This document explains the definition and assessment of a couple separated due to illness. Customers who advise they are no longer able to live in their home with their partner due to illness, but who still consider themselves to be partnered or in a member of a couple relationship with that person, are treated as an illness separated couple.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Determine action required + Read more ...
Action may be required from a previous contact.
If a Service Officer:
receives a new claim work item which indicates the customer and their partner are unable to live together due to illness, go to Step 2
received a work item in relation to a request from Services Australia to provide supporting evidence or a customer has returned supporting evidence, go to Step 14
received a work item in relation to reviewing the customer's illness separated status, go to Step 17
received a work item relating to a customer admission into permanent residential care (RIS data), see Table 2
If a customer contacts and is advising the following:
2 |
Relationship Qualifier (RQ) codes being automatically applied + Read more ...
The following illness separated relationship qualifier (RQ) codes are being automatically applied by the system when the customer has advised in their online or Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) they are unable to live with their partner due to illness:
ILC (Illness Separated Left Home)
ILP (Illness Separated, Partner left home)
ILB (Illness Separated, both Customer and Partner Left Home)
Check the relationship information in the claim and the Marital Status (MS) screen for any RQ codes, see Relationship Qualifier codes automatically applied.
Is an ILC, ILP or ILB RQ code present on the customer’s MS screen?
3 |
Determine if an assessment has occurred in the last 13 weeks + Read more ...
Check the Document List (DL) screen in Customer First or Notes screen in Process Direct in both the customer’s and their partner’s records to determine if an illness separated couple assessment has occurred in the last 13 weeks.
Has a decision been made in the last 13 weeks that the customer and partner are an illness separated couple?
4 |
Check for any change in circumstances + Read more ...
Review the claim details as well as any DOCs or Notes on both the customer’s and partner’s records to determine if there has been a change in their circumstances since the last illness separated couple assessment was completed.
Have there been any changes of circumstances in the last 13 weeks that may impact on whether the customer and partner can still be considered an illness separated couple?
Yes, a new assessment will be required, go to Step 5
No, as the customer and partner continue to meet criteria to be assessed as an illness separated couple the Relationship Qualifier (RQ) coding on the MS screen can be retained, see Table 2 > Step 1
5 |
Determine if the customer and partner have separated on a permanent or indefinite basis + Read more ...
When assessing a customer’s circumstances, it may become clear that a customer may be living separately and apart (genuinely separated), due to one member of a couple entering into care and where there has been a physical and emotional breakdown of the relationship. See Illness separation vs genuine separation.
Considerations when assessing a customer as living separately and apart (that is, a genuine separation has occurred) due to one member of a couple entering a care situation:
'Living separately and apart on a permanent or indefinite basis’ should not generally be accepted if the couple are living apart solely because of ill health. Explore all other options before determining the couple are living separately and apart (that is, have genuinely separated)
Staff must:
consider the customers individual circumstances when making a determination
give careful consideration to correctly assess the customers circumstances, as it directly impacts the customers entitlements, and rate of income support payment
discuss the consequences when assessing a customer as living separately and apart with the customer before unlinking them from their partner. This may include consultation with a FIS Officer
The Resources page has examples of the effect on the income and asset tests for a customer assessed as living separately and apart rather than illness separated.
Is the customer living separately and apart (that is, a genuine separation has occurred) due to one member of a couple entering into care and a breakdown of their relationship has occurred?
6 |
Customer is living separately and apart (that is, a genuine separation has occurred) due to one member of a couple entering into care + Read more ...
7 |
Residential Care Assessment (RCA/CUR) customer separates + Read more ...
Aged care fees and charges are not dependant on the customer’s relationship status. There is no requirement to get a MOD S or verify separation when a non-income support RCA/CUR customer separates.
A RCA/CUR only customer may advise on the Residential Aged Care Calculation of your cost of care form (SA457) that they do not have a partner. If the customer is linked on the Marital Status (MS) screen to another person, the advice from the SA457 allows the customer details to be coded as separated.
As the SA457 does not get the date of separation, use the date of entry to the aged care home in the Event date field, if the date of separation is unknown. The RCA Institution (RIS) screen can be used to verify entry into residential care by checking Admission Date and Care Type: Residential.
Go to the MS screen and update the following: + Read more ...
Event Date: field, enter date the change to relationship status occurred. If the date of separation is unknown, use the date of entry to the aged care home
Marital Status: field, enter a single marital status code
PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr: field, leave blank
Qualifier Code: field, leave blank
Source: field, enter the source of information
Receipt Date: field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
Select Continue to go to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
Update any other information by selecting the appropriate screens from the CDTS. For example:
change of address
change of payment destination
Other updates + Read more ...
If a customer in residential Aged Care had a partner living in their former principal home, it would be exempt as an asset for the Aged Care Means Test Assessment (MTA). If a determination has been made that a customer in residential care is now single, this exemption no longer applies. Further updates are critical to make sure Aged Care fees remain correct.
If a customer or partner are currently in Residential Aged Care:
Check the RCA Institution (RIS) screen and confirm the Admission Date and Care Type: Residential
Complete updates on the Residential care asset assessment (RCAA) screen including:
Date of Effect: enter date the change to relationship status occurred
Date of Entry into care: delete the previous date from this field as coding a duplicate date of entry deletes previous data
Home Ownership Status: update to HOM, NHO or HRV
CMV of principal Home: current market value of principal home if home now assessed
% Owned C/P: update ownership percentage of principal home
Action: 'I' to insert a new page
For help with coding, contact the Aged Care means assessments team:
Select Office Locator
Select Notes
Contact Access/Tech Peer Support number
Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
Record the decision on a closed DOC, using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
In Customer First, issue a manual General separation - favourable (Q888) letter to advise the customer in writing of the decision
Note: there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to a customer if the assessment is about a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the illness separated decision
If the customer’s partner is a current Centrelink customer, also issue a letter to the partner from their own record
If a correspondence nominee exists, ensure a copy of the letter is issued to the appointed nominee. See Nominees
Close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer’s record
Procedure ends here
8 |
Assess if the customer is a member of an illness separated couple + Read more ...
A couple is considered to be an illness separated couple where:
they are unable to live together in their home, and
the inability to live together:
is due to illness or infirmity of either or both of them, and
results in their living expenses being greater or are likely to be greater than otherwise, and
is likely to continue indefinitely
Aspects to consider when assessing if the customer is a member of an illness separated couple:
Inability to live at home due to illness or infirmity:
it is not the intention that medical evidence is required for the majority of assessments
for entry to an aged care home, the RCA Institution (RIS) screen can be used to verify entry into residential care by checking Admission Date and Care Type: Residential
for a Supported Residential Service (SRS), a copy of the Residential Statement should be requested to confirm the level of care provided to the customer
retirement villages do not usually provide care. If the customer advises they are receiving care from a retirement village, a copy of the care plan should be requested
Living expenses:
ask the customer if their living expenses have increased or are likely to increase due to illness separation, noting that it is not the intention that evidence of the customer's living expenses pre and post illness separation be obtained
Indefinite separation:
determine if the illness is indefinite, noting that 'likely to continue indefinitely' generally means it is highly probable, based on available evidence that the term of the separation is for a period of time that is unknown or unstated
Is there sufficient information to assess the illness separation?
9 |
Insufficient information to assess illness separation + Read more ...
As there is inadequate information available to confirm the couple are separated due to illness, the customer will need to provide supporting evidence from a treating doctor or relevant health professional.
If the customer is:
currently in receipt of a payment:
follow processes outlined in Requesting Information (CLK) to request the required supporting medical evidence
if a manual review has been created to follow up the return of evidence, ensure the keyword ILLSEP is attached to this activity.
procedure ends here until documents for the illness separated assessment are returned.
claiming a payment:
follow processes outlined in Requesting Information (CLK) to request the required supporting medical evidence
if the claim is being processed in PD it will be placed on hold automatically when documents are requested
if the claim is not being processed in PD, ensure the claim is placed on hold for the appropriate amount of time
procedure ends here until documents for the illness separated assessment are returned
Pending the return of evidence for the illness separation, it is possible the customer may be living in separate accommodation and eligible for rent assistance.
See also, Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA),to determine if the customer is eligible to receive a higher rate of RA.
If the customer moved and it has been determined they are eligible to receive a higher rate of RA, go to Updating address details.
Procedure ends here.
10 |
Make determination + Read more ...
The customer's circumstances indicate the customer is:
not a member of an illness separated couple, and the customer:
a member of an illness separated couple, go to Step 13
11 |
Current customer is not a member of an illness separated couple + Read more ...
Advise the customer:
they do not meet the requirements of an illness separated couple and do not qualify for assessment of payment at the single rate
to contact the agency if their circumstances change
their review and appeal rights
Update customer/partner record if required, for example, address details
Record the decision on a closed DOC using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
In Customer First, issue a manual Illness separated couple - unfavourable (Q888) letter to advise the customer in writing of the decision. Note: there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to a customer where the assessment is about a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the illness separated decision
If the customer’s partner is a current Centrelink customer, also issue a letter to the partner from their own record
If a correspondence nominee exists, ensure a copy of the letter is issued to the appointed nominee. See Nominees
Close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer's record
Procedure ends here.
12 |
New claimant is not a member of an illness separated couple + Read more ...
Advise the customer:
they do not meet the requirements of an illness separated couple and do not qualify for assessment of payment at the single rate
to contact the agency if their circumstances change
of their review and appeal rights
Can the claim be finalised (no further documentation required)?
finalise the claim
document the outcome of the illness separated assessment within the claim Finalisation Note (PD) or Claim Grant DOC (CF)
there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to the customer when the assessment is part of a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the illness separated couple decision
procedure ends here
annotate the Progress of Claim Note/DOC with the outcome of the assessment
if required supporting documentation has not been requested, see Requesting information (CLK)
if the claim is processed in PD the claim will be automatically placed on hold
if the claim is not being processed in PD, ensure claim is placed on hold for the appropriate amount of time
procedure ends here until further documentation is returned
13 |
The customer is a member of an illness separated couple + Read more ...
Where the customer is assessed as a member of an illness separated couple, tell the customer to supply details of their or their partner's accommodation arrangements. For verification of entry to an aged care home, see Change of address to an aged care home.
This includes:
proof of admission
date home was vacated
any verification of rent paid (if residing in private accommodation)
See Table 2 > Step 1.
14 |
A work item has presented in relation to evidence to be returned or evidence has been returned + Read more ...
When the work item has presented, check the customer's record to confirm if they have returned supporting evidence.
For entry to an aged care home, the RCA Institution (RIS) screen can be used to verify entry into residential care by checking Admission Date and Care Type: Residential.
Has supporting evidence been returned?
15 |
Unfavourable decision - customer is not a member of an illness separated couple + Read more ...
Where there is no supporting evidence to grant the illness separated rate, the customer is to continue to be paid the partnered rate.
When a Decision Maker (DM) makes an unfavourable decision, they must provide the customer with an explanation of the decision. The DM must also advise the customer of their review rights and if required, record a request for a review of the decision
If the customer is not present at the time of the updates, Service Officers must make genuine attempts to contact the customer by phone before issuing written advice of the decision outcome
Once an attempt to contact the customer has been successful and they have been advised of the decision or 2 genuine attempts have been made, record the decision on a closed DOC using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
In Customer First, issue a manual Illness separated couple - unfavourable (Q888) letter to advise the customer in writing of the decision. Note: there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to a customer where the assessment is about a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the illness separated decision
If the customer’s partner is a current Centrelink customer, also issue a letter to the partner from their own record
If a correspondence nominee exists, ensure a copy of the letter is issued to the appointed nominee. See Nominees
Close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer's record
Procedure ends here.
16 |
Customer advises they will be a member of an illness separated couple in the future + Read more ...
If a customer advises their relationship status will change at a future date:
do not code the change
advise the customer:
of general notification provisions and exceptions and that they will to contact the agency as soon as the change of relationship status occurs
if the change results in an increase to payment rate, the increase is effective from the date they told Centrelink. This includes where the customer notifies of the change within 14 days. For more information, see Notification Handler (NOHL)
document the record outlining the discussion
close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer’s record
Procedure ends here.
17 |
Work item in relation to reviewing the customer's illness separation rate + Read more ...
Service Officers can use discretion to determine if there is the possibility a change of circumstances may occur and set a manual review if deemed appropriate. For example, where the customer enters a rehabilitation facility, and the length of time is not known and therefore indefinite.
When the review activity matures, check the customer's record to determine the reason for review and confirm whether the customer is still eligible for the illness separated rate. Go to Step 3 to help check if they meet the illness separated criteria.
Is the customer eligible to continue to be paid the illness separated rate?
Record the decision on a closed DOC using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
In Customer First issue a manual Illness separated couple - favourable (Q888) letter to advise the customer in writing of the decision
Note: there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to a customer where the assessment is about a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the illness separated decision
If the customer’s partner is a current Centrelink customer, also issue a letter to the partner from their own record
If a correspondence nominee exists, ensure a copy of the letter is issued to the appointed nominee. See Nominees
In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
Service Reason: customer's payment type Review Reason: select most appropriate reason Due Date: date of expected change in circumstances Source: INT Date of Receipt: today's date Notes: 'Review customer entitlement for illness separated xx/xx/xxxx. Refer to OB 277-50070020 to review entitlement.' Keywords: ILLSEP Workgroup: leave blank Position: leave blank Transfer to Region: leave blank
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
Close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer’s record
Procedure ends here
No, see Table 2 > Step 8
Step |
Action |
1 |
Verify Date of Receipt (DOR) + Read more ...
Verify when Centrelink was told of the change in circumstances and source of information. The customer may have already entered, or is in hospital awaiting admission to, a care facility. To check the DOR for aged care, see Change of address to an aged care home.
If the customer:
2 |
Customer assessed as illness separated - MS screen update + Read more ...
When it has been established the customer and their partner are an illness separated couple, Service Officers must update the Marital Status (MS) screen with the appropriate relationship qualifier code. This makes sure customers entitlements are treated differently to their recorded relationship status.
Go to the MS screen in Customer First and update the following:
Event Date: field, enter the date the customer became illness separated
Marital Status: field will remain as MAR, REG or DEF
PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr: fields, update as required
Qualifier Code: field, enter the appropriate illness separated relationship/psychiatric care qualifier code:
Ill Sep / Both Left Home (ILB), where both the customer and partner have left home due to illness
Ill Sep / Left Home (ILC), where only the customer left home due to illness
Ill Sep / Ptnr Left Home (ILP), where only the partner left home due to illness
Psych Care/Both Left Home (PSB), where both the customer and partner have left home due to entering psychiatric care facility (no criminal offence)
Psych Care/ Left Home (PSC), where only the customer has left home due to entering psychiatric care facility (no criminal offence)
Ptnr In Psych Care/Partner in Psychiatric Care (PSP), where only the partner has left home due to entering psychiatric care facility (no criminal offence)
Source: field, enter the source of the information
Receipt Date field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
Select Continue to go to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
Update any other information by selecting the appropriate screens from the CDTS screen, including the Address Summary (AD) and the Accommodation Details (AC) screens. The AD and AC screens will be presented for one 'S' or both 'B' partners (dependant on whether only one or both members of a couple have moved)
Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
Record outcome and reasons for decision on a closed DOC using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
Note: after entering the appropriate 'illness separated' code on the MS screen, the records of the customer and their partner will continue to be linked and correctly display as 'member of a couple'.
Go to Step 4.
3 |
Customer has an outstanding claim for payment + Read more ...
If the claim is being processed in Process Direct (PD), all updates to the Marital Status (MS) screen and other related updates (address and accommodation) should be undertaken in Customer First (CF) before the PD claim is processed.
Check the MS screen, has the system automatically applied a provisional Relationship Qualifier (RQ) code to the record?
Yes, ensure the RQ code and date of event are correct, update the MS screen in Customer First if these details are incorrect, go to Step 4
No, go to Step 4
4 |
Establish if the customer or their partner are in aged care + Read more ...
Has the customer or their partner entered an Aged Care facility or are in hospital awaiting admission to an aged care home?
Yes, in Customer First, update the customer's or their partner's address details as required
No, go to Step 5
5 |
Address Details (AD) screen + Read more ...
In Customer First:
select the address(es) from the AD screen that require updating and code the following fields:
Address Type: field, select the appropriate address type
Select Continue
Start Date: field, enter the start date of the address (any date up to 14 days in the future for POS or HOM)
Make partner's address the same as customers?: field, update as required
Is RA being claimed on this Address: field, update as required
Is this address in a Remote Area for the purposes of Remote Area Allowance?: field, update if prompted. The value in this field will default to 'Yes' or 'No' based on the postcode entered. If the postcode spans both remote and non-remote areas, the message 'Please indicate if address is remote or not' displays. Enter either 'Y' or 'N'
Send All Mail Here?: field, update if prompted. This field is only relevant for the TEM and TER address types
Code the customer's new address, see Rapid Addressing
Source: field, enter the source of information
Receipt Date: field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
Select Continue
For more information on changing a customer's address, see Updating address details.
6 |
Accommodation Details (AC) screen + Read more ...
Illness separated customers who own their principal home and enter a care situation are not ineligible homeowners for Rent Assistance (RA) purposes. They may be entitled to RA if paying rent at their new address. See Rent Assistance (RA) for care receivers.
If the customer was a homeowner, assess the treatment of their principal home, vacated due to illness.
Complete the following fields on the AC screen within the same activity:
Address Type: field, this should have defaulted from the AD screen, if not, enter the address type
Event Date: field, enter the date of event for the accommodation details that are being recorded
Home ownership: field, update if required. If the customer is a homeowner, code as 'LHO' (lives elsewhere)
Type of Rent: field, enter the type of rent paid
Sharer status: field, code 'EXE' or 'XSH'
Rent Amount: field, update the amount of rent paid and frequency
Rent Verification: field, update the verification details. See Rent Assistance (RA) verification
Reason Home vacated: field, enter the reason home was vacated. Suitable codes are, 'CRR' - to provide care in a private home or 'ONH' - due to ill health (other than in nursing home)
Date Home vacated: field, enter the date the home was vacated
Source: field, enter the source of information
Receipt Date: field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
Select Continue
Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
7 |
Does the customer have children? + Read more ...
If the customer has children, they will need to revise their current Families income estimate and advise choices available to help reduce the chance of an overpayment during the reconciliation process. See Updating income estimates for the current financial year.
If the customer:
is currently receiving a payment, go to Step 8
has a new claim that can be finalised:
the claim information on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen in PD will need to be regenerated before the claim is processed
select Process, update any required information, and finalise the claim
document the outcome of the illness separated assessment in the claim finalisation Note
there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to the customer when the assessment is part of a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the respite care couple decision, go to Step 9
has a new claim that cannot be finalised (further documentation required):
annotate the Progress of Claim Note/DOC with the outcome of the assessment
if further documentation is required but has not been requested, see Requesting information (CLK)
if the claim is being processed in PD it will be automatically placed on hold when the documents are requested
if the claim is not being processed in PD, ensure claim is placed on hold for the appropriate amount of time
procedure ends here until further documentation provided
8 |
Finalise the activity and issue a decision letter Q888 + Read more ...
Advise the customer of the following:
that their new rate of payment (including any RA) and that the partnered income/assets test still applies. The illness separated rate is equivalent to the single rate of payment. For:
that should their circumstances change and they are no longer illness separated, they must inform the agency within 14 days of their circumstances changing
that Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part B will still be assessed on the income of the lower earner. See Income test for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments
Document the decision and issue letter
In Customer First:
record details on a closed DOC, use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
issue a manual Illness separated couple - favourable (Q888) letter to advise the customer in writing of the decision
if the customer’s partner is a current Centrelink customer, also issue a letter to the partner from their own record
if a correspondence nominee exists, ensure a copy of the letter is issued to the appointed nominee. See Nominees
close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer’s record
9 |
Manual review + Read more ...
Service Officers can use discretion to determine if there is the possibility a change of circumstances may occur and set a manual review if deemed appropriate. For example, where the customer enters a rehabilitation, and the length of time is not known and therefore indefinite.
Where required, in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
Service Reason: customer's payment type
Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
Due Date: date of expected change in circumstances
Source: INT
Date of Receipt: today's date
Notes: 'Review customer entitlement for illness separated xx/xx/xxxx. Refer to OB 277-50070020 to review entitlement.'
Keywords: ILLSEP
Workgroup: leave blank
Position: leave blank
Transfer to Region: leave blank
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.
10 |
Continuing entitlement + Read more ...
Because of the customer and their partner being an illness separated couple, check that they are receiving or claiming the appropriate income support payments, and are aware of outcomes and obligations.
For example:
Would the ill customer qualify for Disability Support Pension, JobSeeker Payment (incapacitated)?
If both members of a couple reside in the same accommodation and one partner receives Carer Payment (CP) or Carer Allowance (CA) because they are caring for the other partner. See Change of address for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA)
If the partner is on Carer Payment or Carer Allowance, it may be necessary to advise of the cessation of care rules for temporary or long term periods. See:
Procedure ends here.
11 |
Customer is no longer illness separated + Read more ...
Has the change of circumstances already occurred?
Yes, the record will need to be updated to remove the illness separated relationship qualifier code. Any other details as advised by the customer will also need to be updated.
On the Marital Status (MS) screen, record the following details:
Event Date: field, enter the date the customer ceased being illness separated
Marital Status: field, use the same code as previously stated
PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr: fields, update as required
Qualifier Code: field, leave blank
Source: field, enter the source of information
Receipt Date: field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
Select Continue to go to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
Update any other information by selecting the appropriate screens from the CDTS screen, for example, change of address. Make sure the customer's and partner's home address are the same
Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
Record outcome and reasons for decision on a closed DOC using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Updates > Illness separated decision
In Customer First issue a manual Illness separated couple - unfavourable (Q888) letter to advise the customer in writing of the decision. Note: there is no requirement to issue a decision letter to a customer where the assessment is about a new claim. The new claim grant/reject letter forms part of the illness separated decision
If the customer’s partner is a current Centrelink customer, also issue a letter to the partner from their own record
If a correspondence nominee exists, ensure a copy of the letter is issued to the appointed nominee. See Nominees
Close all relevant open activities/work items on the customer’s record
No, as the customer is advising of the change of circumstances at a future date:
do not code the change. The system will not allow service officers to code a change for a future date and the E116CU - Event Date cannot be greater than today's date error will appear
advise the customer of general notification provisions and exceptions and that they will need to contact the agency when the change of relationship status occurs
record a DOC outlining the discussion