Management of documents sent to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) 277-09180030
Document preparation – all ART Appeal reviews
Every review will have notepads, letters and documents. There are a handful of specific notepads, letters, documents and Cuba screen prints to be included in addition, depending on the type of decision being reviewed.
For help see an SSO/Team Leader.
Table 1
ART document standards |
Description |
Order of document content |
Prepare all documents in this order
Standard letters, documents and notepads |
Include in all documents
See A to Z list of extra inclusions for specific appeal types. |
Cuba screen prints |
In most cases letters and notices will contain sufficient information, however if the Service Officer identifies that a Cuba screen print contains relevant information that has not otherwise been provided, it should be included. |
Document preparation – specific appeal types
A to Z list of extra inclusions for specific appeal types
Notepads, letters, documents and Cuba screen prints to consider for the type of decision being appealed.
Table 2
Term |
Relevant period |
Items to include when building an ART file |
Extension of assessment/agreement after age 18 (A18) |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
ART EOT – S93(2) document for ART extension of time to appeal |
When a customer has lodged a request for review by the ART, and the application was lodged outside of the ART time limits, the ART will need to consider whether to grant an extension of time to appeal (EOT to appeal). The document will be prepared in the same manner as if it is being prepared for a substantive matter. Refer to the relevant ‘Special Variations’ for the substantive appeal type of the underlying decision in dispute. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Note: only send documents to the ART. Do not send documents to either party. If the ART grants the EOT, then a new review number will be provided, and the updated documents will then be provided to the party/s to the review. |
Agreement |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Application for Assessment (disputed on grounds other than parentage) |
The relevant period for an appeal against the Application for Assessment is from the date the application. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Care |
The relevant period for a Care appeal is from the date of event of the original change in care, up to the time a new care decision is made. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Change of Assessment (COA) |
The relevant period for a Part 6A COA appeal is from 18 months prior to the original COA application through until now, or the end of the RVA. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Estimate |
The relevant period includes all assessments overlapping with the start of the Initial Estimate to the end of that financial year. Note: even if the Estimate/Amended estimate in dispute is not the Initial Estimate for the financial year, all the assessments from the start date of the Initial Estimate for the financial year, up the assessment period in which the 30 June end of the financial year falls, should be included. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Estimate reconciliation |
The relevant period includes all assessments overlapping with the start of the Initial Estimate to the end of that financial year.. |
Disputed application for Fixed Annual Rate (FAR) not to apply |
The relevant period for a FAR will be for the entire child support period (CS Period) to which the FAR application applies. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Disputed application for Minimum Annual Rate (MAR) not to apply |
The relevant period for MAR will be for the entire child support period (CS Period) to which the MAR application applies. |
In addition to all ART appeal document, include:
Non-agency payment (NAP) |
The relevant period for a NAP Appeal will be from the date of payment of the NAP/PNAP. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Opt-In/Opt-In Arrears Amount |
Include the following:
Post Separation Income |
The relevant period will include all assessments for the child support period (CS Period) to which the application for PSI exclusion relates. |
In addition to all ART appeal document, include:
Refusal of EOT to Object |
Prepare the document in the same manner as if it is being prepared for a substantive matter. Refer to the relevant Special Variations for the substantive appeal type as per the underlying decision in dispute. The only exception to this is with a Part 6A Appeal. The relevant period for an EOT to Object for a Part 6A Objection begins from the original COA application date or the beginning of the RVA, whichever is earlier. T here is no requirement to build the document to include information 18 months prior to the COA application date for an EOT to Object appeal. |
Include all conversations/contacts where the option to object, and any discussions, notepads or documents provided by the customer about the reasons for the delay in making their objection. |
Registration of liabilities (other than Child Support assessment liabilities) |
The relevant period for an appeal against the registration is from the date the application was made. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Relevant dependant |
The relevant period for an appeal against the addition or refusal to add relevant dependant is from the date the application was made. |
In addition to all ART appeal documents, include:
Remittance - Late Payment Penalties (LPP) |
Remittance of penalties is a one party appeal – Do not send any documents to the second party. The relevant period for a refusal to remit late payment penalties appeal begins from the month in which the penalty under consideration first began accumulating, until the current day. |
Include the following:
Remittance - Estimate Penalties |
Remittance of penalties is a one party appeal – Do not send any documents to the second party. The relevant period for a refusal to remit estimate penalties appeal begins from the recording of the initial estimate until the current day. |
Include the following:
Build the file using Adobe Professional X1
Table 3
Action |
Description |
Preparation |
To build a consistent quality document, the following Adobe settings are needed. This enables:
Order to build documents |
Scan page alert |
While building the document, run character analysis when prompted. This helps the redaction process. |
Document naming convention |
All material included in the ART document needs to be assigned a file name, so the content is identifiable when collating into ADOBE ACROBAT. Documents are identified by assigning a unique document name to each document type included in the bundle. The purpose of the document naming conventions is to:
Default document names |
Some documents need to be in specific positions within the document. To make this happen, default document names are assigned. |
Document names |
Documents of more than one page existing separately (Letters, CSA Online, Cuba Notepads) need each page to be assigned an index number to make sure they are in the correct order (oldest to newest) when combined. See examples in letters, CSA Online. |
Letters |
Letters need to be at top of each date range and are assigned a higher index to make sure that occurs. E.g., an assessment notice issued 23 May 2015, its assigned document name would be YYYYMMDD 20150523 9999 The 9999 index is applied to the last (Bottom) page and the rest of the pages are indexed in descending order upwards. |
View Correspondence |
Using the letters example above, Correspondence received 23 May 2015 would be assigned index 0001, document name 20150523 0001, this enables it to be correctly placed under the last page of assessment notice 23 May 2015, document name 20150523 9999. |
CSA Online |
CSA online correspondence needs ‘manual handling’ as Service Officers cannot be print/save notepads and attachments as single document but need to capture all communication. In this example, 3 documents need to be created. |
Communication notepads |
Notepad document names are saved using DDMMYY and time. E.g., the document name is 20140527 1413 After 4pm to confirm if Leanne has stay order from court. |
Collection Window notepad |
Assign a default times as there is no time recorded on these notepads. Using 24H clock counting backwards from midnight. Save the notepad with document name 20140512 2359 Is the first Collection Window notepad on this date, so default time of 2359 is assigned. Any additional notepads in Collection Window on this date would be assigned the next descending number, e.g. the next document name would be 20140512 2358. Only the last digit needs changing. |
Past NTDs |
Most previous NTDs can be retrieved via SHR drive and can be saved simply by ‘printing’ and saving as per naming conventions. e.g. For a NTD decision made on 25th May 2011 the document name is 20110525 9999. Add a marker for reference and visibility 20110525 9999NTD |
Relevant material collated |
Check for document name consistency, rename/ correct if needed. |
Prepare to combine documents |
Go to Adobe Select Create > Combine files into single PDF > Switch to List View Select Options and make sure the below Other options are ticked
Select OK |
Combine files |
Select All > right mouse Combine Files in Acrobat Select Combine Files |
Indexing |
Remove existing bookmarks and assign new bookmarks to create an index to help the user go to the specific material in the document. Add the following standout bookmarks as applicable:
Bookmarks are easily applied after the document is combined. To edit and rename existing bookmarks: To view applied Bookmarks, select Bookmarks tab from the side menu. Within the combined PDF document select the Bookmark tab from the left Tool bar To rename the existing bookmarks as required:
Repeat renaming all Bookmarks as required. |
Do not share this attachment externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.
Access and disclosure of AUSTRAC information
ART review resources
See the Resources page in Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) applications against Child Support for the suite of ART tools and resources.