Employment income options online 133-04180030
This document outlines options for customers using their Centrelink online account. They can advise a change to their employment status and check when they need to report, their reporting history and their working, credit, income bank or work bonus balances. Principal carer customers can also provide a reason if they are unable to meet their mutual obligation requirements.
Commenced work
Customers with a notification or statement reporting requirement can use the Report employment income (REI) service to confirm and report Single Touch Payroll (STP) employment details. In some cases, the STP data may have already changed a notification reporter to a statement reporter.
Customers with a notification reporting requirement can also use the Report employment income (REI) service to report non-STP employment income if they:
- have been paid employment income in the last 2 weeks, and
- get one of these payments:
- ABSTUDY Living Allowance
- Austudy
- Youth Allowance (YA) (student)
- Age Pension (AGE)
- Age Pension (Blind) with Rent Assistance (RA)
- Parenting Payment (PP) (single or partnered)
- Carer Payment (CP)
When employment income is submitted by the REI service, the customer, and in some cases their partner, are placed on a 2 weekly statement reporting requirement.
Eligible customers can also update their partner's reporting requirements when permission to enquire is confirmed.
Note: this service cannot be used if the partner is receiving one of the following income support payments:
- Age Pension (Blind) or Disability Support Pension (DSP) (Blind) without Rent Assistance (RA)
- Disability Support Pension (DSP)
Stopped work
Customers who have current Single Touch Payroll (STP) employment details can confirm they've stopped work in their reporting task when an STP employer advises of cessation details.
A customer (and their partner, if applicable) will revert to the reporting profile of their payment type, after 6 entitlement periods when they do not have any other employment income, mutual obligation or participation requirements, and:
- the customer confirms cessation of work reported by the STP employer, or
- the STP employer reports no cessation data and no pay events for 6 entitlement periods
Customers who had been placed onto reporting due to non-STP employment income will be changed back to a notification reporter when there are no longer 2 instances of employment income in the last 6 entitlement periods.
Next reporting periods
Customers who need to report can view:
- their reporting periods for the next 12 weeks
- the day and date they need to report for each of those reporting periods
- dates of any changes to reporting periods due to holiday processing arrangements
Customers who report fortnightly can view up to 6 of their next reporting dates and reporting periods. The next reporting periods are updated in real time and always display all reports for the next 12 weeks.
Customers who need to report but are not eligible to report online can still view their next reporting dates. Notification customers who cannot report will not be able to see any reporting dates.
View and update employment income
Statement and notification reporting customers can update their employment income details online. They can do this through their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. All statement reporting customers, and some notification reporting customers, can use the Report employment income service to do this.
Statement and eligible notification reporting customers can:
- edit existing employment details. This includes hours, amount or frequency
- delete existing employment income (does not apply to notification reporters)
- add new employment income
They can do this for up to 6 of their past submitted reports. They can also view and edit their partner's employment income if they have permission to enquire. Note: confirmed Single Touch Payroll (STP) employment income cannot be updated using this service.
The employment income for each fortnight may show as one-off or continuing.
A message shows if the customer did not report any details for that fortnight.
Customers who stop working, or pension customers who need to update their monthly income, must contact Services Australia to report this.
For notification reporting customers, go to Reporting employment income online.
Customers can also view the current balance and history of their:
- Working Credit, for job seekers
- Income Bank, for students and apprentices
- Work Bonus, for pensioners of Age Pension age
Job seekers unable to meet mutual obligation requirements
Eligible job seekers not able to meet their mutual obligation requirements can advise of a reasonable excuse. If none of the listed reasons apply, they can select Other and enter a reason or No Longer Undertaking Activity. If they select Other or No Longer Undertaking Activity, they are advised to contact Services Australia:
- to discuss their circumstances further
- have relevant updates made to their record, and
- have their report completed
The Resources page contains links to the Services Australia website.
Related links
Accessing and using Centrelink self service
Reporting employment income online
View Work Bonus balance online
Income and assets options online
Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements
Reporting requirements for students and Australian Apprentices