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Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) site access in HPOS 011-20082111

AIR Site access options by provider type

Table 1: Provides the AIR site access options by provider type.

User is a


AIR access pathway

Medical Practitioner


Nurse Practitioner

  • Medicare provider number
  • Provider Digital Access (PRODA) individual account
  • Login to HPOS using PRODA individual account
  • Under My linked services, select Go to service under HPOS
  • Select My programs
  • Select the AIR tile
  • AIR Main Menu displays
  • Medical practice staff undertaking tasks on behalf of a health professional with a Medicare provider number

    Option 1

    • PRODA individual account
    • HPOS Delegation access set up by a health professional with a Medicare provider number

    • Login to HPOS using PRODA individual account
    • Under My linked services, select Go to service under HPOS
    • Go to My Providers
    • Select the health professional to undertake AIR functions on behalf of

    Medical practice staff undertaking tasks on behalf of an organisation with an AIR Medicare Practice provider number

    Option 2

    • Medical practice (organisation) AIR provider number
    • PRODA individual account
    • Membership of an organisation (they have been added to the organisation by an individual who has a role permission (attributes) to add a member to the organisation's PRODA account)

    • Login in HPOS using PRODA individual account
    • Go to My Linked Services, the HPOS tile will display
    • Select Go to Service and select the name of the organisation to act on behalf of
    • HPOS homepage appears
    • Select My Programs
    • Select the AIR tile
    • AIR Main Menu displays

    Staff of an organisation with an AIR ancillary provider number:

    • Council
    • Commercial provider
    • State/Territory Health Department
    • Public Health Unit
    • Primary Health Network
    • Flying Doctor Service
    • Public/Private Hospital
    • Aboriginal Medical Service
    • Community Health Centre
    • Pharmacy

    • Organisation AIR provider number
    • PRODA individual account
    • Membership of an organisation (they have been added to the organisation by an individual who role permission (attributes) to make this delegation on behalf of their organisation)

    • Login in HPOS using PRODA individual account
    • Go to My Linked Services, the HPOS tile displays
    • Select Go to Service and select the name of the Organisation you are acting on behalf of
    • HPOS homepage appears
    • Select My Programs
    • Select the AIR tile
    • AIR Main Menu displays

    PRODA general - frequently asked questions

    Table 2



    What is PRODA?

    Provider Digital Access (PRODA) is a free online and real time authentication system that gives individuals and organisations secure access to government online services.

    Similar to myGov, which enables interaction with the Australian Government as a consumer, PRODA enables professional related access for providers for business purposes.

    Use PRODA to access the AIR site through HPOS anytime and from anywhere with internet connected devices, such as a PC, tablet or mobile phone.

    Setting up an account and logging into PRODA is a simple process. For more information about PRODA go to

    Do PRODA accounts expire?

    No, an Individual PRODA account or organisation registered in PRODA does not expire and will remain active unless it is cancelled/removed by the user or by the agency as per the PRODA Terms and Conditions.

    Note: organisation memberships and attribute delegations in PRODA expire after 12 months. Automated notifications will be sent to the user prior to the date of expiry.

    We need help to set up PRODA

    Refer caller to:

    • Services Australia website:
    • PRODA Team

    We don't want to use PRODA

    PRODA is being used or rolled out across most government agencies as the access point to digital services. Many Service Australia programs such as PBS, Medicare, NDIS etc. are now using PRODA and soon there will be no other way to access the AIR site.

    PRODA individual - frequently asked questions

    Table 3



    I don't know if I have a PRODA individual account. How can I find out?

    Using the PRODA portal in PDS, AIR staff can search for an individual account using demographic details (name, DOB and Gender) on the search for an account page.

    What is the difference between an individual PRODA account and an organisation in PRODA?

    An individual PRODA account represents an individual's online verified identity and provides a level of assurance to the online government service necessary to allow access.

    An Individual PRODA account belongs to the individual (not their employer). Individuals registering for PRODA use their personal email address or mobile phone to receive the login verification code. This allows them to maintain access and continue to use their account should they change employment or work across multiple organisations.

    An organisation PRODA account enables transactions with the agency (or other government online services) on behalf of an Australian registered business/organisation a user owns or is employed by.

    Why do individuals need to provide evidence of identity documents to register for PRODA?

    As the Agency and Australian Government continues to become more interconnected with business and third party organisations, it is imperative that its legislative provisions and systems move dynamically to meet the increase risk to privacy breaches, identity fraud or cyber threats.

    PRODA represents an individual's online verified identity. This provides a level of assurance that the user accessing the service or performing the transaction is identified, even if they are already known to the agency through other relationships.

    What if individuals are unable to verify their evidence of identity (EOI) documents online in PRODA?

    If the user does not have the required documents, they should obtain them from the issuing agency.

    If the user is unable to verify their identity online because their personal details differ from those provided on the documents they are able to submit identity documents via a paper form that can be:

    Are there timeframes an individual needs to provide their EOI documents and complete their Individual PRODA registration within?

    The end-to-end Individual or Organisation registration process can be fully self-managed online. To ensure a quick and easy process, have all EOI documents on hand

    As a security measure, an incomplete PRODA account that has not been verified within 60 days, will be archived by the automatic clean-up process. This can occur where the individual is awaiting to obtain their EOI, for example new passport.

    If a user creates an individual PRODA account without verifying their identity within 60 days of last log in:

    • the account will be archived, and
    • the user will need to start the registration process again

    They can use the same identity documents and email address, but will need to use a different username.

    Note: The 60 day clock resets every time the user logs in to their PRODA account within that period.

    Do individuals need to re verify their identity in PRODA once web services is implemented?

    No, existing Individual PRODA accounts are not impacted by this change.

    PRODA organisation - frequently asked questions

    Table 4



    Why do we need a PRODA Organisation account?

    Vaccination providers with a Medicare provider number can access the AIR site through HPOS using their individual PRODA account.

    All other vaccination providers, such as councils, pharmacies and medical practices, need to register their organisation with PRODA.

    This lets users with individual PRODA accounts access services, including the AIR, on behalf of their organisation.

    By logging on to the AIR site, users can:

    • record immunisation information
    • view and print immunisation history statements, and
    • request reports

    What's our AIR provider number?

    The AIR provider number is the unique identifier that is issued when an organisation registers with the AIR. The AIR provider number is 8 digits with a mix of letters and numbers.

    Upon registration, providers receive separate 2 letters from the AIR - one with their provider number and one with their AIR linking code.

    What's our AIR linking code and when do we use it?

    An AIR linking code is a unique code issued when an organisation registers with the AIR (not used by health professionals). The linking code is 8 digits and is a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.

    The AIR linking code is used when linking an organisation's PRODA account to the AIR through HPOS for the first time.

    Providers receive this, along with their AIR provider number in 2 separate letters when they register.

    Note: Service Officers can access an organisations' linking code in the AIR Site on the Client details page. This can be released over the phone when the provider has passed a security check.

    Who can set up our organisation PRODA account?

    Only a person who is listed as an Authorised Contact or Associate on the ABR record can set up a PRODA Organisation account.

    This (and other details) should be checked for accuracy and completeness with the ABR before commencing the registration process.

    How do we answer the AIR verify relationship questions?

    The AIR verify relationship questions are how an organisation's relationship with the AIR is verified. The questions are based on the registration information recorded on the AIR.

    The authorised contact/Associate or individual with delegation should have the AIR registration documentation on hand before they start answering the questions during registration.

    Useful documents include:

    • AIR provider number letter
    • AIR linking code letter
    • Original application to register as a vaccination provider form (IM004)

    Who can link our organisation's PRODA account to the AIR?

    Only a person with Owner Access and Service Link Management Attributes can link an organisation to the AIR.

    We can't link our PRODA account to the AIR

    Information about linking to the AIR is available to providers on the PRODA webpages at

    The Troubleshooting section of this Guide provides advice how AIR staff action this scenario.

    Are there different accesses in PRODA Organisation that can be delegated?

    Yes, there are various role types in PRODA, each one providing different level of functionality:

    • The Director role type is assigned to the person listed on the ABR who registered the organisation, or later joins the organisation, in PRODA
    • The Personnel role type is assigned to any person added to the organisation in PRODA as a Member

    An attribute provides permission to perform management functions on behalf of the organisation in PRODA.

    The Director role type includes all available functions. In order for a member to perform functions, they must be delegated an attribute.

    An attribute is only applicable to the organisation in PRODA it was delegated; not another organisation the person is a member of.

    The current list of member attributes is published on the PRODA webpage Understanding Management Attributes.

    The maximum membership or attribute delegation period that can be given is 12 months. Automated notifications are sent to the user prior to the date of expiry.

    Step-by-step instructions are included in the automated notifications sent and on our website at

    When are questions required in the Organisation Provider Linking System? (for AIR Ancillary Providers)

    PORO for organisation registration in PRODA is different to verify relationship for organisation linking to AIR (often people use the term PORO for both functions).

    PORO allows the ABR or the Service Provider to identify you, or your organisation, in their system and verify eligibility to register the ABN in PRODA or access related services.

    Verify relationship in PLS is currently only required for AIR ancillary providers when linking their organisation in PRODA to HPOS to access the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

    The below information must not be released externally:

    AIR requires their organisation AIR provider number and answering up to four questions to verify their link with AIR:

    • Postcode of business address for their organisation's AIR provider number
    • Unique AIR linking code
    • BSB recorded for their organisation's AIR provider number
    • Account number recorded for their organisation's AIR provider number


    New AIR ancillary providers receive a letter with an AIR linking code (existing providers use their authentication filename as their AIR linking code).

    If AIR banking details do not exist in the system, then Q 3 & 4 are not asked and the user can still link if answers to Qs 1 & 2 are correct.

    The Troubleshooting section of this Guide provides information on how AIR staff respond to failure to meet PORO. See Helping users resolve failure to verify relationship questions when linking to AIR in Table 9.

    PRODA organisation attributes and permissions

    Table 5: lists the attributes available in PRODA organisations and the permission (PRODA functions) each attribute provides.



    Owner Access

    • Assigns all attributes and functions of a Director in PRODA
    • The Director of the organisation in PRODA has full management control and can self-manage the following PRODA functions as appropriate to their business needs, for example:
      • add / remove members
      • assign attributes to members
      • delegate access to members
      • register Business to Business (B2B) devices
      • add and remove Service Providers
      • remove organisation from PRODA

    Employee Management

    • Add or remove members
    • Manage membership end dates

    Service-Link Management

    • Add and link the organisation in PRODA to a Service Provider (eg. add HPOS)
    • Remove a Service Provider from the organisation

    Sub-Org Management

    • Add, remove or update subsidiary organisations (sub orgs)


    • Access Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) on behalf of the organisation

    Device Management

    • Add, remove or update business to business (B2B) devices
    • Manage B2B device activation end dates

    Contact details

    Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

    eBusiness Service Centre

    Online Technical Support Team (provide assistance to software developers)

    Letters and electronic messages

    The letter or electronic message template available via this link is endorsed for use by Services Australia and is the latest version. Staff must not use locally produced letters or electronic messages.

    Z2504 Accessing the AIR Site letter template

    User Guides

    These attachments may not be printed, broadcast or released externally. For contact details and more information, see Information Publication Scheme.

    \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngAccessing AIR using PRODA for Individuals

    \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngAccessing AIR using PRODA for Organisations

    \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngHow organisations link their PRODA account to the AIR