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Changing account details on debts raised in the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) 107-04010050

For staff responsible for raising debts only.

This document outlines how to modify debts in DMIS.

On this page:

Analysing debt within DMIS

Changes to debts, recovery fee and finalisation in DMIS

Analysing debt within DMIS

Table 1




Changes to existing debts + Read more ...

If changes are required to a debt in DMIS, check the Debt List (OPDL) screen for the current debt status.

If the status of the debt is:


Check the appropriate action for the determined debt + Read more ...

If the determined debt:


Finalised fully recovered debt + Read more ...

If a fully recovered debt is reviewed and the outcome is that there was no debt:

  • zero the debt on the Debt Amount (OPDA) screen

Use the Debt Action script in Customer Record for zeroing debts (finalised no debts).

For manual keying:

  • 'S'elect the debt from the OPDL screen
  • go to the OPDA screen
  • record the new debt amount and the reason for the change on the OPDA screen. Key a reason code of 'NLD'. The Recalculated Amount $ field will default to 0
  • see Step 5 in Table 2

Once the change is complete, DMIS will generate an over-recovered activity for the repaid amount. These activities are automatically mapped to Payment Assurance Operations (PAO).

Do not tell a customer they may get a refund for an over-recovered debt. Over-recovered amounts may be transferred to other Commonwealth debts. PAO determine if a refund is due to the customer.


Manual keying for changing debts + Read more ...

For a determined debt, most fields on the OPMA screen can be changed. The Authority field is protected and cannot be changed on this screen once the debt is determined.

The Debt Action script can be used for changing debts.

Manual keying

If the details to be changed are:

  • the authority for the debt, see Step 1 in Table 2
  • the debt amount, see Step 2 in Table 2
  • other fields including:
    • reason for the debt
    • section of the Act
    • dates
    • logon ID of the person handling debt recovery
    • prosecution referral

See Step 3 in Table 2.

Changes to debts, recovery fee and finalisation in DMIS

Table 2




Changing an authority for a debt + Read more ...

If changing the Authority for the debt:

  • reduce the debt to zero
  • raise a new debt under the new Authority:
    • 'S'elect the relevant debt from the list on the OPDL screen
    • go to the Debt Amount (OPDA) screen
    • record the new debt amount and the reason for the change on the OPDA screen. Key a zero debt amount for this change
    • finalise the assessment on the Assessment Finalisation (OPAF) screen
    • record details on a DOC
    • raise the debt under the appropriate Authority by creating a debt manually

Procedure ends here.

For changes to debts that are managed within Process Direct, see Raising Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts in Process Direct.


Change the calculated amount for the debt + Read more ...

To change the calculated amount of the debt:

  • 'S'elect the relevant debt from the list on the OPDL screen
  • go to the Debt amount (OPDA) screen
  • record the new debt amount and the reason for the change on the OPDA
  • the OPDA screen allows a change to the debt amount for debts with a Finalised-Recovered (F-Recovered) status. If a debt is reduced and an amount becomes over recovered:
  • record the new component details on the Component Amount (OPCA) screen

If there is an over-recovered amount after you make changes to the debt, adjust payment on the debt

If the amount is increased, this will return the debt to a determined status. No further action is required if there is no entitlement to a refund. For example, the debt amount has changed but not fully recovered.


Changes to details other than the authority or calculated amount + Read more ...

For changes to details other than the Authority or the calculated amount, change the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen.

  • 'S'elect the relevant debt from the list on the OPDL screen
  • go to the OPMA screen
  • change the details on the OPMA screen. Key these fields, where appropriate:
    • Reason
    • Section of Act
    • Date of Event
    • Date of Notification
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Calculated Amount $
    • Addtnl Reference No
    • NZ Office
    • Was debt solely due to system or clerical error?
    • Position Responsible
    • Refer Prosecution
    • Acknowledgment Date
  • key '?' to receive an explanation of how to fill the field
  • press [Enter]

Go to Step 4


Recovery Fee Consideration + Read more ...

Consider applying a Recovery Fee, if changing the Debt Reason code to:

  • Own earnings undeclared/coded (IES)
  • Own earnings wrongly declared/coded (ISI), or
  • Undeclared cash earnings (customer portion only) (UCE)

DMIS will open the Recovery Fee (OPRF) screen.


Finalising the assessment + Read more ...

Finalise the assessment on the Assessment Finalisation (OPAF) screen. Record details on a DOC.

Was the original debt finalised 'no debt'?


Sending letter - debt finalised 'no debt' + Read more ...

See Protecting the customer’s privacy when issuing a debt notice table in Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts, before issuing any debt notices. Take the appropriate actions to protect the customer’s privacy.

Is the original debt a result of an online compliance intervention?

  • Yes. For Employment Income Confirmation (EIC) and Check and Update Past Income (CUPI) debts, if the original debt is raised:
    • manually (ONM), send a manual letter (Q053) to the customer with details of the changes
    • with online platform (ONL), the system will send a letter
  • No. Send a manual letter (Q053) to the customer with details of the changes

Determine if the customer's tax details require adjustment.

Procedure ends here.


Send letter - debt changed + Read more ...

See Protecting the customer’s privacy when issuing a debt notice table in Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts, before issuing the Q417 Initial Account letter. Take the appropriate actions to protect the customer’s privacy.

Send a Q417 Initial Account. Include a statement of recoverable amount letter to the customer. Include details of the changes.

Determine if the customer's tax details require adjustment..