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Case managed debt recovery 107-20112320

This document outlines the recovery process for customers managed by Debt Staff in Specialist Recovery Teams.

On this page:

New case managed customer

Outbound contact attempts and investigation

Other searches

Action required by SRT Officer

Closing a case managed recovery case

New case managed customer

Table 1




Select process stage + Read more ...



Suitable for Case Managed Recovery + Read more ...

Cases are assigned through individual case allocation workbooks located in the shared team folder. Review the customer record to determine if the case is suitable for case managed recovery. Consider:

  • benefit status
  • if the debt has been permanently written off
  • the outstanding balance
  • if the customer is already case managed

Update the case status in the individual case allocation workbook in the teams local G: drive to either:

  • accepted:
    • change the 'Status' to Accepted
    • change the 'reason for rejection' to N/A
    • save changes
    • go to Step 3
  • rejected:
    • change the 'Status' to rejected
    • select the reason for rejection
    • save changes
    • procedure ends here


Add a Display on Access (DOA) DOC + Read more ...

Create a DOA DOC to show who is managing the customer, where to transfer customer calls and debt recovery activities:

  • key DOC in the Nxt field > [Enter]
  • complete the following fields:
    • Service Reason: DMN
    • Who: CSO
    • Source: INT
    • Receipt Date: Today
    • Channel: INT
    • DOA DOC: SCC
    • Expiry: 5 Years from today's date
  • in the Text field, record:


Refer all debt recovery enquiries to the Case Managed Recovery Team

Please warm transfer the call to CLK Case Managed Recoveries via Services Australia Workspace

Warm transfer the call to 1800 462 425 (Option 2)


Team: Case Managed Recovery Team: Brisbane/Cairns/Coffs Harbour

If customer is unable to be transferred, refer to team using the Case Managed Recovery Callback Required Fast Note

Note: refer all other enquiries to the appropriate team


Apply Civil Action + Read more ...

Apply a 'Determined - Civil Action' debt status to:

  • prevent customers referring to other Debt Recovery teams
  • act as an indicator that the customer is case managed

To apply the 'Determined - Civil Action' status:

  • key OPDL in the Nxt field > [Enter]
  • 'S'elect the debt to add Civil action
  • key OPCVA in the Nxt field > [Enter]
  • complete the following fields:
    • Action Type: LOD
    • Referral Date: T (today)
    • Expected Result Date: 12 Months from Today
    • Referral Name: Team Name
    • Address and Phone Number: Site Address and Team Number
  • press [Enter] twice
  • check OPDL. The debt status will show 'Determined - Civil Action'


Apply an actor relationship + Read more ...

The actor relationship creates a workload manager relationship between a case manager and individual Customer Reference Number (CRN), it:

  • directs work items to the case manager, and
  • prevents work items from allocating to other Debt Staff

The Work Optimiser manages the Actor relationships.

Note: an allocation group is required before applying the actor relationship. See Work Optimiser for staff.

To add an actor relationship:

  • open Work Optimiser
  • select Actor Relationship Management
    • key the allocation group name in the Allocation group selection search field. For example DMB CMR01
    • select the relevant allocation group on the left toolbar
  • select Edit on the bottom toolbar
  • select Work Types
  • select Add and add the following work types:
    • ZALL_RCV_PATH_02
    • ZALL_RCV_PATH_03
    • ZDMS_QSS40
  • select Actors
  • select Edit
  • copy assigned case managed CRN's and paste into Actors field:
    • select the Arrow button
  • select Save. Note: any CRNs that have an actor relationship with another case manager will show as a conflict. The changes will not save. Liaise with the other case manager and remove the conflict CRN's
  • select OK
  • select Save
  • select Return work items that no longer match group to pool
  • select OK
  • select OK, on the Success box to save changes


Add case to the Intensive Debt Collections (IDC) Information System + Read more ...

Add the case to the IDC Information System:

  • select New Case
  • complete the Case Details screen:
    • Title: debtor name in format SURNAME, First name
    • CRN: no spaces between the numbers and letter
    • Assigned To: Case Manager Name
    • Opened By: Case Manager Name
    • Insertion Date: The date the case is extracted. Use the insertion date from the individual case allocation workbook
    • Due Date: The next date the case will be reviewed
    • Due Comment: The next action to be completed
    • Active/Closed: set as Active
    • Active Status: set as 'Under Investigation'
    • Campaign Work Type: for example CMR007, HVD002
    • Post Code: The debtors home or physical address post code
  • complete the Repayments tab:
    • Date: use the date the case was received
    • Payment type: Original debt amount (+)
    • Amount: the outstanding balance minus the interest charge
    • Payment type (new line): Interest (+)
    • Amount (new line): enter the combined Int Chg amount from the OPDL screen for all outstanding debts
  • complete the Case information tab:
    • Debt overview: use the debt overview template to update this section
  • check the information entered matches the customers file


Create a customer case file + Read more ...

Create a customer case file to record search results, checklists and garnishee submissions:

  • access the team's local G: drive
  • open the Case Files folder
  • find and open the alphabetical folder for the customer's surname. For example, open 'H' for Jasmine Henry
  • right click to Add new folder:
    • name the folder using the customer's name. For example HENRY, Jasmine > [Enter]

Save all documents using format YYYY-MM-DD – SURNAME, First name – Action. For example 2020-10-01 – SMITH, Mary – HVDT referral.

Outbound contact attempts and investigation

Table 2




Review data in individual case allocation workbook + Read more ...

Review the customer information in the individual case allocation workbook. Check for information about the customer's capacity to pay, such as:

  • Case Selection Campaign
  • Current Vulnerability Indicator
  • Home Ownership
  • Combined ATI for FAO purposes
  • Total Assets
  • Interpreter Indicator
  • Preferred Interpreter Language

See the 'Key' tab in the individual case allocation workbook for the full list of customer information.


Review the customer's record + Read more ...

Prepare for contacting the customer by reviewing:

  • OPDL: current debt balance, debt types and debt status
  • DL: recent DOCs and letters sent
  • OPAL: current and previous arrangements
  • OPGI and OPAOD: debt reason
  • HS: recent notices issued
  • OPKD: historical list of notices
  • Document Tools: scanned documents
  • ACE ODR Retrieval: historical letters and DOC's
  • ITS: savings and assets
  • PAS and PS: payment destination and account details
  • IRRS and EANS: employment details
  • RSIM: overseas travel history
  • TDS: contact numbers
  • ADS: address
  • NOLS: nominee arrangements
  • OLS: current and historical Centrelink customer data and limited data from the Australia Electoral Commission (AEC) and Medicare Australia (HIC)
  • Electronic White Pages (EWP): other contact numbers. See the Resources page for a link

Update the IDC Information System:

  • open the Case Information tab:
    • Project Outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt overview: use the debt overview template to update this section


Make genuine contact attempts + Read more ...

Send a pre-call SMS prior to every contact attempt if the customer:

Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer on all available numbers.

Review the ACCC guidelines to ensure contact attempts are not excessive. See the Resources page for a link.

Was customer contacted?


Send a contact letter with final option + Read more ...

Use the debt recovery script to send a 'Contact letter with final option' (Q190). This gives the customer 23 days to respond.

See Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts, before issuing the contact letter. Take the appropriate actions to protect the customer’s privacy.

DOC the record and include the address to which the letter was sent.

Update the IDC Information System:

  • open the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: Add details of phone attempts and Q190 notice. Include the address to which the letter was sent
  • open the Case details tab:
    • Due Date: set as 24 days from the date the Q190 is sent
    • Due Comment: enter reason for new due date
    • Active Status: 'Pending Warning Letter Expiration'

Go to Table 3.


Discuss reason for the call + Read more ...

Safeguard the customer's privacy before discussing the reason for the call.

Tell the customer the call is being recorded. See Call and screen recording – information and access.

Discuss the current outstanding balance and any payment arrangements.

If the customer queries the debt reason, ask them what they would like to do or know about the decision. Ask appropriate questions to understand the customer's enquiry so their concerns can be addressed or referred to the relevant business area.

Staff can contact Local Peer Support (LPS) if the matter is complex, or if they need support to give a satisfactory response to the customer.

Does the customer want a further explanation of the debt or a review?

  • Yes, the customer:
  • record a DOC using the Successful Engagement Fast Note. Update the IDC Information system:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the call
    • Due Date: set for 3 months from review or explanation request date
    • Due Comments: Awaiting review/explanation outcome
    • Active Status: Temporary Write-Off (STH/ORA). Procedure ends here.
  • No, continue with your debt discussion, go to step 6


Acceptable repayment arrangement + Read more ...

Complete the Arranging cash repayments to recover debts process.

Did the customer enter into an acceptable payment arrangement?

  • Yes, update the IDC Information system:
    • New Comments: enter a summary of the call
    • Due Date: set for up to 5 days after the payment is due to be received
    • Due Comment: enter 'check payments'
    • Active Status: enter 'Under Acceptable Arrangement'
    • Arrangement Details: enter details of the arrangement
    • procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 7


Interim repayment arrangement + Read more ...

An interim payment arrangement is based on a customer's individual financial circumstances. These arrangements can be reviewed as a customer’s circumstances change.

If there is doubt about the customer’s financial circumstances, following the financial assessment conversation, a more detailed financial assessment may be conducted. Obtain details from the customer and enter these into the financial circumstances calculator to work out a suitable interim arrangement.

See Financial circumstance assessment for debt recovery.

Did the customer complete the financial circumstance assessment and enter into an interim arrangement?

  • Yes, update the IDC Information system:
    • New Comments: enter a summary of the call
    • Due Date: set for up to 5 days after the payment is due to be received
    • Due Comment: enter 'check payments'
    • Active Status: enter 'Under Interim Arrangement'
    • Arrangement Details: enter details of the arrangement
    • Go to Table 3
  • No, go to Step 8


Refusal to enter into a reasonable repayment arrangement + Read more ...

Update the IDC Information System.

Complete the Case Details screen:

  • New Comments: enter a summary of the call
  • Due Date: set for the day after the customer agreed to call back to:
    • complete a financial circumstances assessment
    • negotiate an arrangement, or
    • when the customer refused to enter into any arrangement, and a response has been sought from a third party
  • Due Comment: enter reason for new due date
  • Active Status: phone attempt 2 if calling the customer to:
    • complete a financial circumstances assessment
    • negotiate an arrangement, or
    • when a response has been sought from a third party, if proceeding with QSS40 or Q609 requests

Complete the Case Information tab:

  • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome

Did the customer refuse to enter into a repayment arrangement?

Other searches

Table 3




Financial Institution (FI) account + Read more ...

Check the customer's record to locate the customers FI accounts, by reviewing:

  • SVS: Savings
  • PAS: Payment Destination Summary
  • OPAL: Arrangement list
  • SVIS: Direct Investment Summary
  • SIIS: Investment Summary
  • Document Tools (scanned documents)

Was an account located that requires further information from the FI?


QSS40 to Financial Institution/s + Read more ...

Use the Financial Information Exchange (FIE) tool to request account information from the Commonwealth Bank. See Electronic Data Exchange with Financial Institutions tool.

Send a manual QSS40 to all other Financial Institutions (refer to the SharePoint Bank List for correct entity and address details):

  • In the Service Reason field select DMN
  • Complete the following fields:
    • Third party addressee: third party name
    • Third party address: third party address
    • SMTS: select option 1 unless addressees name is known
    • AUTH1: select the option for the relevant Act
    • DBTENQ: 2
    • FRTX1: select 2 unless providing additional information
    • Q043: 1
    • Free Text Question A: 1. Please provide a list of all bank accounts held by the above named person also known as [NAME] [DATE OF BIRTH] including the account numbers and the full names of all account holders.
    • Q044: 1
    • Free Text Question B: 2. Please provide current contact details including address and telephone number.
    • Q058: 1
    • Free Text Question C: 3. If held on record, please provide the name of the person's employer.
    • Q059: 1
    • Free Text Question D: 4. Please provide bank statements for the last three months for all accounts held solely, jointly, or in trust, by the above named customer.
    • Q060: 2
    • Q061: 2
    • Q062: 2
    • Q063: 2
    • Q064: 2
    • Q065: 2
  • Review the letter and make sure it is correct
  • Ensure the letter contains the correct return contact number for your team
  • Print the letter when it is ready
  • If completing the letter in Customer Record, key 'FIN' in the Command field and press [Enter]
  • The History Summary (HS) screen will show the letter

Update the IDC Information system:

  • New Comment: add a summary of action completed including QSS40 details
  • Due Date: set for 14 days from the date the QSS40 is sent
  • Due Comment: enter reason for new due date
  • Active Status: a waiting QSS40 response

DOC the record. Include the financial institutions details and relevant legislation for requesting the information.


Employment lead + Read more ...

Attempt to locate an employment lead through:

  • Employment Income Summary (EANS)
  • Data matches (Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF)or Single Touch Payroll (STP)
  • Returned FI correspondence
  • Previous Recovery DOCs
  • Document Tools

Ensure the employment information relates to the customer and not the partner.

If a data match identifies a potential employer, the customer must be notified of the match through a Q289 letter before any contact is made with the employer. This includes calling the potential employer to speak to the customer at work. See Single Touch Payroll debt recovery data match or Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF) Debtor matching reviews.

Was an employment lead located?


Contact customer + Read more ...

Make two genuine attempts to contact the customer through the employer over two days.

Was the customer contacted?


Q609 letter + Read more ...

All requests for information from an employer must be in writing. Do not request this information over the phone.

Use the Debt Recovery Script to issue an 'Ask employer for employment details' (Q609) letter. Address to 'Attention Payroll' and mark 'Private and Confidential'.

DOC the record, in the IDC Information system:

  • complete the Case Details screen:
    • Due Date: set for 14 days from the issue date of the Q609
    • Due Comment: enter a reason for the new due date
    • Active status: Awaiting Q609 response
  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New comment: add a summary of action completed including Q609 details including the address to which the letter is sent


Returned Correspondence + Read more ...

To review returned correspondence, check Customer First:

After reviewing the information DOC the record and close the scanned image.

Update the IDC Information System:

  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt Overview: use the debt overview template to update this section

Does the returned correspondence provide new customer contact details, employment information or financial institution relationships?

  • Yes, attempt to contact the customer or employer using the new information including:
    • making 2 attempts to contact the customer on a new number
    • sending a Q190 letter to a new address
    • sending a Q609 to a new potential employer
    • sending a QSS40 to a new financial institution
  • No, for a:


Sufficient funds + Read more ...

Consider if a Financial Institution (FI) garnishee is appropriate, see:

Is a FI garnishee appropriate?


Wage garnishee + Read more ...

Consider if a wage garnishee is appropriate, see

Is a wage garnishee appropriate?


Bank Garnishee submission + Read more ...

Complete the Bank garnishee submission template. Save the submission in the customer case file. Send the completed submission to an Operational Leader (OL) for review and approval.

Update the IDC Information system:

  • complete the Case Details screen:
    • Due Date: set due date for 5 business days to check for a response from the Operational Leader
    • Due Comment: enter a reason for the new due date
    • Active status: change to 'Pending Approval'
    • Approval Status: change to 'Bank Garnishee'
  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New comment: add a summary of the action completed
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome

Did the OL approve the garnishee submission?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, if a garnishee is:
    • appropriate, but needs further action, complete additional action and resubmit
    • not appropriate, go to Step 11


Place the garnishee + Read more ...


Update the IDC Information system.

  • complete the Case Details screen:
    • Due Date: set for up to 5 days after the payment is due to be received
    • Due Comment: enter 'check payments
    • Active Status: enter 'Under Acceptable Arrangement'
    • Arrangement Details: enter details of the garnishee arrangement
  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comments: enter a summary of actions taken
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome

Procedure ends here.


Confirmation of property ownership + Read more ...

Check if a customer owns property. Go to:

  • Real Estate Business Summary (REBS) screen
  • Accommodation History (ACS) screen
  • Document Tools
  • RP Data searches

RP Data shows potential property ownership for properties in VIC, NSW, QLD or WA when searching via name. If a customer needs to be searched via name in a state outside of VIC, NSW, QLD or WA an Equifax Search should be considered.

For a RP Data search:

  • complete a name search for:
    • the customers legal name
    • any known alias names from Customer Personal Detail Summary (CPDS) screen or other search results
  • complete an address search for:
    • all current addresses
    • any address listed on the Real Estate/Business Summary (REBS) screen

Save returned searches in the customer's case file. DOC the record. If the search was successful Include:

  • property address
  • owner (debtor) name
  • mortgage details
  • last sale details

Update the IDC Information System:

  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the search results
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt Overview: use the debt overview template to update this section

Does the customer own property that can be used to recover their debt?


Specialised Recovery Team referral + Read more ...

Consider a referral to the Specialised Recovery Team (SRT) if the customer has:

  • a debt over $10,000, and
  • has capacity to pay through significant income, property or savings

If the customer is suitable for a referral to the SRT, complete the referral template. Save the submission in the customer case file. Send the completed referral to an Operational Leader (OL).

Update the IDC Information system:

  • complete the Case File section:
    • Due Date: set due date for 5 business days to check for a response from the OL
    • Due Comment: enter a reason for the new due date
    • Active Status: change to ‘Pending Approval’
    • Approval Status: change to ‘SRT Referral’
  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the action completed
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt Overview: use the debt overview template to update this section

Has SRT accepted the case?


Equifax searches + Read more ...

Only complete an Equifax search after:

  • an initial RP Data search (to confirm information accuracy found via RP Data)
  • if the customer resides in a state which is unable to be searched via RP Data
  • exhausting all other avenues, or
  • customer has entered into an arrangement that does not meet our guidelines

Equifax gathers:

  • customer contact details
  • property ownership information
  • financial institutions and business relationships

Open Equifax and complete searches relevant to the customer:

  • Individual Search: Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) enquiry or Personal Name Browse
  • Organisations Search: can, ABN or Organisation Name Search
  • Company asset ownership
  • Property Search: Title search, address search, lot plan search

Save search results in the custo’er's case file. DOC the record.

Update the IDC Information system:

  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the search results
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt Overview: use the debt overview template to update this section

Did Equifax provide new information?

  • Yes, follow up new information. This includes:
    • making 2 attempts to call the customer on a new number
    • sending a Q190 letter to a new address
    • sending a QSS40 for a new FI account
    • sending a Q609 to a new potential employer
    • consider a SRT referral
  • No, go to Step 14


Identified travel pattern + Read more ...

A Departure Prohibition Order (DPO) prevents customers with an identified travel pattern from leaving the country.

Review if the customer has a pattern of overseas travel by checking:

  • Travel Outside Australia Summary (TOAS) screen
  • Immigration Movements (RSIM) screen
  • Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen

Update the IDC Information system:

  • Complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the search results
    • Project outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt Overview: use the debt overview template on the IDC SharePoint page to update this section

Does the customer have a pattern of overseas travel?

  • Yes, if the customer has:
    • already had verbal DPO warnings, go to Step 15
    • not had verbal DPO warnings, issue a Q190, which gives the customer 23 days to respond. If no response is received by day 24, go to Step 15
  • No, go to Table 5


DPO referral + Read more ...

Complete the DPO referral template. Save the submission in the customer case file. Send the referral to an Operational Leader (OL).

Update the IDC Information system:

  • complete the Case File section:
    • Due Date: set due date for 5 business days to check for a response from the OL
    • Due Comment: enter a reason for the new due date
    • Active Status: change ‘o 'Pending Appro’al'
    • Approval Status: change ‘o 'DPO Refer’al'
  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the action completed
    • Project Outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome
    • Debt Overview: use the debt overview template to update this section

Has the SRT accepted the case?

Action required by SRT Officer

Table 4




Departure Prohibition Order (DPO) warnings + Read more ...

Issue a DPO warning. Use the debt recovery script to send a Q190 letter, which gives the customer 23 days to respond.

See Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts, before issuing the Q190 letter. Take the appropriate actions to protect the customer’s privacy.

Send the Q190 via registered mail:

  • get a registered post sticker from a team leader
  • attach the yellow registered post section to the envelope
  • complete the Registered Post register
  • attach the whi‘e 'sender to k’ep' section to the registered post register

Update the IDC Information system:

  • complete the Case File section:
    • Due Date: set due date for 15 days from the issuing of the Q190
    • Due Comment: enter a reason for the new due date
    • Active Status: change ‘o 'Pending Warning Letter Expirat’on'
  • complete the Case Information tab:
    • New Comment: add a summary of the action completed

DOC the record include:

  • the address the letter was sent to
  • the Australia Post Article ID number from the registered post sticker


Delivery Confirmation + Read more ...

After 7 days, use the Australia Post online tracking section to confirm delivery:

  • enter the Australia Post Article Id number in the Search field
  • press Track

See the Resources page for a link to the Australia Post.

If the customer has received the notice, it will display as Delivered.

Does the online tracking system confirm delivery of the Q190?

Closing a case managed recovery case

Table 5:




Archive or close case + Read more ...



Archive the arrangement + Read more ...

Archiving the arrangement pushes the case to the lowest priority. The case will still show at the bottom of the Case list in the IDC information system. Archive arrangements when there is an:

  • acceptable arrangement and after receiving 4 consecutive payments
  • interim arrangement, and:
    • the arrangement is acceptable due to the custo’er's capacity to pay, and
    • after receiving 4 consecutive payments

Update the IDC information system:

  • complete the Case File section:
    • Active status: for an interim arrangement, change to Acceptable arrangement
    • Archive arrangement box check this box
    • Due date: this field will automatically update with the correct date
    • Due comment: this field will automatically update
  • complete the Case Information tab
    • Project Outcomes: add a brief description of the expected outcome

Procedure ends here.


Reasons to close a Case Managed Recovery (CMR) case + Read more ...

Close the CMR case after achieving an outcome such as:

  • referrals to other IDC teams
  • debt fully recovered
  • current customers
  • bankruptcy
  • incarcerated
  • deceased
  • permanent write off
  • recovery options exhausted (ROE)

Does the case meet the criteria to close?


Recovery options exhausted (ROE) + Read more ...

Open the IDC Information system and select Resources.

Complete the ROE checklist:


Expire the CMR display on access (DOA) DOC + Read more ...

Expire the CMR DOA DOC in Customer Record (CR):

  • key DL in the Nxt field > [Enter]
  • locate the DOA DOC for Case Management:
    • key 'A' in the field to the left of the DOC > [Enter]
    • key the reason why the DOA DOC has expired in the Txt field > [Enter]
    • key 'X' in the field to the left of the DOC > [Enter]
  • key 'T' in the Expiry field
  • check DL. The DOC will no longer show at the top


Remove the Civil Action + Read more ...

End date the civil action:

  • key OPDL in the Nxt field > [Enter]
  • 'S'elect the debt to remove civil action
  • key OPCV in the Nxt field > [Enter]
  • complete the following fields:
    • Result: key reason for removing Civil Action status
    • Result date: T (today)
    • Comment
  • press [Enter]
  • check all pages in the OPDL screen to ensure the Civil Action status is removed from all debts

Note: debts with a zero balance may still hold OPCV coding. End OPCV coding including if debt balances are zero.


Update Workload Manager (WLM) Actor Relationships + Read more ...

To update WLM Actor Relationships:

  • open Work Optimiser
  • select Relationship Management from the home menu
  • select the relationship profile
  • select Edit in the bottom right corner
  • locate the CRN to remove (select the square highlighted on the left of the CRN)
  • select Save
  • the CRN is removed from the Actor Relationship


Finalise customer case file + Read more ...

To finalise case:

  • access the team's local G: drive
  • open the Case Files folder
  • right click on the customer's case files and select 'Cut'
  • open the 'Finalised' case files folder:
    • paste the case file in the alphabetical order according to the customer's surname
  • for referrals to the Specialised Recovery Team (SRT), email the customer case file to the SRT


Intensive Debt Collection (IDC) Information System + Read more ...

Update the IDC Information system:

  • Additional Notes, update any unfinished or pending actions
  • Active/Closed, select Closed
  • Closed Reason, select the relevant closed reason. For example, Referred to SRT
  • Close Date, will auto-populate