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Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) 011-10000000

This page contains links to Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) information on the Services Australia website and a table of AIR data transmission methods. It also contains a link to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.

Contact details

Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Services Australia website

Data transmission methods for the AIR

The AIR encourages recognised vaccination providers to submit information relating to the vaccination of individuals in Australia electronically.

This table describes the various methods of submitting data.





Electronic Data Interface

EDI was decommissioned on 30 June 2008 and is no longer in use.


Internet Data Interface

Data electronically transmitted using IDI upload facility located on the AIR website.


Internet transmissions

Data electronically transmitted using Record Encounter web page on AIR website. Encounter, history and overseas vaccination information can be submitted.


Application Program Interface

Data electronically transmitted directly from the recognised vaccination provider's Practice Management System (PMS) via the Services Australia online claiming facility.


Scanned paper claim

Not currently in use.


Manual paper form

Details from immunisation encounter forms are manually entered. They are completed by the recognised vaccination provider who administered the vaccinations.


Immunisation history form

Details from an immunisation history form are manually entered. They are completed by recognised vaccination providers (other than the vaccinating provider) to update the individual's immunisation history.

Note: an AIR information payment is made to a recognised vaccination provider when the immunisations for a childhood age schedule are assessed by the AIR as completed. See Payments and statements for vaccination providers.