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Processing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims from Approved Care Organisations (ACO) 007-07030060

This document outlines information about Approved Care Organisations (ACO). An ACO is an organisation that co-ordinates or provides residential care to young people in Australia and has been approved as an ACO by the Secretary.

Processing an FTB claim lodged by an ACO for a child in their care

This table describes information on processing and assessing FTB claims lodged by an ACO that has a child in their care. Portions of this process may be completed by ACO Processing Service staff only.




Child enters care of an Approved Care Organisation (ACO) + Read more ...

ACO wishes to claim Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for the child.

The ACO status needs to be approved by Services Australia before their claim can be assessed. Once approved, the 'ACO admission, transfer or discharge spreadsheet' is supplied by the ACO Smart Centre Processing team.

The completed spreadsheet is required when an ACO is claiming for children entering care, and can be used for multiple children entering and/or leaving their care. All ACO FTB claims received via the spreadsheet must be emailed to ACO Smart Centre Processing.


An income support payment is currently being paid for the child + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

Is an income support payment currently being paid in respect of the child?

  • Yes, if:
    • the child is entering a Youth Justice Centre, check if the income support payment should be cancelled due to the young person being incarcerated. If income support payment is cancelled, the ACO FTB claim can then be granted. Go to Step 3
    • no incarceration is involved, the ACO claim should be rejected - due to precluding payment. Go to Step 9
  • No, go to Step 3.


Index claim/add child activity + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

Is the Approved Care Organisation (ACO) currently receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB)?

  • Yes. on the Family Task Selector (FTS) screen in the ACO's record, code 'ACH' activity (additional claim for FTB). Go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 4


Index claim on Organisation Name (ON) screen + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

Index a 'NCL' activity for service reason 'FTB'.

Is an Approved Care Organisation (ACO) record found?

  • Yes, 'S'elect the ACO record from the Organisation List (OL) screen and confirm selection on the Organisation Details (DL) screen. Go to Step 5
  • No, complete a thorough search for ACO record via ON screen. If no record exists, add record by processing an 'ADD' activity for service reason 'ACO' via the ON screen. Once ACO record has been added, index FTB NCL activity from ON screen. Go to Step 5


Organisation Task Selector (OTS) screen + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

Select screens as required to record or update details.

  • Organisation Name Details (OND)
  • Organisation Service Contact Details (OSCS)
  • Payment Destination Details (PAFA)
  • FAO Approved Care Organisation (FACO) screen
    • No FTB is to be paid unless a decision has been made to grant APP - Approved Care Organisation Status


Contact the person previously caring for the child/ren to confirm change in care of child (if necessary) + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

For help, see Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

Is previous carer still eligible for the child/ren?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, change of care confirmed
    • To cancel the previous carer's FTB for the child, code child left care on the losing carer's record. For help, see Child leaves customer's care/custody
    • Ensure that record is DOCumented to support the Change of Care to the ACO, advising that no change of care should be updated prior to confirming the change of care with the ACO team
    • On ACO record, link child and update child details after 'S'electing child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen. For help, see Linking a child to a customer's record


Is the child an FTB child of the ACO? + Read more ...


Reject ACO claim + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

  • If claim is to be rejected due to temporary absence, create a DOC on the carer record to reflect notification of admission to ACO, noting temporary care and no change in FTB entitlement for the carer
  • Record decision on ACO record on a DOC and store claim

Procedure ends here.


Grant payment to ACO + Read more ...

For ACO Smart Centre Processing only

Note: The FSC, SSC and !CADDS screens are not required to be updated when coding a child into the care of an ACO.

  • Record decision on a DOC, including dates of care and name of ACO
  • Follow-up any overpayment of FTB
  • Store claim
  • ACO will receive a fortnightly advice automatically detailing payments paid during the last fortnight
  • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > YAL Suspended - IMP, ensuring the ‘Display on access’ checkbox is selected. Code the expiry date 60 days from today’s date

After finalising and documenting the claim, check if the FTB child is receiving a Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment. SRSS recipients (including children) have a Benefit Status of NRR/CUR.

Is the child receiving SRSS?

  • Yes, use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Multicultural > Updates > FTB Granted for SRSS Customer/Child to send details for follow up. Keyword 'FTBSRSS' will be included on the Fast Note, no additional keywords are required.
  • No, procedure ends here