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Digital image attached to incorrect Centrelink customer record 111-10020060

This document outlines the steps to follow when a digital image is attached to an incorrect Centrelink customer record.

Digital image attached to incorrect record




Image attached to incorrect record + Read more ...

Service Officer identifies that a digital image is attached to the wrong Centrelink customer record.


Do not record on either customer record, any information about the image(s) attached to the incorrect record + Read more ...

This includes listing customer CRNs or names. For example, it is not appropriate to put a DOC on the incorrect record 'Customer James Smith claim for FTB has been attached incorrectly to John Smith's record'.


Investigate the records involved + Read more ...

Check all images on the customer's record to ensure no other digital images are on the record incorrectly.

Check all data on the customer's record that may relate to the incorrectly digitised image(s) and identify if this data is on the correct record.

Have any updates been completed on the incorrect record?

  • No updates have been made, go to Step 4
  • Unsure if work item created for the image has been processed?
    • Seek SME or other appropriate assistance
  • Updates have been made on the wrong customer record
    • Complete the Intertwined Referral form with the details of the suspected Intertwining. Provide details of all customers, records and updates completed
    • Stop processing until the Data Quality Unit (DQU) complete a full investigation. If urgent, contact DQU Intertwined Team by phone. See Office Locator - Office Code NA8 for details. The Resources page contains a link to the form and Office Locator
      Note: when a decision has been made based on a document that was incorrectly placed on the customer record, that document must remain on the record as evidence of that business activity. More information should be added to the customer record to give context for the document and to explain the original decision, the circumstances and the action taken
    • When the DQU investigation is complete, go to Step 4


Can the correct customer record be identified? + Read more ...

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, seek SME or other support if needed. If unable to locate a customer record, the image must be removed, go to Step 7


Does the incorrect image relate to only one customer? + Read more ...

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No,
    • Determine if a document rescan is appropriate, or request re-lodgement if required
    • Documents uploaded online or faxed by the customer cannot be rescanned. If it is not appropriate to contact the customer, staff can print documents uploaded by the customer and rescan to the correct CRNs using a Multi-Function Device (MFD), then request removal of the original image. See also Upload documents service
    • Procedure ends here


Only one correct customer record identified + Read more ...

A digital image can be moved from one customer record to another using the Document Tools facility in Customer First.

Document attached to a new CRN

The document will be attached to the new customer record. Note: this action will not result in another activity being created on the new record.

When a document is scanned, a work item is often created for allocation through Workload Management. To avoid the incorrect work item being allocated to a staff member for completion, it is essential that the work item created on the incorrect record is cancelled. If a new work item is required on the new record this needs to be manually created.

Manually creating work items vary by program. Follow the process for:

Action for incorrect record

After the scan has been moved to the correct CRN in Document Tools:

  • on the Customer Details screen, select the scan work item from the Activities tab
  • on the Document Management screen, select Copy and Cancel and update the CRN field with the new CRN. Select Save

The work item status will update to Cancelled.

Procedure ends here.


Removing digital images + Read more ...

Incorrect images must be removed from the current customer record as it is a breach of privacy.

When the image is removed, there will no longer be any record of the image on the customer record. Failure to locate the correct record or removing the wrong image could result in the image not being available for processing. This will adversely affect the customer.

Follow the process in Removing a digital image from customer records to have the image removed.