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Correspondence Cuba Process Help 277-30010160

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

This page contains information on how to view, detach, reassign and change correspondence. It also includes how to Index (attach) correspondence from the List Correspondence window and the Unattached Correspondence window.

On this Page:

View correspondence

Detach correspondence

Reassign correspondence

Index (attach) correspondence from list correspondence window

Index (attach) correspondence from unattached correspondence window

Change correspondence category

View correspondence

Table 1: this table describes how to view imaged correspondence.




Start point: View correspondence + Read more ...

Start point: CSA Main Menu


Search for and select the required correspondence + Read more ...

  • Select List Correspondence from the Management menu to open the Find Correspondence dialogue box
  • Select the relevant radio button in the Primary Search group box of the Find Correspondence dialogue box
  • Select the relevant type of correspondence from the Category drop down list
  • Enter further search parameters in the Secondary Search dialogue box if required
  • Select the Find button to open the List Correspondence window and view a list of unattached correspondence matching the search parameters you entered
  • Select an item from the List Correspondence window list box
  • Select the View button to open the correspondence in a Document Viewer


Expand intrays to view correspondence + Read more ...

From the Customer window:

  • Expand the Intrays for field
  • Select Attachments to open the correspondence specific to the intray in the Document Viewer
  • Select the document hyperlink to open the View Correspondence window
  • Select the relevant item in the Correspondence List dialogue box
  • Select the View button to open the correspondence in a Document Viewer


View correspondence from the View Correspondence window + Read more ...

From the Customer window:

  • Select View Correspondence from the Go menu to open the View Correspondence window
  • Select the relevant item in the Correspondence List dialogue box
  • Select the View button to open the correspondence in a Document Viewer


Select hyperlinked correspondence + Read more ...

From the Customer window:

  • select a hyperlinked correspondence item from the Correspondence for field to open the View Correspondence window
  • select the relevant item in the Correspondence List dialogue box
  • select the View button to open the correspondence in a Document Viewer


View correspondence from the Intray Item List window + Read more ...

Start point: Intray Item List window.

  • Select the relevant correspondence intray from the Intray List box
  • Select the View Document button to open and view the image in the Document Viewer
  • Select the relevant intray from the Intray List box
  • Select View Correspondence from the Go menu to open the View Correspondence window
  • Select the relevant item in the Correspondence List dialogue box


View a list of all correspondence + Read more ...

To view a list of all correspondence for a customer select the Show All button in the View Correspondence window.

Detach correspondence

Table 2: this table describes how to detach imaged correspondence from a customer record.




Start point: detach imaged correspondence + Read more ...

Start point: View Correspondence window


Select the correspondence item to be detached + Read more ...

  • Select the Detach button. This will open the Confirmation alert dialogue box
  • Select the Yes button in the dialogue box to confirm the selected correspondence item will be removed from the customer record
  • Select an Action Reason from the drop down menu


Record the following in the Subject text box + Read more ...

  • Date the correspondence was indexed (attached) to the customer record
  • A description of the pages or paragraphs to be deleted/edited including the page number of the PDF
  • The reason the pages or paragraphs are being deleted/edited
  • The document GUID (Global Unique Identifier), and
  • If the document is to be reattached, the CSID of the customer the document is to be attached to

Do not document identifying information about the customer whose record the image is being detached from as this may result in a privacy breach.


Allocate to the detach correspondence category + Read more ...

Reassign correspondence

Table 3: this table describes how to reassign imaged correspondence from one customer record to another.




Start point: reassign correspondence + Read more ...

Start point: View Correspondence window


Select the correspondence item to be reassigned to the correct customer + Read more ...

  • Select the appropriate Category and Sub Category from the drop down lists in the Categorise group box. See Correspondence received in Child Support
  • Select Triangle to open the Find Customer dialogue box (the Find Organisation window will open when the Category Emp Service is selected)
  • Identify the customer/employer using details in the correspondence
  • Select Select to select the customer/employer and return to the View Correspondence window. The customer name and CSID will display in the Reassign group box
  • Select the appropriate case number from the Case ID drop down list if enabled
  • Select Save to open the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box


Select an Action Reason + Read more ...

  • Select an Action Reason from the drop down menu and record additional comments if required
  • Select the OK button to open the Detach Correspondence Confirmation box
  • Select the Yes button to:
  • detach the correspondence item and delete the corresponding intray from the incorrect customer record, and
  • attach the correspondence item and generate an intray on the selected customer record


Documenting reassigned correspondence + Read more ...

Do not document identifying information about the customer whose record the image is being detached from as this may result in a privacy breach.

Index (attach) correspondence from list correspondence window

Table 4: this table describes how to index (attach) imaged correspondence to a customer record from the List Correspondence window.




Start point: attach correspondence from the list correspondence window + Read more ...

Start point: CSA Main Menu


Find and select the unattached correspondence required + Read more ...

  • Select List Correspondence from the Management menu to open the Find Correspondence dialogue box
  • Select the Unattached radio button
  • Select Unallocated from the Category drop down list
  • Enter further search parameters in the Secondary Search dialogue box if required
  • Select the Find button to open the List Correspondence window and view a list of unattached correspondence matching the search parameters you entered
  • Select the relevant correspondence item from the list
  • Select the Index button to open the Unattached Correspondence window
  • Select the View button to open the correspondence in a Document Viewer

Note: for correspondence selected with the category ‘Post’ from the Source drop down list, check the image quality to ensure it is legible.

If the image is of poor quality go to Step 3. For images with a Source other than Post or if the image quality is satisfactory go to Step 4.


Record information regarding poor quality image + Read more ...

  • Select Review Image from the Category drop down list
  • Select Save to open the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box
  • Select the appropriate item from the Action Reason drop down menu
  • Record information about the image in the Comments text box
  • Select the OK button

This is the end of the process.


Does the document relate to multiple customers? + Read more ...

Check whether the entire document relates to the same customer or whether it is a multi customer document.

If the document provides information relating to multiple customers:

  • select Multi Customer from the Category drop down list
  • select Save to open the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box
  • select the appropriate item from the Action Reason drop down menu
  • record information about the image in the Comments text box
  • select the OK button

For all other images go to Step 5.


Select the appropriate category + Read more ...


Save and finalise + Read more ...

  • Select Triangle to open the Find Customer dialogue box (the Find Organisation window will open when the Category 'Emp Service' is selected)
  • Identify the customer/employer using details in the correspondence
  • Select Select to select the customer/employer and return to the Unattached Correspondence window

Note: if the Case ID drop down menu is enabled, select the appropriate case number from the list.

  • Select Save to index the correspondence to the customer record
  • Select Close to close the Document Viewer and return to the Unattached Correspondence window
  • Close the Unattached Correspondence window to return to the List Correspondence window and display any further images matching the search parameters entered

Index (attach) correspondence from unattached correspondence window

Table 5: this table describes how mail handling and mail handling support Service Officers, index (attach) imaged correspondence to a customer record from the Unattached Correspondence window.




Start point: index (attach) correspondence from the unattached correspondence window + Read more ...

Start point: Unattached Correspondence window


View unallocated images + Read more ...

  • Select the Get Next button to:
  • view the next unallocated image in the display window
  • display the image GUID (globally unique identifier) and receipt date in the Correspondence Details group box, and
  • display the image source in the Categorise group box, e.g. email, fax, web

Note: to refine your search select the relevant source of the correspondence from the Source drop down list and image category from the Category drop down list.

  • Select the View button to open the correspondence in a Document Viewer


Check image quality + Read more ...

For correspondence selected with the category Post from the Source drop down list, check the image quality to ensure it is legible.

If the image is of poor quality:

  • Select Review Image from the Category drop down list
  • Select the icon to open the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box

For images with a Source other than Post or if the image quality is satisfactory go to Step 4.


Does the document relate to multiple customers? + Read more ...

  • Check whether the entire document relates to the same customer or whether it is a multi customer document
  • If the document provides information about multiple customers, select Multi Customer from the Category drop down list

Update the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box

  • Select the icon to open the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box
  • Select the appropriate item from the Action Reason drop down menu
  • Record information about the image in the Comments text box
  • Select the OK button

This is the end of the process.

For all other images:

  • Select Triangle to open the Find Customer dialogue box (the Find Organisation window will open when the Category 'Emp Service' is selected)


Select the appropriate category and sub category + Read more ...

  • Select the appropriate Category and Sub Category from the drop down lists in the Categorise group box. See Correspondence received in Child Support
  • Select Triangle to open the Find Customer dialogue box (the Find Organisation window will open when the Category 'Emp Service' is selected)
  • Identify the customer/employer using details in the correspondence
  • Select Select to select the customer/employer and return to the Unattached Correspondence window
  • If the Case ID drop down menu us enabled, select the appropriate case number from the list


Save and close + Read more ...

  • Select Save to index the correspondence to the customer record
  • Select Close to close the Document Viewer and return to the List Correspondence window

Change correspondence category

Table 6: this table describes how Mail Handling Service Officers and Mail Handling Support Service Officers re-categorise correspondence.




Start point: re-categorise correspondence + Read more ...

Start point: View Correspondence window


Select the correspondence item + Read more ...

  • Select the correspondence item to be re-categorised
  • Select the appropriate Category and Sub Category from the drop down lists in the Categorise group box, see Correspondence received in Child Support
  • Select Save to open the Correspondence Action Details dialogue box
  • Select an Action Reason from the drop down menu
  • Record additional comments in the Subject text box if required
  • Select the OK button to re-categorise the image and return to the View Correspondence window