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Processing Fares Allowance and Away from Base entitlements in advance or reimbursements 010-02100050

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Reimbursing fares and additional costs associated with travel for ABSTUDY

Table 1: This table describes scenarios in which Fares Allowance and additional costs associated with travel for ABSTUDY are payable via reimbursement.




Customer travels on appropriate mode of transport

Mikaela lodges a claim for Fares Allowance for a journey from a university in Melbourne to their permanent home in Townsville, QLD for the Christmas break. Mikaela booked and paid for a cheap, non-refundable flight costing $230.

Mikaela qualifies for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance.

The trip by public transport is:

  • 45 hours via train
  • 56 hours via bus

As the train and bus service exceed the reasonable travelling time, the appropriate mode of transport is economy airfare.

Mikaela is eligible for reimbursement of $230, the cost of the air ticket. Because Mikaela travelled on the appropriate mode of transport, the actual cost of the ticket is reimbursed. This is irrespective of whether a quote from Corporate Travel Management (CTM) identifies an air ticket as costing more or less than the $230 amount paid by Mikaela. The actual cost of the ticket is reimbursed and therefore obtaining a quote from CTM is not necessary.


Customer travels on inappropriate mode of transport and customer's ticket cost is higher than the appropriate mode of transport cost

Jayden lodges a claim for Fares Allowance for the journey undertaken to start a university degree, flying from home in Canberra to the study location in Sydney. The claim is $420 for the cost of the airfare.

Jayden qualifies for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance.

The trip by public transport is:

  • 4 hours via bus
  • 4 hours via train

As the journey by rail service and bus take less than 18 hours, the appropriate mode of transport is rail or bus. Jayden is not eligible for rail fare with a sleeping berth, airfare nor Motor Vehicle Allowance (MVA) for the journey. The travel providers website shows that a bus ticket is $90 and a train ticket is $110.Jayden is eligible for Fares Allowance reimbursement of $90, which is the cost of a bus ticket. This is the most cost-effective appropriate mode of transport for the journey.


Customer travels on inappropriate mode of transport and customer's ticket cost is lower than the appropriate mode of transport cost

Nellie lodges a claim for Fares Allowance for the journey undertaken to start a university degree. Nellie's home is in Broome and the study location is in Perth. Nellie travelled by bus from Broome to Perth costing $145.

Nellie qualifies for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance.

The trip by public transport is:

  • 34hours 30 minutes via bus
  • No rail service exists

As there is no rail service and the bus journey takes more than 18 hours, the appropriate mode of transport is via an economy airfare. Checks of airline websites found that the cheapest fully flexible economy airfare would cost $470.

Nellie is eligible for reimbursement of Fares Allowance for the cost of the bus ticket paid, even though an airfare is the appropriate mode of transport. For journeys taken on an inappropriate mode of transport, the cheaper cost is reimbursed.


Calculation of Motor Vehicle Allowance (MVA) where third party transports one or more students

Tanya lodges a claim for Fares Allowance for a journey undertaken with son James. Tanya and James travelled from James' permanent home in Chillagoe QLD to James boarding school in Charters Towers, to commence Term 1.

They travelled in Tanya's Toyota Prado 3.4L. After dropping James at boarding school, Tanya drove back to Chillagoe. Tanya has provided fuel receipts totalling $150.

James qualifies for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance.

MVA is the most appropriate mode of transport for the journey as travel by public transport exceeds reasonable travel time and is more cost-effective than economy airfare.

As Tanya used a private vehicle to transport a passenger qualified for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance for the journey, Tanya is eligible for:

  • the standard rate of MVA, and
  • an additional $0.0063 per kilometre for the distance James was transported

The rate of MVA is calculated by:

  • determining the distance in kilometres by the shortest practicable route between the locations for which MVA is approved, and
  • multiplying that distance by the relevant MVA rate (cents per kilometre) for the engine capacity of the vehicle

For example: 1038.2 km x $0.61 = $633.30, plus 519.1 km x $0.0063 = an additional $3.27.

Tanya is eligible for reimbursement of ABSTUDY Fares Allowance for $636.57.

Note: the above rates are current as at 1 July 2024.


Customer travels on inappropriate mode of transport and cost is higher than the appropriate mode of transport cost

Johanna lodges a claim for Fares Allowance for the journey undertaken to start a university degree. Johanna's home is in Dubbo and the university is in Cook. Johanna travelled by private vehicle from Dubbo to Cook and provides petrol receipts totalling $110.

Johanna qualifies for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance.

The trip by public transport is:

  • 8 hours 23 minutes via bus
  • 12 hours 58 minutes via rail service

As a bus journey would take less than 18 hours and a rail journey would take less than 36 hours, the appropriate mode of transport is rail or bus. Johanna is not eligible for rail fare with a sleeping berth, economy airfare nor MVA for the journey. The travel providers website shows that a bus ticket is $45 and rail is $78.

Johanna is eligible for Fares Allowance reimbursement of $45, the cost of a bus ticket. This is the most cost-effective, appropriate mode of transport for the journey.


Organisations who claim reimbursement for multiple students

The total amount must be apportioned between each student to reflect their actual individual cost.


  • bulk reimbursement claims for 10 eligible students, totalling $5,000. This would be apportioned on each student’s record at $500 each and paid to the organisation
  • bulk reimbursement claims for 10 students, totalling $5,000, however only 5 of the students are eligible. The total amount is still apportioned on each student’s record at $500 each, however 5 of these claims will be rejected, and the other 5 will be paid to the organisation
  • reimbursement claim for a charter flight for 10 students totalling $5000, however only 5 of the students are eligible. The total amount in this case must be apportioned between the 5 eligible students at $1000 each. The other 5 students’ claims will be rejected. Note: as the total cost of the charter has already been reimbursed, any subsequent reassessment of the claim will not result in additional coding/apportionment


Reassessments of previously completed activities prior to the entitlement start date

Aaron previously claimed Fares Allowance reimbursement for travel prior to the ABSTUDY start date totalling:

  • Fares: $289
  • Accommodation: $500
  • Meals: $188

Aaron has now provided an invoice for their airport transfer which was not reimbursed in the original request.

Aaron’s new entitlement is:

  • Fares: $311
  • Accommodation: $500
  • Meals: $188

As the forward travel date was before the ABSTUDY start date, the Service Officer will need to create a new booking to pay the additional charges from the original assessment.

The new booking will only code and pay the difference, which is $22 for fares.

Q999 letter templates

Table 2: This table displays Q999 letter templates, which can be sent to individuals and providers when Fares Allowance Reimbursements and Away from Base activities are approved, rejected or require more information.

Activity outcome

Q999 letter text

Bulk reimbursement - institution

To whom it may concern,

Your claim for reimbursement of <Fares Allowance/Meals and Accommodation/Residential Expenses> has been <assessed/reassessed>.

Ref: <insert group booking ID>

Travel type: <delete if not required>

Travel dates: <delete if not required>

Course: <delete if not required>

Activity location: <delete if not required>

Activity dates: <delete if n2ot required>

Please see attached reimbursement report for details of amounts claimed and paid on <date>.

This decision has been made in accordance with Chapter <90/96> of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

Information required AFB activity - individual

Dear <Customer Name>,

We are writing to ask for more information to help us make the right decision about your request for Away from Base funding for the <residential block/placement/field trip/testing and assessment> activity held in <AFB activity location> over the period <date> to <date> as part of your <level and course detail> with <Name of Education Institution>.

Please provide a written statement from your institution by <insert relevant closing date>, confirming:

that the activity is a necessary component of the course and that your attendance is compulsory, and

the details of any assistance provided by any third party for you to attend the activity, and

for students seeking assistance under the Lawful Custody Award, that you have permission from the correctional provider to attend the activity <delete if not required>.

You can submit your documents online, in person at a service centre, or by post to:

Services Australia

Student Services

Reply Paid 7804

Canberra BC ACT 2610

This request has been made under the Student Assistance Act 1973.

AFB activity approved - payment in advance to individual

Dear <Customer Name>,

We have approved your submission to attend the <residential block/placement/field trip/testing and assessment> activity held in <AFB activity location> over the period <date> to <date> as part of <level and course detail> with <Name of Education Institution>.

Accommodation allowance has been assessed for the period <date> to <date> and an amount of <$000.00> approved.

Meals allowance has been assessed for the period <date> to <date> and an amount of <$000.00> approved.

Funding has been paid in advance and will need to be acquitted within 1 calendar month after the completion of the activity. To acquit funding paid in advance, please provide confirmation from <Name of Educational Institution> that you participated in the approved activity for the full period <date> to <date>. No further funding can be provided until the activity has been acquitted.

If you incur other expenses while undertaking travel between your home and the approved activity, you may submit a claim for Fares Allowance and test your eligibility for a reimbursement to recover those costs.

Claims for reimbursement of Fares Allowance must be lodged with Centrelink before 31 March in the year immediately following the activity.

The activity is approved under Chapters 94, 95 and 96 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

AFB activity approved - payment in advance to institution

To whom it may concern,

We have approved your submission for the <residential block/placement/field trip/testing and assessment> activity held in <AFB activity location> over the period <date> to <date> as part of <level and course detail>.

Funding of <$000.00> for provision of meals and accommodation for the activity in respect of eligible students has been paid in advance.

The following students are eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students must contact ABSTUDY immediately on 1800 132 317 to be assessed for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students are not eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

Funding will need to be acquitted within 1 calendar month after the completion of the approved activity. No further funding can be provided until the activity has been acquitted.

The activity is approved under Chapters 94, 95 and 96 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

AFB activity approved in principle - institution

To whom it may concern,

We have approved your submission for the <residential block/placement/field trip/testing and assessment> activity held in <AFB activity location> over the period <date> to <date> as part of <level and course detail>.

The activity is approved under Chapters 94, 95 and 96 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual.

The following students are eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students must contact ABSTUDY immediately on 1800 132 317 to be assessed for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students are not eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

Funding for the activity will be reimbursed when proof of expenditure has been provided. Documents must be lodged by 31 March of the year following the activity.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

AFB activity not approved - individual

Dear <Customer Name>,

Under Chapter 94 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual, we are unable to approve the <residential block/placement/field trip/testing and assessment> activity held in <AFB activity location> over the period <date> to <date> as part of <level and course detail> with <Name of Educational Institution> because <insert reason>.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

AFB activity not approved - institution

To whom it may concern,

Under Chapter 94 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual, we are unable to approve the <residential block/placement/field trip/testing and assessment> activity held in <AFB activity location> over the period <date> to <date> as part of <level and course detail> because <insert reason>.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

Submission required AFB bulk funding - institution

To whom it may concern,

We are writing to ask for more information to help us make the right decision about your request for Away from Base bulk funding for the delivery of residential schools for <period>.

Please complete the ABSTUDY Submission for away from base activity funding form (SY034) and submit all supporting information as soon as possible.

You can lodge your submission for funding via email to abstudy.afb@, in person at a service centre, or by post to:

Services Australia

Student Services

Reply Paid 7804

Canberra BC ACT 2610

This request has been made under the Student Assistance Act 1973.

AFB bulk funding approved - one year - institution

To whom it may concern,

Under Chapter 96 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual, we have approved your submission for Away from Base Bulk funding for the delivery of residential schools for <insert year>.

Funding for the first semester has been paid in advance for the following students who are eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students must contact ABSTUDY immediately on 1800 132 317 to be assessed for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students are not eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

A bulk funding acquittal report is required to be lodged

  • at the end of the first semester and
  • by 31 January <year following funding>

Advance funding for the second semester will only be paid once the acquittal report due at the end of the first semester has been received.

You have confirmed that <name of education institution> has the necessary administrative structure and capability to administer bulk funding.

You must tell Services Australia immediately of any variations to the original submission.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

AFB bulk funding approved - period less than one year - institution

To whom it may concern,

Under Chapter 96 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual, we have approved your submission for Away from Base Bulk funding for the delivery of residential schools for <period>.

Funding has been paid in advance for the following students who are eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students must contact ABSTUDY immediately on 1800 132 317 to be assessed for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students are not eligible for ABSTUDY Away from Base funding:

<List student names here, remove paragraph if not applicable>

A bulk funding acquittal report is required to be lodged at the end of < insert date>.

You have confirmed that <name of education institution> has the necessary administrative structure and capability to administer bulk funding.

You must tell Services Australia immediately of any variations to the original submission.

Include the Appeal paragraph.

AFB Bulk funding not approved - institution

To whom it may concern,

Under Chapter 96 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual, we are unable to approve your submission for Away from Base Bulk funding for the delivery of residential schools for <insert period> because <reason bulk funding not approved>

Include the Appeal paragraph.

Reimbursement Report

Table 3:




Create report

The Reimbursement Report is sent with the Q999 letter to institutions claiming bulk reimbursements.

Select the Reimbursement Report icon. For more information on reports, see ABSTUDY Operational Information (OI) reports table in Travel Management Application (TMA).

Filter the Reimbursement Report to obtain the relevant travel/Away from Base activity:

  • Travel Date Range: enter the date range of the activity as it is coded within the booking in the TMA
  • Payee Name: match the payee name of the booking in the TMA
  • Travel Reason: for Away from Base activities use AWAY FROM BASE, otherwise field is optional if report is for FAA reimbursements

After results display, select the Download to Excel icon.


Check report

Check the information in the Reimbursement Report to ensure it matches the claim information. Delete any rows from the Excel spreadsheet not relevant to the activity.

Copy all the rows with data. Do not copy the headings.

Open the FAA or AFB Reimbursement Report template:

  • select cell A2
  • right click > Paste Special > Paste Values 123

Review the Reimbursement Report template, if the information is:

  • incorrect, re-run the Reimbursement Report, see Item 1
  • correct, save the Reimbursement Report template in PDF format with title of ‘Institution Name - Group Booking ID’ (for example ‘Test College - Group Booking 123456’)


Issue report and letter

Print and issue the Reimbursement Report and Q999 letter to institutions claiming bulk reimbursements via post or email. Note: the Reimbursement Report has an approved header which is visible once the document has been saved/printed.

Upload a copy of the report and letter to the Organisation’s CRN on the group booking in Process Direct.

ABSTUDY Reimbursement Report templates

These attachments may not be printed, broadcast or released externally. For contact details and more information, see Information Publication Scheme.

An attachment is available. Do not share it externally. FAA Reimbursement Report template

An attachment is available. Do not share it externally. AFB Reimbursement Report template

Forms and documents

These attachments may not be printed, broadcast or released externally. For contact details and more information, see Information Publication Scheme.

An attachment is available. Do not share it externally. ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) - Information for Third Party Organisations

An attachment is available. Do not share it externally. ABSTUDY AFB contact channels and lodgement requirements for students

An attachment is available. Do not share it externally.ABSTUDY Travel Minimum Doc Standards

An attachment is available. Do not share it externally.Quickstep Guide

ABSTUDY Reimbursement Authorisation - Booking Form

External websites

Google Maps - search for the distance in kilometres between locations for MVA