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Initial offer or replacement of BasicsCard 103-01230010

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document outlines information on how to determine if a customer is eligible for a BasicsCard and how to issue a new BasicsCard.

On this page:

BasicsCard - customer eligibility and identification

BasicsCard - requesting over the phone

Processing BasicsCard requested over the phone

BasicsCard - processing face to face

BasicsCard - Finalising the transaction face to face

BasicsCard- Manual processing to issue face to face

BasicsCard - customer eligibility and identification

Table 1




Customer contacts to request a BasicsCard + Read more ...

A new or replacement BasicsCard can be requested from:

  • Service Centres
  • Remote Service Centres
  • Remote Servicing Teams (RSTs) with BasicsCard supplies
  • the Income Management Line- over the phone

Confirm Customer Identity

If the customer isn’t already authenticated, confirm their identification before continuing with the interview. This is essential and required to reduce the risk of issuing funds to third parties in error.

Issuing the BasicsCard to a third party in error can result in hardship for the customer and financial loss to Services Australia.

If in any doubt, do not issue the BasicsCard and consult a Centrelink Social Worker, Indigenous Service Officer (ISO) or the Income Management helpdesk for further assistance.

Payment nominees

If a customer (principal) has a payment nominee, the payment nominee can choose to have the BasicsCard issued in the principal's name. See Nominee arrangements under Income Management

If the customer does not wish for the payment nominee to be issued the BasicsCard, the customer must end the nominee arrangement prior to being issued a BasicsCard.


Determine if request is for a BasicsCard or to transfer funds + Read more ...

Is this a request for a new or replacement BasicsCard or to allocate funds to the BasicsCard?


Determine if customer is eligible for a BasicsCard + Read more ...

All BasicsCards are issued using the Centrelink system. Manual coding updates are only done when workflow is unavailable. For manual instruction see Step 3 in the Manual coding for issuing an initial BasicsCard table.

Workflow updates

Check if the customer is eligible for a BasicsCard by selecting the Income Management Summary guided procedure in Customer First. The Income Management Summary screen will display their IM status.

Customers are eligible for a BasicsCard if they are currently on IM, or if it is less than 60 days since IM ended and they have a residual IM balance.

Is the customer eligible for a BasicsCard?

Note: if the customer is on enhanced Income Management and wants a temporary card issued, see: Temporary SmartCards.


Customer is not eligible for a BasicsCard + Read more ...

Social Worker recommendation

If a customer wants to be issued a BasicsCard but a Service Officer and Social Worker both believe the request should be declined, the matter must be referred to the Income Management Policy Helpdesk. The Social Worker must send an email to outline the customer's situation, the avenues explored to meet the customer's needs and why it is recommend a BasicsCard should not be issued. Procedure ends here.


Multiple BasicsCards previously issued + Read more ...

Determine if multiple BasicsCards have previously been issued to the customer by checking the BasicsCard action history workflow.

If multiple cards have previously been issued:

  • check reasons for issue in the past, ensure that priority needs will be met with current allocation method
  • a referral may be needed to a specialist (such as a Social Worker etc) for assistance and support about the number of cards issued, if there is concern a new BasicsCard will not facilitate access to priority needs for the customer

The BasicsCard may not always be the most appropriate option for the customer's circumstances. Discuss with team leader if in any doubt. It may help to reinforce the BasicsCard key messages:

  • Don’t throw your BasicsCard away
  • Keep your BasicsCard safe and the PIN secret
  • Check your balance before you shop.

See the Resources page for a link to phone numbers and other options for customers to check their balance.

No limit can be placed on the number of BasicsCards that can be issued to a customer.


Customer is eligible for a BasicsCard + Read more ...

Does the customer accept the offer of a BasicsCard?

  • Yes, go to
    • Table 2, if customer contact is via the telephone
    • Table 4, if customer contact is via the Service Centre or Remote Servicing Team visit
  • No, determine if the customer is eligible for any other assistance, e.g., a one-off or regular payment to a registered Third Party Organisation (TPO). Record the reason why the customer refused the BasicsCard on a DOC as to why the BasicsCard was refused. The two options are 'customer vulnerability' or 'special circumstances'. Procedure ends here

BasicsCard - requesting over the phone

Table 2: Customer requesting a BasicsCard over the phone.




Requesting a BasicsCard + Read more ...

Customers who cannot access a Centrelink Service Centre can contact the Income Management phone line to request a BasicsCard be sent to them in the mail.

Make sure to Authenticate a customer/nominee’s identity before continuing.


Determine if mailing an inactive BasicsCard to the customer is appropriate + Read more ...

Determine by talking with the customer if they are currently able to receive mail?


If posting a BasicsCard is viable: + Read more ...

Confirm the customer’s postal address and update any address details as/if necessary.

Advise/discuss with the customer:

  • They will get their card along with a letter in the mail
  • They need to contact Services Australia via the Income Management line (1800 132 594) to activate the card and set a PIN when it arrives
  • Do they need any one off or regular deductions to a business while waiting for their card to arrive in the mail?

Refer the customer’s request for a BasicsCard to be posted using the template text in Resources by:

  • Copying the template text and pasting it in to a new email
  • Making sure all template fields are completed
  • Sending the completed template to the team who handle BasicsCard mailout requests

Procedure ends here.


Customer is unable to receive mail + Read more ...

Discuss alternate ways the customer can use their income managed funds to access goods and services via payment methods:

Refer the customer to the Income Management line if not trained in Income Management.

Procedure ends here.

Processing BasicsCard requested over the phone

Table 3: Central team processing the BasicsCard requested over the phone




Preliminary Checks + Read more ...

Note: this section contains steps for only the central processing team to issue cards in the mail.

Enter the customers record and ensure/check details received in the email template:

  • Accuracy including spelling of customer details such as their name, CRN and the address in the request
  • Address specified in the request matches the customer’s record
    • If different, is there a valid reason?
  • Customer is on Manual IM via the IM summary screen
  • Any DOA DOCs re: vulnerabilities or concerns around a BasicsCard

Posting to addresses

The address provided for posting should match the postal/physical address already on the customer’s record. If different:

  • But a practical/valid reason is included with the request, this is ok to continue.
  • Customer has an address listed but the request is care of the local post office, this is also ok to continue.

Service Officers processing the BasicsCard request should follow up and discuss/update (if/as appropriate) any differing details with the customer directly.


BasicsCard Summary check + Read more ...

Go to the BasicsCard Summary screen to check if the customer has previously been issued a BasicsCard. On this screen, if the customer:

  • has previously been issued a BasicsCard, the BasicsCard details section will display the card number, name, status and expiry date
  • has not previously been issued a BasicsCard, the BasicsCard details section (card number, name, status and expiry date) will be blank

Has an existing card previously been issued?

  • Yes, in Customer First, run the 'Replace (existing) card' workflow to issue a replacement card
  • No, in Customer First, run the 'Issue Card' workflow to issue a new card


Customer identification + Read more ...

When either the Issue Card or Replace (existing) card workflow prompts for POI, update this section with:

Customer-provided identification

Select-Other ID provided and enter the text: Mail replacement process

System checked information

Select CRN, DOB, current address, etc, as appropriate to continue with workflow.


Card status summary + Read more ...

Scan the workflow at this point. If the workflow is unavailable see Table 6 BasicsCard- Manual processing to issue face to face.

If replacing an existing card and the customer previously consented yes for BasicsCard balance being printed on EFTPOS receipts, replicate this arrangement as part of mailing the replacement BasicsCard.

If issuing a new card and the customer hasn’t previously consented to the balance on receipt option, assume no. If the customer wishes to consent to this option later, they can via self-service or at next contact with Services Australia.

Under reason for replacement, insert the text: Customer Request and continue.

Issue/Replacement Card Details

Continue with the workflow:

  • Use swipe pad (if available) to input card numbers or manually enter the 16 digit card number ie. 5029 4900 **** ****
    • If customer has multiple names, use applicable radio button to select the most appropriate name. Preference is preferred or legal name. Take care choosing the appropriate name.
  • BasicsCard holder consent to their BasicsCard balance being printed on EFTPOS: From scanning earlier, replicate the previous arrangement. If no previous arrangement, assume ‘NO’.
  • Enter PIN: any 4 digits.
  • Reconfirm: enter same 4 digits
  • Acknowledge tick box for BasicsCard receipt
    • The checklist will still be produced but customers/staff do not need to complete or upload it under this service offer

Select Continue to move forward with the workflow.

Change auto generated doc

Tailor the DOC to accommodate the interaction over the phone/posting the card. Default text is set for in person activity.

  • Add the following text:
  • BasicsCard posted to customer through the mail issue process
  • Name is printed on card
  • Remove any reference to the in person activity such as:
  • BasicsCard issued to customer
  • BasicsCard receipt has been signed by Customer
  • Customer has viewed BasicsCard DVD and has been issued BasicsCard Information Pack, and activated BasicsCard

Select the complete button.


Suspend the BasicsCard + Read more ...

As a security measure for posting the BasicsCard, go to the BasicsCard Summary screen and suspend the card.

Select Update status / BasicsCard payment method to suspend the card using the suspension reason of other.

Replace DOC text

Delete the pre-populated text and replace with:

  • BasicsCard has been suspended as part of the card issue via mail process
  • Reason: Other- customer to call, activate and set PIN once card received in the mail

Select the complete button.


Display on Access DOC (DOA) + Read more ...

To help with customer queries and the card re-activation process, place a DOA DOC on the record to advise:

  • the card has been issued and posted. Time to receive the card in the mail needs to be allowed.
  • once received, customer is to contact, activate card and set the PIN.

Ensure extensive proof of identity/record ownership is completed during the future contact.


Posting the card and the letter to the customer + Read more ...

Use the Central processing area specialist taskcard to:

  • update the BasicsCard mail out letter spreadsheet
  • mail merge the spreadsheet with the approved customer letter
  • scan a copy of the letter to the customer’s record
  • ensure the name on the card matches the name on the letter prior to posting

Note: take care with these steps to ensure the customer correctly receives the right card.

When the customer receives their card in the mail, see BasicsCard reactivate posted or previously suspended card for the action to take.

Procedure ends here.

BasicsCard - processing face to face

Table 4: BasicsCard processing at a Service Centre or during a Remote Servicing Team visit




BasicsCard Summary + Read more ...

Go to the BasicsCard Summary guided procedure in Customer First to check if the customer has previously been issued a BasicsCard. If the customer:

  • has previously been issued a BasicsCard, the BasicsCard details section will display the card number, name, status and expiry date
  • has not previously been issued a BasicsCard, the BasicsCard details section (card number, name, status and expiry date) will be blank

Has an existing card previously been issued?

  • Yes, in Customer First, run the 'Replace (existing) card' workflow to issue a replacement card
  • No, in Customer First, run the 'Issue Card' workflow to issue a new card


Issue card and replace (existing card) workflows + Read more ...

If the workflow is unavailable, see Table 6 BasicsCard- Manual processing to issue face to face.

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An authentication screen displays. If the customer has a Display on Access (DOA) DOC, confirm the document/s have been read.

Confirm if the customer's record is password protected before continuing.

Once confirmed, the system will request how the customer has been authenticated. Select the method/s. The customer must be fully authenticated to continue workflow.

If a customer has a nominee, the Service Officer will be presented with a variation of the authentication screen.

Note: DOA DOCs will only appear if they are present on the customer's record.


Issuing a card when there is a nominee arrangement in place + Read more ...

If a customer has a nominee all sections will be greyed out except for the section allowing access to DOA and customer password. Once this is completed, the nominee's name and password must be confirmed to continue workflow. If a nominee cannot recall their password see Adding or rejecting a nominee request.

Once authentication is complete, if the customer has a payment nominee they will be presented with an 'assign card' screen.

An information message will display stating: 'BasicsCard can only be assigned to the customer where the payment nominee has given their permission. Where the customer is assigned the BasicsCard both the payment nominee and the customer must be authenticated'.

The 'assign card' screen will show the Service Officer to whom the BasicsCard is currently assigned (if at all), and allows the payment nominee to assign the BasicsCard to the principal (customer) if they wish to.

The question 'assign BasicsCard to' will display for the Service Officer. The options presented are 'nominee' or 'customer'.

If the nominee chooses to have the BasicsCard assigned to the customer, they will be presented with the question 'does the nominee consent to assigning the BasicsCard to the customer'.

  • Yes, the continue button will become available
  • No, the Service Officer must go back and select 'nominee' to continue

If the customer does not have a payment nominee the ‘assign card’ section will not appear.

Go to Step 4.


Thermal printer + Read more ...

Can a thermal printer be used?

  • Yes,
    • for a new BasicsCard, go to Step 6
    • for a replacement BasicsCard when using the Replace (existing) BasicsCard workflow: go to Step 5
  • No, select no to Print customer/payment nominee name on BasicsCard and enter the reason for not thermally printing the card. The two options available are:
    • 'BasicsCard previously printed - workflow re-run', and
    • 'Printer not available'

The BasicsCard print request will not be sent, and Printer Location and Card Printer ID will not be required. Select Continue, collect the BasicsCard from the stock or use previously printed card if re-running the workflow. Go to Step 7.


Printing and Replacement BasicsCard + Read more ...

  • Print and Replace BasicsCard screen:
    • allows the card holder's names to be thermally printed on the BasicsCard
    • select the Reason for Replacement from the dropdown list.
  • Replacement Card Details:
    • displays the card holder's names to be thermally printed
    • will default to the Legal name(s) recorded
    • should only be changed if a more appropriate name is recorded on the customer's/payment nominee's record


Thermal printer available + Read more ...

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When printing the cardholder/nominee's name, the default shown on the Customer Personal Details Summary is ‘'Legal name' unless they a more appropriate name listed on their record. The maximum name length is 31 characters.

Select 'Yes' for 'Print customer/nominee name on BasicsCard'? to send the print request to the thermal printer. 'No' should only be selected where thermal printing is unavailable.

Radio buttons for the Printer Location? appears:

  • If printing from Service Centre/Remote Service Centre, select Office (LAN)
    • Select a card printer ID from the Card Printer ID dropdown list
    • Thermal Card Printers in offices are linked to the office code recorded on the User Profile. If unable to see printer, go to the User Profile screen to update the office code
    • Select Continue
    • Go to Step 8
  • If printing from a Remote Servicing Trip, select Remote
    • The Card Printer ID dropdown list will be blank. Enter the IP address provided by the trip leader


Thermal printing not available + Read more ...

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If thermal printing is not available, write the customer's full name on the back of the BasicsCard. This must be written with a quick drying fine point Permanent Marker (blue or black) rather than a pen (more permanent and less likely to rub off). For a payment nominee, write the payment nominee's full name followed by '(NOM)'.


Issuing the Card + Read more ...

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Collect BasicsCard from thermal printer (if available) or have the card with the name hand written on it. The BasicsCard is not activated on the customer's record until the Issue Card section is completed.

If the Issuing Card or Replace (existing) Card workflows are unavailable, go to Step 1 in BasicsCard - Manual processing to issue face to face.

Did the card print successfully?

Note: once a card has been activated, it cannot be used for another customer.

  • Yes,
    • Swipe card to activate (use the card reader to swipe the new card, the 16 digit card number should then display in the Card Number: field. Select Continue
    • BasicsCard number can be manually entered if no swipe facility available
    • The Inventory Tracking System will automatically update to show the card has been issued.
  • No,
    • If card was damaged or misprinted, record 'No' under 'Did the card print successfully and / or swipe successfully?' This will not activate the BasicsCard
    • Select option for why BasicsCard did not print/swipe successfully from the drop down box. This will update the card status in the Inventory Tracking System and remove this card from available stock
    • A reprint card option will present if available where the printing of the BasicsCard failed or was a misprint; this option will update the Inventory Tracking System automatically to adjust available stock. This option will reprint the details previously selected in the workflow

Note: there is no longer a requirement to complete the BasicsCard receipt and checklist.


Balance on Receipt and EFTPOS terminal + Read more ...

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Once the BasicsCard has been activated, the Service Officer will be prompted to offer the option of Balance on Receipt and EFTPOS terminal to the customer/payment nominee. If the customer/payment nominee consents to the offer and 'yes' is selected, a 'consent statement' will appear.

The customer/payment nominee must read and accept the consent statement in order to 'opt in' to Balance on Receipt and EFTPOS terminal. Once the consent statement is accepted the workflow will continue.

If the customer/payment nominee chooses not to accept the offer then 'no' is selected and the workflow will continue.

Note: the offer of Balance on Receipt and EFTPOS terminal should be made to the individual who has the BasicsCard issued in their name.

There are a group of national retailers that are BasicsCard Balance on Receipt merchants. These merchants have the functionality to print BasicsCard balances on EFTPOS receipts.


Customer/payment nominee must set PIN + Read more ...

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The Change or Reset PIN screen allows BasicsCard PINs to be set. PINs must be set whenever a BasicsCard is issued or replaced. Customers/payment nominees can choose to use the previous PIN if secure, but they must re-enter PIN when cards are issued.

Note: if workflow is unavailable and manual coding is available, 'S'elect Change or Reset PIN from the BCTS screen or type 'BCPU' in the Nxt: field

Access to the Change or reset PIN screen:

  • Advise the customer/payment nominee to choose a secure 4 digit PIN
  • Provide keypad to customer/payment nominee. Note: If keypad is unavailable, PIN can be changed by the customer/payment nominee via the keyboard
  • Have the customer/payment nominee change the PIN on the keypad (out of view of Service Officer)
  • Have the customer/payment nominee reconfirm PIN
  • Press 'Finalise'
  • If message 'New PIN and re-entered new PIN do not match' is displayed, the PIN update has not been successful. Have the customer/payment nominee enter new PIN and reconfirm new PIN again

When message 'PIN successfully updated' is displayed, the PIN has been changed.


BasicsCard activated + Read more ...

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The BasicsCard has now been activated on customer’s record. If a previous BasicsCard was replaced it is now cancelled and can no longer be used. An auto DOC will display on the record.

If a customer's payment nominee decided to have the BasicsCard issued to the principal (customer) this will be included in the text.

Note: when issuing the customer with a replacement card their allocation method will remain the same as previously identified. To update this see, BasicsCard changing daily spend, maximum card balance limits and allocation method.

Go to Step 1 in Finalising the BasicsCard transaction at a service centre.

BasicsCard - Finalising the transaction face to face

Table 5- Reviewing the customers BasicsCard arrangements at a service centre or during a Remote Servicing Team visit.




Review current deductions and expenses + Read more ...

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Use the Expense Management Summary screen to review expenses.

Payment nominees

When a BasicsCard is issued to the payment nominee, the payment nominee is responsible for managing the customer's income managed funds, including allocations to the BasicsCard. See Nominee arrangements under Income Management.

Third parties

Third Parties who are not payment nominees cannot be issued the BasicsCard on behalf of the customer.

All customers

The BasicsCard is an allocation method for income managed funds. Service Officers must review current expenses to ensure the customer's priority needs are met via appropriate allocation methods.

Note: if the customer/payment nominee is requesting an immediate transfer or changes to their BasicsCard expenses, review current expenses to ensure the customer's priority needs are met via appropriate allocation methods.

Immediate or regular allocations are updated by coding Income Management expenses. Also see Changes to Income Management priority needs for further support.


Review BasicsCard daily spend and maximum card balance limits + Read more ...

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To review the BasicsCard current daily spend limit and maximum card balance, go to the BasicsCard summary screen.

Changing daily spend and maximum card balance limits on BasicsCard

Daily Spend Limit: Can be set between $20 and $1,500. If the BasicsCard daily spend limit is reached for a 24 hour period (midnight to midnight), the customer will need to wait until midnight before the daily spend limit resets and additional BasicsCard purchases can be made.

Maximum Card Balance: Can be set between $100 and $3,000. A customer may request to lower the daily spend or maximum card balance limits of their BasicsCard. If a customer is deemed 'vulnerable', appropriate referrals should be made. Service Officers should ensure a full assessment of the customer's circumstances is undertaken and any appropriate referrals made.

See BasicsCard changing daily spend and maximum card balance limits for further support.


Review BasicsCard payment allocation method + Read more ...

To review the BasicsCard payment allocation method, go to the BasicsCard summary screen. When the initial BasicsCard is issued, the payment allocation will default to the residual method.

Residual Method: Customers on the residual method will have all residual funds from their IM account automatically transfer to their BasicsCard, up to the maximum card limit. Customers can opt-out of this method.

Partial Method: Customers will be able to have regular allocations set up to their BasicsCard from their IM account. If a customer receives a reduced ISP and has insufficient funds to cover all their expenses, the system will calculate and pay the reduced amount to the BasicsCard once all other expenses have been paid.

See BasicsCard changing daily spend, maximum card balance limits and allocation method for further support.


Provide further information to the customer/payment nominee about the BasicsCard + Read more ...

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When issued a BasicsCard, customers/nominees will benefit from key messages around:

  • keeping the BasicsCard safe
  • not throwing the BasicsCard away
  • not giving the BasicsCard to anyone else
  • keeping their PIN secret

Service Officers should provide a reminder of these messages verbally.


BasicsCard Customer Information Pack + Read more ...

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Issue customer with BasicsCard Customer Information Pack. Service Officers need to ensure customers understand how the BasicsCard and associated options work before they shop. The information pack can guide the following topics:

  • How to obtain BasicsCard balances via:
    • the BasicsCard Balance Enquiry Line (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Service Officers should demonstrate the BasicsCard Enquiry Line. The customer should also use the phone to successfully hear their BasicsCard balance by entering their BasicsCard number and PIN when prompted before leaving the Service Centre
    • see the Resources page for a link to customer 13 and 1800 numbers, including BasicsCard Balance Enquiry and Income Management Lines
    • the online BasicsCard balance enquiry service, including a mobile version, via the Services Australia Website (
    • registered online accounts (Web and IVR)
    • at Commonwealth Bank, ANZ, Westpac and NAB ATMs
    • BasicsCard kiosks (where available)
  • Customers can transfer income managed funds to their BasicsCard by contacting the Income Management Line
  • Discuss how to report lost/stolen/damaged BasicsCards and their liability for funds lost prior to reporting. Advise of the option 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report lost/stolen BasicsCards via the Income Management Line, the importance of protecting their PIN and how to change their PIN
  • How to identify a BasicsCard merchant and where the BasicsCard can be used including National BasicsCard merchants
  • Customers can access information on organisations where they can use their BasicsCard using the Business and Organisation search tool located on the Services Australia Website See the Resources page for a link to the Organisation Finder service
  • Steps to take when a dispute occurs. See BasicsCard dispute resolution
  • Discuss priority needs and how they are met through the various allocation methods. See Determining a person's priority needs for Income Management

Note: if the BasicsCard Customer Information Pack is not available, the BasicsCard customer terms and conditions must be downloaded from Services Australia Website and provided to the customer, See the Resources page for a link to the BasicsCard terms and conditions.


Nominee status + Read more ...

Does customer have a nominee?

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Customer has nominee + Read more ...

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If a person is a payment nominee:

Remind the nominee they must act in the best interest of the customer when using the BasicsCard and income managed funds must only be used for the benefit of the customer and their dependents

Where a BasicsCard has been issued to a payment nominee, the payment nominee should advise the customer of the changes and destroy any existing card if the customer is not present

An auto DOC will complete, it will include details of who the BasicsCard has been assigned to. This may be the payment nominee or the principal if the payment nominee has chosen to have the BasicsCard issued in the principal's name.

Procedure ends here.

BasicsCard- Manual processing to issue face to face

Table 6: Manual BasicsCard processing at a service centre or during a Remote Servicing Team visit.




Customer contacts to request a BasicsCard + Read more ...

Manual processing should only be considered when the Issue Card and Replace (existing) Card workflows are unavailable. Prior to manual processing, Service Officers should first familiarise themselves with the BasicsCard- customer eligibility and identification and BasicsCard- processing face to face processes.

Confirm Customer Identity

If customer not already authenticated, confirm the customer's identification before proceeding with interview. As a result of the risk of issuing funds to third parties in error, it is essential that this step is carried out thoroughly and carefully.

Issuing the BasicsCard to a third party in error can result in hardship for the customer and financial loss to Services Australia.

If in any doubt, do not issue the BasicsCard and consult a Centrelink Social Worker, Indigenous Service Officer (ISO) or the Income Management helpdesk for further assistance.

Payment nominees

If an IM customer has a payment nominee, the payment nominee will be issued the BasicsCard on behalf of the customer. See Nominee arrangements under Income Management

If the customer does not wish the payment nominee to be issued the BasicsCard, the customer must end the nominee arrangement prior to the BasicsCard being issued.


Determine if request is for initial or replacement BasicsCard + Read more ...

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Is this an initial or replacement BasicsCard, or a request to allocate funds to an existing BasicsCard?


Updates coded manually + Read more ...

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Reminder: BasicsCards are to be issued via the workflow. Manual updates are to be done only when the workflow is unavailable. If the workflow is available see Step 2 in BasicsCard - customer eligibility and identification table.

Manual updates

The Centrelink system will not allow cardholder's name to be thermally printed and will not automatically update the Inventory Tracking System (ITS). Updating the ITS will be completed via a monthly reconciliation process where the system will compare any active or assigned ITS cards within the Centrelink system and will update the status in the ITS to 'issued' automatically.


Check eligibility + Read more ...

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Go to the BasicsCard Issue Card (BCIC) screen and check the customer's eligibility for the BasicsCard. Note: the eligibility screen will appear if this is the customer's/payment nominee's first BasicsCard (that is, they are not a current card holder).

Is customer eligible and accepts the card offer?

  • Yes, code 'Y' to continue. Go to Step 5
  • No, code 'N'. The decline reason field will be displayed. Code reason for decline and record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Customer eligible for BasicsCard + Read more ...

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Obtain a BasicsCard to allocate the customer:

  • Swipe or manually enter the card number
  • Have the cardholder enter and confirm their four digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). Advise customer of the importance of selecting a PIN that others will not guess. Note: if a customer selects '0000' an error will occur and the customer must select an alternate PIN.
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the activity
  • Document details of card issue in a DOC on the customer's record

When thermal card printing is unavailable, manually write the cardholder's full name on the back of the BasicsCard with a fine point permanent marker:

  • When the card is issued to the customer, write the customer's full name (first and surname) on the back of the BasicsCard
  • When the card is issued to a payment nominee, write the nominee's full name followed by '(NOM)'. This will indicate to merchants that the cardholder is a payment nominee for an income managed customer(s) and is permitted to hold more than one BasicsCard.
  • If a payment nominee is a payment nominee for more than one customer, the card will have the nominee's full name and then the customer's first name on the back of each card that is, 'John Smith (NOM Kate)'

A Work Item will appear on the customer's record when a hand written card is issued. The Work Item will auto complete once a thermally printed card has been issued in a future interaction.

Go to Step 1 in BasicsCard - Finalising the transaction face to face to continue with the interaction.


Replacement BasicsCard, manual coding + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

'S'elect 'Replace (existing) Card' from the BasicsCard task selector (BCTS) screen or type 'BCRC' in the Nxt: field to reissue a card.

Note: this screen should only be used in contingency arrangements as this screen does not offer Thermal Printing of Card Holder's name, and does not link to the Inventory Tracking System (ITS) that is used to track issuing site's BasicsCard stocks.

If this screen is used, ensure the card number is recorded and reported to the site's Accountable Forms Officer to manually update the status of the BasicsCard in the ITS. This ensures 'Available' BasicsCard stock is accurate:

  • enter reason for replacement
  • enter or swipe Replacement Card number
  • get the cardholder to enter their 4 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). Then get them to reconfirm their 4 digit PIN
  • go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the replacement card activity. Document details of replacement card on customer's record

Note: there is no longer a requirement to complete the BasicsCard Receipt.

Go to Step 1 in BasicsCard - Finalising the transaction face to face to complete the interaction.