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Commencement, cessation and coding of the away from home rate of Youth Allowance (YA) 010-06040140

This document outlines how to determine and record decisions about when the away from home (AFH) rate of YA would start and stop.

Start date

Eligibility for the away from home rate of YA starts on the later of the date the customer:

  • leaves the parental home for an approved reason
  • starts the activity for which they have been approved to live away from the parental home
  • is granted as part of a new claim, or
  • notifies Services Australia of a change. See Change of circumstance for Youth Allowance (YA)

Note: customers who are required to quarantine due to COVID-19 border closures are only eligible for the AFH rate as per the above.

A customer is considered to have already started an activity if they are:

  • an Australian Apprentice or continuing/returning to a course of study they have already started, and
  • they were previously granted/qualified for the away from home rate for the activity they are returning to

Date of cessation

Eligibility for the away from home rate of YA ceases on the earliest date the customer:

  • returns to the parental home (unless they are exempt from the accommodated independent status, or return to the parental home for a holiday and they are maintaining their term accommodation), or
  • completes or ceases the activity for which they have been approved to live away from the parental home (for example, the date after the date the customer completes their approved course)

Note: a review of the YA customer's situation can occur when they advise they are remaining away from home to either commence a new course or they meet one of the other eligibility criteria to retain the higher rate.

See the Resources page for more examples.

Disadvantaged students

Dependent students living away from the family home or independent students who are disadvantaged by personal circumstances and are enrolled in an approved scholarship course may also be qualified to receive the Relocation Scholarship (RS).

Dependent secondary students receiving YA at the away from home rate

If a secondary student has a change in circumstances which ceases their eligibility to the away from home rate, they may continue to receive YA at the at home rate. The student’s parent/guardian does not need to claim Family Tax Benefit, unless the payment would be more beneficial. See Identifying the most beneficial payment for students or Australian Apprentices.

Where a dependent secondary student was previously receiving YA at the away from home rate and a new claim is required, the student’s circumstances must be reassessed to determine their eligibility for away from home rate of payment.

Tertiary students impacted by COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred in Australia from March 2020, some tertiary students were required to leave their on campus term accommodation. Many tertiary students also transitioned to online study, as face-to-face teaching was unavailable.

YA students who were receiving the away from home rate, and transitioned to online learning as a result of COVID-19 remain eligible for the AFH rate. Students must return to face-to-face study once available to continue to be eligible for the away from home rate.

Where a student had to move out of education provider accommodation (such as on campus) and are, or were temporarily staying with their parents, will remain eligible for the AFH rate providing they:

  • remain enrolled in their course of study, and
  • intend to return to their campus accommodation as soon as the education provider allows them to return

This includes students who have had their accommodation arrangement cancelled by the education provider and have moved their belongings out of that accommodation.

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

The Resources page contains scenarios.

Assessing excessive travelling time for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing parents moving frequently for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing parental home isolated for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing parental home inadequate for study, work or job search for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing a customer with a disability when the parental home is isolated from required facilities for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing the away from home rate of Youth Allowance (YA) when parents move out of the area

Assessing equivalent activity not available locally for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing compulsory residence at an educational provider for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Assessing a tertiary student studying overseas for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate

Change of circumstance for Youth Allowance (YA)

Independence for Youth Allowance (YA) customers

Reviews of independence for Youth Allowance

Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision

First contact about a decision and the internal review process