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Mutual customer matching with Child Support 277-51150000

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

This page contains information on the process for mutual customer matching between Child Support and Centrelink.

Mutual customer matching process between Child Support and Centrelink




Go to the External Customer Matching List (ECML) screen + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

Code 'NNS' in Sys: field, 'N' in Env: field and press [Enter], then code 'ECML' in Nxt: field and press [Enter].

To open 2 sessions, enter the NNS system before opening a second session in the FAO system.


Search for cases requiring manual intervention + Read more ...

The ECML screen is used for manual indexing that cannot be automatically determined as a clear and concise match.

The ECML screen includes 2 sections, Selection Criteria for display and Child Support record details. Data received from Child Support will be displayed.

To search for cases requiring manual linking, code:

  • 'CSP' (child support person) in the External Org: field
  • 'RST' in the Activity Status: field
  • Press [Enter]

The record display can be changed using the following codes in the Activity Status: field:

  • 'RST' - all registered and started records. This is the default code
  • 'COM' - all completed records. No further action can be completed on these records


Select case for action + Read more ...

'S'elect the record from the ECML screen to view or process.

The External Customer Match Details (ECMD) screen will display a list of possible links in order of their strength as matches. Personal and address details are provided to assist in determining a link.

The ECMD screen includes 2 sections:

  • Child Support record details and
  • Listing of the Centrelink records that are possible links - these are listed in order of their strength as matches. The Mtch field indicates the strength and reliability of the match and will be numbered from strongest (0 - indicating a CIN has matched) to weakest (5 - a person of interest)


Make determination on a person match + Read more ...

View the possible matches and determine if a record is suitable. Switch to the FAO system and check each potential match to determine which CRN should be linked.

If more information is needed, 'S'elect the record.

The External Customer Match Extra Detail (ECMX) screen will display a side by side view of the Child Support record and the selected Centrelink record. Detail displayed includes:

  • Maiden name
  • Current postal and residential addresses (if present)
  • Limited service reason listing for the Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • Partner detail (if present)

If a multiple person CRN is identified in the matching process, appropriate action must be taken. See Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN).

Do the person’s details match and no Customer Identification Number (CIN) linked on the payee’s Centrelink record. Is the CIN unable to be matched via ECML?


No CIN on Payee Record + Read more ...

If the person’s details match on both Centrelink and Child Support systems, and the correct CIN is located on the Child Support record. Send an email to CLU to request:

  • CIN to be attached
  • an ENT refresh from the start date of the case

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the following fields:

  • Service Reason: FTB
  • Review Reason: select most appropriate reason
  • Due Date: 14 days from today's date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Email sent to CLU xx/xx/xxxx. Check the case has loaded. Return to OB 277-51150000 to action.'
  • Keywords: REVDUE
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here.


Finalise activity + Read more ...

If a suitable Centrelink record is found it can be linked on either of these screens:

  • ECMD screen - code 'L' beside the name of the Centrelink record to be linked and 'Y' in the Confirm Link/Match Customer Y/N: field
  • ECMX screen - code 'Y' in the Confirm Link/Match Customer Y/N: field

Once a manual match has been determined, the Child Support record will complete and the CRN and Environment Id of the mutual customer will display. No further action can take place on this record.

If there are no suitable Centrelink records, a no match can be recorded. On the ECMD screen, code 'N' in the Confirm Link/Match Customer Y/N: field and the Child Support record will complete with no CRN displayed.