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Scholarship study requirements 010-07030050

This document outlines the scholarship study requirements to qualify for Relocation Scholarship (RS) and Student Start-up Scholarship (SSS) (for historical payments between 2010 and 2017).

On this page:

Scholarship study requirements for approved scholarship courses

Changes in scholarship courses

Scholarship study requirements for approved scholarship courses

Table 1: How to determine the 35-day requirements for students undertaking an approved scholarships course.




Student claiming or in receipt of Student payment + Read more ...

  • If the student is claiming a student payment (such as Youth Allowance (YA), or ABSTUDY), go to Step 2
  • If the student is already in receipt of a student payment (such as Youth Allowance (YA), or ABSTUDY) and is advising a change of study circumstances, go to Step 3


To qualify for a scholarship + Read more ...

To qualify for a scholarship, the student must:

  • start or continue undertaking full-time study in an approved scholarship course within 35 days of qualifying for a scholarship in the period, and
  • be undertaking full-time study in an approved scholarship course on the later of:
    • 35 days after qualifying for the scholarship in that period, or
    • 35 days after the course start date in that period

See Step 1 in Table 2.


When a student advises a change in study details for an approved scholarship course + Read more ...

If the student is:

  • ceasing full-time studies, go to Step 4
  • not commencing/resuming study in an approved scholarship course and not commencing another approved scholarship course, go to Step 4
  • reducing their study load to part-time, go to Step 5
  • none of the above, see Step 1 in Table 2


Ceasing or not commencing/resuming course + Read more ...

If the customer is either ceasing study, or did not commence/resume study in an approved scholarship course and is not commencing another approved scholarship, course the Service Officer must end the course of study for the current approved scholarship course on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen. For ABSTUDY customers see Coding ABSTUDY education details.

The end date of the course may affect the student's entitlement to a Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment.

Go to Step 6.


Customer is reducing their study load to part-time + Read more ...

Update the course of study for the current approved scholarship course on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen.

To assist with this process, see Changing study load from full-time to part-time or concessional study load.

The date that the customer reduced their workload may affect the student's entitlement to an RS payment.


Determine if the student meets the 35-day requirements + Read more ...

New customers must start full-time study in an approved scholarship course within 35 days of qualifying for their scholarship.

Continuing customers (those who received the same type of scholarship in the previous period) must continue/resume full-time study in an approved scholarship course within 35 days of qualifying for a scholarship in the period.

All scholarship recipients must also be undertaking full-time study (or an approved concessional workload) in an approved scholarship course on the later of 35 days after:

  • their scholarship qualification date in the period, or
  • the course start date in the period

For the purposes of counting 35 days, the course start date is the later of:

  • the institution course start date, or
  • the student start date on the EDC screen

For most customers their scholarship qualification date and their course start date will not be the same as the date they were paid the RS.

This means if a customer ceases study or reduces their workload, the customer's actual scholarship qualification date and actual course start date in the period must be worked out in order to determine whether they have met the 35-day requirements for a scholarship.

The student can meet the 35-day requirements by:

  • starting or continuing full-time study in an approved scholarship course within 35 days of qualifying for the scholarship, and
  • if they started/continued the course, by undertaking full-time study in the same or a different approved scholarship course 35 days after their scholarship qualification date, and
  • if they started/continued the course, by undertaking full-time study in the same or a different approved scholarship course 35 days after their course start date in the period

Did the student meet the 35 day requirements?

  • Yes, the customer is eligible for a scholarship for the period. Complete the activity to cease the studies and record details on a DOC
  • No, see Step 6 in Table 2

Changes in scholarship courses

Table 2: How to code changes in study for Relocation Scholarship (scholarship study requirements).




A student undertaking an approved scholarship course enrols in another approved scholarship course + Read more ...

Is the student advising a change from one approved scholarship course to another approved scholarship course?


Enrolment changes from a non-approved scholarship to an approved scholarship course + Read more ...

Is/Was the student enrolled in a course which is not an approved scholarship course but is advising a change of course to an approved scholarship course?


Enrolment changes from an approved scholarship course to a non-approved scholarship course + Read more ...

Is the customer currently enrolled in an approved scholarship course and advises a change of course to one which is not an approved scholarship course?


Customer is now studying in an approved scholarship course + Read more ...

Check the institution start date (or student start date if later) and the Course End Date for the new course on the EDC screen.

Is there more than 35 days between the start and end dates?

  • Yes, finalise the course updates and check the Assessment Results (AR) screen that the appropriate scholarship payment/s is issued. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, student is not entitled to a scholarship payment. Finalise the course updates. Procedure ends here


Customer is now studying in a non-approved scholarship course + Read more ...

Student has advised a change from an approved scholarship course to a course which is not an approved scholarship course.

The customer may still be eligible for a scholarship payment if they were actually studying full-time in an approved scholarship course on the later of:

  • the 35th day after qualifying for the scholarship, or
  • the 35th day after the course start date in that period

Check the customer's scholarship qualification date and course start date in that study period/semester, and the date they changed courses to determine if the 35-day requirements have been met.

Is the customer eligible for a scholarship payment as above?

  • Yes, the customer is eligible for the scholarship for the period they were in the approved scholarship course. Finalise the course updates. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


Student was not studying in an approved scholarship course on day 35 + Read more ...

Has the scholarship already been paid to the customer?


Customer has already received the scholarship + Read more ...

Check the One Off Payment (OOP) screen to determine which scholarship payments were made to the student in the period.

Update course details on the EDC screen, and go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Has the AR screen determined a debt to be raised for the scholarship payment/s in the period?

  • Yes, finalise the activity and record details on a DOC
  • No, go to Step 9


Scholarship will be incorrectly paid to the customer + Read more ...

If the system is incorrectly issuing the scholarship to a non-qualified customer, go to the Higher Education Scholarship Details (HESD) screen and enter the following:

  • Type: ORS (for the RS)
  • Receives: Y
  • Start Date: for example, 1 January for RS
  • End Date: for example, 31 December for RS
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen

The system will have removed the future scholarship payment. Code the new study details on the EDC screen. See Changing or correcting course of study or educational institution for Youth Allowance, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement students.

Finalise the activity and record details on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


If a debt is not automatically raised + Read more ...

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Create a Fast Note. If the customer is in receipt of:

  • Youth Allowance, select Auto text, use Debts > Debt Raising > Debt Raising ACTion DOC Request
  • ABSTUDY, select Auto text, use Debts > Debt Action Referral > ABSTUDY Debt Action