Eligibility and presumption of parentage (PoP) for a child support assessment 277-03010030
Application for a child support assessment resources
See Resources in Application for a child support assessment.
User Guide
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History of section 29 - Presumption of parentage
Written Statutory Declarations
Customers use this form to make a statutory declaration if they and the other person named in the child support application are named on the birth certificate for the child/ren.
Customers use this form to declare they are a parent of the child/ren named in the child support application.
Non-parent carers use this form if the person named in the child support application is named on the birth certificate for the child/ren.
Digital Statutory Declarations
A statutory declaration can also be done digitally using myGov and the customer’s Digital ID.
A declaration completed in myGov does not need to be witnessed.
A declaration done in myGov for the purpose of confirming parentage should include the full name and date of birth of the child/ren related to the declaration, and include one of the following statements:
- the person completing the declaration is a parent of the child/ren named in the declaration
- the person completing the declaration is entered in a register of births, or a register of births in a reciprocating jurisdiction, as a parent of the child/ren named in the declaration
- another person is entered in a register of births, or a register of births in a reciprocating jurisdiction, as a parent of the child/ren named in the declaration. The declaration must include the full name of that other person and their date of birth if it is known