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Approved studies for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) 010-03030010

For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) smart centre staff only.

This page contains information on assessing approved studies for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Approved studies for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)

This table describes the steps to determine approved studies for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) smart centre staff.




Full-time study load + Read more ...

The amount of work the school, institution or (for home schooling) education authority regards as a full-time amount for the student.

There is no minimum attendance requirement for AIC eligibility.

Note: if an institution allows a student with a disability or other health-related condition to undertake a reduced study load, they are considered to be full-time.

Is the student undertaking a full-time study load?


Approved institution + Read more ...

For AIC, an approved institution in Australia, is one of the below:

  • a government school, including a distance education centre
  • a non-government school that is not conducted for profit, recognised by the Minister responsible for education in the relevant state/territory
  • a technical and further education (TAFE), vocational education and training institution (VET) or higher education institution
  • a government or non-government residential institution or non-residential special school catering for children with disabilities or psychological, emotional or behavioural problems
  • an accredited non-government residential or non-residential special school catering for children with disabilities, or psychological, emotional or behavioural problems
  • a private tertiary institution that offers a course accredited by the relevant state/territory authority

Is the student undertaking study at an approved institution?


Approved course + Read more ...

An approved course for AIC purposes includes:

  • full-time primary or secondary course with daily attendance at an approved institution
  • full-time primary or secondary distance education course with an approved institution, accepted by the state or territory education authority as a valid alternative to full-time attendance at school
  • full-time primary or secondary home education or schooling formally approved by the state or territory education authority as meeting government curriculum
  • any other full-time secondary course at an approved institution
  • a full-time tertiary course at an approved institution

Is the student undertaking study in an approved course?


Approved level + Read more ...

Study may be undertaken at one of the following levels in an approved course:

  • Primary:
    • study recognised as primary level study by the state/territory education authorities
  • Secondary:
    • full-time secondary course at an approved institution, or
    • study recognised as secondary level by the state/territory education authority
  • Tertiary:
    • study offered by an approved institution approved under the Ministerial Determination, or
    • a course recognised by an authority responsible for accreditation of higher education courses or vocational education and training courses or vocational courses in the state/territory
  • Ungraded:
    • study recognised as ungraded (including 'living skills') at a government or accredited non-government residential or non-residential institution catering for children with psychological, emotional or behavioural problems. This type of study must be recognised by a state/territory education or health authority

Note: check the National Course Approvals page for the correct course level.

Is the student undertaking study at an approved level?


Disability Support Pension (DSP) or Parenting Payment single (PPS) + Read more ...

Is the student undertaking study at primary or equivalent ungraded level?


Study at tertiary level + Read more ...

Is the student undertaking study at tertiary level, and is under the minimum school leaving age for their state? See the Resources page of Determining the Entitlement End Date for the AIC Scheme for when AIC for a tertiary student ceases in each state.


Approved study for all allowances + Read more ...

The student is undertaking approved study for all allowances under the AIC scheme.

Record study details when completing the claim assessment.

For information about other eligibility requirements, see Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) eligibility.

Procedure ends here.


The student is not undertaking approved study for AIC + Read more ...

A student receiving DSP or PPS and undertaking secondary or tertiary level study, may be eligible for Pensioner Education supplement (PES).

Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained.Tell the applicant the student is not undertaking approved study for AIC and record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here.

Reject the claim at the final assessment stage and advise the reason for the decision.

See Assessing and coding claims for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).