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Overseas immunisations and processing history forms in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) 011-10020000

View PF in Definitions for more information on using these functions.

On this page:

Check source location of the IM013 form

Create history form header to record a manual encounter

Locate individual and process a history form (IM013) on the AIR

Check source location of the IM013 form

Table 1




Check source location on PaNDA + Read more ...

Check the Source Location for the form on the PaNDA work item.

If received via:


Form received via HPOS + Read more ...

In the PaNDA work item:

  • Select Open in HPOS in top right corner of work item - the Form Upload Mail Centre - View Mail screen shows, which includes the details of the form lodged
  • Check Sent for details in Text to see who sent the form:
    • Individual Provider (Doctor) - provider's name shows in Sent by
    • Delegate - shows as Sent for doctor's name, by delegate's name
    • Organisation - shows as Sent for organisation's name, by authorised person's name
    • Unidentified - name in From/Sent by matches patient’s name on form or another individual HPOS user. Staff can check this by opening the attachment under File Name

If the form was sent by:

  • the individual provider (doctor), a delegate on behalf of the provider or organisation, see Table 2
  • unidentified source, go to Step 3
  • the patient, go to Step 7


HPOS form sent by an unidentified source + Read more ...

Service Officers must:

  • not process AIR Forms submitted by an unknown individual
  • make one attempt to contact the practice

For outbound calls, Service Officers must use the script in Table 2, Step 5 in the Authentication of recognised vaccination providers for AIR enquiries table.

If contact is:


Contact successful + Read more ...

For outbound calls, Service Officers must use the script in Step 4 in Authentication of recognised vaccination providers for AIR enquiries table.

  • 'Hello this is <first name> from Services Australia. Before we proceed with this call, I need to inform you the call may be recorded or listened to for quality and coaching purposes’

Tell the practice:

  • the form submitted via HPOS by <Sender Name in HPOS> cannot be processed
  • AIR forms lodged via HPOS can only be accepted if submitted by:
    • the provider that signed the form
    • the nominated HPOS delegate, acting on behalf of the provider who signed the form
    • an individual acting on behalf of a PRODA organisation
  • to resubmit the form via the correct delegation channel

After successfully contacting the practice, go to Step 6


Contact unsuccessful + Read more ...

Do not process the form.

Reply to the individual via HPOS message.

Go to Step 6.


Reply to the individual via HPOS message + Read more ...

To reply to the individual:

  • Select Open in HPOS in top right corner of PaNDA work item
  • Select Reply
  • Open the Z2924 HPOS text template (notepad document)
  • Copy the message into the Text field
  • Add the individual’s (sender’s) name and form number (IM013) to the message

Attach infographic:

  • Save the infographic to desktop (or a file of choice)
  • Select choose file and go to where the letter was saved
  • Select Open - file can be seen next to 'choose file'
  • Select Add File - make sure the correct file is attached, if not, select Remove and search again

Finalise Message

Double Check the attachment, message and name are correct:

  • If not correct:
    • Select cancel
    • Confirm cancellation
    • Start again
  • If correct - Select Send

Add comments in PaNDA:

'IM013 form submitted by <person name> has been returned as not sent via correct delegation channel.
<Called practice and spoke to <name> and advised to resubmit using correct HPOS delegation.
<<Attempted to contact practice/provider on <date/time>> no answer. Returned form via HPOS messages ref <HPOS reference number from PaNDA (e.g. 123456789-1)'.

Mark the work as complete in PaNDA.

Procedure ends here.


HPOS form sent by patient + Read more ...

Do not process the form.

  • Return the form to the patient with a standard letter
  • Add comments in PaNDA and mainframe - IM013 form submitted by patient, returned with letter
  • Check the correct Medicare number and provider number have been saved on the work item
  • Upload/Add letter to PaNDA work item
  • Complete the work item in PaNDA

Procedure ends here.


Form received by email or SOC + Read more ...

Service Officers must:

If contact is:


Confirm practice sent the form + Read more ...

Tell the practice that when forms are received manually, Services Australia will contact them to confirm they sent the form.

Use this time to promote digital options.

If the Service Officer is:

  • internet trained, and the practice contact is busy, organise another time to call back
  • not internet trained:
    • offer to transfer the practice contact to the AIR Internet helpdesk, and
    • give the practice the phone number

If the promotion of digital options generates a negative response from the practice, complete a Local Peer Support (LPS) referral form and request a Business Development Officer (BDO) to contact the practice. LPS will escalate to AIR help desk (AIR program Support) who will send the request to BDOs.

Include in LPS referral form:

  • how the form was lodged, for example Manual Lodgement
  • Provider Number
  • Name of practice
  • Name of the contact person the Service Officer spoke to
  • Initial conversation/outcome, and
  • Reason for not submitting digitally
  • Attach a copy of the form received, that prompted the call

Did the practice contact confirm that they sent the form?


Did the provider complete the form + Read more ...

Has the provider signed the form or completed the declaration in full?

  • Yes:
    • Confirm it was sent manually and if there are any missing details on the form
    • Add comments in PaNDA and mainframe - ‘Confirmed with <name> (doctor/nurse/receptionist) form sent by practice’
    • Process the form, see Table 2
  • No:
    • Confirm it was completed by a provider and sent manually
    • Confirm any missing details on the form (if any)
    • Add comments in PaNDA and mainframe - ‘Spoke to (doctor/nurse/receptionist) and confirmed form completed and sent by practice’
    • Process the form, see Table 2

Note: to record a catch up schedule, see Record or amend catch up schedules in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).


Unable to confirm who sent the form or contact the practice + Read more ...

If the Service Officer is unable to determine who sent the form or was not able to contact the practice:

  • return the form to the parent/guardian or individual (patient) with a standard letter
  • add comment in PaNDA and mainframe - Unable to confirm who sent the form, returned to parent/guardian/patient with letter
  • check the correct Medicare number and provider number have been saved on the PaNDA work item
  • complete work item in PaNDA. See Work Optimiser for staff

Create history form header to record a manual encounter

Table 2




Check IM013 form is complete + Read more ...

If any information is missing from the form, see Resources for actions required for incomplete forms.

Check the following sections are complete:

  • Part A - Individuals details
  • Part B - Immunisation details
  • Part C - Vaccination provider’s details and declaration

If details are complete, go to Step 2.

If any details are not complete:

  • Contact the provider to confirm details and note in PaNDA (if not previously contacted)
  • If unable to contact the provider, return the form with standard letter
  • If provider details are not supplied, return the form with a standard letter to the parent/guardian or individual
  • Procedure ends here


Check if vaccination details supplied are already recorded + Read more ...

Check if the vaccination details on the form are already recorded on the AIR.

  • Log on to AIR Mainframe
  • Key YCUI anywhere on a blank screen
  • The YCUI - Registration Amendment Search screen displays
  • Key Medicare number or person’s details from form
  • Press [Enter]
  • The YCUA - Amendment Registration screen displays
  • Press [PF14] (hold Shift and press F2) to go to the YIRD - Episode History-Basic screen and view the immunisation history

Are all the supplied vaccination details on the form recorded on the AIR?

Note: if some details are recorded and others are not, continue to process the form and only record the missing vaccines.


Create immunisation history header + Read more ...

Check the form and determine if vaccines were given in Australia and overseas.

Note: if the vaccines were given in both Australia and overseas, staff must create separate headers for each relevant information type.

For vaccines given:


Immunisations given in Australia + Read more ...

In AIR mainframe:

  • Key YIAF anywhere on a blank screen
  • The YIAF - Create/Amend Header - Register History Form screen displays
  • The immunising provider pre-populates with A56801A
  • Key the following claim header details:
    • Information provider number - provider number recorded in Part C of form
    • Claim ID (X9 and full P Number. E.g. X922221)
    • Quoted number - number of immunisation encounters
    • Receipt date - (use the declaration date at Part C of the form or if there is no date, use the date Services Australia received the form)
  • Press [Enter] and [PF9 - UPDATE]
  • The YXCB - Selection screen displays

If any information is missing from the form, see Resources for actions required for incomplete forms.


Immunisations given overseas + Read more ...

In AIR mainframe:

  • Key YIAM anywhere on a blank screen
  • The YIAM - Create/Amend Header - Manual Claim Form screen displays
  • The immunising provider pre-populates with A92009H
  • Key claim header details:
    • Information provider number - provider number recorded in Part C of form
    • Claim ID (X9 and full P Number. E.g. X922221)
    • Quoted number - number of immunisation encounters
    • Immunising provider number - A92009H
    • Receipt date - (use the declaration date at Part C of the form or if there is no date, use the date the agency received the form)
    • Immunisation date
  • Press [Enter] and [PF9 - UPDATE]
  • The YXCB - Selection screen displays
  • Go to Table 3

Locate individual and process a history form (IM013) on the AIR

Table 3




Locate matching individual + Read more ...

Search for the individual:

  • Key:
    • Medicare number, or
    • individual’s details from Part A of the IM013 form
  • Press [Enter]
  • A list of possible matches displays

Has the individual’s record been located?

  • Yes:
    • add (/) to select the correct record and press [Enter]
    • The YIAE - Encounter Details screen displays
    • Go to Step 2
  • No:
    • search CDMS for the individual
    • If a record is found in CDMS - use PIN/Medicare Number to locate the individual in mainframe, then go to Step 2

If the individual is not found, add the individual:

  • from the YXCB - Selection screen, remove Medicare number if present
  • press [PF10] - new child or individual to the AIR as a SIN record
  • key the address and gender supplied by the provider
  • go to Step 2


Update and record encounters + Read more ...

If a vaccine given overseas conflicts with a vaccine given in Australia, record the Australian vaccine. Where possible, the Service Officer should process the:

  • Australian vaccine to an A status, and
  • overseas vaccine to a Y status

Confirm with the provider.

Record the immunisation information from the IM013 form:

  • Enter vaccination dose date in the Imm Date field
  • Press [Enter]
  • The message PF9 to update displays
  • Press [PF9] to update
  • The YIAN screen displays
  • Key vaccine code and dose number in applicable fields for all vaccines on the same date of service, If more than one vaccine listed, keep adding the vaccines as listed on the form
  • Press [Enter]
  • Go to Step 3

Country of administration, vaccine type and route of administration

If the form has any of the following information:

  • the country of administration for COVID-19 vaccines given overseas
  • the vaccine type, and
  • route of administration

Service Officer must:

  • Add the vaccine information in mainframe
  • Escalate the form in PaNDA to a delegate
  • the skilled group assigned to the delegate role in PaNDA will add the:
    • country of administration
    • vaccine type, and
    • route of administration


Check for pends + Read more ...

Check each vaccine episode (line of data) for pends.

Pended episodes will display in red text and a warning message will display.

Does St (status) field display A?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, if St field displays P and the Pend Count field does not show 00:
    • Go to Process pended claims in the AIR and action pended antigen/s with appropriate action code/s. The RSN field will display pend code number for reference
    • press [Enter]
    • Press [PF9 - UPDATE]
    • The YIAE - Encounter Details screen displays
    • Go to Step 4


Finalise update + Read more ...

Does more than one encounter need processing under this header claim?


Access claim in AIR Mainframe + Read more ...

In AIR mainframe:

  • Key YICE anywhere on a blank screen
  • The YICE - Claim Selection (Encounter Processing) screen displays
  • Key Provider Number
  • Key Claim ID
  • Press [Enter]
  • Claims entered previously with these search criteria will display. Changing the Rcpt Date From and To fields narrows the search
  • Key (/) in the cursor field to select the correct claim
  • Select [PF15 - ADD ENCTR]
  • The YXCB - Selection screen displays
  • Go to Step 2, if required, to record additional encounters


Record catch-up schedule + Read more ...

Does a catch-up schedule need to be recorded?