Assessing the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Current Income Assessment (SY042) 010-03020070
For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Smart Centre staff only
This document outlines how the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Current Income Assessment (SY042) is assessed by AIC Smart Centre staff. This form is used to assess eligibility for Additional Boarding Allowance taking into account parental income.
Assessing the AIC - Current Income Assessment (SY042)
This table describes the steps taken by Smart Centre staff to assess eligibility for Additional Boarding Allowance.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Current Income Assessment (SY042) received + Read more ... Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Current Income Assessment (SY042) received. Upon receipt, check AIC form for completion and transfer to the relevant Smart Centre. Look up Processing Service details for: Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC). |
2 |
Circumstances when a current income assessment applies + Read more ... This assessment would only be applied if an applicant is claiming Additional Boarding Allowance (ABA), and:
The decrease must occur before 1 July of the current year (the year following the base tax year). Where parental income decreases after 30 June in the current year, the reduced income cannot be taken into account until 1 January of the following year. |
3 |
Assessing the SY042 + Read more ... Check the SY042 for the:
Go to the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen in the ISS system, and:
Consider if there has been a substantial drop in income. The current tax year income should generally be at least 25% lower than the base tax year income. While a drop of this size is a general guide, assessors should exercise discretion when the drop is less than 25%. For instance, people on lower incomes, a lesser drop can have a substantial effect on their standard of living. Smart Centre staff should also be satisfied that the estimate of the current tax year income or of any drop in income for the current tax year is reasonable based on information available, such as previous earnings and current employment Has there been a substantial reduction in income which will last for at least 2 years from the later of the date of the drop in income or 1 January?
4 |
Key the current income details on the system + Read more ... In the ISS system, go to the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen:
5 |
Finalise assessment + Read more ... Finalise the assessment on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. The start date for payment of ABA or change in rate is the date of effect recorded on the NHI screen. For information about the ABA rate payable, see:
Record details on a DOC, including policy references for decision. |