Manage and process a change of assessment (COA) application 277-03120020
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S75 Decision template
S75 CDM – Recommendation and decision template
The below letters are currently being reviewed and approved by the Correspondence Branch
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UQ190.04 Application or response or documents being returned due to offensive content
UQ190.01 Application or response or correspondence or CTP withdrawn
UQ190.07 Request for contact re application - Respondent
UQ190.05 Non-parent carer case - Confirming application received - Applicant
UQ190.06 Non-parent carer case - Application or response received - Respondent
Endorsed letters on the Operational Blueprint letter and electronic messaging page:
UQ190.00 Additional change of assessment information
UQ196.00 We have sent you an important email
FS8.00 Unique s161/s120 Employer schedule
Endorsed letters via the COA letter macro:
UQ190.01 Letter when additional information has been received form either party
UQ190.08 Letter to applicant response and cross application
UQ191.00 Letter when additional information has been received from either party or we have obtained information during the COA process
Separated parents’ calculators – including Child Support formula calculators to assist general and specialist staff, including Decision Makers (DMs)/Part 6A Objections/COA staff, calculate parents’ child support payments.
Supporting Resources
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Do not release these attachments externally. See Information Publication Scheme.Electronic File Management
COA Reason 2 and FTB implications
Terminating events and their effect on COA applications
Minimum Collection
Reason 2 - Centrelink referral changes
COA process - Customer Contact