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Management of documents sent to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) 277-09180030

Document preparation – all ART Appeal reviews

Every review will have notepads, letters and documents. There are a handful of specific notepads, letters, documents and Cuba screen prints to be included in addition, depending on the type of decision being reviewed.

For help see an SSO/Team Leader.

Table 1

ART document standards


Order of document content

Prepare all documents in this order

  • Index (via electronic bookmarks)
  • ART Record of application
  • Written ART application if provided by applicant to ART
  • Objection decision letter/s and Statement of Reasons (objection decision)
  • Child Support Assessment notice (if objection resulted in changes to liability rates)
  • Relevant other letters, documents and notepads in chronological order (Oldest to Newest)
  • Cuba Screen Prints

Standard letters, documents and notepads

Include in all documents

  • Notepads relevant to the original decision, include all:
    • phone conversations
    • attempted contacts
    • contact letters
    • documents provided by both parties
  • Copies of any child support sourced information, relied upon in the making of the original decision, e.g. payslips or group certificates
  • Notepad recording the original decision. This is not required if the full text of the original decision is included in letters
  • All conversations that advised the parties of their objection rights
  • Letters to both parties notifying them of the original decision including the attached assessment notices
  • Any relevant letters/notices (e.g. New Child Support Period, Assessment Notices etc.) which have bearing on the decision under review
  • Copy of objection documents received from the objector, including:
    • the written objection (or notepad capturing the verbal objection if care)
    • any submitted evidence to support the claims
  • Copy of acknowledgement letter to objector
  • Copy of ROR letter sent to respondent
  • Copy of any responses received to the objection from the other party
  • Copies of any letters exchanging additional evidence during the objection process
  • Copies of any additional child support sourced information, relied upon in the making of the objection decision, e.g. payslips or group certificates
  • Notepads recording:
    • conversations and documents provided relating to the objection
    • objection decision discussions with both parties
    • relevant conversations with either party after the objection decision
  • Copies of any relevant information received after the objection decision

See A to Z list of extra inclusions for specific appeal types.

Cuba screen prints

In most cases letters and notices will contain sufficient information, however if the Service Officer identifies that a Cuba screen print contains relevant information that has not otherwise been provided, it should be included.

Document preparation – specific appeal types

A to Z list of extra inclusions for specific appeal types

Notepads, letters, documents and Cuba screen prints to consider for the type of decision being appealed.

Table 2


Relevant period

Items to include when building an ART file

Extension of assessment/agreement after age 18 (A18)

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • letters sent to customers 3 months before the child turned 18 advising they can apply for an extension
  • Customer Application Details window
  • Child Details window for A18 child

ART EOT – S93(2) document for ART extension of time to appeal

When a customer has lodged a request for review by the ART, and the application was lodged outside of the ART time limits, the ART will need to consider whether to grant an extension of time to appeal (EOT to appeal).

The document will be prepared in the same manner as if it is being prepared for a substantive matter. Refer to the relevant

‘Special Variations’ for the substantive appeal type of the underlying decision in dispute.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • all conversations/contacts where the option to apply for an ART review was discussed, whether during or after the objection decision
  • any discussions, notepads or documents provided by the customer about the reasons for the delay in making the appeal to the ART

Note: only send documents to the ART. Do not send documents to either party. If the ART grants the EOT, then a new review number will be provided, and the updated documents will then be provided to the party/s to the review.
Redactions: should apply in the same manner as a substantive matter.


  • The relevant period for an Agreement will depend on what aspect of the Agreement is in dispute
  • For:
    • Acceptance of the Agreement – relevant period is from the start date or made on date of the agreement
    • Particulars of the agreement applying (or not applying) – relevant period is from the date which the objecting party believes Agreement clause should have been applied (or should not have been applied)
    • Agreement suspension/termination due to the payee under the agreement ceasing to be an eligible carer – relevant period is from the date the Agreement payee ceased to be an eligible carer
    • Termination of, or refusal to terminate, an Agreement due to clause/s within the Agreement – relevant period is from date the Agreement has been ended (or the date from which the objecting party believes the Agreement should have been ended)

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • copy of the Agreement and Legal Certificates (if applicable)
  • copy of the application for acceptance of the Agreement or the Cuba notepad if verbal application for acceptance
  • Periodic rates, Formula Modification, Inflation and Clauses window where applicable to the agreement
  • the latest, and previous, Notional Assessment and Provisional Notional Assessment windows and letters are only required if the objection decision being reviewed is the termination of a Limited Agreement due to changes to the Notional Assessment (or the refusal of a request to terminate the Agreement due to changes to the Notional Assessment). In that case a copy of the written election attempting to elect to terminate the Limited Agreement should also be included

Application for Assessment (disputed on grounds other than parentage)

The relevant period for an appeal against the Application for Assessment is from the date the application.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • MAFA retrieved from Pluto
  • copy of contact letters issued during registration process
  • if the application for assessment was refused as a care decision found no party was an eligible carer, include that care decision


The relevant period for a Care appeal is from the date of event of the original change in care, up to the time a new care decision is made.
Care details are also needed for the care period preceding the relevant period.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • notepad which recorded the original notification of the care change
  • if the original decision was made by Centrelink, information and documents from Centrelink systems
  • if the original decision was made by SGT or IC, check Customer First for information, letters, evidence (unless they are duplicated in Cuba and already a part of the document)
  • copy of court orders or parenting plans which are relevant to care (these may pre-date the relevant period)
  • Family court reports are not to be included unless relevant
  • If care percentage at registration is under review MAFA retrieved from Pluto
  • Care window using the ‘ALL CARE’ view type for each child subject to the decision in the relevant period. Each care period to be highlighted and captured in turn. For each care period, include the information behind the ‘Use Date’ button

Change of Assessment (COA)

The relevant period for a Part 6A COA appeal is from 18 months prior to the original COA application through until

now, or the end of the RVA.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • copy of the application, and any cross application, for Change of Assessment made by either parent or the Registrar (CTP)
  • all relevant documents stored in the CTP, COA and Objection Electronic Document
  • copy of all particulars in regards to a decision to credit or not credit a relevant NAP, including related Communication notepad entries (e.g. Reason 2, 3 and 5)
  • any information, evidence or documents supplied for other processes which may contain relevant information, such as hardship applications and debt repayment negotiations
  • relevant land title searches and information from litigation or other referrals (Reason 5 or 8)
  • notepads discussing topics that may be relevant to the COA reason such as, care, caring obligations, new employment, moving address, quitting employment etc.
  • Formula Modification window – select ‘Display All
  • Clauses and inflation window if present
  • Case Collection Details and Case Collection history windows showing private collect and Child Support collect periods from start of case
  • Payer Maintenance Liability window, from the Case window, for the relevant period


The relevant period includes all assessments overlapping with the start of the Initial Estimate to the end of that financial year.

Note: even if the Estimate/Amended estimate in dispute is not the Initial Estimate for the financial year, all the

assessments from the start date of the Initial Estimate for the financial year, up the assessment period in which the 30 June end of the financial year falls, should be included.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • any notepads detailing the discussion about the Estimate/Amended estimate, including:
    • any attempts to lodge one, even if it did not fully comply with the requirements for a valid estimate
    • whether the customer declined to make an Estimate/Amended estimate
    • whether the customer did not take action to provide the full information needed for an Estimate/Amended estimate should also be included

Estimate reconciliation

The relevant period includes all assessments overlapping with the start of the Initial Estimate to the end of that financial year..

  • In addition to all ART appeal documents include: the further windows behind the Reconciling income line, including the:
    • Reconciling Estimate Income window
    • Reconciliation Calculator window
    • Details of Child support income/Allowable Deductions window
  • Year to Date (YTD) – include full details of the YTD changes, if the YTD details has been updated:
    • by the customer electing under s63AC to update the YTD amount before the estimate reconciliation, or
    • by the Registrar deciding under s63AD to update the YTD amount after an estimate reconciliation)
  • if the Registrar has refused make any change under s63AD to update the YTD amount after an estimate reconciliation, include full details of that decision

Disputed application for Fixed Annual Rate (FAR) not to apply

The relevant period for a FAR will be for the entire child support period (CS Period) to which the FAR application applies.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • The CS Period, highlighting relevant period and showing details of FAR/MAR window, and the FAR/MAR History window with the period under appeal highlighted
  • Income window for the parent who applied for the FAR not to apply. Highlight the income for the Last Relevant Year (LRYI) that relates to the CS Period in which the accepted or refused FAR not to apply assessment period falls so the ISP box is visible
  • Benefit window n (and Client Benefit History window as it is possible that a customer who is not currently in receipt of a benefit may have been during the relevant period)

Disputed application for Minimum Annual Rate (MAR) not to apply

The relevant period for MAR will be for the entire child support period (CS Period) to which the MAR application applies.

In addition to all ART appeal document, include:

  • the CS Period, highlighting relevant period and showing details of FAR/MAR window, and the FAR/MAR History window with the period under appeal highlighted
  • Income window for the parent who applied for the MAR not to apply. Highlight the income for the Last Relevant Year (LRYI) that relates to the CS Period in which the accepted or refused MAR not to apply assessment period falls so the ISP box is visible
  • Benefit window (and Client Benefit History window as it is possible that a customer who is not currently in receipt of a benefit may have been during the relevant period)

Non-agency payment (NAP)

The relevant period for a NAP Appeal will be from the date of payment of the NAP/PNAP.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • copies of any court orders, child support agreements or change of assessment decisions relating to the NAP/PNAP
  • Payee Maintenance Liability window (for the relevant case)
  • the following windows should be added for the NAP/PNAP claim in the decision under review, then repeated in order for any subsequent or previous similar NAP/PNAP payments:
    • NAP List by Case window (highlighting the relevant entry)
    • Expanded NAP Details window
    • Expanded NAP Item window
    • Each separate NAP item highlighted and captured

Opt-In/Opt-In Arrears Amount

Include the following:

  • Opt in – production window (showing details of both the opt in date, and the opt in arrears period and amount of opt in arrears accepted)
  • Payer Maintenance liability window, highlighting any opt in arrears amount also raised
  • if there have been any later changes to the amount of opt in arrears (e.g., due to subsequent variations to the assessment rate payable for the opt in arrears period, or due to adjustments to the ‘Amount Paid to Date’ portion of the opt in arrears calculation), highlight the subsequent variation/s to opt in arrears liability in the maintenance account
  • Case Liability Rates window for relevant period. Full ‘History’ and ‘details of assessments’ will not be needed, unless there have been variations to the Opt-in arrears amount

Post Separation Income

The relevant period will include all assessments for the child support period (CS Period) to which the application for PSI exclusion relates.

In addition to all ART appeal document, include:

  • Income window of applicant parent, showing highlighted:
    • details of the applicant parent’s ATI from the last financial year that ended prior to the parents’ last separation date, and
    • the Last Relevant Year (LRYI) Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) that the applicant sought to have reduced by the PSI exclusion application
  • if the applicant parent has made an application for PSI exclusion from an Estimate or Amended estimate, also include all details of that Estimate/Amended estimate
  • Post Separation Income window for applicant parent, highlighting the relevant entry

Refusal of EOT to Object

Prepare the document in the same manner as if it is being prepared for a substantive matter. Refer to the relevant Special Variations for the substantive appeal type as per the underlying decision in dispute.

The only exception to this is with a Part 6A Appeal. The relevant period for an EOT to Object for a Part 6A Objection begins from the original COA application date or the beginning of the RVA, whichever is earlier. T

here is no requirement to build the document to include information 18 months prior to the COA application date for an EOT to Object appeal.

Include all conversations/contacts where the option to object, and any discussions, notepads or documents provided by the customer about the reasons for the delay in making their objection.

Registration of liabilities (other than Child Support assessment liabilities)

The relevant period for an appeal against the registration is from the date the application was made.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • notepads documenting the registration of the international assessment/overseas court order/maintenance order/Adult child maintenance order/spousal maintenance order
  • copy of such documents provided by either party, or central authority
  • if applicable, include the following:
    • copy of NZ in case calculator
    • foreign dollar conversion notepad/Scrutiny sheet
    • residency decision if made and relevant
    • history of any accepted or rejected relevant Australian assessment/registration for same child

Relevant dependant

The relevant period for an appeal against the addition or refusal to add relevant dependant is from the date the application was made.

In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:

  • Care window:
    • select each Relevant Dependent under appeal with All Care, and
    • highlight relevant care period for the child
  • if the original notification was from FAO data transfer include External Information Care window

Remittance - Late Payment Penalties (LPP)

Remittance of penalties is a one party appeal – Do not send any documents to the second party.

The relevant period for a refusal to remit late payment penalties appeal begins from the month in which the penalty under consideration first began accumulating, until the current day.

Include the following:

  • discussion notes regarding debt collection and any LPP remission offers
  • any history of approving or rejecting requests to remit LPPs
  • Late Payment Penalty Submission window found in Collection Window (CW) and associated notepads. Be guided by the submission for other relevant windows e.g. assessment or account periods
  • Client Penalty Details window select LPP

Remittance - Estimate Penalties

Remittance of penalties is a one party appeal – Do not send any documents to the second party.

The relevant period for a refusal to remit estimate penalties appeal begins from the recording of the initial estimate until the current day.

Include the following:

  • Client Penalty Details window select Estimate Penalties
  • the Reconciling income line from the Income window and further windows behind the Reconciling income line, including the:
    • Reconciling Estimate Income window
    • Reconciliation Calculator window
    • any associated notepads
  • Income window showing history of estimates
  • any history of approving or rejecting requests to remit estimate penalties

Build the file using Adobe Professional X1

Table 3




To build a consistent quality document, the following Adobe settings are needed. This enables:

  • searchable text, where possible, subject to document quality
  • bookmarks, which allows quick location and identification of specific material within a document

Order to build documents

See Process page > Table 2, Step 8.

Scan page alert

While building the document, run character analysis when prompted. This helps the redaction process.

Document naming convention

All material included in the ART document needs to be assigned a file name, so the content is identifiable when collating into ADOBE ACROBAT.

Documents are identified by assigning a unique document name to each document type included in the bundle.

The purpose of the document naming conventions is to:

  • make sure the document is built in ascending chronological order
  • make each document uniquely identifiable and accessible for compliance and privacy checking
  • minimise ‘drag and drop’ as a requirement in managing chronological order
  • reduce the incidence and likelihood of injury by minimising mouse clicks and movement
  • enable easy identification and correction of misnamed document

Default document names

Some documents need to be in specific positions within the document. To make this happen, default document names are assigned.

Document names

Documents of more than one page existing separately (Letters, CSA Online, Cuba Notepads) need each page to be assigned an index number to make sure they are in the correct order (oldest to newest) when combined.

See examples in letters, CSA Online.


Letters need to be at top of each date range and are assigned a higher index to make sure that occurs.

E.g., an assessment notice issued 23 May 2015, its assigned document name would be


20150523 9999

The 9999 index is applied to the last (Bottom) page and the rest of the pages are indexed in descending order upwards.

View Correspondence

Using the letters example above, Correspondence received 23 May 2015 would be assigned index 0001, document name 20150523 0001, this enables it to be correctly placed under the last page of assessment notice 23 May 2015, document name 20150523 9999.

CSA Online

CSA online correspondence needs ‘manual handling’ as Service Officers cannot be print/save notepads and attachments as single document but need to capture all communication. In this example, 3 documents need to be created.

Communication notepads

Notepad document names are saved using DDMMYY and time.

E.g., the document name is 20140527 1413 After 4pm to confirm if Leanne has stay order from court.

Collection Window notepad

Assign a default times as there is no time recorded on these notepads. Using 24H clock counting backwards from midnight.

Save the notepad with document name 20140512 2359

Is the first Collection Window notepad on this date, so default time of 2359 is assigned. Any additional notepads in Collection Window on this date would be assigned the next descending number, e.g. the next document name would be 20140512 2358. Only the last digit needs changing.

Past NTDs

Most previous NTDs can be retrieved via SHR drive and can be saved simply by ‘printing’ and

saving as per naming conventions.

e.g. For a NTD decision made on 25th May 2011 the document name is

20110525 9999. Add a marker for reference and visibility 20110525 9999NTD

Relevant material collated

Check for document name consistency, rename/ correct if needed.

Prepare to combine documents

Go to Adobe

Select Create > Combine files into single PDF > Switch to List View

Select Options and make sure the below Other options are ticked

  • Always add bookmarks to Adobe PDF
  • Continue combining if an error occurs
  • Show page numbers in Thumbnail View
  • Convert all documents to PDF when creating a portfolio

Select OK

Combine files

Select All > right mouse Combine Files in Acrobat

Select Combine Files


Remove existing bookmarks and assign new bookmarks to create an index to help the user go to the specific material in the document.

Add the following standout bookmarks as applicable:

  • SCREEN PRINTS (if included)

Bookmarks are easily applied after the document is combined. To edit and rename existing bookmarks:

To view applied Bookmarks, select Bookmarks tab from the side menu.

Within the combined PDF document select the Bookmark tab from the left Tool bar

To rename the existing bookmarks as required:

  • Select the bookmark to rename, right mouse click > Rename:
    • Key the name of the bookmark e.g. Record of application
  • Select enter

Repeat renaming all Bookmarks as required.


mySupport webforms:

  • Create, transfer or Retrieve a Corporate File
  • Corporate File Return


Do not share this attachment externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngAccess and disclosure of AUSTRAC information

ART review resources

See the Resources page in Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) applications against Child Support for the suite of ART tools and resources.