Care objections 277-09170010
The Child Support Guide 4.1: Objections
The Child Support Guide 4.1.2: Decisions made under the CSA Act to which a parent may object
The Child Support Guide 4.1.4: Can an objection decision be made?
The Child Support Guide 4.1.6: Making a decision to allow or disallow an objection
The Child Support Guide 4.1.8: Care percentage decisions
The Child Support Guide 4.2.2: Decisions which can be reviewed by the ART
The Child Support Guide 2.9.5: Amending assessments
The Child Support Guide 5.5.4: Suspending payments to payees
The Child Support Guide 6.3: Privacy, secrecy and proof of identity
The Child Support Guide 6.3.6: Authorised representatives
Links to the Federal Register of Legislation go to a 'Series' page. Selecting the ‘Latest’ version.
Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988
- section 4 – Definition of 'administrative assessment'
- section 4 - Definition of 'appealable refusal decision'
- section 4 – Definition of 'appealable collection refusal decision'
- section 4 – Definition of 'ART'
- section 79B – Suspension determinations
- Part VII – Internal objection procedures for certain decisions
- section 79D – Simplified outline
- section 79E – Object of this Part
- section 80 - Decisions against which objections may be lodged
- section 80A - Objections against care percentage decisions
- section 81 – Time limits on lodging objections
- section 84 - Grounds of objection
- section 85 - Registrar to serve copies of objections and accompanying documents on other parties
- section 86 - Other party may oppose objection
- section 87 - Consideration of objections by Registrar
- section 87AA - Date of effect of objections relating to care percentage decisions that are allowed
- Part VIIA – Review by Administrative Review Tribunal
Delegations and authorisations
Child Support Services, Delegations and Authorisations
Decision Makers (internal)
- authorised to make decision on objections to care decisions
- authorised to make decisions to apply actual care in special circumstances
- authorised to decide date of effect of an objection decision regarding care percentage (where the objection is lodged outside 28 days and there are special circumstances)
Service Officer (SO6)
- authorised to make decision on including care percentage objections including under s52
- authorised to decide date of effect of an objection decision regarding care percentage (where the objection is lodged outside 28 days and there are special circumstances)
- authorised to make decisions to apply actual care in special circumstances
General Objections Service Officer (SO5) and all higher levels
- authorised to make decision on including care percentage objections including under s52
- authorised to decide date of effect of an objection decision regarding care percentage (where the objection is lodged outside 28 days and there are special circumstances)
- authorised to make decisions to apply actual care in special circumstances
General Objections Service Officer (SO4)
authorised to make decisions on care percentage objections (not care percentage under s52)
Service Officer (SO4) and all higher levels
- authorised to serve objections and accompanying documents on other parties
- authorised to decide date of effect of an objection decision regarding care percentage (where the objection is lodged outside 28 days and there are special circumstances)