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Payments and statements for AIR recognised vaccination providers 011-10090000

This document outlines information and procedures relating to Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) payments and statements of payments for recognised vaccination providers.

AIR information and catch-up payments

The AIR payments are:

  • Made to a recognised vaccination provider. The AIR receives notification that immunisations have been given to a child up to 7 years of age who complete a schedule on the National Immunisation Programme (NIP). This is known as an information payment
  • Made to a recognised vaccination provider when a catch-up vaccination completes a schedule on the NIP for children under 7 years of age. This is known as a catch-up payment
  • Assessed using the AIR national due and overdue rules for immunisation
  • Made monthly via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to a recognised vaccination provider's nominated bank account
  • Amounts are agreed between each state/territory and the Australian Government. The amount is up to $6 for the completion of each schedule (current rates are published on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website)
  • Made where a vaccine notification completes part of the NIP schedule and is not part of a medical contraindication or natural immunity

An AIR information payment is not paid for:

  • Immunisation history claims
  • Provision of non-standard vaccines
  • Vaccinations that are not part of the NIP schedule based on the individual's date of birth
  • Notification of immunisations that have been given overseas or by another Australian vaccination provider

From 1 January 2024, community pharmacies will be authorised to administer free National Immunisation Program (NIP) vaccines to eligible consumers. Payment will be through the Department of Health and Aged Care not through the AIR.

The Resources page links to the Australian Immunisation Register - Bank account details for vaccination providers (IM005).

Access to AIR payment statements

Payment statements provide details of information and catch-up payments made to a vaccination provider during the previous month. Recognised vaccination providers with multiple practice locations have access to a statement for each location.

Recognised vaccination providers can access their monthly AIR payment statements online through the AIR site. Vaccination providers previously received paper statements through the post. This ceased in October 2019. See the Resources page for FAQs about this change.

Going online to access payment statements provides the following benefits to vaccination providers:

  • statements are available to the provider immediately after each payment run and can be:
    • viewed
    • downloaded
    • saved, and
    • printed
  • providers can access the statements at a time and place convenient to them through multiple internet connected devices. For example, personal computer, mobile phone or tablet

Providers requesting hard copy payment statements should be assisted to obtain them from the AIR site if they have access. If a provider does not have access they should be assisted to commence the registration process. Information about access is available on the AIR webpages.

Vaccination providers who cannot access the payment statements because they do not have internet access or need assistance to set up online should be referred to Local Peer Support (LPS). They will determine if a referral to an AIR Business Development Officer (AIR BDO) is required. See Access to AIR payment statements on the Process page.

The Comments field in the provider’s AIR programme registration in PDS is used to record information about requests for assistance to access payment statements. SOs, LPS and Air BDOs should update the comments field if they have communicated with the provider on this issue. See AIR monthly payment statement – troubleshooting and standard comments for the PDS on the Resources page.

Types of AIR payment statements

There are 3 types of payment statements available on the AIR site:

Immunisation Payment Statement

The Immunisation Payment Statement (PDF format) is available after each monthly payment run. It provides:

  • the number of payments made, and
  • the details of the bank account the amount was transferred into

Immunisation information that requires clarification is detailed in the 'Return to the Australian Immunisation Register' section. Vaccination providers should refer to the Immunisation Notifications Reconciliation Report for details about claims. This includes the reasons why a claim has not been paid, that was processed during that period.

Immunisation Notification Reconciliation Report

The Immunisation Notification Reconciliation Report (csv/Excel file format) is available after each monthly payment run. It provides details of:

  • which customers and services AIR payments were made for
  • the reason why a claim was rejected or not paid

Vaccination providers can correct immunisation information by:

  • using the Update Encounter function on the AIR site (preferred option)
  • sending a written request using AIR secure email or HPOS messages
  • calling the AIR provider enquiries line

Immunisation Financial Statements

The Immunisation Financial Statement provides a summary of all AIR payments made to a vaccination provider in the current financial year. Vaccination providers can view yearly financial statements going back up to 5 years on the AIR site.

The Resources page contains:

  • Troubleshooting and standard comments for the Provider Directory System (PDS)
  • FAQs
  • Service Officer and Local Peer Support (LPS) referral template
  • Contact details
  • Forms
  • Services Australia website
  • External websites


Action Government Direct Entry Services (GDES) report for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) payments

Related links

Amend Medicare providers for AIR in PDS

Register, amend or cancel ancillary providers for AIR in PDS

Authentication and release of information for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) site functions

Process pended claims in Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Overseas immunisations and processing history forms in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA)

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