For Farm Household Case Officers (FHCO) only.
This procedure outlines how Farm Household Case Officers (FHCO) negotiate Financial Improvement Agreements (FIA) with customers after the grant of Farm Household Allowance (FHA). It also covers how to update existing FIAs.
On this page:
Negotiating and recording an FIA in Process Direct
Notifying the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) of appointments with FHA customers
Accessing, reviewing and updating an FIA in Process Direct
Negotiating and recording an FIA in Process Direct
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Initial grant of FHA + Read more ...
Is this the first time the customer has been granted FHA?
2 |
FHA granted after a break in payments + Read more ...
When a customer has re-claimed FHA and been granted after a break in payment (including in a new 10-year period):
a Farm Household Case Officer (FHCO) is assigned
a letter may be sent requesting a FFA if there has been a significant change in circumstances for the customer and/or farm enterprise. In most cases the existing FFA may be used if the details have not changed significantly since its completion
once the FIA case is created an FIA request letter is generated and sent to the customer
The creation of a new FIA case depends on the FFA.
Does a new FFA need to be completed?
3 |
Creation of the FIA case + Read more ...
FHA must be current for the FIA Case to generate. If FHA has a status of Cancelled or Suspended, the payment must be restored prior to creating the FIA. See Suspending, cancelling and restoring Farm Household Allowance (FHA).
If there is a manual FIA:
move the details to the new auto FIA generated after accepting the FFA
complete all outstanding activities in the manual FIA
close the manual FIA
Do not manually change the status if the FFA status and FFA Case Status do not match. For example, FFA status Accepted (closed) and FFA case status Not Provided. Escalate the record to ICT through Digital Assistant Roxy.
Is the due date for the FFA more than 2 months after the written request, or has an extension has been applied?
Yes, the FFA will be delayed, or the initial due date has been extended. A manual FIA needs to be created till the FFA is accepted, go to Step 4.
No, FIA will not be created till the FFA has been completed. Once the FFA has been 'accepted' by the FHCO, an FIA Case is automatically created. If this does not occur, escalate the record to ICT through Digital Assistant Roxy
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Manual FIAs + Read more ...
Manually create a new FIA if FHA:
has been regranted and the existing FFA is to be used, or
is current, and
the FFA is outstanding but cannot be completed and returned to Services Australia within two months of the initial request, or
there are no FIA cases with a status of New or Negotiated
Do not manually create a new FIA if:
FHA is current
the FFA case status is Waived or Accepted (closed), and
an FIA case has not been created after some time
Report the issue to ICT through Digital Assistant Roxy.
To manually create the FIA request in Process Direct:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Add to generate a new FIA case
Case Type should show as FIA Case
Select Save
5 |
Viewing the FIA due date + Read more ...
The due date for the FIA is displayed within the FIA Request letter activity.
To view the due date:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select the twisty to expand the FIA case
select the FIA Request hyperlink in the FIA Activities block
6 |
Providing extension to enter into FIA + Read more ...
Key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Add in FIA Activities
select Letter Activity from Type
select FIA Extension from Letter Reason
This will:
give the customer a further 28 days to enter into the FIA
issue an advice to the customer informing them of the new due date
update the due date on the case details screen
An extension to negotiate the FIA can only be granted once, no other extensions are possible. The customer must return the signed agreement within 28 days of the letter date.
7 |
Preparing for the FIA negotiation meeting + Read more ...
Being prepared and reviewing the customers details prior to the FIA negotiation allows the FHCO to give tailored, practical and individual case management to assist customers in achieving their financial self-sufficiency goals.
The FIA questionnaire is a support tool for the FHCO to help guide the discussion with the customer. It should be started prior to the meeting and is not required to be shown to, or discussed word for word with, the customer.
Prior to meeting the customer to negotiate their FIA, the FHCO must complete the following:
review available information from the customer’s record including:
income and asset details
tax returns and financial statements
the FFA (if complete)
commence the FIA questionnaire. This must be completed during or immediately after the meeting
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Contact with customer and FIA meeting + Read more ...
The FHCO will:
contact the customer to arrange a time to negotiate the FIA by the due date. The meeting can be:
a phone interview
face to face in a service centre or another site, never at the customer’s home or farm
a Video Chat (VC) appointment
seek the customer’s consent to invite their Rural Financial Counsellor (RFC) to this meeting. When the customer provides consent, give the RFC the meeting time and date. Record details on a DOC on the record. Do not delay the meeting to allow for the RFC to attend
review the FFA, noting the SWOT analysis and assessment of the farm business by the Financial Assessor. For more details, see Farm Financial Assessments (FFA)
complete the FIA questionnaire
To complete the FIA questionnaire:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select New under Questionnaire Status
if the customer has:
not previously completed a questionnaire, select No from the dropdown menu
previously completed the questionnaire, select Yes from the dropdown menu. The option to do the FIA questionnaire again will present. Select the response relevant to the customer's circumstances.
If 'Other' is selected, the free text fields must be completed
complete all other free text fields.
Note: if a question is not relevant to the customer's circumstances, select Done and key N/A in the free text field
After completing all answers, select:
Completed from Questionnaire Status
The Resources page contains a link to the SMARTA principles for negotiating appropriate goals, objectives, and activities.
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Record goals in the online FIA + Read more ...
To record goals:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Start
select Edit on the FIA case line
key the Start Date of the FIA
select the customer's Primary and Secondary Goals
key the customer's Aim in the free text field
select Save
Go to Step 10.
10 |
Record activities in the online FIA + Read more ...
To record the FIA Checklist Activities, select:
Add or Edit
Activity objective in Category
Activity Type from the dropdown menu
complete the Activity to be completed field, include detail about the activity, the cost if applicable and if the activity is 'voluntary'
in the Activity Due Date field - specify the date each activity is to be completed For activity testing purposes, there should be at least one activity (or a milestone for the activity) due for completion at or before the customer's next review. FHCO's book the FIA review 2-3 weeks in advance of the FIA activity due date. This allows for an extension if needed
The activity supplement may be payable for the activity. The default is No if:
there is no cost associated with the activity
the cost is yet to be determined
non-RTO approval is required
if the customer has no activity supplement balance available
an activity must not be marked as Eligible for the Activity Supplement unless the customer has a quote (verbal or written) from the provider, and notified their FHCO
If the above considerations are satisfied, mark as Yes. An activity supplement approval letter will issue automatically when the activity is marked as Yes, Eligible for Activity Supplement and the FIA status is Agreed To
select Save
Note: proofread each line to make sure all details are accurate. The details entered in the FIA checklist activities are sent to the customer.
11 |
Read verbal declaration + Read more ...
Read the verbal declaration to the customer, see Resources for the FIA Verbal Declaration and Consent
Tell the customer:
a copy of the FIA will be sent to them
they do not need to sign and return a copy of the FIA because they gave a verbal declaration
Did the customer agree?
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Sending the FIA to a customer + Read more ...
Send the FIA through the customer's preferred mail choice once the FIA:
has been negotiated
the verbal declaration accepted, and
FIA marked as Agreed To
Manually print and send the FIA when the only update is an extension to an existing activity and the customer requests an updated copy.
To manually print the FIA:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select View FIA hyperlink
View the PDF version of the FIA
select the Printer to print the FIA locally
alternatively, a copy of the previously issued FIA can be printed from the Correspondence (CORRO) screen in Process Direct
Has the customer agreed to the FIA?
If the customer does not agree to the FIA by the due date, FHA payments must be manually suspended. Check if a Qualification Failure has occurred and if FHA can be restored once the FIA is signed and returned. See Mutual obligations, failures and exemptions from the activity test for FHA customers.
Legally the customer has 28 days to finalise and agree to the FIA. If the customer cannot provide a verbal agreement during the first call, book a new appointment using the keyword 'FIA 28-day contact'.
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Record the FIA declaration + Read more ...
When the FIA has been agreed to by the customer:
in Case Notes:
Select 'Insert Declaration Text' to record a copy of the FHCO's and customer's verbal declaration and the customer's response
record the date the FIA was sent to the customer
record how the activities will be measured
if the FIA status is Negotiated, update this to Agreed To
in FIA case:
select Edit
in Status, select Agreed To
Note: FIA goals cannot be changed once the status is set to Agreed To. If the customer wants to set new goals, a new FIA must be created and agreed
select Save
If any activity has been marked as eligible for the activity supplement, an Activity Supplement Approval letter and voucher will be sent to the customer.
The Resources page has a link to the Verbal Declaration and Consent template.
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Book Appointment + Read more ...
When an FIA has become Agreed To, the first FIA Review date will be set up 90 days in the future. As the review date cannot be changed, schedule and complete the review at least 3 weeks before this date. This allows a buffer period for customers to comply with their obligations.
One appointment time cannot be booked for both members of a couple. Where an appointment is needed for each member, separate time slots must be booked. These can be booked back-to-back to allow both appointments be completed in the one interaction.
FHCOs can choose to book a regular FIA appointment or a Video Chat (VC) appointment. To book a Video Chat (VC) appointment, see Video chat.
Note: if creating an appointment for both members of a couple, and the customer's partner is also their nominee, make sure the first appointment booked is for the customer who is the nominee. Book the second appointment for the partner who has the nominee.
To book an FIA review appointment:
select the Appointments icon or go to the Appointments (APPT) screen
select Create New Appointment
Appointment type - select FHA FHCO
Appointment Channel - select relevant option
Service Reason - appointment type
Appointment Duration - enter relevant duration
Employee Assign - enter Logon
select Appointment Date
location will default to customers local Service Centre
select preferred timeslot from list of available appointment times
Note: Refresh can be selected if appointment times do not display
Confirm information is correct
Read the appointment declaration to the customer (Resources TAB)
select Save
select Finish to complete the FHA FIA workflow
A letter will automatically issue to the customer.
If the customer is subscribed to Electronic Messaging, an appointment reminder will be sent the day before the appointment.
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To search for appointments + Read more ...
The FHCO Diary tile from Process Direct will display the next appointment booked for all linked customers.
Notifying the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) of appointments with FHA customers
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Notifying the Rural Financial Counselling Service + Read more ...
The RFCS may attend appointments if the customer has advised they wish for them to attend. Appointments can be completed without the RFCS present.
To notify the RFCS of an appointment that has been booked with an FHA customer:
obtain and record a DOC confirming customers permission for RFCS to attend appointment
contact the RFC by phone to advise of the appointment details
if the contact attempt is unsuccessful, do not leave a message detailing sensitive customer information
annotate the DOC to indicate if contact with the RFC was:
successful, and they can attend the appointment, or
Accessing, reviewing and updating an FIA in Process Direct
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check clock days + Read more ...
In preparation for the review, check the FHA clock to decide how many days of payment the customer has already received.
Consider the customer's remaining period of Farm Household Allowance (FHA) entitlement in preparing the review discussion.
If the customer is nearing or has reached 730 days on payment, consider additional topics for discussion, including:
their ceasing FHA entitlement
whether their current strategies for achieving financial independence are effective
additional/alternative strategies that may help them to improve their financial circumstances
An additional face to face visit must be undertaken with the customer during their third year on payment.
2 |
Access FIA + Read more ...
To access the FIA:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
to view goals, select Details tab
to view activities, select Checklist tab
to manually print the FIA, select:
View FIA hyperlink
Printer to print the FIA locally
alternatively, a copy of the previously issued FIA can be printed from the Correspondence (CORRO) screen in Process Direct
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Reviewing the FIA + Read more ...
Regular reviews of the FIA and associated activities will be conducted by the FHCO every 90 days or more often if appropriate.
The customer's progress or completion of their mandatory activities must be checked and discussed at the FIA review.
Use the review meeting to:
assess and discuss the customer's progress towards achieving financial self-reliance
evaluate the effectiveness of the current strategy in achieving this goal
reassess the goals and objectives in the FIA if the customer is not on track to transition off income support by the end of their 4-year FHA entitlement
If the customer cannot undertake activities agreed in their FIA, check if they are eligible for an exemption from the activity test or have a reasonable excuse. Where an exemption or reasonable excuse is not applicable, and an activity has not been completed by the negotiated date, raise a qualification failure. FHCOs must not extend the activity due date.
For details about assessing and coding qualification and conduct failures, see Mutual obligations, failures and exemptions from the activity test for FHA customers.
The FIA can be changed if it no longer reflects the customer's goals, resources and any barriers that limit their ability to take action to improve their circumstances.
At the review meeting, check the customer:
is meeting their reporting requirements on time. If not, discuss the requirement and implications of not complying with their mutual obligations
has a current up to date farm enterprise business income estimate recorded. There are reasons a customer's income may have changed, including a forced disposal of livestock. This may affect the estimate. If the estimate is not recorded, or the estimate requires an update:
tell the customer to contact the Farmers Assistance hotline to update their estimate
document in Case Notes following the review
4 |
Check if customer has completed activities as required + Read more ...
The FIA must contain at least one mandatory activity subject to testing. This activity is to be completed by the customer's next review date. Where activities have been completed or are no longer required, they must be marked as Completed/Cancelled before adding any new activities to the FIA checklist.
For Activities completed:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Edit on the relevant FIA Checklist Activities line
select Completed from Status
enter the Completion Date
select Outcome from the dropdown menu
select Save
For Activities not completed with a future due date:
remind the customer of the due date and the consequences if they fail to complete their mandatory activities by this time
activity due dates are not to be extended unless an exemption has been applied. Clearly document the reason in Case Notes
change the status of the FIA Review to In Process. This shows the review is underway and will be updated when completed:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Edit on FIA Review
select In Process from FIA Review Status
select Save
Record details in the FHA Case Notes see the Resources page
For Activities not completed with a past due date:
if the customer has a reasonable excuse, the FHCO may provide the customer with more time to progress uncompleted activities before imposing a failure
details must be documented on the customer's record to support the reason for any activities that are extended beyond their original due date
if provisions are not met, a qualification failure has occurred. The due date must not be extended, and a qualification failure must be applied. See Mutual obligations, failures and exemptions from the activity test for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) customers
record detailed notes of the review and outcomes in FHA Case Notes
5 |
If customer does not attend review + Read more ...
Did customer attend the review?
Yes, go to Step 7
No, update the appointment status to Did Not Attend and send the FIA Review overdue letter to the customer:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Add on FIA Activities
select Letter Activity from Type
select FIA Review Overdue from Letter Reason
select Save
The letter will be sent.
In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
Service Reason: FHS
Review Reason: MAN (Manual Assessment Review Ent)
Due Date: one day after the due date of the FIA Review Overdue letter, allow extra time for mail delivery
Source: INT
Date of Receipt: today's date
Notes: 'FIA Review Overdue letter issued XX/XX/XXXX’
Keywords: @FHS and @FIA
Workgroup: leave blank
Position: leave blank
Transfer to Region: leave blank
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.
Record details in the FHA Case Notes.
Do not cancel the FIA review if a customer's payment is already suspended and an FIA review is due. If the review becomes overdue while the customer is suspended it must be completed in addition to any other requirements to restore the customers payment.
Go to Step 10.
6 |
FIA Review Overdue letter + Read more ...
Did the customer respond to the FIA Review Overdue letter?
7 |
Complete FIA Review activity on customer record + Read more ...
After the review meeting and, as needed the adjustment of the customer's FIA. Complete the FIA Review activity on the customer's record:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select Edit on FIA Review
set the status of any FIA Overdue letter activities to Complete
set the status of the FIA Review to Complete
a new FIA Review will be automatically set up for today plus 90 days
Schedule the next review appointment using the FHA appointment system. See Table 1 > Step 12. Schedule the next review before it is due.
8 |
Update FIA with new activities + Read more ...
When the customer has completed some or all activities in their FIA, but their overall goal/aim remains the same, the FIA must be updated to include new activities. This can be done even when the status of the FIA is Agreed To. Where activities were completed or are no longer required, they must be marked as Completed/Cancelled.
An FIA must always have at least one open activity subject to the activity test and due within the next 90 days.
It is not appropriate to create a new FIA unless the customer's goal has changed.
If a new FIA is required:
Before continuing, the current FIA must include an actual end/completed date for all completed activities.
Go to Step 9.
To add new activities:
select Add or Edit
select the activity Objective
if a particular objective is not listed, select User Defined Objective to enter free text
select the appropriate Activity Type
complete the Activity to be completed field, including as much detail about the activity as possible
record the Activity Due Date. There should be at least one mandatory activity (or a milestone for the activity) that is due at or before the customer's next review. It may be useful to align the activity due dates with FIA review dates.
The activity supplement may be payable for the activity. If this is known at the time select Yes in the Eligible for Activity Supplement field. The default is No if:
there is no cost associated with the activity, or the cost is yet to be determined
non-RTO approval is required
the customer has no activity supplement balance available
once the cost has been determined and if the activity is eligible, the FIA must be updated and agreed to by the customer
select Save
A copy of the FIA will be sent to the customer.
Procedure ends here.
9 |
Create new FIA + Read more ...
FIA goals cannot be changed once the status is set to Agreed To. If the customer wants to set new goals, a new FIA must be created and signed.
To create a new FIA request:
select the customer's record
select FHA FIA Workflow from the Task Selector
select the Add to generate a new FIA case
a warning message will display to confirm the new FIA to be created
Case Type should display as FIA Case
select Save
Add goals and activities and read the declaration to the customer. A copy of the FIA is sent to the customer when the status is updated to Agreed To. See Table 1 > Step 9.
After negotiating the new FIA, return to the previous FIA and mark the remaining open activity as completed/cancelled.
10 |
Record details of the review meeting + Read more ...
Use FHA Case Notes to record:
whether the customer attended the appointment
main points of discussion, including any decisions made
activities Completed/Closed off in the FIA and how they were measured
new activities added and how they will be measured
details of activities requiring activity supplement approval
justification of approvals, for example, activity supplement including activity cost and qualifications of the provider
expand on details of activities in FIA
details of activity test exemptions
when a document has been scanned to the FHA case but not the general record
customer's progress towards improving financial self-reliance
scheduled date of next review
confirmation that the farm enterprise business income estimate has been checked and reporting obligations have been discussed
where the customer is not yet engaged with the RFCS, document that discussion has occurred to remind the customer of referral options
verbal declaration and consent
Changing or updating text: as these Notes are subject to Freedom of Information requests, any changes/updates should appear as an annotation. Changes/updates to an existing Note will record the history (date/user) of the update but previous version of the Note will not be kept.
Case Notes must adhere to Online Document Recording (ODR) and Quality standards in service delivery
To add new Notes:
key START into the Super Key
select FHA FIA Workflow form the Task Selector
select Add
select relevant Note type from list
select relevant Subject topic
enter text
select Save
To edit an existing Note - select Edit List.
To delete an unsaved Note - select Cancel.
Case Notes:
cannot be edited once saved but can be annotated. If a non-sensitive Case Note is annotated, this will replicate into the DOC on the Document List (DL) screen
can be deleted by an FHCO's PSM. If a non-sensitive Case Note is deleted in Process Direct, the DOC replicated onto the Document List (DL) screen must also be deleted.