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Deduction Statement 133-04020020

This document outlines how customers can get a Deduction Statement.

Information about the Deduction Statement




Information contained on Deduction Statements + Read more ...

The Deduction Statement contains the following information (if applicable to the customer):

  • Payment - the customer's next regular payment amounts and period they relate to. Payments shown are the primary payment type and components
  • Participation penalty amounts and non-payment periods:
    • Event date
    • Penalty type including No Show No Pay failures and reconnection failures and/or non-payment periods
    • Penalty period
    • Penalty deduction amount
    • From payment type
    • Amount currently owed
  • Recovery details for urgent payments:
    • Payment period
    • Date of the urgent payment
    • Payment amount
    • From payment type
    • Recovery amount
  • Weekly payments:
    • Deferral date
    • Amount deferred
    • From payment type
    • Date of the weekly payment
    • Amount of payment
  • Repayment details for advance payments:
    • Advance start date
    • Type of payment
    • Amount
    • Regular repayment amount
    • Estimated date of final repayment
    • Amount currently owing
  • Centrelink debt repayments - displayed for current debts. The debt amount and amount owing will not display due to privacy for customers with a third party debt. Details for non-third party debts include:
    • Debt ID
    • Debt reason
    • Debt amount
    • Repayment amount
    • Amount owing
  • Child support:
    • Deduction type
    • Frequency
    • From payment type
    • Amount
  • Tax - displays the customer's current voluntary deduction for tax:
    • Deduction type
    • Requested amount or percentage
    • From payment type
    • Start date
    • Amount
  • Income Management and BasicsCard expense amounts - shows customer's current Income Management expenses. It also displays amounts the customer transfers to their BasicsCard from their Income Management account:
    • Organisation name and Customer Reference Number (CRN) (with target amount and target balance outstanding, if available)
    • Expense type
    • Start date
    • End date
    • Frequency
    • Account ID / Billing ID
    • Next date payable on
    • Amount
    • Total fortnightly Income Management funds allocated for expenses
    • Total fortnightly Income Management funds unallocated
  • Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) - for customers with a Housing Authority deduction. This includes rent, arrears repayments, loan repayments and other housing payments:
    • Organisation name and CRN
    • Deduction type
    • From payment type
    • Start date
    • End date
    • Frequency
    • Account ID
    • Amount
  • Centrepay - shows current Centrepay deductions:
    • Organisation name and CRN (with target amount and target balance outstanding, if relevant)
    • Deduction type
    • From payment type
    • Start date
    • End date
    • Frequency
    • Account ID / Billing ID
    • Amount
  • Planned future new deductions or changes - shows new deductions or changes to existing deductions. The deductions are for the future for Income Management, RDS or Centrepay:
    • Service and Organisation name and CRN (with target amount if applicable)
    • Deduction type
    • Payment type
    • Future start date
    • End date
    • Frequency
    • Account ID / Billing ID
    • Amount


Information not included in the Deduction Statement + Read more ...

Information not contained in the statement includes irregular payments, for example, one-off payments.


Requesting the Deduction Statement + Read more ...

Customers and nominees of customers can request the statement.

Customers must:

  • be receiving a primary benefit that is not cancelled
  • have a current and/or a future deduction instruction, or
  • a recovery or expense repayment

A customer's partner cannot request the statement.


Nominees + Read more ...

If a customer has a nominee, the customer and nominee must get a copy of the Deduction Statement.

This includes customers living in Australia where the nominee lives in another country.

Customers will not get a copy of the Deduction Statement if:

  • the nominee is involuntary (for example, Public Trustees) and
  • the mail suppression indicator on the Nominee Relationship (NORS) screen is 'Y'


Obtaining a copy of the Deduction Statement + Read more ...

The Deduction Statement will not issue automatically to customers. Customers can get a Deduction Statement by:

  • Online request: Registered customers can use the Request a document option online. A copy is also automatically issued to the customer's myGov Inbox if they get their Centrelink letters online
  • Phone:
    • Using phone self service, or
    • Calling their payment/support line directly. Customers can get a copy from Smart Centre Call staff if the customer cannot access or use self service
  • In person: attending a service centre and asking for a copy of the statement

To issue a Centrelink Statement:

  • In Process Direct
    • Go to the Letter on demand (OMLD) screen
    • From Deduction statement: select either Local Print or Central Print
    • Select Print
    • Once finalised the Snapshot screen displays
  • In Customer First
    • Go to the Letter on Demand (OMLD) screen
    • Select the Deduction Statement (local or central print)

The copy of the Centrelink Statement is available to customers free of charge.

Note: the last generated statement will be available for printing from the History Summary (HS) screen for 62 days from the initial availability date.

When updating the customer's record as a result of contact made in relation to the Centrelink Statement, the source code 'AST' is to be used for transactions/activities and/or the Note/DOC.

Customers can get multiple statements in one day if they need them (using various services).


Viewing the Deduction Statement online + Read more ...

Customers can view, print and save their Deduction Statement via the Request a document option online using:

  • myGov and signing in to their account to access Centrelink services
  • online services via Services Australia website

The Deduction Statement will issue to the customer's myGov Inbox if they get their Centrelink letters online.


Customer needs assistance with Deduction Statement information + Read more ...

Service Officers can help the customer:


IVR transferred calls - requests for information other than on Deduction Statement + Read more ...

If the customer transfers from a business line, the calls could include:

  • 'Income Statement' / 'Centrelink Statement' enquiries and
  • 'Deduction Statement' enquiries

Customers may also contact about other Services Australia business.

Staff should help customers with any other enquiries when they complete the statement enquiry.

Other statements a customer may ask for: