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Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) site access in HPOS 011-20082111

This document contains information on the ways in which a vaccination providers can access the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) site.

On this page:

Search for an existing PRODA individual account

Search for existing PRODA organisation account

Helping users to set up a PRODA individual account

Helping users to set up a PRODA organisation account

Check if AIR ancillary provider is linked to the AIR

Helping users to link organisations to the AIR

Access PRODA Assistance Required items (AIR)

Unblock a PRODA organisation account

Helping users resolve failure to verify relationship questions when linking to AIR

How users log on to the AIR site from HPOS using PRODA

Find and release an AIR Linking Code to a provider

Helping users HPOS delegations

Closing the link to HPOS for an Ancillary provider number

Search for an existing PRODA individual account

Table 1: Describes how Service Officers can search for an existing PRODA individual account in the PRODA portal.




Navigate to the PRODA Individual search + Read more ...

  • Access the Medicare portal
  • Navigate to the Provider Digital Access (PRODA) page to return the Search for an account page


Search for a PRODA Individual account + Read more ...

Ask the caller for their:

  • full name and date of birth, or

Then check their details. Follow the steps in Search for Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account and conduct security check.

Note: if the caller is not the account holder, the account holder must do the security check. Once the account holder has successfully answered the security questions and with their expressed consent, they can pass the phone to someone to complete the enquiry on their behalf.

Search for existing PRODA organisation account

Table 2: Describes how Service Officers can search for an existing PRODA organisation account in the PRODA portal (Microsoft Edge is required to search for PRODA organisations as using other browsers will not display results).




Navigate to PRODA Organisation search + Read more ...

  • Access the Medicare portal
  • Navigate to Provider Digital Access (PRODA) page to return the Search for an account page
  • Select Menu in the top left corner
  • Select Organisation Search from the drop down list to return the Organisation search page

Note: an organisation may have a PRODA organisation account that is not linked to AIR as other government programmes use PRODA as an access point into their digital services (e.g. NDIS, PBS, DVA Webclaim).


Find organisation registration + Read more ...

  • Search for the organisation, key:
    • Organisation's PRODA RA number or
    • ABN (or ACN if known) or
    • Organisation name, or
    • Organisation email address
  • Select Search to return the Organisation Details page

Note: the business name is not always the organisation name.

Helping users to set up a PRODA individual account

Table 3




Create an individual account and verify email address + Read more ...


Verify identity documents and select verification code preference + Read more ...

  • Ask the user if they have the correct identity documents
  • Refer them to the Services Australia website for identity documents needed before starting, see Resources for a link
  • To help the user to set up their verification code, see the Helping users set up their verification code table of Helping users register a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account and access services


Link to AIR using My Linked Services + Read more ...

  • See the Helping users manage/link identifiers for HPOS only table of Helping users self-manage their Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account
  • Advise the user that:
    • once the registration is complete, a Registered Authority (RA) number is issued
    • this number is used to uniquely identify an individual, do not share it with anyone

Helping users to set up a PRODA organisation account

Table 4: Describes how Service Officers can assist a user to set up a PRODA organisation account, add HPOS as a Service Provider and link their organisation to the AIR (end to end process). Direct users to access these steps from the Services Australia website (see Resources for a link). Service officers will likely refer to this table in response to a Request for Assistance.




Create PRODA individual account + Read more ...

All users of a PRODA organisation account first require a PRODA individual account.

See Table 3.


User listed as an associate for that organisation on the ABR + Read more ...

The person who sets up the PRODA organisation registration must be listed as an associate for that organisation on the Australian Business Register (ABR).

  • Check with the user if they are listed as an associate for that organisation on the ABR
  • If they are:
    • listed and their PRODA name matches, go to Step 3
    • listed but their PRODA name doesn't match their name listed on the ABR, advise them to contact the ABR and have this corrected. Procedure ends here
    • not listed, advise they cannot continue and must have someone who is listed complete the registration. Procedure ends here


Verify organisation relationship + Read more ...

The user needs to answer proof of record ownership (PORO) questions to verify the organisations relationship with AIR.

If the user:

  • fails, they will get an error and option to lodge an Assistance required request. These requests are received and responded to by the PRODA Helpdesk
  • passes PORO, go to Step 4


Verify the organisation's email address - organisation RA number issued + Read more ...

  • Once the PORO answers are verified, an activation code is sent to the organisation's email address
  • To finalise the organisation registration, advise the user to enter the code in the Email code field
  • Once completed, the users receive an email confirming they have successfully registered the organisation in PRODA.. It will include the new organisation Registered Authority (RA) number which is unique to the organisation


Create any subsidiary organisations + Read more ...

A user must have Owner Access or Sub-Org Management attribute to complete this step.

Advise the user to:

  • log into PRODA
  • select Organisations
  • select the organisation name from the list in My Organisations to display the Manage My Organisation page
  • select Subsidiary Organisations and then Register New Subsidiary Organisation
  • enter a sub-org name descriptive enough to be recognised by the organisation (this name must be unique to the organisation in PRODA and can contain alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, hyphens and full stops) and select Register Subsidiary Organisation
  • a successful registration message confirms the name and the organisation is linked to and a unique RA number is generated. View this in the Subsidiary Organisations listing under the PRODA RA column of the Manage My Organisations page


Add HPOS and link the organisation to the AIR + Read more ...

Adding HPOS as a service provider gives access to AIR. Service Officers cannot undertake this process.

A user must have Owner Access or Service-Link Management attribute to complete this step.

  • Log in to PRODA
  • Select Organisations from the menu at the top right of the Services screen
  • Select the organisation to add the AIR access to (they may be members of multiple)
  • Select Service Provider to expand the menu
  • Select Add Service Provider from the drop down menu
  • Select the radio button for Health Professional Online Services and select Add this Service Provider

Link organisation to AIR:

  • From the Organisation Linking - Create Relationships' screen link to the AIR, accept the Organisations Linking Terms and Conditions (complete declaration section)
  • The Identifying your organisation screen displays
  • Select AIR Provider Number from the Identifier type drop down menu
  • Enter the organisation's or sub-org's AIR provider number as the Identifier
  • Answer the PORO verify relationship questions. One of the questions will require user to enter the AIR linking code
  • Once questions are successfully answered, the AIR is linked to the organisation
  • Repeat this step for all sub-organisations

Where a user fails the questions, the Assistance Required request may be used. These are actioned by the AIR Internet Helpdesk using the Organisation Linking portal.


Add staff member to a PRODA Organisation/Sub-Org using their RA number + Read more ...

Once a (parent) organisation's PRODA registration is complete, a member with the Owner Access or Employee Management attribute can add or remove other users (e.g. staff) to the PRODA Organisation or sub-org account.

Advise the user that:

  • to be added to the account, each individual needs their own RA number
  • once added, members level of access is controlled by the attribute (role) assigned to them


Remove staff member from a PRODA organisation + Read more ...

Advise the user to:

  • from the PRODA Manage My Organisation function, select the member from the list of Members (this opens the members profile)
  • select Remove this member

Check if AIR ancillary provider is linked to the AIR

Table 5: Describes how Service Officers can identify if an AIR ancillary provider number is linked to a PRODA organisation using the Organisation Linking portal.




Navigate to PRODA Organisation Linking Search + Read more ...

  • Access the Medicare portal
  • Navigate to Organisation linking - search for an organisation page
  • Select AIR provider number from the Identifier type drop down
  • Enter the AIR provider number in the Identifier field and select Search
  • Select the organisation (radio button) from the Results list and select Manage Organisation


Check Organisation linking details + Read more ...

  • Select the Linked Identifiers tab and view the Link status field
  • The Linked identifiers column shows if HPOS is linked:
    • blank means this provider number is not linked to any organisation
    • verified and no end date means organisation is currently linked to the AIR
    • verified with an end date means organisation is no longer linked to the AIR from that date

Helping users to link organisations to the AIR

Table 6: Describes how Service Officers can assist users to link their organisation/sub-organisations to the AIR. The user should be directed to access these steps from the Services Australia website (see Resources for a link).




Link organisation to the AIR + Read more ...

After adding HPOS as a Service Provider, organisations should then link their provider number to AIR using their linking code. Advise users to:

  • Accept the Organisations Linking Terms and Conditions (complete declaration section), select Accept to invoke the Identifying your organisation screen
  • Select AIR Provider Number from the Identifier type drop down menu
  • Enter the organisation's or sub-org's AIR provider number as the Identifier and select Next
  • On the Verification of relationship page, answer the verify relationship questions, one of the questions will request entering the AIR linking code and Submit
  • Select Next then Finish


Link sub-organisations to the AIR + Read more ...

Organisations should repeat the above linking process, Step 1, for all sub-organisation(s) (where applicable).

Access PRODA Assistance Required items (AIR)

Table 7: Describes how PRODA linking Assistance Required requests are located and actioned in the PRODA Organisation portal. Service Officers can:

  • Access a specific request from a provider (e.g. phone call, where provider number is known), or
  • Access a list of all requests from all providers (e.g. when allocated to the HPOS Support work type)




Navigate to PRODA Organisation Linking Search + Read more ...

  • Access the Medicare portal
  • Select Organisation Linking to return the PRODA Search for an organisation page

If the AIR provider number is known (e.g. searching for a specific request):

  • Select AIR provider number from the Identifier type drop down
  • Enter the AIR provider number in the Identifier field and select Search
  • This will return all assistance requests for that provider

If the AIR provider number or other identifying number is not known (e.g. when allocated to HPOS support work type):

  • Select List Assistance Requests
  • This will return all current open/in progress assistance requests for all AIR providers
  • Select the organisation from the results using the radio button, then select Manage organisation
  • Select the Requests for assistance tab to list current requests on hand
  • Select the request you wish to action using the radio button, then select Manage request to open up the task


Actioning Assistance Required requests + Read more ...

Open the request for assistance and change the request status to In Progress.

If releasing a request back into circulation, change the status to Revert to open.

Unblock a PRODA organisation account

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-specialists.pngTable 8: Describes how AIR staff with the appropriate access manage account blocking during the linking process.




Navigate to PRODA Organisation Linking Search + Read more ...

  • Access the Medicare portal
  • Select Organisation Linking to return the PRODA Search for an organisation page
  • Select AIR provider number from the Identifier type drop down
  • Enter the AIR provider number in the Identifier field and select Search
  • Select the organisation (radio button) and select Manage organisation
  • This returns the Organisation linking details screen


Manage Blocking + Read more ...

  • Select the Linked identifiers tab
  • Select Manage blocking to invoke the Organisation Linking - Manage Blocking screen
  • If the Status column shows 'Blocked', the caller must answer security questions successfully
  • Select Unblock
  • Enter Comment

The user can now continue with the organisation linking process in PRODA.

Helping users resolve failure to verify relationship questions when linking to AIR

Table 9: Describes how Service Officers can help the organisation contact person to work through issues with answering verify relationship questions - this step encourages providers to update their organisation details with Services Australia. The issue may arise when a user has requested for assistance or contact Services Australia via telephone, make sure security checks are completed as per current processes.




User is unable to pass PORO verify relationship questions manually + Read more ...

The user is unable to satisfy the PORO verify relationship questions manually or Service Officer has determined that they are unable to manually link the provider number due inability to answer questions adequately.

This table requests users to update their AIR registration in order to be able to pass their PORO verify relationship questions.


Identify the verify relationship question/s that has not been answered correctly + Read more ...

  • What is the postcode of the business address for your organisation's AIR provider number? Go to Step 3
  • What is your unique AIR linking code which was sent to you for PRODA organisation linking purposes? Go to Step 4

If banking details exist on AIR program registration

  • What is the 6 digit BSB number of the bank details recorded for your organisation's AIR provider number? Go to Step 5
  • What is the account number of the bank details recorded for your organisation's AIR provider number? Go to Step 5


Request provider to update address details + Read more ...

Understand why the provider is not able to identify the business address details:

  • Has the provider location moved? Yes, can the provider confirm the postcode for their postal address? If the postcode matches, Service Officers can manually link the provider


  • Has the provider taken over an existing provider number/location? Yes, the provider number contact details can be updated to reflect the new ownership. However, it is expected that the provider can identify the business address. The provider will need to obtain this information without Services Australia's assistance. See Register, amend or cancel ancillary providers for AIR in PDS


Advise provider how they can retrieve their AIR linking code + Read more ...

  • Find Authentication Filename/PRODA linking code sourced from confirmation letter sent when first registered for AIR


  • Upon successful completion of security check, the Authentication Filename/PRODA linking code can be released over the telephone. Service Officers can find the linking code on the client details page on the AIR site

When the linking code is found/provided, the provider can use this information to pass their questions.


Request provider update banking details + Read more ...

The provider is unable to pass the verify relationship questions because the information is outdated. The provider will need to update their banking details.

Providers can update their banking details by completing and submitting the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) - Bank account details for vaccination providers (IM005) form.

Providers should be aware that they need to allow time for their form to be processed. Once banking details have been updated the provider is able to use this information to pass their verify relationship questions.

How users log on to the AIR site from HPOS using PRODA

Table 10: Describes how the different user types log onto the AIR site using PRODA.

Users are presented with different login options relevant to how they wish to log into HPOS/AIR on this occasion e.g. as a Medicare provider, as a HPOS delegate or as an organisation member.




HPOS homepage + Read more ...

On the Services Australia homepage:

  • Select myGov Sign In from the upper right hand corner of the page. The menu will expand
  • Under Health professionals, select PRODA. The user is directed to the Provider Digital Access (PRODA) webpage
  • Scroll down the page and select Log on. The user is directed to the PRODA Login webpage


PRODA login + Read more ...

To login the user must:

  • Key their username in Username field
  • Key their password in Password field
  • Enter verification code in the Enter Code field
  • Select Next


PRODA landing page + Read more ...

Individual account (Medicare provider) login steps:

  • Select Go to service on the HPOS tile to display the HPOS landing page
  • Go to Step 4

HPOS delegate login steps:

  • Select No Organisation - proceed as individual only
  • Select My providers (top right corner)
  • Click on Select next to the name of the person you wish to act on behalf of (the information confirms to the user who they are acting on behalf of)
  • Go to Step 4

Organisation member login steps:

  • Select Organisations (from the top right corner)
  • Choose the radio button next to the name of the organisation you want to log in on behalf of
  • Go to Step 4


AIR main menu + Read more ...

  • Select the My programs tile to display the My programs page
  • Select Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) tile
  • AIR main menu opens. Log on is complete

Note: if the tile does not appear, this user has not set up access to the AIR.

Find and release an AIR Linking Code to a provider

Table 11: Describes how AIR Service Officers can access an ancillary providers AIR Linking Code from the AIR Site and release to the provider.




Advise caller of security check requirement + Read more ...


Release the AIR Linking Code to the provider + Read more ...

  • Access the Main Menu on the AIR Site
  • Access the Admin Menu
  • View the Client Details page using their AIR provider number
  • Locate the AIR Linking Code (may be called Authentication Filename) and tell the provider
  • Issue the AIR Linking Code if the user has passed the relevant security checks


Send Linking Code confirmation letter + Read more ...

Only if the caller requests should the Linking Code be sent via letter:

Helping users HPOS delegations

Table 12: Describes how Service Officers should assist users to set up access to AIR using HPOS Delegations.




Helping user set up HPOS delegations + Read more ...

Encourage users who want to access HPOS/AIR as a delegate of a medical practitioner, midwife or nurse practitioner to follow the instructions provided on the AIR webpage.

The Resources page contains a link.

Closing the link to HPOS for an Ancillary provider number

Table 13: How to assist a user whose PRODA account wants to unlink (close link) the identifier from the Organisation RA

The ability to close a HPOS link is only available for Programme Officer access roles. Service Officers should escalate to AIR LPS.




Navigate to PRODA Organisation Linking Search + Read more ...

  • Access the Medicare portal
  • Select Organisation Linking to return the PRODA Search for an organisation page
  • Select AIR provider number from the Identifier type drop down
  • Enter the AIR provider number in the Identifier field and select Search
  • Select the organisation (radio button) and select Manage organisation. This returns the Organisation linking details screen

Note: If a provider number is not supplied, find the relevant record by searching the Organisation RA number:

  • enter the identifier in the Org PRODA RA field and
  • select Search


Manage linked identifiers + Read more ...

  • The Current Channel tab identifies the HPOS status as linked, which requires the link to be closed
  • Select the Linked identifiers tab. This section captures the linked provider number and the start and end date. Provider numbers without an end date mean that the link is still current/open
  • Ensure the caller has passed the security check
  • Select Close button to close link
  • The Confirm close identifier modal will appear, enter a comment and select Close button

The link has now been closed and an end date will appear against the provider number under Linked identifiers.