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Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) 007-07040070

This document explains the process for staff to assess a customer's entitlement to eligibility for FTB instalments, for a child who has come into their care from another person or organisation and there is disagreement over care arrangements.

For Families and Child Care Smart Centre and Medicare Processing staff only.

Staff trained in processing families claims in Process Direct follow the Process Direct coding.

On this page:

FTB eligibility following a change of care

Confirming change of care

Finalising FTB eligibility review

FTB eligibility following a change of care

Table 1




FTB claim + Read more ...

Customer claims FTB instalments for a child who has come into their care from another person or organisation.

For information about how to claim and initial processing, see Initial contact by a parent or guardian.

If a step parent is claiming for their partner's child, additional coding will be required to process a claim for family assistance.

For grandparent carers, see Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for grandparent carers.

For other relatives and non-parent carers (e.g., foster carers), see Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a child in foster care.


Determining if this is a change of care + Read more ...

First check that a change of care assessment is appropriate.

Where a change of care has occurred, yet care details (such as start date) have not been provided within the claim, an outbound call attempt should be made to the gaining carer to obtain missing care information. If the customer is subscribed to Desktop Messaging, send a pre-call notification SMS through Desktop Messaging before calling them. For pre-call messages, allow a lead-in time of 5 minutes in case there is a delay sending the message.

Where the other carer does not have a current record and/or documentation provided does not include the other carer's current contact details, request their name, address and telephone number from the notifying carer. Do not provide any details to the notifying carer.

If unsuccessful, send a request for information as per Information requests for FTB, PPL and DAP claims, and Add Newborn and PPL change of circumstances activities.

Where the customer does not respond, see Not effective, rejection, or withdrawal of claim for Family Tax Benefit or Stillborn Baby Payment. The Resources page contains a list of titles for letters and forms.

When care information is received, check the Care Alignment Details page. If Child Support have commenced or finalised a care assessment, see Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Table 1, Step 8.

If an individual (including a non-customer) wants to apply for a formal review of the care decision affecting their FTB or child support assessment, see Review of care decisions.

If a customer wants to apply for a formal review of the care decision affecting their income support payment, a separate formal review should be registered.

Customers may continue to receive payments for a child who is out of their care temporarily for a short period. See Child leaves customer's care/custody.

Customers may also continue to receive FTB for up to 14 weeks for a child who has left their care without their consent.

If the new carer is a grandparent, refer to Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for grandparent carers.

Note: when determining if a change of care has occurred (including where all parties agree to the change of care), consider whether further information is needed to determine if the change is a change of care or delegated care. Refer to the Background page for additional information.

Is it a change of care?


Determining if change of care is confirmed + Read more ...

The previous carer may have already advised that the child has left their care. If the change of care is informal, the gaining carer will need to provide evidence to confirm the change of care and the date the care changed from.

If the customer has:

  • supplied a Details of your Child's Care Arrangement (FA012) signed by both parties and they have legal responsibility of the child (e.g. parent), or
  • advised verbally of the change in care and the other carer's record has previously been documented advising of the change in shared care


  • the care date and percentage has been agreed by both parties, see Table 3, Step 1.

If the customer has supplied a FA012 signed only by the customer, it is mandatory to attempt to contact the losing carer by phone initially in most cases, even where the other carer is not FTB current. Table 2, Step 1 provides more details.

Update the Care Alignment Details page to 'Commenced' if the status is not already recorded or is Lapsed.

Add the keyword 'COCARE' to all change of care activities.

Request for evidence to confirm care change already issued:

If the Q810 - Your care arrangement - Request for information letter /Q999 - Free text letter has not been returned within timeframe, see Table 2, Step 5. The Resources page contains a list of titles for letters.

Confirmation of care change not yet attempted:

If verbal confirmation of the care change has not yet been attempted, and/or a request for evidence of care change has not been issued, see Table 2, Step 1.

Confirming change of care

Table 2




Contact with losing carer + Read more ...

It is mandatory to attempt to contact the losing carer by phone initially, in most cases. Exceptions to this are:

  • If a change of care has occurred as a result of a child being removed from their parents care by a state welfare authority there may be sensitivities involved and staff should exercise their judgement on a case by case basis to determine whether it is appropriate to make contact. Evidence for change of care supplied by the gaining carer can be used to confirm the change of care. However, the delegate must be satisfied based on the available evidence that a change of care has occurred
  • If a change of care has occurred as a result of a family and domestic violence situation and there is concern that the customer or children will be placed at risk if the losing carer is contacted, evidence for change of care supplied by the gaining carer can be used to confirm the change of care. However, the delegate must be satisfied based on the available evidence that a change of care has occurred. The Resources page has an example
  • If a change of care has occurred because of the death of the losing carer, evidence supplied by the gaining carer can be used to confirm the change of care. However, the delegate must be satisfied based on the available evidence a change of care has occurred. Note: if the death has been confirmed, complete updates on the deceased customer's record before running the Notification of Death. See Death of a family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme customer

Note: where FDV concerns are identified, the FDV Support model must be followed and consideration be given to the involvement of a social worker where a child may be at risk of harm or where a customer's circumstances indicate vulnerability or risk to the customer's safety: See Social work service referral.

If staff need any assistance, they need to follow the standard escalation procedures, see Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Does an exception apply as above?

  • Yes, do not attempt to verify care arrangements with the child or any other non-parent person or organisation. The exception is in some cases it may be necessary to contact a state welfare authority or foster care agency to obtain additional information about the child, go to Step 3
  • No, attempt to contact the losing carer by phone, go to Step 2


Was the losing carer contacted successfully? + Read more ...


Losing carer not contacted + Read more ...

If it is not appropriate to contact the losing carer and the Service Officer is satisfied based on the evidence for change of care provided by the gaining carer that a change of care has occurred and the date the change of care occurred, see Table 3, Step 1.


Request information + Read more ...

For claims being actioned in:

  • Process Direct, send an RFI as per Information requests for FTB, PPL and DAP claims, and Add Newborn and PPL change of circumstances activities
  • Customer First, run the Child Change in Care Arrangements script to issue the gaining carer with a Q810 - Your care arrangement - Request for information for change in care. Access the script via the Script Selector in Customer Record
    • Where the customer also receives an income support payment, ensure the 'FTB and ISP' radio box is selected within the Q810
    • The script cannot be used for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) only customers.
      If the customer or losing carer is getting CCS only, send the approved manual Q888 CCS ACCS RFI letter.
      Include Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) if issuing a Q888 to losing carer.

If the losing carer is FTB current, run the Child - Change in Care Arrangements script to issue the losing carer with a Q810 and FA012. Where the customer also receives an income support payment, ensure the 'FTB and ISP' radio box is selected within the Q810. The Resources page contains a list of titles for letters and forms.

If the losing carer is:

  • not FTB current and has an existing Centrelink record
    • Issue a Q999 letter with a Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) from their record. See the Resources page for a link to the letter
  • not FTB current and does not have an existing Centrelink record

If the gaining carer cannot provide enough information to create a record for the losing carer:

  • issue a Q999 letter with a Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) from the gaining carer's record as a third party letter
  • See the Resources page a link to the letter

Record details on a DOC via Fast Note. Select Auto text, use Families > Enquiry > Change of Care Evidence DUE DATE. If there is no Centrelink record for the losing carer, DOC the gaining carer's record.

Ensure the claim activity is placed on hold for 22 days (14 days + 8 days to allow extra time for mail delivery) or 29 days for remote areas and overseas in both Process Direct and Customer First.

Note: due to the unsuccessful contact with the losing carer, letters are sent to both the losing and gaining carer now as this gives both carers equal opportunity to provide evidence for change of care without unnecessary delays to process the FTB payment.

Customer in hardship: If the new carer is in hardship and claiming or receiving an income support payment, the claim may be determined without delay. However, the change of care must still be confirmed, this can be by phone. If contact cannot be made and the evidence for change of care to support the decision is satisfactory, FTB can be paid to the gaining carer. The customer should be advised that if the care arrangements are contested, this may result in an overpayment for the customer.

From 10 June 2019, FTB top-ups, supplements, lump sum claim amounts and instalment arrears can be used to recover any family assistance, social security, student assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payment debts. This will occur even if the customer has a current payment arrangement.

Where exceptional and/or unforeseen circumstances apply which may cause the customer to suffer severe financial hardship, customers can request to be temporarily excluded from debt recovery prior to any money being taken from their FTB arrears, lump sum or top-up payments.

Go to Step 5.


Return of RFI/Q810/Q999 + Read more ...

Evidence not returned within allowable time frame:

  • If there is still no response received from either carer in Customer First:
    • Cancel the FTB for the losing carer, reason 'FRC ' (Failed to Reply to Correspondence) on the Benefits Action (BA) screen from date paid to plus 1. If the losing carer is vulnerable or at risk, 2 genuine attempts to contact should be made before cancelling FTB
    • If the losing carer is in receipt of an income support payment that may be affected by the change in care, suspend the payment
    • If the gaining carer is not FTB current, the claim needs to be made 'NEF ' (not effective), as it is not certain that the change of care has occurred. FTB should not be granted to the new carer. Do not change the care percentages until there is enough evidence to support such a decision. See Not effective, rejection, or withdrawal of claim for Family Tax Benefit or Stillborn Baby Payment
    • If the gaining carer is FTB current this should be treated as a reassessment of FTB entitlement instead of a claim and cannot be made NEF. See Step 11 in the Processing, recording and finalising the FTB reassessment table of Reassessment of FTB for a current customer where an additional child enters care in the current or previous financial year
  • Further evidence for change of care may need to be requested from the gaining carer. If evidence is supplied by the gaining carer at a later date, this can be used to reassess the payment from the date the care changed (prior to 'date paid to' plus 1). Do not grant the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision. Procedure ends here
  • Record details on a DOC on each carer's record. Note: when the actual care decision is made, both gaining and losing carer records should be updated with the correct care details from the correct date. Do not use 'date paid to' plus 1, the correct date of the care change must be used. The Resources page contains an example

Note: if the customer is also getting Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance for this child, create a Fast Note for the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance eligibility to be checked by appropriately trained staff. Select Auto Text. Use Families > Updates > CA/CP referral - check eligibility.

All carers have responded

Compare available evidence and identify areas of disagreement (if any). If:

One carer responds

Make a decision on the available evidence for change of care.

Do not change the care percentages until there is enough evidence to support such a decision.

If the evidence provided is not sufficient to update the care decision, reject the care assessment. Issue Free Text (Q999) to customer and/or other carer, including reason for outcome and their review and appeal rights. The Resources page contains example text for the Q999. Document the decision in a Fast Note.

For claims being processed in:


Claims in Process Direct + Read more ...

On the losing carer's record:

  • Key Start into the Super Key
  • Select the Families - Care Assessments workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select the relevant child from the Relations menu
  • Go to the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen
  • On the FTB Shared Care (FSC) table, update existing shared care percentage to nil from date left care
  • On SSA Shared Care (SSC) table, update existing shared care percentage to nil and Principal carer indicator to 'N' from date left care
  • On the Care Alignment Details (CADDS) screen update the Care Assessment field to Finalised
  • Record the child out of care on the Child in Care (CHC) screen
  • Select the losing carer's record from the Relations menu
  • Child changes recorded on one customer's record will ripple to other customers linked to the child
  • Check the customer and child environment, and transfer to the correct environment where appropriate. Check the child's home environment on the Inter Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen in Process Direct. For help with transferring, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions
  • Once all updates are complete, on the SWE screen select Assess
  • Once satisfied with the outcome, on the Entitlement (ELD) screen select Finalise
  • Ensure that the following information is recorded on the finalisation Note - 'the customer was sent a Q810/Q999 and FA012 on [date] to confirm the change of care, the customer failed to respond by [date], phone contact was attempted on [date] and that the contact was unsuccessful. Therefore [child/ren's names] have been removed from care from [date].' The Resources page contains a list of titles for letters and forms
  • Update the gaining carer's record. See Table 3, Step 2

Note: do not grant the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision


Claims in Customer First + Read more ...

On the losing carer's record:

  • On FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen, update existing shared care percentage to nil from date left care
  • On SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen, update existing shared care percentage to nil and Principal carer indicator to 'N' from date left care
  • On the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) screen update the Care Assessment field to 'Finalised'
  • Record the child out of care on the Child in Care (CHC) screen and complete the activity
  • Child changes recorded on one customer's record will 'ripple' to other customers linked to the child
  • If the customer is in a different environment, swap to that environment to key the changes
  • The child's home environment can be determined by conducting an index search for the child via the Name Search (IN) screen. The National Index Name Search (IL) screen will then indicate which environment the child's record is located in. Action the transfer of child record when the following coding is completed
  • Ensure that the following information is recorded in a DOC - 'the customer was sent a Q810/Q999 and FA012 on [date] to confirm the change of care, the customer failed to respond by [date], phone contact was attempted on [date] and that the contact was unsuccessful. Therefore [child/ren's names] have been removed from care from [date].' The Resources page contains a list of titles for letters and forms
  • Update the gaining carer's record. See Table 3, Step 2

Note: do not grant the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision.


Disagreement over change of care + Read more ...

Was evidence for change of care previously requested?


Request evidence + Read more ...

Ask the customer and previous carer to provide any available evidence to support the actual care arrangements or change of care within 14 days.

For processing in:

  • Customer First:
    • Run the Child - Change in Care Arrangements script to create the Q810 letter requesting evidence of the care arrangements. Access the script via the Script Selector in Customer Record
    • Where the customer also receives an income support payment, ensure the 'FTB and ISP' radio box is selected within the Q810. Consider relevant privacy issues when referring to the other carer in the letter
    • The script cannot be used for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) only customers
  • Process Direct:

If the customer or losing carer is getting CCS only:

  • send the approved manual Q888 CCS ACCS RFI letter
  • include Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) if issuing a Q888 to losing carer

Resubmit for 22 days (14 days + 8 days to allow extra time for mail delivery) or 29 days for remote areas and overseas. Record details.

If the losing carer is:

  • not FTB current and has an existing Centrelink record:
    • Issue a Q999 letter with a Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) from their record
    • See the Resources page for letter text
  • not FTB current and does not have an existing Centrelink record and the gaining carer has or can supply enough information to create a record for the losing carer:
  • not FTB current and does not have an existing Centrelink record and the gaining carer cannot supply enough information to create a record for the losing carer:
    • Issue a Q999 letter with a Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) from the gaining carer's record as a third party letter
    • See the Resources page for letter text

Ensure all details, including the due date, are provided within a Fast Note on the records of all parties. Select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > Change of Care Evidence DUE DATE.

Procedure ends here.


Disagreement over care arrangements + Read more ...

All Disagreed Care assessments and updates are completed by skilled staff in Child Support Smart Centres (CSSC).

Hand-off work item to CSSC:

  • If there is an existing work item, that is claim activity, add the keywords 'DISAGREE' and 'COCARE' (if not already added)
  • If there is no started activity on the Activity List (AL) screen, re-index/create a new activity in Customer First with the appropriate service reason, source and type, for example 'NCL' or 'Add Child', and add Keywords: 'DISAGREE' and 'COCARE'
  • If actioning an FA012, the scanned document work item will need to be completed, see Viewing Centrelink customers' digital images
  • Reallocate any existing work item/s back to the allocation pool. For more information, see Workload Management in Customer First. Do not manually adjust the capability. The addition of the 'DISAGREE' keyword will automatically add the required attributes, prioritise and re-categorise the work item which will flow to Integrated Care skilled staff
  • Create a DOA DOC using the Fast Note on the records of all parties, with an expiry date of 28 days. Select Auto text, use Families > Enquiry > Disagreed Care in Progress

For customers experiencing financial hardship or who are a family in crisis and request urgent finalisation of the care arrangements:

A request for urgent activity finalisation for Disagreement of care arrangements cannot be made before the due date of the request for evidence.

  • Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > Disagree Care Urgent Esc.
    Note: the 'Disagree Care Urgent Esc' auto text automatically adds the keywords URGENT and DISAGREE. These do not need to be added

Centrelink staff - Procedure ends here.

CSSC staff - go to Step 11.


Appropriately skilled CSSC action required for Disagreed care + Read more ...

If statements do not provide adequate information or provide further conflicting information, additional evidence for change of care may be sought.

If there is a fear of family and domestic violence repercussions if contact with the losing carer is made and no social work report has been provided as evidence for change of care, a social worker may be consulted. Note: social workers can provide consultation only and are not responsible for contacting the losing carer.

Do not attempt to verify care arrangements with the child or any other third party person or organisation. It is the responsibility of the carer to gather supporting evidence. An exception is in some cases it may be necessary to contact state welfare authority or foster care agency to obtain additional information about the child.

When assessing levels of 'care', consider the full circumstances of the case to decide who has 'care' of the child during the contested period.

On the strength of the information provided, determine who has care of the child, and when the change of care took place.

If a review of decision is needed, the program that determined the care assessment will usually conduct the review and update the status (Commenced or Finalised) on the Care Alignment Details page.

If there is disagreement over the care arrangements, obtain the following details:

  • the date from which the child/ren started to live with the new carer
  • what the new arrangements were intended to be at the time of the change (temporary or viewed as being permanent)
  • when it was decided that the child would not return to the previous carer
  • when the losing carer became aware of the decision

Finalising FTB eligibility review

Table 3




Change of care confirmed or determination made + Read more ...

This step does not apply if the carer does not have a Centrelink record.

Note: if the customer is also getting Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance for this child, create a Fast Note for the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance eligibility to be checked by appropriately trained staff. Select Auto text, use Families > Updates > CA/CP referral - check eligibility.

If the child is a customer with a PER record and the update is in Customer First, go to Step 4.

Otherwise, in the losing carer's record, complete updates in the following order using the correct DOR when applying care decisions:

Process Direct

  • Key Start into the Super Key
  • Select the Families - Care Assessments workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select the relevant child from the Relations menu
  • Navigate to the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen
  • On the FTB Shared Care (FSC) table, update existing shared care percentage to nil from date left care
  • On SSA Shared Care (SSC) table, update existing shared care percentage to nil and Principal carer indicator to 'N' from date left care
  • On the Care Alignment Details (CADDS) screen update the Care Assessment field to Finalised
  • Record the child out of care on the Child in Care (CHC) screen
  • Select the losing carer's record from the Relations menu
  • Child changes recorded on one customer's record will ripple to other customers linked to the child
  • Check the customer and child environment, and transfer to the correct environment where appropriate. Check the child's home environment on the Inter Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen in Process Direct. For help with transferring, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions
  • Once all updates are complete, on the SWE screen select Assess
  • Once satisfied with the outcome, on the Entitlement (ELD) screen select Finalise

Customer First

  • on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen, update existing shared care percentage to nil from date left care
  • on the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen, update existing shared care percentage to nil and Principal carer indicator to 'N' from date left care
  • on the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) screen update the Care Assessment field to 'Finalised'
  • record the child out of care on the Child in Care (CHC) screen
  • If the child's record is in a different environment to the losing carer's record the coding of left care must be completed in the environment in which the child's Customer Reference Number (CRN) is located
  • The child's home environment can be determined by conducting an index search for the child via the Name Search (IN) screen. The National Index Name Search (IL) screen will then indicate which environment the child's record is located in
  • Child changes recorded on one customer's record will 'ripple' to other customers linked to the child.

If the losing carer is deceased, the updates should be undertaken on the gaining carer's record if possible.

If the customer receives Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC), see Change of circumstances for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme applicants.

Note: an issue has been identified where care may not apply correctly when FTB is being paid to a step parent. See the Resources page for more information about the issue. The P24845 table on the process page for Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) contains details of the workaround referral process that must be applied every time care is reassessed on these records. This is regardless of the percentage of care being applied (includes changes of 100 per cent or nil care).


In the gaining carer's record

Process Direct + Read more ...

  • Key Start into the Super Key
  • Select the Families - Care Assessments workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select the relevant child from the Relations menu
  • Record the child in care on the Child in Care (CHC) screen
  • Navigate to the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen
  • On the FTB Shared Care (FSC) table, update shared care percentage
  • On SSA Shared Care (SSC) table, update shared care percentage and Principal carer indicator to 'Y'
  • On the Care Alignment Details (CADDS) screen update the Care Assessment field to Finalised
  • Select the gaining carer's record from the Relations menu
  • Child changes recorded on one customer's record will ripple to other customers linked to the child
  • Check the customer and child environment, and transfer to the correct environment where appropriate. Check the child's home environment on the Inter Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen in Process Direct. For help with transferring, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions
  • Once all updates are complete, on the SWE screen select Assess
  • Once satisfied with the outcome, on the Entitlement (ELD) screen select Finalise

Customer First + Read more ...

Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen, 'S'elect the relevant child/ren and key DOR and Source fields. Use the correct DOR when applying care decisions.

If the child is not listed on the CHS screen, first link or add child record.

For the relevant child, update the Care Alignment Details page for the relevant child to 'Finalised' by 'S'electing the 'Commenced' line and updating the details. This must be completed for each child separately for the correct information to be transferred to Child Support.

On the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen, 'S'elect In Customer Care and press [Enter] to go to the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen for the child.

The coding of in care must be completed in the environment in which the child's Customer Reference Number (CRN) is located. If the child's record is in a different environment to the gaining carer's environment, complete an interstate transfer for the child before any further coding to ensure the gaining carer and the child are in the same/correct environment. See:

Note: do not grant the gaining carer until there is enough evidence to support the decision.


Child a customer + Read more ...

Is the child a customer and the updates are being completed in Customer First?


Key the updates in the child's PER record then return to the customer's record + Read more ...

Enter the child's CRN to go to the child record.

On the CHS screen, 'S'elect Self and:

  • code child changes as if in the carer's record. When updating care status on the CHC screen, key the number corresponding to the carer in Carer field
  • update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen for family assistance
  • update the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen with the shared care percentage and Principal carer indicator. This information will be used if the customer is in receipt of any income support payment
  • for mutual Centrelink and Child Support customers, if the child is entering the care of someone other than their other parent (or their parent's current partner), key 'Y' in the More than 2 carers field
  • update the Child Relationships (!CHRE) page to record the customer/child relationship
  • update other details on the child screens if necessary, such as such as student/child income circumstances
  • the Rip Consequences (RMC) screen is displayed, showing the records linked to the child that will have assessment data transmitted. Change the 'COM'plete option to 'MRG' (merge) or 'STA'rted to ensure child data results can be checked on the relevant records before finalising the assessment
  • finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen in child's record
  • record details on a DOC on child's record
  • if ABSTUDY (ABY) or ABSTUDY Schooling A (ABT) is paid for the child (with a status of CUR, SUS or ASS), record the details of the losing carer, gaining carer and DOV of the care change on an open Fast Note. Select Auto Text, use Students > ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY action request > Confirm
  • return to the carer's record to complete coding the claim/reassessment activity. The child updates made on the child's record will display on the carer's record

If updates are required on the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen Principal Carer Type:

  • select the child from the CHS screen with the parent record in context, and
  • update from the date the child entered care

Coding on this screen will affect concession card entitlements. It must be updated to state the Principal carer type and Foster child FAO.

Note: if the customer is in hardship, check the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen in the started activity on the gaining carer's record to ensure immediate arrears indicator is 'Y' before finalising activity. Otherwise, the payment will be issued with the next available payday.


Check/key other child related details in gaining carer record + Read more ...

Code the actual care details using the correct DOR when applying care decisions:

  • code child changes as if in the carer's record. When updating care status on the CHC screen, key the number corresponding to the carer in Carer field
  • on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen/table for family assistance
  • for mutual Centrelink and Child Support customers, if the child is entering the care of someone other than their other parent (or their parent's current partner), key 'Y' in the More than 2 carers field
  • on the SSA Shared Carer (SSC) screen/table code the shared care percentage and Principal carer indicator when the customer is in receipt of any income support payment

If the customer has legally adopted the child, key details on the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen for family assistance payments.

If the customer is a foster carer, update the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen from the date the child entered care. Note: coding on this screen impacts concession card entitlements and must be updated to state the Principal carer type: e.g. Foster Parent (FSF or FOS), Natural (NAT), and Foster child FAO: YES field for foster carer/non-biological carer records.

Social security dependent child income limit

If the child has income above the relevant social security dependent child income limit, key child income details on the Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen

If the change of care has occurred within 26 weeks of the child's birth, see Child leaves customer's care/custody.


Record change of care - new carer + Read more ...

Check new carer's entitlement and invite claim if appropriate. In addition to FTB, they may be entitled to income support payments or Paid Parental Leave (PPL). If the customer:


Advise customer and other carer(s) of decision + Read more ...

Issue Q805 Shared Care Grant (Agreed full %) or Q806 Shared Care Grant - No third party response as appropriate.

Note: if a step parent is the FTB recipient, the letter is to be issued from the biological parent's record to the biological parent.

A Q807 SSA Shared Care Principal Carer Determination letter must be sent to all carers in a shared care arrangement, where at least one carer is claiming/receiving an income support payment.

In Process Direct:

  • Go to Correspondence (CORRO) screen
  • Select the appropriate Care Assessment Outcome letter under the Issue Correspondence table

In Customer First:

  • Run the Child - Change in Care Arrangements script to create the appropriate letter. Access the script via the Script Selector in Customer Record

Automatic letters must also be sent to ensure the customer receives advice of their new rate of payment.

Any disclosure of personal/protected information must comply with the confidentiality provisions in sections 201-208 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 and Australian Privacy Principle (APP) 6 of the Privacy Act 1988. See the References page for links. If a Service Officer feels it is necessary, the name of the other carer should be replaced with the term 'other carer'. The reasons for this must be documented.


Finalise the Assessment of Care Arrangements Referral (ZCRF_AOCA_REFERRAL) work item + Read more ...

Once care has been updated and the !CHRE and CHM screens recorded, the Assessment of Care Arrangements Referral (ZCRF AOCA REFERRAL) work item must be finalised in Customer First by completing the following:

  • In Workspace, select Online Interaction Summary (Customer online Account)
  • Insert the Work Item ID into Activity ID field or the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and select Search
  • Identify Customer Referral activity under Activity Type and select the customer hyperlink under Description
  • On the Referral Details page, select the Referral Type tab
  • Select Edit
  • Change Status to Completed
  • Select Save

A DOC must be recorded in all cases, as this is used by income support payment, Low Income Health Care Card (LIC), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) or Foster Child Health Care Card (FST) processing staff to progress the claim. This includes when a care assessment is not required as the information provided by the customer is the same as what is already coded on the customer's record.

Note: from 10 June 2019, FTB top-ups, supplements, lump sum claim amounts and instalment arrears can be used to recover any family assistance, social security, student assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payment debts. This will occur even if the customer has a current payment arrangement.

Where exceptional and/or unforeseen circumstances apply which may cause the customer to suffer severe financial hardship, customers can request to be temporarily excluded from debt recovery prior to any money being taken from their FTB arrears, lump sum or top-up payments.