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Assessing and coding a transfer to Austudy or Youth Allowance (YA) student claim from another payment 010-20020548

For Service Officers trained in Students processing.

This document outlines how to assess and code a transfer to Austudy or YA student from another income support payment.

On this page:

Initial claim assessment

Assessing study details

Assess early claims where study has not commenced

Assess eligibility and payability

Assess the YA/Austudy grant date

Assess rate, waiting periods, add-ons and finalise claim

Reject claim

Initial claim assessment

Table 1




Claim lodgement + Read more ...

A claim work item is created for allocation and processing in Process Direct where a customer submits:

  • an online claim
  • an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), or
  • a Claim for Youth Allowance (SY001) or Claim for Austudy (SY002) paper claim

Where a paper claim is scanned onto a customer's record, the system creates a Social Online Application (SOA) Shell.

Where a SOA Shell claim is allocated to a Student Processing skilled Service Officer and the claim is for a job seeker or Australian Apprentice, it must be re-categorised appropriately:

  • Youth Allowance job seeker (ZALL_ZJSP_NCL_PAPER)
  • Australian Apprentice claim (ZCLM_ZASA)
  • Austudy Apprentice claim (ZCLM_ZASA)

The Re-claim or Transfer for Austudy or Youth Allowance (SY089) paper claim is no longer accepted. Where an SY089 has been lodged with a:

  • date of receipt prior to 1 April 2023, accept and process the claim
  • date of receipt on or after 1 April 2023, make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer and tell them to submit an online claim. If the customer cannot claim online or contact is unsuccessful:
    • in Process Direct, request an SY001 or SY002 using Request Documents
    • if a SOA Shell was incorrectly created for an SY089, cancel it, and
    • in Customer First, send a Students-Claim lodgement desktop message

A paper claim will not auto-create a SOA Shell where the claim is uploaded by the customer through Upload Documents. Manually create the claim using the SOA Shell application in Process Direct.

If there is a submitted online claim, ACC or SOA Shell claim available to process in Process Direct, go to Step 2.


Pre-assessment checks + Read more ...

Complete all pre-assessment checks in Process Direct using the icons on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen. Checks may include selecting:

  • Open left slider; Close right slider to view the claim submitted by the customer
  • Circumstance Data icon for customer and claim information including:
    • identity confirmation
    • claim type, submission date and status
    • the Link Summary (LS) and Marital Status (MS) screen data
  • Benefit History icon for previous claim dates and benefit history:
    • the payment the customer is transferring from must be payable (for example not ASSessed status) on the day before the customer qualifies for the new payment, for the claim to be considered a transfer
  • Tasks icon to view required tasks, supporting documents requested and their due date. A hyperlink to view the electronic Mod JY (if lodged) is available here
  • Notes icon to view:
    • the Progress of claim note
    • any comments made by a previous Service Officer, and
    • the Document List (DL) screen
      DL also shows confirmation the customer accepts the verbal declaration where an ACC has been run
  • Status icon to view or update the claim status
  • Documents icon to view documents uploaded or scanned, including:
  • the Activity List (AL) screen to view outstanding activities

An Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313) lodged with a new claim must be processed immediately, provided the Service Officer is satisfied of the nominee's identity. This is to ensure the nominee will also receive the outcome of claim letter. See Adding or rejecting a nominee request.

Go to Step 3.


Check course is approved + Read more ...

Determine whether the course is an approved course of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

Is the course approved?


Response received from CALO + Read more ...

When a response is received from a CALO, if the course is:

  • approved, go to Step 5
  • not approved, the customer is not qualified for YA or Austudy as a student. Reject the claim, see Table 7


Check customer meets eligibility requirements for being a student + Read more ...

A customer applying for YA (student) or Austudy must meet qualification and eligibility requirements for being a student. They must be studying full-time or undertaking an approved concessional study load. For more information, see:

YA and Austudy students, who are temporarily incapacitated, may also be considered a student during that time. For more information, see:

Is the customer:

  • studying full-time
  • undertaking an approved concessional study load, or
  • applying for YA and is unable to study full-time due to a temporary incapacity?
    • Yes, go to Step 6
    • No, customer is not qualified for YA or Austudy as a student. Reject the claim, see Table 7


Check course duration + Read more ...

Note: there is no set duration for the length of an academic year. It depends on the education provider.

If on the YA/Austudy grant date (see Table 5 for information on assessing the grant date), the remaining duration of the course is:

  • one academic year or greater in length, go to Step 8
  • less than one academic year, and the customer is:
    • 25 years of age or over, go to Step 8
    • 22-24 years of age (on the day they are deemed to be a full-time or concessional load student), and receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP), go to Step 7
    • under 25 years of age and receiving any income support payment except JSP or YA (job seeker), go to Step 8


22 – 24 years of age and receiving JSP + Read more ...

If the customer was:

  • receiving JSP immediately before commencing the course, the customer has reached the maximum age for YA. Reject the claim, See Table 7
  • not receiving JSP immediately before commencing the course, the customer has not reached the maximum age for YA. Go to Step 8


Appropriate payment + Read more ...

Determine whether YA/Austudy is the most appropriate payment before assessing the student claim. See Transfer to Austudy or Youth Allowance (YA) (student) from another payment.

Do not take lodgement of a YA/Austudy claim as an indication of the customer’s preferred payment. Services Australia is obligated to ensure that customers are advised of their options.

For JSP customers, where the rate and conditions of JSP appear to be more beneficial than YA/Austudy, care must be taken to determine whether JSP remains payable.

Check the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen in Process Direct to see if the customer is Provider managed or Centrelink managed.

Provider managed

Check the AEX screen in Process Direct for a short course approval activity for the customer’s current study.

Where there is no short course approval activity:

  • make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer
  • send a pre-call SMS desktop message to subscribed customers prior to each attempt

Record the details of all conversations/contact attempts with customers, in the claim outcome note/DOC. If the claim is being put on hold, record this in the Progress of Claim DOC.

If contact is successful, explain the difference in rates and conditions. Ask the customer if they want to stay on JSP and whether:

  • a short course approval has been declined for their current study by their Workforce Australia provider, and
  • they are not willing or not able to undertake other approved activities (as well as their study), such as job search, to meet their JSP requirements

If the customer answers yes to both of these questions, they will lose JSP eligibility from the date they cease to comply with the JSP requirements. YA/Austudy will be the only appropriate payment.

If the customer wants to stay on JSP but has not discussed their study with their provider:

  • tell them to contact their provider to do so
  • arrange a suitable day for the customer to be called back within the next 7 days, to ask the two questions above
  • put the claim on hold until the day before the arranged call date
  • tell the customer that if we are unable to reach them on the arranged call date, they:
    • may not be able to establish JSP payability, and
    • may be transferred to YA/Austudy
  • annotate the Progress of Claim Note/DOC with the reason the claim has been put on hold

If both attempts are unsuccessful and JSP appears to be the most appropriate payment, reject the YA/Austudy claim COP – Another Payment is More Appropriate. If the customer later contacts and discussion of JSP payability shows that YA/Austudy is more appropriate, the claim may be reassessed. See Table 7

JSP remains payable only if the course is less than 12 months long

If the course is:

  • under 12 months, and:
    • there is a short course approval, or
    • the customer advises that they are willing and able to undertake other approved activities to meet their JSP requirements, then
    • allow the customer to choose between JSP and Austudy

  • over 12 months, and study was accepted as part of the customer’s PBAS reporting for any reporting period after the study start date:
    • the customer remains qualified for JSP until the day before the student claim was lodged, or
    • for early claims processed after the course start date, the day before the student payment qualification date
  • over 12 months, and study has not been reported on PBAS:
    • the customer ceased to qualify for JSP from the study start date

Centrelink managed

Centrelink managed job seekers are not required to report via PBAS. They meet their requirements through:

  • participation in a Centrelink approved activity, or
  • an exemption

View activities and exemptions on the AEX screen. JSP remains payable for Centrelink managed customers as long as their course is less than 12 months long. If the course is:

  • under 12 months, allow the customer to choose between JSP and YA/Austudy
  • over 12 months, the customer is considered to remain qualified for JSP until the day before the student claim was lodged

See the Resources page for examples of appropriate and beneficial payments and dates.

Is YA/Austudy the appropriate/preferred payment?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No, reject the claim COP – Another Payment is More Appropriate, see Table 7


Outstanding compliance action   + Read more ...

Customers receiving the following participation payments are not granted any exemption from their mutual obligation requirements while their claim for YA or Austudy is being assessed:

  • JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
  • Youth Allowance (YA (job seeker))
  • Parenting Payment (PP) with mutual obligation requirements, or
  • Special Benefit (SpB) with mutual obligation requirements

If the customer has failed to comply with any mutual obligation requirements before the YA/Austudy claim is finalised, compliance action may have been generated or applied in the period since the new claim was submitted.

Outstanding compliance action, such a participation suspension, should not prevent finalisation of the YA/Austudy claim.

After the YA/Austudy claim has been finalised and payment granted, background processing will finalise any outstanding compliance action that is no longer required.

Where payment suspension for a participation reason is before the start date of the YA/Austudy claim, the customer may need to contact either their provider or the Participation Solution Team (PST) as previously notified. Further action by staff in Student Processing is not required. For more information, see Services Australia's responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements.

Go to Step 10.


Claim lodgement date + Read more ...

Customers receiving income support payments may choose to transfer to a student payment at any time during their studies. When assessing a transfer for these customers, the student start date only needs to be considered if the customer is making an early claim or more than 14 days have passed since their outgoing payment cancelled.

For information regarding the cancellation of a JobSeeker payment when a customer has started full time study, see JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study.

When was the claim lodged?

  • More than 13 weeks before the customer's student start date, the claim cannot be accepted as an early claim, see Table 7, Step 5
  • Up to 13 weeks before the customer's student start date, the claim may be assessed as an early claim, see Table 2
  • Up to 13 weeks after the customer's qualification date/student start date, see Table 2
  • More than 13 weeks after the day their outgoing payment is expected to stop, for:


JSP customer, claim lodged more than 13 weeks after student start date + Read more ...

Consider JSP payability from the study start date. Customers may remain payable for JSP if they were:

  • Centrelink managed, or
  • Provider managed and:
    • had a short course approval on AEX, or
    • the study was accepted as part of the customer’s PBAS reporting for any reporting period after the study start date. It is not a requirement for study to have been reported in all PBAS reporting periods

Did the customer meet the above requirements?


Claim is not a transfer + Read more ...

Is the outgoing payment cancelled?

Assessing study details

Table 2




Determine if an allowable time assessment is required + Read more ...

See Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study.

Is an allowable time assessment required?


Check information for the allowable time assessment + Read more ...

Do not reject a claim where the customer has not yet reached their allowable time.

Do not hold a claim to request an academic transcript if the student is currently eligible for their student payment.

Is there enough information available to make the allowable time assessment?


Academic transcript + Read more ...

Before requesting a transcript, the following must be considered:

  • For Austudy, was previous study undertaken by the student at the same level as the current course?
  • For Youth Allowance, was previous study undertaken by the student in the same course?
  • Was the previous study undertaken within the 10 years before the current course start date?
  • Based on the information provided, is it clear the customer:
    • can be granted now, and a transcript requested post-grant?
    • does not have any remaining allowable time, and must be rejected?

Where the customer indicates they will continue to study beyond their allowable time end date:

  • grant the payment coding an Allowable Time End Date:
    • in Process Direct on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • in Customer First on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen, and
  • where appropriate, request a transcript after finalising the claim

If considering requesting a transcript:

  • attempt to call the customer. If the customer can provide enough verbal information to make a reasonable assessment for allowable time/aggregation of study, go to Step 4
  • Otherwise:
    • invite the customer to provide required documents online via the Upload documents service and note the request in a Claim Progress Note/DOC
    • if unable to contact the customer by phone, request academic transcript/s or statement of results from Request Documents in Process Direct. See Requesting information (CLK). This automatically places the claim on hold for 14 days

Coding the Miscellaneous Update Details (NMIS) screen may be required to cancel JSP. This is to reduce any overpayment for JSP where:

  • the customer has been requested to provide further information or evidence, and
  • the study start date has passed (and it is not possible to grant the student claim)

See JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study.

  • Procedure ends here until the information is returned


Determine study status + Read more ...

On the date the claim is being assessed, has the customer started studying?

Assess early claims where study has not commenced

Table 3




Check if the claim can be assessed early + Read more ...

For the following customers, claims cannot be processed before the YA/Austudy qualification date (for example, the course start date):

Do any of these circumstances apply to the customer?


Apply system limitations workaround + Read more ...

The claim cannot be assessed early due to system limitations.

Use Status to hold the claim using the hold reason Future Transfer until the day before the course start date. The claim is allocated for processing by Workload Management (WLM) on that date.

Record the reasons for holding the claim on a Note/DOC:

  • In Process Direct, select Display appointment to annotate the Progress of claim note on Notes, with the actual circumstance/s preventing early processing, and
  • In Customer First, annotate the Claim Progress DOC with text: 'Due to system limitations, transfer claim to be processed on or after study start date of DD/MM/YY'
  • If there is no Claim Progress DOC on the customer's record, use the Transfer Claim Progress Fast Note. In Notes, select Add Note to create a note on DL

Assess eligibility and payability

Table 4




Assess if customer is entitled and payable + Read more ...

Make sure the customer is both entitled and payable.


Assess qualification for Austudy + Read more ...

When assessing qualification for Austudy, consider if the customer:

  • is of Austudy payment age
  • satisfies the residence requirements, and
  • satisfies the undertaking full time study requirement for Austudy

When assessing payability consider:

For Allowance asset thresholds, see Income and asset tests/cut-offs, Assets Test for Allowance (Independent) on the Rates and thresholds page.

If the customer is entitled and payable, see Table 5.

If the claim is to be rejected Allowable time reached (ATR), see Assessing satisfactory progress for tertiary students for Austudy.

If the customer is not entitled or payable for any other reason, see Table 7.

If further information is required and it was not requested when the claim was submitted, go to Step 4.


Assess qualification for YA + Read more ...

When assessing qualification for YA, consider if the customer:

When assessing payability consider:

For Allowance asset thresholds, see Income and asset tests/cut-offs, Assets Test for Allowance on the Rates and thresholds page.

If the customer is entitled and payable, see Table 5.

If the claim is to be rejected Allowable time reached, see Assessing satisfactory progress for Youth Allowance (YA) tertiary students.

If the customer is not entitled or payable for any other reason, see Table 7.

If further information is required and it was not requested when the claim was submitted, go to Step 4.


Additional information required for assessment + Read more ...

Contact the customer to request required information:

  • invite the customer to provide the required documents online via the Upload documents service
  • note the request on the Claim Progress DOC, and
  • hold the claim for 14 days

If unable to contact the customer by phone, request the required information using Request Documents in Process Direct. See Requesting information (CLK). This automatically holds the claim for 14 days.

Assess the YA/Austudy grant date

Table 5




Transferring from different payments + Read more ...

To determine the most beneficial payment for the customer, before proceeding, see:

The YA/Austudy grant date will depend on:

  • which date YA/Austudy is the most beneficial payment from, and
  • whether or not the customer remains entitled to the outgoing income support payment

It may be the date the:

  • claim is lodged, or
  • day after previous study ends, or
  • new study start date, or
  • income support payment date paid to plus one day

Making a decision on the most beneficial payment on the date the claim is lodged is only required if the customer:

  • will be transferring to YA/Austudy, and
  • is qualified and payable for both their current payment and YA/Austudy on the date the claim is lodged

No consideration can be given to paying the current payment for any longer than the customer is qualified and payable for that payment.

See the Resources page for examples of appropriate and beneficial payments and dates.

On the date the claim was lodged, if the most beneficial payment (or the only payment that the customer is qualified and payable for) is:


JSP most beneficial payment + Read more ...

Where the date of receipt of the claim is before the YA/Austudy qualification date:

  • the grant date is the date the customer will lose JSP eligibility. See Table 1, Step 2 JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study for information on determining the JSP cancellation date.
  • 2 entries may be required on the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen. If there is no previous NES coding, or if the previous NES coding is not Not a Full-Time student (NST):
    • using the date of receipt of claim - code the Student Status field with NST
    • using the grant date - code the Student Status field with Full-Time student FTS
  • on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen, code the grant date in the Participation Status Event Date: field
  • on the Date of Commencement (NDC) screen, enter the grant date in the Manual Start Date: field (even if the system calculated start date appears to be correct), and
  • add notes in the Comments: field to explain the decision

Where the date of receipt of the claim is after the YA/Austudy qualification date, the grant date will be JSP date paid to plus one day.

Go to Step 3.


Continue to process the claim + Read more ...

Make sure the following are the same as the Manual Start Date:

  • Participation Status Event Date (PSED): field on the EDC screen, and
  • Start Date: field on the NES screen

When finalising the claim, the customer's JSP cancels (JSP/CAN-STU-CUS COMMENCE/RESUME STUDIES *AUTO) from the YA/Austudy grant date.

Cancelling JSP may lead to a debt, which may be offset by arrears of YA/Austudy.

Go to Step 7.


YA/Austudy most beneficial payment (JSP customer) + Read more ...

The grant date depends on when the customer first qualified for YA/Austudy and the date the customer loses entitlement to JSP. See Step 2 in Table 2 of JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study for information on determining the JSP cancellation date.

If the customer:

  • first qualified on the same date the claim was lodged, the grant date is the date the claim was lodged
  • first qualified before the claim was lodged, assess the most beneficial start date, considering:
    • the earliest qualification date for YA/Austudy
    • any period that the customer qualified for both YA/Austudy and JSP
    • the date from which the customer no longer qualifies for JSP

Within the claim activity, update the Miscellaneous Update Details (NMIS) screen:

  • Current Circumstances: field, key either FTS if no Education Entry Payment (EdEP) is to be paid or FTE if EdEP is to be paid. See Table 6, Step 2 for further information on assessing entitlement to EdEP
  • Event Date: field, key the grant date

Key the grant date in the:

  • Participation Status Event Date (PSED): field on either of these screens:
    • Process Direct - Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • Customer First - Education Course Details (EDC) screen, and
  • Start Date: field on the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen

Code the Date of Commencement (NDC) screen. If the grant date is:

  • The date of claim:
    • in the Manual Start Date: field enter the grant date
    • in the Comments: field, Study start date
  • Up to 14 days before the date of claim:
    • in the Manual Start Date: field enter the grant date
    • in the Comments: field, Claim submitted within 14 days of qualification
  • More than 14 days but less than 13 weeks before the date of claim:
    • in the Manual Start Date: field enter the grant date
    • in the Comments: field, Claim backdated under Section 12, SS(A)A 1999

Cancelling JSP may cause a debt, which may be offset by arrears of YA/Austudy.

Go to Step 7.


YA/Austudy most beneficial payment (any other income support payment customer) + Read more ...

The grant date is the day their outgoing payment ceased or will cease as a result of coding the transfer.

The student claim is granted from the grant date, unless the customer:

  • is a stimulus customer (including two weekly reporters), and
  • has advised of a non-income related change in circumstances within the notification period

The Date of Effect for a rate increase is the Date of Event. See Calculating the start day for a transferee.

Cancel the current payment, using a Date of Event (DOV), matching the grant date:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • If the customer receives Parenting Payment or Carer Payment, cancel using reason code OTH. A Q134 advice must be sent to the customer. See Creating a Q134 letter
  • Cancel any other income support payments using reason code COP - Another Payment is More Appropriate

Go to Step 7.


Any other income support payment most beneficial + Read more ...

The grant date is the date the customer will lose eligibility for their outgoing income support payment (for example, Parenting Payment (Partnered) customer will lose care of only dependent child).

Where the date of receipt of the claim is before the YA/Austudy grant date:

  • Code 2 entries on the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen:
    • Using date of receipt of claim - code the Student Status: field with Not a Full-Time student NST
    • Using grant date - code the Student Status: field with Full-Time student FTS
  • Code the grant date in the Participation Status Event Date (PSED) field on either of the following screens:
    • Process Direct - Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • Customer First - Education Course Details (EDC) screen
  • On the Date of Commencement (NDC) screen in Customer First, enter the grant date in the Manual Start Date: field (even if the system calculated start date appears to be correct), and
  • Add notes in the Comments: field to explain the decision

Note: for further information, see:

Go to Step 7.


Income too high on grant date + Read more ...

If the customer and/or their partner's employment income was enough to preclude payment for the entitlement period in which the grant date falls, the claim will reject:

  • Income too High (INC), or
  • Partner Excess Income precludes customer payment (INE)

To prevent this, go to the NDC screen and update:

  • Manual Start Date: field: date the customer becomes payable. This is usually the first day of the following entitlement period
  • Comments: field: ‘income too high at qualification date, grant from following entitlement period’
  • Change the Start Date on the NES screen to the manual start date
  • Change the Participation Status Event Date on the EDC screen to the manual start date
  • Grant DOC/Note: include an explanation of the manual grant date

See Table 6, Step 1.

Assess rate, waiting periods, add-ons and finalise claim

Table 6




Assess entitlement to the Long-Term Income Support (LTIS) rate + Read more ...

Customers who transfer from an income support payment to YA or Austudy may be entitled to the LTIS rate for YA or Austudy.

To determine eligibility for this rate and the process to code a rate override (if required), see:

Once LTIS is assessed, go to Step 2.


Assess entitlement to the Education Entry Payment (EdEP) + Read more ...

Determine if the customer is entitled to EdEP.

EdEP has a similar rule to the LTIS rate. The 52 weeks is immediately before the customer first commences the course. If on the day the claim is processed the customer:

  • has not yet started their studies, go to Step 5
  • is transferring from a payment other than JSP, select Assess after all the relevant screens have been updated and view the results on the Entitlement (ELD) screen to see if the system will auto pay EdEP. If not, finalise the claim. Go to Step 8
  • has been receiving JSP, and their study has already started, update the Miscellaneous Update Details (NMIS) screen with:
    • Current Circumstances: as Full-time Student (FTS) or Full-time Student (plus EdEP) (FTE) whichever is appropriate, within claim
    • Event Date: as the date the customer ceased to qualify for JSP. Go to Step 3

If the NMIS screen cannot be coded for a JSP customer transferring to YA/Austudy who is also eligible for an EdEP, go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen. Enter:

  • an Effect Date: equal to the student start date, and
  • the Payment Type: as Education Entry Payment (EDP)

Go to Step 3.


Check eligibility for Student Start-up Loan + Read more ...

See Student Start-up Loan (SSL) when a customer advises in their claim they want to apply for an SSL.

Go to Step 4.


Assess waiting periods + Read more ...


Assess the JSP to YA/Austudy claim + Read more ...

Select Assess to take the claim to the Entitlement (ELD) screen, but do not finalise the assessment.

Go to Step 6.


Check Relocation Scholarship (RS) assessment + Read more ...

Is the customer eligible for a Relocation Scholarship?

  • Yes, check the result on the Entitlement (ELD) screen. If the customer's maximum entitlement to the RS has been reduced to a lower amount, make sure that the scholarship is not assessed in this claim. Services Australia cannot recover primary benefit debts from supplementary payments like RS
    • To remove the scholarship assessment within the claim activity, go to the Higher Education Scholarship Details (HESD) screen. Code the relevant scholarship override and the assessable scholarship period. For specific coding instructions, see Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding
    • Once the scholarship overrides are coded, select Assess to return to the ELD screen
    • Go to Step 7
  • No, go to Step 7


Final checks and outcome + Read more ...

Check that the grant date is correct on the Benefit Status (XBS) screen, if not, code a manual start date on the Date of Commencement (NDC) screen.

Check the results on the ELD screen:

  • Take note of any YA or Austudy arrears being paid, especially any amount paid for a period that the person received their former income support payment
    • Decide if the arrears amount needs to be reduced to avoid duplicate payments for the same period
    • Manually zero or reduce any YA/Austudy arrears that the customer is not entitled to. See Payment of arrears after reassessment and stopping a payment
    • The Debt Raising Team will need to offset YA/Austudy arrears that are not being paid against any debt which was created due to the cancellation of the former income support payment
  • Finalise the claim assessment
  • If arrears were manually reduced and a debt shell is created by the completion of the claim activity, record the details in a Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debts > Update > Referral for Started debt for Debt ID no. The Fast Note should include the amount of YA/Austudy arrears that were suppressed and noted earlier

Go to Step 8.


Record claim assessment details on a DOC + Read more ...

Finalise the claim. Record details of the assessment on a DOC.

  • If an auto grant/reject DOC was created, annotate that DOC with significant decisions made in this assessment
  • If no auto DOC was created, create a new DOC using Fast Note
  • Update and expire the Claim Progress DOC
  • If the customer is studying an approved scholarship course and scholarship overrides were recorded as per Step 5 above, run the Verify Scholarship Details guided procedure to delete the overrides


Finalise the YA/Austudy claim + Read more ...

Finalise the claim. Record details of the assessment on a DOC.

  • If an auto grant/reject DOC was created, annotate that DOC with significant decisions made in this assessment
  • If no auto DOC was created, create a new DOC using Fast Note

Go to Step 10.


Determine eligibility for Education Entry Payment (EdEP) + Read more ...

If the system has not auto assessed entitlement to EdEP, determine eligibility for EdEP.

If the customer is eligible for EdEP, use the One Off Payments (OOP) screen

Process Direct

  • Go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen
  • Select Add
  • Service Reason: field, select from the options
  • Payment type: field, select EDP - Education Entry Payment
  • Date of effect: field:
    • key the date the customer started studying, or
    • if study has not yet started, key today's date
  • Select Save
  • Note: the system displays the correct date on the OOP screen, after the activity is completed
  • Complete the Receipt Date and Channel fields, select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen. The OOP line will display
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction

Customer First

  • Go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen
  • Date of Effect: field, key the date the customer started studying or, if study has not yet started, key today's date. The system displays the correct date on the OOP screen, after the activity is completed
  • Payment Type: field, enter Education Entry Payment (EDP)
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC

Procedure ends here.

Reject claim

Table 7




Rejection + Read more ...

Before coding the rejection, if the customer is now receiving another payment, remove any details that have populated from the new claim from the following:

  • Newstart Education Status (NES) screen, and
  • Either of:
    • Process Direct - Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • Customer First - Education Course Details (EDC) screen

If the claim is to be rejected:

For all other reasons, see:


Course is not approved + Read more ...

As the course is not approved, the customer is not qualified for YA or Austudy. Streamline reject the claim:

  • Make sure the course details are not recorded on the EDC screen
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Benefit Type Code: field, select the correct benefit type
    • select the Streamline Indicator
    • Rejection Reason Code: field, NAC - Enrolled in Unapproved Course or UMD - Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate, and
    • Save
  • Once on the Entitlements (ELD) screen, make sure the outcome is correct, then select Finish
  • Record finalisation details on a Note/DOC

If the customer is currently receiving JSP and returning to full-time study, see JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study.

Procedure ends here.


Customer is not undertaking sufficient study load to qualify for YA or Austudy + Read more ...

A customer is not qualified for YA or Austudy, when they:

  • are not studying full-time
  • are not approved for a concessional study load, or
  • do not meet the temporary incapacity rules (YA students only)

Streamline reject the claim:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Benefit Type Code: field, select the correct benefit type
    • Rejection Reason Code: field, NST - Not a Full-time Student
    • select the Streamline Indicator, and
    • Save
  • Once on the Entitlement (ELD) screen, make sure the outcome is correct, then select Finish
  • Record finalisation details on a Note/DOC

If the customer is currently receiving a qualifying payment for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) or ABSTUDY PES, issue a PES claim using the Mail Forms guided procedure.

Procedure ends here.


Another payment is more appropriate + Read more ...

If the customer is entitled to a more appropriate payment, streamline reject the claim:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Benefit Type Code: field, select the correct benefit type
    • Rejection Reason Code: field, COP - Another Payment is More Appropriate
    • select the Streamline Indicator, and
    • Save
  • Once on the Entitlements (ELD) screen, make sure the outcome is correct, then select Finish
  • Record finalisation details on a Note/DOC

If the more appropriate payment is:

  • Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), issue a PES claim
  • JobSeeker Payment (JSP), check the customer's Job Plan, PBAS dashboard and AEX screen in Process Direct. Is the study included in the Job Plan, PBAS dashboard or AEX screen?
    • Yes, update Note/DOC with details. Procedure ends here
    • No, attempt to contact the customer to advise them to contact their Employment Services Provider to advise them of their study and to test their eligibility for short course approval. If unable to contact, Note/DOC the record with details

Procedure ends here.


Claim submitted more than 13 weeks before qualification + Read more ...

  • View and process the online claim
  • Make sure the study details are not recorded on the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen, or
    • in Process Direct, the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen, or
    • in Customer First, the Education Course Details (EDC) screen
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Benefit Type Code: field, select the correct benefit type
    • Rejection Reason Code: field, CDB - Start Date > 13 weeks in the future
    • select Save
  • Once on the Entitlements (ELD) screen, make sure the outcome is correct, then select Finish
  • Record finalisation details on a Note/DOC
  • Invite customer to re-claim closer to qualification/course start date

Procedure ends here.


Course of study less than twelve months + Read more ...

  • View and process the online claim
  • Make sure the study details are not recorded on Newstart Education Status (NES), or:
    • in Process Direct, the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen, or
    • in Customer First, the Education Course Details (EDC) screen
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Benefit Type Code: field, select the correct benefit type
    • Rejection Reason Code: field, LTM - Course of Study Less than Twelve Months
    • select Save
  • Once on the Entitlements (ELD) screen, make sure the outcome is correct, then select Finish
  • Record finalisation details on a Note/DOC


Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP + Read more ...

Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • Benefit Type Code: field, select the correct benefit type
  • Rejection Reason Code: field, SUH – Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP
  • select the Streamline Indicator
  • select Save
  • Once on the Entitlements (ELD) screen, make sure the outcome is correct, then select Finish
  • Record finalisation details on a Note/DOC