ABSTUDY customer in State Care 010-02040060
This document outlines the assessment of a customer's status when in State Care.
On this page:
ABSTUDY customer in State Care
Assessing customer entitlement to ABSTUDY
ABSTUDY customer in State Care
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer in State Care turning 18 years of age + Read more ... Has the customer contacted as they are turning 18 years of age or a Manual Follow Up (MFU) with keywords U18AFH and I033YB been allocated?
2 |
State Care + Read more ... Is the student or Australian Apprentice currently, or have they ever been in State Care?
3 |
Foster care allowance + Read more ... A foster care allowance or similar allowance is a payment made by a State/Territory Department to a nominated carer which is intended directly for the upkeep or personal use of the person under care. For example regular Adolescent Community Placement or Placement Provider Reimbursement payments made directly or indirectly by the Victorian Government. Note: the carer of an ABSTUDY customer must receive the foster care allowance or similar allowance on a 'regular basis'. Where a carer does not receive an allowance on a regular basis (for example respite carer receives an allowance for the upkeep of a student whilst in their care during school holidays), the respite carer will not be considered to be receiving a regular foster care allowance for ABSTUDY purposes. |
4 |
Documentation required + Read more ... Customers currently living in State Care must provide a statement from the relevant Government agency:
Note: where a State/Territory Department contracts out to a private provider to coordinate placement of a customer in care, the letter authorising the placement must be signed by an officer of the appropriate State/Territory authority. Tell the student or Australian Apprentice of the above. If required, send a request for the documentation, see Requesting information (CLK). Has suitable documentation been provided?
5 |
Student current circumstances + Read more ... For ABSTUDY purposes, the student or Australian Apprentice may meet the qualification for State Care. If the student or Australian Apprentice is currently:
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State Care MFU or Review for State Care students turning 18yrs old + Read more ... A Manual Follow-up Activity (MFU) with the keywords U18AFH and I033YB is automatically created when the student reaches 17 years and 11 months of age. Confirm if a foster care or similar allowance will continue to be paid from the State or Territory Government. This will determine the rate of ABSTUDY Living Allowance payable from the student's 18th birthday. For:
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Initial MFU allocation + Read more ... Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer to determine whether the State or Territory Government will continue to pay a foster care or similar allowance on the customer's behalf. Explain the effects to the customer's rate of payment if the foster care allowance has or will cease. If the customer is unable to provide this information, obtain permission from the customer to contact the carer and/or State or Territory Department. Was all required information provided?
8 |
MFU allocation after Q999 letter has been sent + Read more ... Confirm and review that all the documentation requested has been provided. Has confirmation the student is out of State Care due to age been provided?
9 |
Send Q999 + Read more ...
Procedure ends here. |
Coding independence details
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Claiming Independence + Read more ... If the student or Australian Apprentice:
2 |
Student or Australian Apprentice further criteria + Read more ... Check if the student or Australian Apprentice meets all of the following:
Does the student or Australian Apprentice meet all of the above criteria?
3 |
Updating independence + Read more ... Update the customer's ABSTUDY independence details. On the Independent/Homeless Away from Home Details (NIH) screen in the ISS system, update:
Do not complete the End Reason and End Date fields. Is the student undertaking an approved scholarship course?
4 |
Independence for under 18 years old + Read more ... For under 18 year olds who are granted the independent status due to homelessness (UTLAH), ensure:
This will avoid difficulties that are likely to arise if the ABSTUDY payments are incorrectly directed to the parent(s). Record details on a DOC of decision or discussion. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Not eligible for ABSTUDY criteria on being, or having been in State Care + Read more ... The student or Australian Apprentice is not eligible for grant of Away from Home/independent status for ABSTUDY based on being or having been in State Care. Complete the following tasks:
Record details on a DOC of decision or discussion.
Procedure ends here. |
Assessing customer entitlement to ABSTUDY
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Age of customer + Read more ... The student or Australian Apprentice must meet one of the following:
Does the student or Australian Apprentice meet either of the above criteria?
2 |
Coding when a student ceases to be qualified for State Care only because of their age + Read more ... For ABSTUDY purposes, a student or Australian Apprentice meeting the qualification for State Care but has ceased care only because of their age, can qualify for entitlements available to students or Australian Apprentices who are still formally in State Care.
Customers who cease being qualified for State Care due to age are entitled to receive ABSTUDY Living Allowance at the Away from Home rate. Is the customer living with the carer they were placed with?
3 |
Criteria for Away from Home rate + Read more ... Determine the Away from Home rate by assessing why a customer is living away from the permanent home. When assessing this for ABSTUDY customers in State Care, the Permanent Home is defined as:
A customer may be placed into the care of a boarding school. In these cases, they do not have any place that they 'normally reside'. These customers experiencing vulnerability are most likely placed with respite carers who may change every school holidays. These customers would be eligible for the Away from Home rate under 'Home Conditions' as they do not have a place where they 'normally reside'. As the State/Territory Department still accepts ongoing responsibility for them, they are ineligible for the independent criteria 'Unreasonable to Live at Home'. Do not assess the Away from Home rate from the place that the child was removed from before being placed into State Care. Does the customer meet an Away from Home criteria?
4 |
Customer in care of a person + Read more ... Customers in State Care are not considered to be independent, however they are exempt from the parental income test if:
The following information is required when a student is in State Care and placed into the care of a person, if the student is:
Tell the student or Australian Apprentice of the above. If required, send a request for the documentation, see Requesting information (CLK). Note: in the Northern Territory, it has been determined that Territory Families (Northern Territory Government) maintain a high level of daily care and control of children when they are placed into the care of the Chief Executive Officer of Territory Families. Therefore, when the child is placed with a foster carer by Territory Families, they are considered to be placed into the care of an organisation. If the student is located in Northern Territory, go to Step 5. Has suitable documentation/information been provided?
5 |
Student placed into the care of an organisation + Read more ... Customers who are linked to a State/Territory Department, a MOD JY is not required. Where staff of the organisation have not signed the application form as 'the applicant', any formal correspondence returned from the organisation regarding the child's care may be accepted. This is sufficient evidence that the information in the claim about the customer is correct. The Resources page has examples. The State Care customer needs to be PIT linked to a person record. |
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Applying PIT links when in care of an organisation + Read more ... Due to system limitations, Service Officers must follow this process where the ABSTUDY student or Australian Apprentice who is in State Care does not have a carer (person) to PIT link to. Identify which State/Territory Department is responsible for the customer, to ensure the organisation has not already been added as a person in all environments. Undertake a national search on the Name Search (IN) screen in the ISS (for ABSTUDY) system. Use PER as the search type. If there is no record or a new person, create a new one in the same environment as the ABSTUDY customer:
When the record has been added, or if a record is already created, make a note of the CRN, as it will need to be used to for PIT linking. |
7 |
Coding Household Income and Assessments (NHI) screen + Read more ... Link customers in State Care to the carer, guardian or organisation with whom they have been placed into the care of. For more information, see Creating, updating and ending Parental Income Test (PIT) links with dependent student, Australian Apprentice and job seeker recipients or claimants. The Foster Parent PIT Exemption Reason should display on the NHI screen to ensure the young person is:
This will occur when correctly linking the carer, guardian or organisation as FSP on the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen. Record a Display on Access (DOA) DOC on the customer's record advising the student is in State Care. Include the carer, guardian or organisations name and contact details. |
8 |
Coding required to pay the correct rate to customers in State Care + Read more ... Where the student or Australian Apprentice is considered to be in State Care and is entitled to Living Allowance, it is paid at the following rates:
Update the Independent/Homeless Away from Home Details (NIH) screen based on the students circumstances. Is there is a current entry?
9 |
Code new NIH entry + Read more ... Add a new entry with the following:
Note: where the student meets the State Care criteria and an Away from Home criteria, code NIH with the State Care reason of AFY or AFN. Place a DOA DOC on the record with the Away from Home criteria met. |
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Recording decisions + Read more ... If the student is studying an approved scholarship course, see Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding for coding the Regional Location Details (RLD) screen. Record details on a DOC of decision or discussion. If an assessment on eligibility for Away from Home Entitlements is required, see Assessing eligibility for Away from Home Entitlements for ABSTUDY customers. |