Care objections 277-09170010
This document outlines the process for Objection Officers taking care objections. It includes taking objections to care percentage decisions by phone, and when a customer disagrees with the date of event of a care change. The procedure is for Child Support Objections Officers at all levels (APS4 – APS6).
On this page:
Care considerations for care percentage decisions
Centrelink review of care decisions
Care objection received
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Objection received by phone or in writing + Read more ... Did the customer lodge the objection by phone?
2 |
Objection received within the relevant timeframe + Read more ... Did the customer lodge their objection within the relevant timeframe?
3 |
Determine which service delivery area should make objection decision + Read more ... Encourage the customer (including non-mutual customers) to lodge their objection with the service delivery area that made the original decision. Note: if the customer is objecting to the revocation date of the care decision, not the date of effect, Child Support must make the objection decision. They do so, even if Centrelink made the original decision. The customer is objecting to the particulars of the assessment, not a care percentage decision. They must object in writing. Is the customer a mutual customer?
4 |
Check potential duplicate applications + Read more ... Check if Centrelink are conducting a review. Check either the External Information window or the Care window. Is Centrelink conducting a review?
5 |
Centrelink are conducting a review + Read more ... The External Information window will display as APPL in the Type field if Centrelink are conducting:
If this is unclear from the Cuba records, check Centrelink systems and/or refer via the Centrelink CSP information exchange macro to confirm the original decision review status:
If Centrelink is conducting a review for the same care percentage decision and the original decision was made by:
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Original care percentage decision maker + Read more ... If the original care percentage decision was made by:
7 |
Taking the objection + Read more ... Load care objections into the Objection Maintenance window while the customer is on the phone. Document the information in real time using the Objections first contact macro. Discuss with the customer:
When recording an objection to a care decision over the phone:
If the customer lodges the objection outside the relevant timeframe, ask them if any special circumstances made them unable to lodge an objection earlier. If special circumstances exist, ask for evidence to support their claims. This will help determine the date of effect should the objection be successful. See Child Support objection received out of time – Extension of time and Special Circumstance application. If the customer has not given enough evidence during the discussion, ask them to provide more information or documentation. Set a timeframe for them to provide the information. Ensure the customer has the correct fax number and/or address. Ensure they know they can provide supporting documentation using the The macro will generate and send an objection letter. |
8 |
Possible Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) content + Read more ... Note: Where cues indicate there is a risk or occurrence of family and domestic violence, see Family and domestic violence. Taking a Care Objection by phone results in real-time redaction. The Service Officer taking the objection can decide not to record possible FDV content. This is not a decision that the objection is not properly made. E.g., if a customer used obscene language that was deemed offensive while lodging an objection, the Service Officer is unlikely to document that content as part of the objection. Use judgement while taking a Care Objection by phone to identify possible FDV content. Focus on the grounds relevant to the decision, filtering out irrelevant content. Reading the grounds of their objection back to the customer ensures all the necessary and relevant content is recorded before it is accepted. |
9 |
Contact respondent + Read more ... Contact the respondent/s to the objection to provide them with the opportunity to respond. Refer to Child Support Objections to determine appropriate contact requirements based on the customer’s individual circumstances. Note: there may be more than one respondent, e.g., in a case involving a non-parent carer. Write to the respondent if the first contact attempt is unsuccessful then continue contact attempts by phone. If there is no reasonable basis to conclude that the decision may be wrong advise the respondent:
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Document + Read more ... Use the Objection First Contact macro to document the respondent discussion, including:
If required, use the Objection letters macro to generate either the:
Paste the relevant 'acknowledgement of objection' respondent text into an MX01 - Unique letter. Attach to the letter:
Update the Objection Maintenance window notepad to reflect the letters sent. For information about care percentage decisions, see Table 2. For information on how to finalise a Centrelink review and/or a subsequent ART review, see Table 3. To continue with the objection process go to Gather evidence relating to Child Support objections. |
Care considerations for care percentage decisions
Table 2: this table describes the process for dealing with care considerations for care percentage decisions with notification dates on or after 1 July 2010 (3 March 2011 for WA ex nuptial).
Step |
Action |
1 |
Determine if new care determination can be made + Read more ... For care percentage decisions made after 1 July 2010 (3 March 2011 for WA ex nup) a new care determination can only be made where the existing determination can be revoked. The new care determination starts the day after the existing care determination is revoked. An existing care determination will be revoked when:
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Changes to disputed care arrangements + Read more ... The Social Services Legislation Amendment (Child Support and Family Assistance Technical Amendments) Act 2024 has changed the interim/disputed care rules.
3 |
Date of effect + Read more ... If a person lodges the objection within the relevant timeframe, the objection decision will replace the original care percentage decision. Note: allow up to 12 days extra for postal service times. If the customer lodged the objection outside the relevant time frame, the customer may ask Child Support to consider special circumstances that made them unable to lodge the objection earlier. See Child Support objection received out of time - Extension of time and Special Circumstance application. Use the letter issued by Child Support as the first date on which the customer notified of the decision. This applies even when Centrelink made the original care decision. Centrelink only notify their customers in writing in very limited situations. They do not notify the other party of the outcome of an original care decision if that person is not receiving FTB for the child. The first notification of a care decision a customer receives will most likely be the Child Support letter. The customer may indicate that Centrelink notified them before they received the first letter from Child Support. If this occurs, that date is the date of notification instead. |
4 |
Care suspension periods and objections + Read more ... From 1 July 2018, a care suspension period may apply if a customer advises a change in care:
For more information see Notification of change in child support care from 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases). Note: care suspension periods do not apply to WA Ex-nuptial children if the Agency was notified of the care change before 15 May 2019. If a customer lodges an objection outside the relevant timeframe and there are no special circumstances, the objection decision applies from the date the customer lodged the objection. This applies even if the care determination from the objection would otherwise change the decision about suspension of the assessment. If a customer lodges an objection outside the relevant timeframe and there are no special circumstances and the original care determination:
See the Child Support Objections Resources page for examples of care suspension periods and objections. |
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Care terminating events and objections + Read more ... From 1 July 2018, a care terminating event will occur if:
For more information, see Notification of change in child support care from 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases). Note: care terminating events do not apply to WA Ex-nuptial children if the Agency was notified of the care change before 15 May 2019. If a customer lodges an objection outside the relevant timeframe and there are no special circumstances, apply the decision from the date they lodged the objection. This is the case, even if the care determination from the objection would otherwise change the decision about the terminating event. If:
See the Resources page for examples of care terminating events and objections. |
Centrelink review of care decisions
Table 3: this table describes the process for dealing with the finalisation of a Centrelink review and subsequent review by the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) of a care decision. This table does not apply to ART review decisions made following a Child Support objection.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Centrelink finalised review of care decisions (care objections) + Read more ... When Centrelink makes a review decision for a mutual customer, Child Support must apply that decision to the child support assessment. Apply care percentage objections or review decisions made for mutual customers to:
When Centrelink have made the decision a Care - Review of Decision Rcvd intray will generate. This happens when:
For more information see the Table 4 in Cuba intrays Cuba Process Help. Instances when the Care - Review of Decision Rcvd intray does not generate Child Support may become aware that a Centrelink review of a care percentage or an ART review of a Centrelink decision has been finalised without an intray generating. Investigate and apply the decision to the Child Support assessment following the same processing steps. If a non-mutual customer requested a review or appeal and/or there is no record in CUBA, ask for the date the review was lodged with Centrelink/the ART. See Centrelink - Child Support information exchange for more information. |
2 |
Centrelink Secretary initiated review or Authorised Review Officer (ARO) review - lodged within the relevant timeframe + Read more ... The review decision will take effect from the date the original decision took effect. The exception will be if the review decision changes the date of event. In that case, apply the new date, as determined by the review. If the customer makes an application for an ART first review of a Centrelink decision within the relevant timeframe, the ART decision will apply from the date the original decision took effect. Using the unique letter function in Cuba, update the following letter templates with the appropriate information:
Send the letter to the customers. See Table 4 in Make decision and finalise Child Support objection for information about updating the date these letters were sent in Cuba. See the Table 1 in Letters Cuba Process Help, and Objections Cuba Process Help. |
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Centrelink review or a subsequent ART first review lodged outside the relevant timeframe + Read more ... The review decision will take effect from the date the review was requested or the Secretary initiated review was decided: If the application for ART first review of a Centrelink decision was made outside the relevant timeframe of the customer being notified of the review decision, the ART first review decision will take effect from the date the ART first review was requested. The customer who applied for the Centrelink review or a subsequent ART review can request Child Support to consider special circumstances. Special circumstances cannot be considered for a Secretary initiated review of decision. See the References for more information about relevant policy. Create a unique letter using pre-approved text UQ51.03 - Objection to care percentage review - Applicant. Address it to the customer who requested the Centrelink internal review or the subsequent ART review. See Standard response timeframes to determine the appropriate due date. A customer may wish to discuss a special circumstances application for the review. Warm transfer the customer to Objections. They will review the special circumstances and make a decision, see Table 2. Finalise the decision for these cases within 28 days of the applicant asking Child Support to consider special circumstances. If a customer does not contact Child Support within the specified time to lodge a special circumstances application, finalise the care records by:
Advise both customers when a decision about special circumstances is made. Also advise them of their ART appeal rights in writing. See: |
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Making an objection decision where the Centrelink ARO or SME has already reviewed the same care percentage decision + Read more ... Child Support must still make an objection decision if:
However Child Support is unable to change the care percentage determined by the Centrelink review. 'Hold' the objection until the outcome of the review is known. When Centrelink finalise the internal review of a care percentage decision, apply the care percentages determined by the Centrelink review to the child support assessment. This is subject to the date of effect requirements, in Step 2 in Table 2. At the same time, finalise the pending Child Support objection. Inform both parties about the objection outcome by sending an MX14-1 Outcome of objection (non-NAP) letter with the relevant output from the Objections statement of reasons macro attached. For more information, refer to Instructions for finalising SOR with duplicate care decisions located on the Resources page. |