This document outlines information about confirming concession card entitlement and issuing interim vouchers to eligible customers. Concession providers may also access the Centrelink Confirmation eService (CCeS) to accurately determine a cardholder's entitlement.
Confirm concession card entitlement and issue interim voucher
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1 |
Additional concession card request + Read more ...
A customer who is a custodial parent with entitlement to a concession card can contact to request an additional concession card for the non-custodial parent.
Is the custodial parent contacting to request an interim voucher for the non-custodial parent?
Yes. If the custodial parent is contacting via:
smart centre, tell the customer to collect an interim voucher from their local service centre. Record details of the advice given to the customer on a DOC. Procedure ends here
service centre, go to Step 4
No, go to Step 2
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Confirm concession entitlements in Process Direct + Read more ...
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Refresh and confirm concession entitlement in Process Direct + Read more ...
Go to Task Selector > Confirm concession entitlement:
when the Concession entitlement correspondence screen displays, select a valid concession card > select Refresh
for the Would you like to issue Concession entitlement correspondence? question, select:
No, if a letter is not needed
Yes - print centrally, for a letter to issue overnight
Yes - print locally, to print and give to the customer immediately. Note: this option is not available for customers who have a correspondence nominee
the concession entitlements will refresh and will re-transmit relevant data overnight to Medicare Australia (and subsequently be available to pharmacies)
select Submit to display the Successfully refreshed entitlements for the concession card message
an auto Note/DOC will generate advising the concession has been refreshed
Issue a replacement priority concession card if required.
Does the customer require an interim voucher?
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Issue interim voucher and/or replacement card + Read more ...

An interim voucher:
may be issued to the customer while waiting for their original or replacement card to arrive in the mail
should not be issued to a customer in a different name to that recorded on the system. The system defaults to display the recorded current LGL name on a concession card
Go to Customer First to:
check the Customer Person Detail Summary (CPDS) screen for the current legal (LGL) name recorded. See Alias and other names and make any updates before issuing a replacement card or interim voucher, and
view entitlement details on the Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen. The priority concession for the customer is listed first (followed by a blank line and the next concession entitlement)
Run the Concession Card Reissue guided procedure to issue a printed interim card/voucher:
Service Officers must ensure it is:
signed by the Service Officer and customer, and
date stamped on the appropriate card illustration
the printed interim card/voucher will be recorded on the system and no further action is required. Procedure ends here
local printing issues may occur if the user's default printer on ESSentials is different to the printer identified on the User's Profile (OAUP) screen in the Income Security Integrated System (ISIS). If the interim card/voucher is not received at the local printer:
go to the History Summary (HS) screen and locate the COMSS055 letter, and
send the letter to Local Print
If the Concession Card Reissue guided procedure is unavailable, go to Step 5.
Otherwise, procedure ends here.
5 |
Manually issue interim voucher and/or replacement card + Read more ...
If the Concession Card Reissue guided procedure is unavailable, Service Officers must:
first verify the customer's current concession entitlement via the Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen
only issue a manual Confirmation of Concession Card Entitlement (SS055) form when a system failure or declared emergency situation results in no print facility available to staff
complete the SS055 accountable form by hand
Go to the Concession Card Issue Summary (CCIS) screen to record the SS055 form has been issued manually:
key 'I' next to the concession card required
when the Concession Card Interim Voucher (CCIV) screen displays, complete these fields:
Serial no, key the serial number shown on the SS055 form
Valid To, default is 14 days. Can be extended for a maximum period of 3 months from the date of issue (subject to the expiry date)
Reason for Issue, use field help ('?') for a list of valid values
complete the Source and DOR fields
print the completed CCIV screen. Give the printout to the Accountable Forms Officer as proof of the issue
press [Enter]. The system updates the customer’s record to show the issue of an interim voucher on the CCIS screen:
ensure only the appropriate card illustration is date stamped and all applicable boxes on the form are filled
the Date of Grant of concession card can be found on the MCCS screen
tell the customer the Please note provisions at the bottom of the SS055 and that they must sign the SS055 immediately
the Service Officer must then sign the SS055 before issuing the completed form to the customer. There are special requirements for what fields are to be completed for interim vouchers to be issued to custodial parents for use by non-custodial parents
finalise the activity and record the details on a DOC
Note: if this process is applied, a requested replacement card may arrive at the same time, or even earlier than the interim voucher. If necessary, issue an auto replacement card via the CCIS screen.
Procedure ends here.