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Processing proof of immunisation requests for Out of Home Care (OOHC) 011-22012437

This document explains how to process Out of Home Care (OOHC) requests for Immunisation History Statements (IHS), and Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) enquiries for children under 14 years.

For enquiries relating to individuals aged 14 years or over, see Proof of vaccination and the AIR and Authentication and release of information for AIR.

Children in OOHC

For individuals up to 18 years of age, AIR receives requests for immunisation history statements (IHS).

Individuals placed in OOHC are in the legal care or guardianship of a child protection agency. These agencies include:

  • state or territory Departments of Child Protection
  • contracted Non-Government Organisations, such as (but not limited to) Anglicare, Wesley Mission, Catholic Care, Barnardos etc

A child protection agency, who has legal custody of an individual in OOHC, must provide the appropriate documentation before the AIR can consider a request to release a child's IHS.

Appropriate documentation includes:

  • interim, subsequent interim or final court orders
  • letter on department/agency letterhead, fax with department/agency letterhead or email with department/agency signature block, stating the child protection agency's legal responsibility. The Resources page contains approved statements of responsibility
  • Medicare card that the child is registered on with the responsible department. For example, a child protection agency, guardian or foster carer:
    • If the individual is aged 14 years or over, the care agency must provide evidence of their consent. This can be either verbal, (where the individual speaks to an AIR operator) or written.
      Note: written consent must include the individuals name, physical signature (cannot be electronic) and the date they signed

Medicare card number requests for children and young people in OOHC

See Child protection agencies - Medicare card number requests for children and young people in out-of-home care (OOHC) for more details on:

  • Court orders and adjournments:
    • Ignore final paragraph as refers to creating a Medicare card for the individual
  • Interim, subsequent interim, and final court orders:
    • Ignore final paragraph regarding escalations
  • Expired court orders
  • Adjournments:
    • Medicare references also apply to AIR

The Resources page contains contact details, approved statements of responsibility, standard comments for Mainframe and Quality Assurance.