed by the customer. Include the form with cover letter to send to Vision Australia or forward direct to customer if no cover letter.


Save the template + Read more ...

Save As a copy of the template before making changes to it as below:

  • Save As the template to R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted\Braille, as the customer’s name and print date on the letter e.g., John Citizen 21.06.23

This is to prevent the template from being overridden.

Do not save to the financial year folder.

Do not include the CRN in the document title.


Using an existing template + Read more ...

  • Update the relevant highlighted sections of the letter (e.g. address and payment details) on the template
  • Remove any sections that are not needed
  • The reformatted letter must match the physical letter as much as possible

Save the reformatted letter before closing the program.

Go to Step 6.


Creating a new template + Read more ...

Open a new Microsoft Word document and the ’Basic Braille Template’:
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Templates\Braille)

On the new blank document:

  • On the Layout tab, change the margin size to ‘narrow.’
  • Use the template to copy and paste the relevant section from the template to the new letter

Note: use ‘Keep Source Formatting (K)’ paste when pasting.

  • Ensure that the font is Arial Size 12 and check the spacing and gaps so that the letter looks similar to the original
  • Do not include customer information when creating a template
  • Do not include the Centrelink logo as Vision Australia are not able to reformat this
  • Use Ctrl+Shift+* to turn on ’paragraph marks’ to display all the spaces and breaks in the letter
  • The text of the letter should be Arial Size 12
  • Paragraph spacing as per normal text are okay
  • Dot points are allowable but no indentations
  • All text must align on the left side (left justified)

All the gaps at the end of each row of text need to be removed. This is extremely important for braille letters as Vision Australia have difficulty reformatting the letter so that the customer is able to read it if they are left in.

See the Resources page for an example of the letter.

Save the template to the
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Templates\Braille folder as ‘LETTERCODE LETTER TITLE’. For example, PENREA Exchange Rate Statement.

Save as a copy to:
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted\Braille, as the customer’s name and print date on the letter e.g., John Citizen 21.06.23

Fill out the customer information as in Step 4.


Complete a Fast note on the customer’s record + Read more ...

Change the Channel and Source for the Fast Note to:

  • Channel: INT-Internal Channels
  • Source: INT-Internal

Fast Note text:

  • Extra Details: Accessible Letters BRAILLE
  • Text: Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY reformatted to Braille. Sent to Vision Australia on DDMMYYYY.


Putting letter in a large envelope + Read more ...

Put the original letter in a large envelope with the customer’s name and address on the front.

Do not seal the envelope.

Note: braille letters must have the return address stamped on the back of the envelope with the Accessible Letters stamp.

Place the Articles for the Blind sticker on the front of the envelope. These are located in the drawer with the envelopes.

The letter will be forwarded by TPS. Go to Step 9.


Finalising braille letters – send email + Read more ...

This step is for technical Peer Support (TPS) only.

For customers, who have selected braille letters, their letters are reformatted, saved to
R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Team 1\Accessible letters\ Letters Reformatted\Braille

Files are saved with the customer’s name and the date of the Letter, e.g. John Citizen 21.06.16.

Send an OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE email before 12 noon MONDAY to both of the Vision Australia email addresses and cc in the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team. Put the number of letters needing reformatting in the subject line and attach the letters to be reformatted to the email.

The email template for sending braille letters is on the Resources page.


Finalising braille letters – post envelope + Read more ...

Do not put postage stamps on envelopes with braille letters.

Place unsealed envelopes into a Express Post envelope and seal. These are sent weekly to Vision Australia.

On the Express Post envelope:

  • fill in the address details for Vision Australia
  • fill in the return address to the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team

To prevent duplicate braille creation and billing

Move the files posted to the current month folder:

R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff`\Team 1\Accessible letters\Letters Reformatted\Braille\YYYY-YYYY FY\YYYY.MM

To Record the Tracking Number:

Open the Braille Invoicing_Vision Australia spreadsheet from folder:

R:\NAT\OPSMGT\OPPLNHIC\Electronic_Document_Classification_All_Staff\Accessible letters\Invoices

  • Column A ‘Date’ – write the date that the braille letters were sent
  • Column B ‘Registered Post No.’ – type in the express post tracking number
  • Column C ‘Number of letters sent’ – type the number of letters that had been sent
  • Column D ‘Actioned’ – this is for the invoicing process only, to be marked as ‘yes’ once the invoice has come from
    SMARTCENTRECANBERRA.BUSINESS.COORDINATION and been verified. Leave blank if not doing the invoicing

Record the tracking number in the physical exercise book ‘Express Stickers Accessible Letters Canberra Smart Centre DHS’. This exercise book is kept in the Accessible letters supplies drawer.

  • Open the exercise book to the most recent date
  • Remove the yellow ‘sender to keep’ sticker from the express post envelope and place the sticker in the book
  • Next to that sticker, write the number of letters being sent, the word ‘Braille’ and the date of sending


The Accessible Letters Register + Read more ...

Update the customer letter details in the Accessible Letters Register spreadsheet with BRAILLE in the ’Action Required’ column.

Purchasing Vision Australia confirmation

Table 9: this table is for Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team staff with purchasing access only.




Purchase order number + Read more ...

The purchase order number for braille letters is 8200038912 and is renewed every year.


Access required + Read more ...

To create a confirmation against someone else’s purchase order users need Purchasing Coordinator’ access. This can be requested in ESSentials (via ESSentials > Access Management > Access Requests) for the applicable agency.

Services Australia: ZC.FI.SRM.PURCH.COORD.DHS

Note: invoices are sent to EDC Team 1 Team Leader.

Save invoice to desktop – save as INV-VAL- (specific invoice number – in PDF format).


Finalise confirmation + Read more ...

  • Go into My Job, select Purchasing
  • Select confirmation
  • Purchase Order Number add 8200038912 > Select search and continue (on next page)
  • Confirmation Name: INV-VAL-XXXXXX
  • Add cost of invoice without GST of invoice into confirm quantity box
  • Do not check the last delivery box. This will close the purchase order number
  • Open notes and attachment tab to attach invoice
  • Select Add attachment
  • Use the check button (the ’Confirmation has no errors’ message displays)

For assistance email Finance: all other teams.