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Assessing Form m (SY031) for ABSTUDY Additional Incidentals Allowance Claim 010-02020090

Q999 Text

Table 1

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Text for Q999 letters ABSTUDY Additional Incidentals


Information about your ABSTUDY Additional Incidentals claim


We have <claim outcome> your claim for ABSTUDY Additional Incidentals


For Rejection

We have not been able to pay you Additional Incidentals because <insert reason for rejection>


For Grant

We will pay you Additional Incidentals of <insert amount to be paid>


Table 2: Rates and thresholds are subject to change. The following examples use the rates and thresholds as at 20 March 2024.




Diploma course

Ali is studying a 2 year Diploma course.

Ali lodges a claim for Additional Incidentals Allowance in semester one.

Ali did:

  • supply receipts for all their purchases
  • not have the Head of the Arts faculty of the education provider sign the claim

The claim cannot be approved as the Head of the Arts faculty did not confirm that the course costs are essential course costs in order to undertake the Diploma course.

Ali is advised in writing.


Certificate in Adult Education at the local TAFE

Patience is undertaking a 6 month Certificate in Adult Education at the local TAFE. Patience buys the books on the reading list for a total cost of $194.65.

Patience contacts to apply for Additional Incidentals Allowance for the cost of the books.

Patience is told that Additional Incidentals Allowance cannot be approved as the Certificate in Adult Education is a secondary level course.


18 week Certificate in Information Technology course

Reggie lodges an Additional Incidentals Allowance claim for an 18 week Certificate in Information Technology course.

The head of the faculty confirms that all the items purchased are essential course costs for all students in order to complete the course. The essential course costs total $375.00.

Additional Incidentals Allowance is not approved. The total of the course costs do not exceed the Additional Incidentals prescribed amount for a 18 week course.

All essential course costs less than the relevant prescribed amount are to be covered by

  • the Incidental Allowance payment for the course, and
  • the student's own contribution to the course costs


  • Total amount of the approved items: $375
  • Prescribed amount (based on 17 to 23 week course): $709.40
  • Amount payable = -$334.40 ($375 - $709.40). No amount payable as this is less than zero


Multiple claims in the same calendar year

Rex is undertaking a Bachelor of Medicine at Melbourne University.

Semester one

Rex submits a claim for Additional Incidentals Allowance for a total of $2,100 in essential course costs.

Rex did:

  • supply receipts for all their purchases
  • had the Head of Medicine verify that all the items purchased are essential course costs for all students in order to complete the course

Additional Incidentals Allowance is approved. The amount of essential course costs in excess of the prescribed amount for a full year course is paid to Rex.

Calculation - semester one

  • Total amount of the approved items: $2,100
  • Prescribed amount (based on 24 week to one year course): $1,420.80
  • Amount payable = $679.20 ($2,100 - $1,420.80). Full amount payable as greater than zero and has not exceeded $2,080

Semester two

Rex submits another fully verified claim for Additional Incidentals Allowance. Due to new subjects, Rex incurs additional essential course costs for $1,611.

As the prescribed amount figure has already been exceeded for the year with the semester one claim, it does not need to be subtracted from the essential course cost figure claimed for semester two. The full amount of Additional Incidental Allowance claimed can be paid up to a maximum of $2,080.00 payable in the year.

Calculation - semester two

  • Total amount of the approved items: $1,611
  • Prescribed amount: $0 (As the prescribed amount for this course has already been exceeded in the semester one claim, no further prescribed amount is deducted)
  • Amount payable = $1,611 ($1,611 - $0)
  • However, as the combined total of the two claims = $2,290.20 ($679.20 + $1,611), the Additional Incidentals Allowance limit payable in a year of $2,080 has been exceeded. Therefore, the amount must be amended so it falls within the allowable limit
  • Adjusted amount payable for semester 2 = $1,400.80. ($2,080 - $679.20 semester one amount paid)


Bachelor of Engineering course

Nikara is undertaking a Bachelor of Engineering at Newcastle University.

Nikara submits a claim for Additional Incidentals Allowance in semester one for a total of $1,919 in essential course costs. Full receipts are provided and all costs have been verified by the Head of Engineering as being essential to undertake the course. The amount of essential course costs in excess of the prescribed amount for a full year course is paid to Nikara.

During the semester vacation period Nikara decides to defer from the Bachelor course. They enrol in a 14 week Electrical Engineering Diploma for semester two. Nikara incurs fully verified essential course costs of $1,108 for the Diploma course.

As this is a different course to the one which Additional Incidentals Allowance was claimed for in semester one, Nikara's essential course costs must exceed the prescribed amount for the 14 week course; with the amount in excess of the prescribed amount payable to Nikara.

However, the total payable for the year for both courses combined cannot exceed $2,080.00.


Course duration over multiple calendar years

James is undertaking an 80 week online Diploma course which started on 22 October.

James submits a claim for Additional Incidentals Allowance one month after commencing for a total of $345 in essential course costs. Full receipts are provided and all costs have been verified by the Head of Faculty as being essential to undertake the course.

To assess the Additional Incidentals Allowance claim correctly, the course period during the year of assistance needs to be determined. An 80 week online course starting on 22 October runs over 3 calendar years as follows:

  • Year 1 - 22 October to 31 December (10 weeks)
  • Year 2 - 1 January to 31 December (52 weeks)
  • Year 3 - 1 January to 7 May (18 weeks)

To assess the claim, the following enrolment periods are used to determine the applicable prescribed amount:

  • Year 1 - less than 12 week course
  • Year 2 - 24 week to one year course
  • Year 3 - 17 to 23 week course

The Additional Incidentals Allowance claim lodged in year 1 is approved for James as the total essential course costs of $345, have exceeded the Additional Incidentals prescribed amount for a course of less than 12 weeks.


Partial receipts provided

Jacob is undertaking a 36 week online Diploma course which started on 15 February.

Jacob submits a claim for Additional Incidentals Allowance one month after commencing for a total of $2,345 in essential course costs. Receipts are provided stating $1500 has been purchased and invoices/quotes have been provided for the remaining $845. All costs have been verified by the Head of Faculty as being essential to undertake the course.

Additional Incidentals Allowance is approved. The amount of essential course costs in excess of the prescribed amount for a full year course is paid to Jacob.

Calculations – Initial assessment

  • Total amount of the approved items: $2,345
  • Prescribed amount (based on 24 week to one year course): $1,420.80
  • Amount payable = $924.20 ($2,345 – $1,420.80). Full amount payable as greater than zero and has not exceeded $2,080

A Service Officer codes a review for 3 weeks after the date of payment to confirm remaining items have been purchased.

After the 3 weeks has passed, a Service Officer is allocated the review and Jacob has not supplied any receipts to confirm additional items were purchased. The Additional Incidentals assessment amount can only be assessed against the receipts provided.

The Service Officer will recalculate Jacob’s entitlement to Additional Incidentals.

Calculations – Review assessment

  • Total approved amount in receipts: $1,500
  • Prescribed amount (based on 24 week to one year course): $1,420.80
  • Amount payable = $79.20 ($1,500 – $1,420.80). No amount payable as this is less than zero

Jacob is now only entitled to $79.20 of Additional Incidentals, the Service officer will update the coding on the EPSP screen and create a debt shell of $845 (Difference between previous entitlement and new entitlement)

Note: if the reviewed amount payable is less than or equal to zero, the full amount of Additional Incidentals is to be raised as an overpayment.