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ABSTUDY cancellations, suspensions and restorations 010-02130000

This document outlines the procedures involved in processing cancellations, restorations and suspensions to ABSTUDY payments.

Cancelling ABSTUDY

Before cancelling a customer's ABSTUDY payment, take care to confirm the customer no longer meets the qualification and/or payability provisions for ABSTUDY. If the decision is to cancel, an advice must be sent to the customer with the cancellation reason and review and appeal rights.

See Cancellation of ABSTUDY payments.

Suspending ABSTUDY

Before suspending a customer's ABSTUDY payment, take care to confirm the customer is temporarily not eligible for payment.

A customer may not be qualified for payment temporarily, or for a specific period, as a result of changes in their circumstances. An investigation may be required by Services Australia into their eligibility for ABSTUDY. In such cases, their payment should be suspended.

See Suspension of ABSTUDY payments.

Restoring ABSTUDY

Restoration of suspended or cancelled ABSTUDY payments usually occurs when a customer's qualification for ABSTUDY has been re-established after a cancellation or suspension.

See Restoration of ABSTUDY payments.

Unfavourable decision

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

Check and update contact details

Every customer's address (including postal address) and phone details (including mobile phone numbers) must be checked at every contact, and updated if required. Note: if the customer has authenticated themselves via IVR, address details do not need to be confirmed.


Suspension of ABSTUDY payments

Restoration of ABSTUDY payments

Cancellation of ABSTUDY payments

Codes for ABSTUDY cancellation, suspension and rejection reasons