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Travel Management Application (TMA) 010-20081213

This document outlines the TMA in Process Direct. All activity and information relating to Fares Allowance (FAA) and Away from Base for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), must be recorded within TMA.

General information on the TMA

The TMA records and manages all aspects of travel arrangements and entitlements for students and non-student travellers. This includes:

  • managing the lifecycle of ABSTUDY travel bookings including pre-booking requests, cancellations, variations, penalties and reimbursements
  • linking approved traveller bookings
  • exporting booking spreadsheets to send to Corporate Travel Management (CTM) to book, vary or cancel travel arrangements
  • uploading travel itineraries or other documents to travel bookings and/or reimbursements
  • creating notes on travel bookings
  • logging changes made to travel
  • searching for travel records
  • recording capability, including grouping student or travel bookings by school
  • managing disrupted travel incidents
  • payment of meals and accommodation (residential expenses package or travel allowance) for Away from Base

ABSTUDY Smart Centre:

  • Travel and Away from Base Service Officers have full access to the TMA to manage all aspects of travel
  • Telephony Service Officers have view access to the TMA along with limited access to role specific functions, such as creating and varying travel requests

See TMA overview on the Process page for the relevant ESSentials roles.

For Quality Management Officers wanting to perform quality checks on activities completed in the TMA, see Travel Management Application (TMA) quality checking.

ABSTUDY Operational Information (OI) reports

ABSTUDY OI reports enable users with appropriate access to obtain consolidated reports of students and non-student travellers who have travel bookings arranged through the ABSTUDY TMA.

Reports available are:

  • Emergency Report - Manages all travel arrangements in real time, for students and non-student travellers affected by significant travel events, such as cyclones, fires or travel carrier issues
  • Outstanding Itineraries - Identifies all traveller bookings with a travel itinerary outstanding from Corporate Travel Management (CTM)
  • Reimbursement Report - Obtains transactional information used for Fares Allowance reimbursement reviews/appeals. To manage Away from Base components paid in advance and the subsequent acquittal process required under ABSTUDY policy
  • No Show Travel Costs - Identifies all traveller bookings with outstanding travel costs required from CTM
  • All TMA - Captures all travel arrangements entered into the TMA per Customer Reference Number (CRN) or per travel booking

The Resources page contains the ABSTUDY OI reports - access and User Guide, Quickstep Guide, ABSTUDY Travel Minimum DOC Standards and a link to Office Locator.

Authorising and coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY

Away from Base assistance for ABSTUDY

Online Document Recording (ODR)

Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)

Travel Management Application (TMA) quality checking

No show for ABSTUDY travel