Medicare Patient History (NHSI) Mainframe 011-21100735
This document outlines information about the Medicare Patient History screens.
Medicare patient claim history
Medicare patient claim history shows the services that have been processed for an individual patient. The information:
The details of the group contact shows above the service details.
The service details show as:
- Patient name
- Item
- Date of service, referral or request
- Referral end date
- Provider number
- Payee code
- Charge
- Benefit
- Processing indicator used (if any)
- Reason code applied (if any)
- Processing date
- Operator’s P# of the person, or state system that processed the service.
Each row relates to one service request, referral or information line.
The Resources page contains detailed explanation of each field.
Accessing Medicare patient claim history
Medicare patient claim history can be shown using either the Medicare card number or individual’s PIN.
Medicare card
Use the Medicare card number to show services processed under that card for the customer. This includes payment details. Use Medicare cards to locate customers when enquiring about payment details.
Medicare Pin
Use the Medicare PIN to show services for the customer across any Medicare card enrolment. It will not show the payment details for the customer. Use the Medicare PIN when enquiring into patient item eligibility.
Access Medicare patient claim history in Medicare mainframe using the NHOI or NHSI control line.
- NHOI shows basic level Medicare patient claim history in mainframe
- NHSI shows supervisor level Medicare patient claim history in mainframe
NHSI and NHOI are view only screens. No updates to a patient’s record can be made from these screens.
Use NHSI for enquires about Medicare patient claim history. It shows a more complete and detailed view.
The Resources page contains:
Related links
Indicators, codes, modifiers and control lines for claims processing in Medicare
Medicare - Claims - Your Health