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Quality assurance and quality checking for external mail in Medicare 111-23101138

This document explains the quality assurance and quality checking procedures that staff must comply with when preparing external mail.

On this page:

Procedure for the quality checker/delegate

How to conduct a peer to peer check

Process on how to update CDMS with outgoing correspondence details

Customer request for a Medicare form

How to submit LHC and Estimate letters for quality checking in PaNDA

How to submit SOB and Debt letter – Overpayment over $100 for quality checking in PaNDA

Quality checking of letters from PaNDA

Procedure for the quality checker/delegate

Table 1: describes the quality assurance procedures for all outgoing correspondence.




Approved quality checker/ delegate + Read more ...

Correspondence incorporating free text must be checked by an appropriate quality checker/delegate:

  • Service Centre Manager, or
  • Team Leader (or a delegate by the Team Leader)

Each day a quality checker/delegate performs quality checking for all correspondence for that day based on business line requirements.

Note: quality checker/delegates must not perform quality checking on their own work. Another approved delegate must check the prepared the letter.


Checking correspondence + Read more ...

Quality check the following correspondence details:

  • Date on the letter
  • Recipient's name and address as per relevant database. For example, CDMS or Provider Directory System (PDS)
  • Address letters in line with Australia Post standards
  • Our Reference Letter templates for each program may be designed differently to cater for specific system requirements of each program. For example, (PaNDA work ID where work type is completed in PaNDA). For digital Medicare enrolments, use the Digital Medicare enrolments (DME) application ID. When no other reference details are available, staff’s Source Office Code may be used.
  • Appropriate documents as required, that is, associated with claim or application. For example, make sure that another client’s documents have not been attached in error
  • Signature of the staff member responsible for preparing the correspondence, only if required in line with business line processes
  • No personal information unless it is relevant to the claim or application. For example, a date of birth should not be showing on an itemised claim statement sent to a customer
  • Details on the envelope which match the details on the written correspondence
  • For use of free text, make sure the content is accurate in following the business area’s policies and procedures. The content must also provide clear instructions for a customer to perform any required follow-up correspondence
  • Services Australia logo in the letter must not be blurry

The Resources page has links to all the mandatory standards and the Writing Guide.


Errors detected + Read more ...

If errors are detected, provide feedback to the staff member for amendment and resubmission as required.


No errors detected + Read more ...

If no errors are detected, the checker/delegate must:

  • check CDMS to make sure the letter has been sent to the correct customer appropriate for the work type
  • make sure CDMS has been updated correctly with outgoing correspondence details as appropriate for the work type
  • provide quality checking feedback as per business line procedure


Once quality checking is complete + Read more ...

Once the quality check is complete, and any errors corrected:

  • place the letter in the outbound mail tray
  • if viewing a digital copy of the letter, follow internal business line or team procedures in locating paperwork to make sure all documents are accessible as required (for example, in PaNDA, the letter is uploaded and relevant comments saved)
  • if viewing a hard copy of the letter, go to Step 6


Filing and batching + Read more ...

A copy of the letter that has been quality checked must be:

  • signed and dated by the checker/delegate, and
  • retained in the Service Officers daily batch

This is an additional copy of the letter that has been sent and is required for all written correspondence where work type is not completed in PaNDA.

For more about filing and batching archiving procedures, see Archiving and document retrieval for Medicare.

How to conduct a peer to peer check

Table 2: describes the peer to peer check process for all out going correspondence.




Peer to peer check + Read more ...

Correspondence must be checked by a delegate to make sure compliance with Services Australia guidelines.

  • The delegate is a peer nominated by a Team Leader
  • Each day the delegate must perform a quality check on correspondence for that day based on business line requirements
  • Quality checking will make sure that the delegate confirms that the correspondence goes out to the intended and authorised customer as per business area procedures
  • Correspondence with free text, must be quality checked by one of the following:
    • Service Centre Manager, or
    • Team Leader (or a delegate by the Team Leader)

Note: staff must not perform quality checks on their own work.


Check correspondence + Read more ...

Quality check the following correspondence details:

  • Date on the letter
  • Recipient's name and address as per relevant database, For example, CDMS or PDS
  • The letter must be addressed in line with Australia Post standards
  • Our Reference (PaNDA work ID or Source Code and Logon ID where work type is not completed in PaNDA). For digital Medicare enrolments, use the Digital Medicare enrolments (DME) application ID
  • No personal information unless it is relevant to the claim or application. For example, a date of birth should not be showing on an itemised claim statement sent to a customer
  • Details on the envelope which match the details on the written correspondence
  • For use of free text, make sure the content is accurate in following the business line's policies and procedures. The content must provide clear instructions for a customer to perform any required follow-up correspondence
  • Appropriate documents, as required, that are associated with claim or application. For example, make sure that another customer's documents have not been attached in error
  • Signature of the staff member responsible for preparing the correspondence may be required in line with business area processes
  • Services Australia logo must not be blurry

The Resources page has links to all the mandatory standards and the writing Guide.

Has an error been detected?


Errors detected + Read more ...

  • If errors are detected, provide verbal feedback to the staff member for amendment and resubmission as required
  • Return documents to staff member

Note: incorrect letters must be placed in the secure documents bin.


No errors detected + Read more ...

If no errors are detected, the delegate must:

  • take note of the WORK ID and add a PaNDA processing note to the file. For example, PCC (privacy check completed - P123456 or login details
  • seal envelope and place in outbound mail tray
  • provide feedback to the staff member who prepared the correspondence

Process on how to update CDMS with outgoing correspondence details

Table 3: describes how to update CDMS for all outgoing external correspondence. Note: comments must not be entered on CDMS for Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR) and Family Assistance correspondence.




CDMS home page + Read more ...

Access the CDMS:

  • Select Amend


Checking for the customer's Medicare number + Read more ...

Does the customer have a Medicare card number?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No,
    • If the correspondence relates to a claim, go to Step 3
    • If the correspondence does not relate to a claim, CDMS does not need to be updated


Searching for the consumer ID + Read more ...

The customer may be a claimant and entitled to receive Medicare benefits if they have incurred the cost of a service provided to an eligible Medicare patient.

Search CDMS to see if the claimant is already registered as a consumer. If a consumer ID is:


Registering the claimant as a new consumer + Read more ...

Register the claimant as a new consumer on CDMS at Personal level only.

Note: never release a Consumer ID.

See also: Register a customer for Medicare in CDMS


Keying customer Medicare number or Consumer ID + Read more ...

  • Key the customer Medicare number or Consumer ID and select Personal
  • Select the Consumer ID option
  • Select the Comments tab
  • Key Letter sent and include a brief description of the reason for the letter
  • Comments should have the channel of the claim, date of lodgement, required information to complete processing the claim and any contact attempts. For example:
    • Letter sent - unable to process PaNDA patient claim, work ID XXXXXXXX (DOL 01/01/2018)
    • Letter sent - documents left behind in SC, DOL DDMMYYYY
    • Safety net Confirmation required. 2x contact attempts made; unable to reach customer

Note: do not enter an end date for the comment.


Validating and updating changes + Read more ...

  • Select Validate
  • If the Indigenous status has not been entered, select Not stated
  • Select Medicare (as the source)

A message will be returned to confirm if the details are acceptable:

  • Select OK
  • Select Validate
  • Select Update

A comment has now been added to the recipient's record indicating a letter has been sent.

Customer request for a Medicare form

Table 4: describes how Service Officers respond to requests for a Medicare form.




Requests for Medicare forms to be sent to a customer + Read more ...

When customers call to request a Medicare form, Service Officers should tell them to go online and print one as this will be a quicker option for them.

If the customer is unable to print the form, advise them one will be sent by Australia Post. This may take a couple of weeks to arrive.


Sending a form + Read more ...

To send a form to a customer:

  • Print out the form
  • Place the form in an envelope
    • There is no need to include a letter
  • Clearly write the customer’s name and address on the envelope using the format:
    • Mr John Smith
    • 123 Elm Street
    • Melbourne VIC 3000
  • Team Leader to quality check (QC) the envelope
  • Post the form

How to submit LHC and Estimate letters for quality checking in PaNDA

Table 5: this table describes how Heath Service Delivery Division (HSDD) staff submit Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) and Estimate letters via PaNDA.




HSDD staff action + Read more ...

Staff to:

  • create the relevant work item
  • upload a new work item in PaNDA
  • select from the drop down menu:
    • Program: Miscellaneous'
    • Worktype: Public QOL letters

See also: Create new work items - PaNDA Document Upload.

Staff must complete the following fields in PaNDA:

  • key Medicare number in the Medicare Number field
  • key Surname First Name in the Surname First Name field
  • select Upload Document
  • status as Open

Do not select the Assign to me on creation check box, unless uploading more than one document.

To upload additional documents:

  • select the Assign to me on creation checkbox. Selecting the checkbox:
    • assigns the work item to the user, and
    • shows the work item in Worklist
  • upload the additional document and add comments 'uploaded additional documents and item unassigned for checking'
  • make sure the status of the work item is Open
  • unassign the work item to return it back to the Public QOL letter pool for checking

See also: Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA).


Quality check outcome + Read more ...

If the quality check outcome is error free:

  • staff will not get an email from the quality checker
  • the quality checker will print and post the letter to the customer

If the quality check outcome is error/s identified:

  • the quality checker will correct the errors and the letter will be printed and posted to the customer
  • the staff member's Team Leader will get feedback via the Staff Feedback Tool
  • staff must review the feedback received and refer to the letter in the PaNDA folder (when required)

See also: Management of the Staff Feedback Tool.

How to submit SOB and Debt letter – Overpayment over $100 for quality checking in PaNDA

Table 6 : describes how Heath Service Delivery Division (HSDD) staff submit Statement of Benefit (SOB) and Debt letter- Overpayment over $100 via PaNDA.




HSDD staff action + Read more ...

Choose the relevant option:

Statement Of Benefit letters + Read more ...

Staff must:

  • create the relevant work item
  • upload a new work item in PaNDA
  • select from the drop down menu:
    • Program: Miscellaneous'
    • Worktype: QOL PC Adjustment Letters

See Create new work items - PaNDA Document Upload.

Complete the following fields in PaNDA:

  • Medicare Number field: Key the Medicare number
  • Surname First Name field: Key Surname and First Name
  • Select Upload Document
  • Leave the work item status Open

Do not select the Assign to me on creation checkbox, unless uploading more than one document.

To upload additional documents:

  • select the Assign to me on creation checkbox. This will:
    • assign the work item to the user, and
    • show the work item in Worklist
  • upload the additional document and add comments 'uploaded additional documents and item unassigned for checking'
  • leave the work item status Open
  • unassign the work item to return it back to the QOL PC Adjustment Letters pool for checking

Debt letter- Overpayment over $100 + Read more ...

See Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, Table 2, Step 8:

  • Print/upload the Mainframe overpayment screen to PaNDA
  • Complete the Debt Advice Notice (DAN)
    : the Resources page of Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims has a link to the DAN
  • Complete the Patient Claim Adjustments Recovery over $100 letter
  • Add a processing note to the PaNDA record
  • Re-categorise the PaNDA work item to MISC_ QOL PC Adjustment Letters
  • Leave the work item status Open

See Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA).


Quality check outcome + Read more ...

If the quality check outcome is:

Error free + Read more ...

Staff will not get an email from the quality checker.

The quality checker will:

  • print and post the Statement of Benefit (SOB) letter to the customer
  • for Debt letter- Overpayment over $100:
    • email a copy of the Mainframe overpayment screen, DAN and recovery letter to the Medicare Debt Recovery Team – this team issues recovery letters and invoices to debtors
    • cc the processing Service Officer and their Team Leader into the email
    • for Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, see Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, Table 2, Step 8
  • close the PaNDA work item

Error/s identified + Read more ...

The quality checker will:

  • correct the errors then print and post the Statement of Benefit (SOB) to the customer
  • for Debt letter- Overpayment over $100:
    • correct the errors, and
    • email all relevant documents to the Medicare Debt Recovery team – this team issues recovery letters and invoices to debtors, and
    • cc the processing Service Officer and their Team Leader into the email
  • close the PaNDA work item

The staff member's Team Leader will get feedback via the Staff Feedback Tool.

Staff must review the feedback received and refer to the letter in the PaNDA folder (when required).

See Management of the Staff Feedback Tool.

Quality checking of letters from PaNDA

Table 7: describes how HSDD quality checkers check the letters from PaNDA.




Quality checker action + Read more ...

The quality checker must:

  • select Ready at bottom right of the Worklist screen to get a new work item in Work Optimiser
  • quality check the relevant work item

See Managing work using the Worklist.

Note: the quality checker must refer to the relevant Program/Policy escalation process in Operational Blueprint if they need technical help.


Quality check outcome + Read more ...

If the quality check outcome is:

Error free + Read more ...

Quality checkers must:

  • print and post the letter to the customer – LHC, SOB and Estimate
  • key comments in PaNDA - 'QC error free - Letter printed and posted to customer on (date)'
  • close the PaNDA work item
  • for Debt letter - Overpayment over $100:
    • email a copy of the Mainframe overpayment screen, DAN and recovery letter to the Medicare Debt Recovery Team – this team issues recovery letters and invoices to debtors
    • cc the processing Service Officer and their Team Leader into the email
    • for Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, see Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, Table 2, Step 8

Error/s identified + Read more ...

Quality checkers must:

  • resolve the error/s and upload the new letter to the existing work item. Include comments in CDMS/PaNDA as per business rules
  • delete the incorrect letter from the existing PaNDA file
  • key relevant comments in PaNDA about the error/s identified
  • print and post the letter to the customer – LHC, Estimate and SOB
  • key comments in PaNDA 'Letter printed and posted to customer on (date)' – LHC, Estimate and SOB
  • for Debt letter - Overpayment over $100:
    • correct the error
    • email all the relevant documents to the Medicare Debt Recovery team - this team issues recovery letters and invoices to debtors
    • cc the processing Service Officer and their Team Leader into the email
    • for Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, see Latter day adjustments (LDA) and HELD payments for patient claims, Table 2, Step 8
  • close the PaNDA work items
  • submit feedback via the Staff Feedback Tool:
    • select Service details > Medicare > Medicare Customer - select C&A patient claims for SOB, Debt letter – Overpayment over $100 and Estimate letters, select MEE for LHC letters, and
    • include relevant Operational Blueprint links

Note: if a letter generates from an existing work item, make sure the correct letter is also uploaded to the original work item. Add comment ‘QC completed - uploaded correct letter’.