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Satisfying the activity test for Austudy 010-04050010

This document outlines how a customer satisfies the activity test for Austudy.

Student activity test

In addition to other Austudy qualifications, Austudy is subject to an activity test for students. The customer must be undertaking qualifying study in an approved course of education at an approved provider. This means it can only be paid to people who are currently undertaking study or to those who meet the continuing/intending student rules. In certain cases, Austudy may also continue to be paid where a student is temporarily not studying due to illness or injury. Austudy customers must also meet the satisfactory progress rules, which are part of the Austudy activity test.

Austudy students impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the 2020/2021/2022 academic years

Due to COVID-19, some students were temporarily unable to study or reduced their study load below full-time. Impacts for students include:

  • a sudden transition away from face-to-face learning to online learning
  • closure of student accommodation
  • cancellation of some units of study
  • delays in commencing practical placements

Some students will contact to advise a delay in their practical placement. These students may not know when their placement will begin or end. Service Officers:

  • can use estimated dates provided by the customer in these circumstances
  • do not have to request documentation from an education provider to confirm placement dates. See below for other evidence requirements
  • should tell customers to update their course details when they know more specific details

Activity Test and Study Requirements

Students unable to study, or with a reduced study load, meet their study requirements or activity test if they:

  • had an approved reason, and
  • remained enrolled in their course (this includes taking an approved leave of absence), and
  • returned, or intended to return to full-time studies or an approved concessional study load in the:
    • next available study period, or
    • earliest possibility of full-time study
  • cannot return to full time study as they are in the final study period of their course

Approved reasons for reduction in study load

Approved reasons include:

  • the student moved from face-to-face to online study, and had a lack of available resources. For example internet access, PC/laptop or specialist equipment
  • the student dropped units of study because they failed or would have failed because of transitioning away from face-to-face learning
  • education provider cancelled subjects or units, or
  • rescheduling of compulsory practical placement

Do not update the Education Course Details (EDC) screen unless the student needs to extend their course and study end dates.

For a student with study circumstances impacted by COVID-19, record details in a DOC. Include:

  • why the customer is temporarily unable to study or reduced their study load
  • if the student has the intention to return to full time study or approved concessional study load:
    • in the next available study period, or
    • the earliest possible instance full time study becomes available to them again
  • if the student cannot return to full time study, as they are in the final study period of their course

A student does not have an approved reason if they decided to:

  • end their study, or
  • reduce their study load because their education provider waived a financial or academic penalty

Evidence requirements

Student's with a reduced study load due to COVID-19, need to provide evidence from their education provider. This evidence must state they have a reduced study load as a direct result of COVID-19.

Do not request evidence from an education provider if practical placement is delayed due to COVID-19 and the start or end date for placement is unknown.

Update the EDC screen with estimated dates provided by the student.

Australian Apprentices

A full-time Australian Apprentice may be eligible for Austudy. There is no activity test for Australian Apprentices. An Australian Apprentice must have a current Commonwealth registration number.

Note: a student who is employed on a full-time basis as an apprentice or trainee but does not meet the definition of an Australian Apprentice cannot be considered to satisfy the activity test for Austudy or be entitled to Austudy as an Australian Apprentice.

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

The Resources page contains a table of scenarios showing the effect of illness or incapacity on satisfying the activity test.

General course requirements for Centrelink administered payments for students

Assessing and coding student and Australian Apprentice claims for Austudy

Eligibility for Austudy

Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process

Making an unfavourable decision (CLK)