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Change of circumstance for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) 002-02080000

This document contains information about changes in circumstances that must be advised by customers receiving FHA and how to record details, including using the Social Services Plan (SSP).

Notification obligations

FHA customers must notify Services Australia within 14 days of any of the following changes:

  • contact details including address, phone number and email address
  • accommodation details including change of address or rent
  • income and assets, including estimated farm business income
  • they do not have to lodge a tax return for a financial year in which they received FHA payments
  • family circumstances or relationship status. For example, they become partnered or have separated
  • work load
  • residency status
  • financial hardship
  • difficulties in meeting activity test requirements
  • receiving precluding payment
  • travel outside of Australia
  • ownership/control of farm enterprise
  • imprisonment or psychiatric confinement
  • changes that may affect their rate of payment or entitlement to payment

Reporting requirements

FHA customers must report their income from earnings on a regular schedule, which is either:

  • 6 weekly - if they have no employment or other types of off-farm income
  • 2 weekly - if the customer or their partner receives income from employment or other off-farm income, whether it is a regular amount or variable

Note: customers are still obliged to notify within 14 days of changes in their circumstances that can affect their FHA payments.

Customers can report on their Entitlement Period End Date (EPED):

  • using their Centrelink online account
  • using phone self service
  • by calling the Farmer Assistance hotline

Consequences of failure to notify

A change in circumstances can affect a person’s rate of payment or even their entitlement to receive the payment.

If an FHA customer fails to notify the agency about their change of circumstances, they may incur an overpayment if the change results in a different rate of payment or loss of entitlement.

Check and update contact details

A customer's address (including postal address) and phone details (including mobile phone numbers) must be checked and updated (if required) at every contact.

Note: if the customer is authenticated via Interactive Voice Response (IVR), address details do not need to be confirmed.

Reviews for a change in circumstances or Farm Financial Assessment (FFA)

Where a change in circumstances or the FFA indicates a change in eligibility it may be appropriate to review eligibility to FHA.

A change in circumstances may affect a customer's eligibility to FHA differently:

  • A farmer deciding to de-stock or not plant a crop due to environmental conditions, and who has the intention to do this once conditions improve, would remain eligible as long as the intention remains
  • A farmer who has a change that affects the ability to farm, for example, a reduction in leased farmland or selling farmland, may result in the farm no longer being commercially viable leading to a change in FHA eligibility

FFA reviews

With the change to streamlined FHA claims process, FHA may be granted on a discretionary decision.

In these cases, it is appropriate for the FFA to be completed and reviewed.

Farm Household Case Officers (FHCO’s) will review the FFA once completed to ensure the information in the FFA supports the decision to grant. Where the FFA indicates a customer may not be eligible for FHA, the FHCO will request a review by processing staff. A full review must be undertaken, including requesting supporting documents.

Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS)


  • provides free, independent, and confidential assistance to eligible farmers to help them better understand their financial situation
  • offers a range of services and information to support customers assess their business finances and plan for the future
  • is authorised to sight, copy and certify original identity documents and complete linkage with the customer as part of the Identity Confirmation process
  • helps customers:
    • to access government and industry programs as well as help with short term issues like negotiating loans, debt mediation and succession planning
    • prepare and lodge claims for FHA
    • assist the customer to complete the Farm Financial Assessment (FFA)
    • access professional services to help them manage and cope with stress

Customers can give Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) authority to their RFCS to enquire about FHA related issues. This arrangement may support a Service Officer’s decision to accept and act upon information the PPE has provided. In these situations, the Service Officer must decide if it is in the customer's best interest to use the information and if the person providing it is the best source. If any doubt exists about the validity of the advice, contact the customer by phone or in writing before the change is actioned.

Customers may consent to have their Rural Financial Counsellor (RFC) attend meetings with them and their Farm Household Case Officer (FHCO). This will ensure they receive support from both services that complement each other as the customer works to improve their financial situation.

A person does not need to be in receipt of FHA to be referred to RFCS and access their services.


Suspending, cancelling and restoring Farm Household Allowance (FHA)

Farm Household Allowance (FHA) customer going overseas

Farm Household Allowance (FHA) clock

Death of a Farm Household Allowance (FHA) customer or partner

Eligibility and payability for Farm Household Allowance (FHA)

Mutual obligations, failures and exemptions from the activity test for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) customers

How users create a myGov account and link services

Using myGov accounts

Centrelink self service - access status, locking and unlocking

Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) or Update (PPU) authority

Rate and payment of Farm Household Allowance

Social Service Plans (SSP)