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Referral to Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) 001-02090020

This document outlines the referral process for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE). It includes the process for when Services Australia can complete the referral, and when it cannot.

On this page:

Making a referral to SEE

Referral workflow

Making a referral to SEE

Table 1




Customer contacts and asks for a SEE referral + Read more ...

Services Australia cannot create a referral for customers when they:

  • are connected to Workforce Australia Online
  • are over Age Pension Age
  • are currently participating in Self-Employment Assistance
  • are a full time student
  • do not hold an eligible visa, or
  • are the current holder of a skilled migrant visa, or a secondary visa holder (dependant) of a person who holds a skilled migrant visa

To get a referral, tell the customer to contact:

  • an employment services provider
  • a SEE provider, or
  • the DEWR Digital Services Contact Centre

If they are Centrelink or provider managed, go to Step 3.

If the Service Officer is allocated a SEE related work item, go to Step 2.


Service Officer allocated a SEE related work item + Read more ...

The work item ZALL_REF_GEN (JSR/MFU with 'SEE' keyword) is created when:

  • the Job Seeker Snapshot is run, and
  • the customer is identified as potentially benefiting from a referral to SEE, and
  • the Service Officer confirms the referral is required

Service Officers are allocated and action ZALL work items in Process Direct. They should consider all the information provided in the relevant Work Item:

  • under the Snapshot button in Process Direct, or
  • on the Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First

Once the activity is actioned in Process Direct, return to Customer First and check the AL screen to make sure the Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity is completed.

See Customer First navigation, common screens and functions.

When a customer needs an Interpreter to undertake the phone contact, see Contacting an on-demand telephone interpreter (Interpreter Connect).

Note: make sure the job seeker meets the eligibility criteria before referring them.


Check eligibility for SEE + Read more ...

Check the following screens in Process Direct before starting the referral process. This helps to determine eligibility:

Citizenship and Visa sub class:

  • key RSLEG in the Super Key, select Enter
  • the Legal Residency Details screen will display

Permanent visa details:

  • key RSRD in the Super Key, select Enter
  • the Residence Results Display screen will display

End date of the Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP):

  • key RSPAP in the Super Key, select Enter
  • the Period of Australian Presence screen will display

If screen displays as having working rights, they are eligible for a referral to SEE, go to Step 4

If no working rights, the customer is not eligible for a referral to SEE:

Procedure ends here.


Determine if customer is Centrelink or provider managed + Read more ...

The Customer Information field on the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen shows if a customer is Centrelink or provider managed. Note: volunteers must be registered as volunteer job seekers before making a referral.

In Process Direct:

  • select Customer Summary from the Process Direct Landing page
  • key the customer's CRN, select Go
  • in the customer's record, key AEX in the Super Key, select Enter
  • the AEX screen will display


JSR 1st attempt to contact + Read more ...

If a JSR 1st attempt to contact Fast Note is already recorded on the Document List (DL) screen, go to Step 6.

If allocated a ZALL_REF_GEN work item, contact the customer to discuss the referral:

If the customer's telephone details are not recorded, incorrect, or outdated:

  • manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
  • complete the SEE MFU in Customer First

Was contact with the job seeker successful?

  • Yes, and the customer:
    • is Centrelink managed and wants a referral to SEE, go to Step 7
    • is Provider managed and wants a referral to SEE, go to Step 8
    • does not want a referral to SEE
      - manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
      - complete the SEE MFU in Customer First
      - record in a DOC the customer has declined the SEE referral
      - procedure ends here
  • No, hold the work item to the next calendar day, and:
    • record a Fast Note with details of the outbound contact attempt. Use the JSR 1st attempt to contact Fast Note in Customer First so the next Service Officer can action the second contact attempt and finalise the activity
    • select the Display on access box
    • check OTH-Urgent free text message exists displays in the Reason field
    • the Expiry Date field should default to the maximum date allowed (60 days from today)
    • procedure ends here


Second outbound attempt to contact customer + Read more ...

Make a second genuine attempt to contact the customer if the first attempt was unsuccessful.

If the contact number recorded on the customer's record is a mobile number, and they have registered for SMS messaging, create a pre-call notification (SMS) only using Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC). Following creation of the SMS, wait 5 minutes before making the outbound attempt.

Was the contact successful?

  • Yes, and the customer:
    • is Centrelink managed and wants a referral to SEE, go to Step 7
    • is Provider managed and wants a referral to See, go to Step 8
    • does not want a referral to SEE
      - manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
      - complete the SEE MFU in Customer First
      - document that the customer declined the SEE referral
      - procedure ends here
  • No:
    • Close the 'JSR 1st attempt to contact' Display on Access (DOA) DOC
    • Annotate the 'JSR 1st Attempt to contact' DOC, stating that the 2nd attempt to contact was unsuccessful
    • As SEE is a voluntary program:
      - manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
      - complete the SEE MFU in Customer First
    • Procedure ends here


Centrelink managed customers + Read more ...

Centrelink managed customers may participate in SEE in combination with other activities. An update to their Job Plan is not required as the customer will already be fully meeting requirements through their other approved activity/ies. SEE participation alone is not enough to meet the criteria to be Centrelink managed.

Explain the SEE programme to the customer, including potential entitlement to the:

See Skills for Education and Employment (SEE).

Tell the customer if they are assessed as suitable at the Pre-Training Assessment, they must continue to meet their mutual obligations as per their Job Plan, while they participate in SEE.

Does the customer agree to a referral to SEE?

  • Yes:
    • Use the Create SEE/AMEP Referral workflow in Process Direct to refer them to SEE, and
    • Arrange a Pre-Training Assessment appointment with the SEE provider while the customer is present. Note: some providers will not book the Pre-Training Assessment appointment until they have received the SEE referral. If this happens, complete the referral without booking the Pre-Training Assessment appointment. Tell the customer the provider will contact them to book the appointment. and include this in the DOC
    • See Table 2
  • No:
    • Manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
    • Complete the SEE MFU in Customer First
    • Record in a DOC the customer declined the SEE referral
    • Procedure ends here


Provider managed customers + Read more ...

Customer is eligible for SEE.

If they are managed by a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider:

  • tell the customer they are eligible to be referred to SEE. If they agree to the referral, contact the customer's Employment Services Provider
  • discuss any impact on the requirements already in the Job Plan if a referral is made to SEE. This discussion can be with any staff member of the provider organisation, not just the customer's Case Manager
  • if the provider has reasonable grounds to oppose a referral, tell the customer to contact their Case Manager. Do not proceed with the referral

If the provider agrees, continue with the referral:

  • Obtain the customer's consent to pass on their personal details to the SEE provider
  • Use the Create SEE/AMEP Referral workflow in Process Direct to refer the job seeker to SEE
  • Book the Pre-Training Assessment appointment with the SEE provider while the customer is present
  • See Table 2

Tell Workforce Australia Online customers to contact the DEWR Digital Services Contact Centre for a referral.

Procedure ends here.

Referral workflow

Table 2




SEE Referrals + Read more ...

From 1 July 2024, there are changes to eligibility that have not been applied in the Services Australia system. Some customers who are now eligible cannot be referred by Services Australia.

The following customers are impacted by these changes:

  • connected to Workforce Australia Online
  • over Age Pension Age
  • currently participating in Self-Employment Assistance
  • a full time student
  • do not hold an eligible visa, or
  • the current holder of a skilled migrant visa, or a secondary visa holder (dependent) of a person who holds a skilled migrant visa

Services Australia cannot create a referral for these customers. For a referral, tell the customer to contact:

  • an employment services provider
  • a SEE provider, or
  • the DEWR Digital Services Contact Centre

For all other customers, go to Step 2.


Start the SEE Referral + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • key START in the Super Key
  • the START screen will display
  • from the Task Selector, select Create SEE/AMEP Referral
  • the Referral effective date will pre-populate with today's date. If the date is incorrect, select the calendar and enter the correct date
  • from the Select referral type field, select LIT - Skills for Education and Employment
  • select More Info to view more details about SEE to help discuss the referral with the customer
  • select Next

If the customer is not eligible or has a current SEE referral in place, an error will display. To view the existing referral key RRSUM (Referral Summary screen) in the Super Key.

The Skills for Education and Employment Eligibility screen will display:

  • The following fields will pre-populate based on the customers circumstances:
    • Customer is aged 15 to less than Aged Pension age
    • Customer is registered with Centrelink and in receipt of any payment or already registered as a volunteer job seeker
  • Update the following fields by selecting Yes or No:
    • Customer is suitable for training without any barriers to participation
    • Customer is either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or has working rights in Australia
  • A message will display advising if the customer is eligible/not eligible for SEE

If the customer is:


Customer is eligible for SEE + Read more ...

The Service Provider screen will display all SEE service providers and distance education providers in the customer's job seeker's region.

Is a suitable provider or distance educator available?


Customer is not eligible for SEE or has changed circumstances + Read more ...

A customer is not eligible for a referral to SEE by Services Australia if they:

  • are connected to Workforce Australia Online
  • are over Age Pension Age
  • are currently participating in Self Employment Assistance
  • are a full time student
  • do not hold an eligible visa, or
  • are the current holder of a skilled migrant visa, or a secondary visa holder (dependant of a person who holds a skilled migrant visa)

Procedure ends here.


Customer has changed address + Read more ...

The customer can:

  • contact their previous provider to advise they have relocated and request their record be updated in the provider's system with Transfer to new provider. Once updated, a referral to the new provider is possible, or
  • resume with the previous SEE provider by contacting the provider directly

Customer wants to change SEE providers:

  • Services Australia may not be able to create a new referral immediately. For immediate re-referral, tell the customer to contact:
    • an employment services provider
    • a SEE provider, or
    • the DEWR Digital Services Contact Centre

Finalise the transaction:

  • Select Next
  • The Referral Summary (RRSUM) screen will display a provisional line and list the referral ineligibility reason under the Status reason column
  • Select Next
  • The SAP Warnings and Errors (SWE) screen will display
  • Finalise the transaction by selecting Assess again, then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction
  • If a ZALL work item exists:
    • manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
    • complete the SEE MFU in Customer First
    • create a DOC or annotate the existing system generated DOC with details of the SEE referral outcome

Procedure ends here.


No suitable providers available + Read more ...

Ask the customer if they can attend a SEE provider at a nearby location. A customer may choose to undertake the program at another location due to:

  • transportation difficulties
  • a disability
  • caring responsibilities
  • cultural constraints
  • no accessible SEE provider

To search for other SEE providers in nearby locations, select Yes in Include nearby regions. The list expands to include SEE providers in surrounding regions.

If the customer wishes to choose a provider outside their surrounding region, select Provider Search to manually search by region code, postcode or town/suburb.

Is a referral to another suitable SEE provider an option for the customer?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, when there are no suitable service providers available for the customer, record a service gap:
    • From the Record service gap field, select Yes
    • Select a service gap reason from the drop down list options. When this option is selected, the list of service providers is disabled
    • Select Next to continue the workflow
    • Select Yes to Are you sure you want to record the service gap?
    • Select Next and address any errors/warnings
    • Finalise the transaction by selecting Assess, then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
    • Select Finalise to complete the transaction
  • If a ZALL work item exists:
    • manually cancel the SEE MFU activity from the AL screen in Process Direct, or
    • complete the SEE MFU in Customer First
    • document that the customer has declined the SEE referral

Procedure ends here.


Suitable provider is available + Read more ...

Ask the customer if they are interested in and can undertake SEE by distance education if the suitable provider list includes distance education providers. Distance Education providers are shown as 'Distance Education' in the Provider location in the table. If not, only select local providers.

To search for a provider:

  • complete any of the Search criteria fields and select Search Providers
  • select the appropriate Service provider in the Service Providers table

Is a referral to a distance education provider being made?


Referral to distance education provider + Read more ...

Customers may choose to undertake SEE by distance learning.

For all SEE courses through a distance education provider, customers require:

  • a referral from Services Australia or an Employment Services Provider or direct registration by a SEE provider, and
  • a Pre-Training Assessment appointment with the distance education provider to assess language, literacy and numeracy needs

Services Australia initiated referral to a distance education provider:

  • Select the distance education provider from the Service Provider table
  • Make sure the customer consents to the disclosure of their relevant personal details
  • Tell the customer the provider will contact them to arrange a Pre-Training Assessment appointment by online, telephone interview and/or mail

Customer initiated referral to a distance education provider

If the customer has already contacted a distance education provider and needs a referral from Services Australia:

  • confirm the customer is eligible for SEE
  • contact the distance education provider using the contact details in the Referral Summary after the referral is completed

Go to Step 9.


Make referral to SEE + Read more ...

Select the customer's preferred provider from the Service Provider table.

The Create referral screen will display.

Complete the following fields using the drop down menu:

  • Channel Code - the method the customer used to contact Services Australia
  • Requested by - the person/organisation requesting the referral (for example, Services Australia, Employment Services Provider)
  • Reason for referral - the reason why the customer has been referred to this Service Type
  • Due Date - this automatically populates

The Referral Status table shows:

  • Status - Provisional is displayed as the initial referral status until referral is completed
  • Action date of effect - the date the referral was created
  • Status type code - the reasons for a provisional referral status will be displayed
  • Elig check for the eligibility check
  • Referred for the pending referral
  • Status reason:
    • Awaiting contact, the service provider to conduct the Pre-Training Assessment
    • Eligibility check for skills for education and employment displays until the service provider has completed the Pre-Training Assessment of suitability for the SEE course
  • If a referral is being made to a SEE provider outside the customer's region, use Edit under Action and choose the appropriate Status reason from the following options:
    • Client Preference
    • Family Reasons
    • No Service Available
    • Significant Disability
    • Travel Distance
  • Only the service provider can be changed by selecting Previous and selecting a new provider before confirming the referral. Status type code and Status reasons are only able to be altered by staff with specific access
  • Select Next. The workflow returns to the Referral Summary showing the provisional record just created
  • Select Next and address any issues on the SWE screen
  • Finalise the transaction by selecting Assess, then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction


Arrange a Pre-Training Assessment appointment with the SEE Provider + Read more ...

For all referrals to a local provider, arrange an appointment with the SEE provider for the Pre-Training Assessment. This is mandatory for all non-distance education SEE referrals.

Participation in the SEE Pre-Training Assessment and in SEE training is compulsory when a customer is assessed as suitable for the SEE program. Make sure they understand the compliance consequences if they accept a referral to SEE and do not attend their Pre-Training Assessment appointment.

Service Officers should not discuss the customer's circumstances with the provider. Only disclose enough information to book the appointment.

  • Check if the customer has a silent phone number. If they do, ask their consent to give the number to the provider over the phone, as the referral system excludes it from the online referral
  • Phone the provider and make a Pre-Training Assessment appointment using the contact details found in the Referral Summary after the referral is completed
  • Tell the customer the:
    • appointment date
    • appointment time
    • appointment location
    • consequences of not attending, and
    • to contact the SEE provider to reschedule their appointment if they are unable to attend

If the customer does not attend the Pre-Training Assessment appointment, and has not contacted and re-scheduled, the provider will record as 'Did Not Attend' (DNA) and finalise the SEE referral.